Heath Jackson Wins Escambia (Ala.) Sheriff Republican Primary

June 2, 2010


Heath Jackson, an Escambia County (Fla.) Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Division investigator, won the Republican nod for sheriff in Escambia County, Ala., Tuesday by a two to one margin.

Jackson took 70 percent of the vote in Tuesday’s Republican primary, compared to 30 percent for challenger Lloyd Albritton. For Jackson, a political newcomer, the wide margin was huge boost as he looks forward to facing  Democratic incumbent Grover Smith in November. Smith was unopposed in the primaries.

“We are going to continue to move forward; we have the momentum going,” Jackson said Tuesday night after his win. “We are going to put up a good fight in November and win.”

Jackson said he is not going to waste any time getting out on the streets of Escambia County, knocking on doors and talking to every citizen.

“We are going to take back what has been taken from us in Escambia County — the right to be safe in our homes and not worry about drug dealers,” Jackson said.

Courtesy photo for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


37 Responses to “Heath Jackson Wins Escambia (Ala.) Sheriff Republican Primary”

  1. ?????? on June 6th, 2010 8:45 am

    Good Luck Mr Jackson

  2. hey on June 5th, 2010 8:57 pm

    As I have said before and will continue to say as long as God gives me breath YOUR ACTION JACKSON IS NO DIFFERENT THAN YOUR GROVER SMITH HE TURNS THE BLIND EYE just the same.people better wake up and stop looking for someone to save our towns cause they are just getting dirtier unless you have friends in the right places or your dirty and want to make a deal to save your own butt. I have met one cop in flomaton that I like cause he was honest enough to say they are all dirty and tangled together and he can’t waite to transfer cause the northend is crazy

  3. Billy on June 4th, 2010 5:41 pm


    Deputy’s don’t have a Jackson sign in their front yard because they would get FIRED. I have yet to speak to anyone in law enforcement in the entire county who doesn’t support Jackson for sheriff. Its pretty bad when the chief law officer in the county doesn’t have the respect of the other 100 officers in the county. There is a huge problem and it hasn’t just started.

  4. Mike on June 3rd, 2010 9:47 pm

    I never meant to imply that doing drugs is right. My point is that making drugs illegal does not help anyone or fix anything. I also never said it would solve the drug problem. It WOULD however solve the problem of the violence that goes along with the illegal drug trade. Drugs are a problem in this country. We are just going about trying to fix that problem the WRONG way. Many people have serious addictions to drugs, just like alcohol. They don’t need to rot in prison, they need help. Drug addiction should be treated more like a sickness than a crime. Because drugs are so overpriced due to their illegality, people are forced to rob and steal to support their addictions. If drugs were legal, they would be MUCH cheaper, and addicts would not have to resort to crime to feed their addiction. And, they would not be as stigmatised, so it would be easier for them to get help without having to worry about spending time locked up.

    And legalizing drugs WILL put “drug dealers” (as we think of them) out of business. They won’t have a black market product to sell at ridiculously high prices. The violence that comes from the illegal drug trade would end. Why is all of the violence with the drug cartels in Mexico happening? It’s because drugs are illegal. If the buying and selling of drugs was legal, what would they have to fight about? There would be no “turf wars”. Bad people make tons of money off drugs. If drugs were legalized, they would lose their source of income.

  5. jlh on June 3rd, 2010 9:19 pm

    True, the Gov’t cant always be trusted. True, prohibition didn’t work, but my point is that legalizing them wont “put them out of business” and “end the drug problem.” And we are doing right now isnt working, that means we need to CHANGE what we are doing. Driving under the influence of drugs/alcohol is illegal, but just because thousands of Americans do it every year doesn’t mean we need to make it legal. Just because a lot of people do it doesn’t mean it is right.

  6. Reader on June 3rd, 2010 9:11 pm

    You need to do a little more research before you make comments like that. First off there is a huge difference between a Sheriff Deputy and a City Police officer. You may see a Heath Jackson sign in a yard of a City Police Department Officer, but you will not see a Heath Jackson sign in the yard of a Escambia County Sheriff Dept. Heath Jackson is a good guy but know what you are talking about before you post something like that. Not all City Police Officers have Heath Jackson signs either.

  7. traci on June 3rd, 2010 8:50 pm

    This guy is to young and trigger happy.

  8. Mike on June 3rd, 2010 8:08 pm


    “Do you really think we need more intoxicants in the streets? Really, think about that!”

    Do you really think that outlawing drugs prevents use? Do you know anyone who has said “you know I really want to try some crack, but I can’t because it’s illegal”. HA! Absolute nonsense. Anybody that wants to try crack can and will. Those of us who choose not to, will not.

    If crack was legal, would you try it? I know I wouldn’t. And I know nobody would who wouldn’t try it anyway, legal or not. Prohibition does NOT prevent use. Just look at your favorite example, alcohol prohibition. When alcohol was outlawed, PEOPLE DRANK ANYWAY.

  9. Mike on June 3rd, 2010 8:00 pm


    first of all, you’re using a GOVERNMENT site to make your point. The government has so much money and effort invested in the drug war, do you think they’re going to admit that all that time and money was wasted??

    It’s funny that you use alcohol prohibition to argue FOR drug prohibition. Do you realize that alcohol prohibition is what spawned organized crime in this country? If alcohol had never been outlawed, folks like Al Capone would be just another guy, not the crime kingpin we all know him as.

    Alcohol prohibition was a DISMAL FAILURE, and the “war on drugs” is no different. When alcohol was illegal, PEOPLE STILL DRANK. Drugs are illegal. PEOPLE STILL USE THEM.

    If drugs were legalized, people wouldn’t have to buy them from shady criminals, they could buy them from retail stores. Nobody would get shot from a “drug deal gone bad”, and nobody would get shot because they owed a drug dealer money. We wouldn’t have shady characters with guns selling drugs on the street corner. We wouldn’t have recreational marijuana users taking up bedspace in prison just because they choose to use a PLANT.

    You want ME to learn from history??? I am learning from history, alcohol prohibition FAILED. The war on drugs HAS FAILED, IS FAILING, and will CONTINUE TO FAIL.

    So keep on with your prohibition. The definition of insanity is to try something, fail, and then continue to try the same exact thing over and over again. That is what we are doing with the “war on drugs”.

  10. Vicki on June 3rd, 2010 6:01 pm

    Hey Fred, you need to get your facts straight. If you think that there isn’t a difference between a Grover and a Jackson sheriff department just ask any police officer in Escambia County! Every yard in the entire area with a police car under the carport has a Jackson sign in the yard. That tells you everything you need to know.

  11. jlh on June 3rd, 2010 2:18 pm

    “The best way to put drug dealers out of business is to legalize drugs.” Wrong! When alcohol was illegal there were still private stills running, and when it was made legal, an industry began. Learn from history or your bound to repeat it. Making drugs legal will in no way put anyone out of business, on the contrary, i bet business would boom. It is also naive to think that this would end the drug problem. Do you really think we need more intoxicants in the streets? Really, think about that! Intoxicated people are more likely to cause harm to others than unintoxicated folks. Look at proven facts of drug use (link at bottom). Wake up! http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/publications/factsht/crime/index.html

  12. looking for a change on June 3rd, 2010 10:09 am

    My son flipped my truck at the beginning of this year. We live WAYYY out in the country, in Escambia County. The wreck totaled my vehicle. I called 911 when it happened and myself, my husband and 4 of my friends helped with directed traffic. Escambia County, Alabama dispatch…NEVER sent a deputy to help us!!!! We waited on the trooper to write up the wreck for 4 hours. So for 4 hours we directed traffic around the wreck. A deputy NEVER came!!!! What is wrong with this picture!!!! I reported this to the Sheriff’s Office and I was argued down that one did come out there..I must have left..is what was said to me. I NEVER left the scene the whole 4 hours!!! It is time for a change and I think Heath Jackson will make a great Sheriff! I have known him for years and he is very knowledgable with all areas of the law and is more than capable of leading the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department. He will have my support 100%!! It is time for a change!

  13. Tony Godwin on June 2nd, 2010 10:47 pm

    You will make a great SHERIFF and the people you will protect should know that they are getting the best of the best, Good Luck!

    Tony Godwin

  14. will on June 2nd, 2010 9:17 pm

    Heath Jackson DOMINATED the race and will DOMNIATE AGAIN in Nov. Look out Grover here he comes

  15. Mike on June 2nd, 2010 8:51 pm

    Heath Jackson seems like a good guy, but what’s with the quote, “the right to be safe in our homes and not worry about drug dealers”??

    If you aren’t buying drugs from drug dealers and getting yourself into debt with them, why would you be worried about them? I don’t buy drugs, and nobody buys them from me, so why would a drug dealer bother me? The act of buying and selling drugs is a purely voluntary transaction. I don’t know anyone who has had a drug dealer point a gun at them and force them to buy the product.

    People need to take responsibility for their own safety. Use common sense, and be well-armed. Stop depending on “law enforcement” to protect you.

    P.S. The best way to put drug dealers out of business is to legalize drugs. Take the criminality out of the industry, and we would have ALOT less problems with violence. So much unnecessary theft and violence comes from the fact that drugs are illegal.

  16. guest on June 2nd, 2010 8:31 pm

    I ask you why should Poarch have to respond to McCollough???????? It is not their job to take care of the citizens of Escambia County Alabama. That is the whole point of this!!!!!!! It is Grover Smith’s job now and he is failing miserably!!!!!

  17. Flomaton Mom on June 2nd, 2010 8:04 pm

    Heath we’re so happy for you! You’ve had our vote and you will have it again in November! Good Luck Action Jackson!!!!!!!

  18. sktmax on June 2nd, 2010 6:49 pm

    “So to you kind and nice folks near McCoulough, you have to do wothout any law.”

    Actually Poarch PD will respond to the McCullough area, and other areas of the county besides the reservation, and they do a good job.
    Having just a couple of deputies on duty at night is not a new issue. People are just now finding out about it. When Hawsey was in, it was very common for only one deputy to cover the whole county at night.

    Escambia (AL) is just a poorly funded county. Plain and simple.

  19. Know your neighbor on June 2nd, 2010 5:59 pm

    What’s the difference in Escambia FL and Escambia AL? When the Piggly Wiggly closes it door in Century at night there are three deputies watching at closing time. Why do we have two in the whole county working at night? The last picture of the Escambia County Alabama Sheriff’s Department showed plenty of staff. What is everyone else doing during on the day shift? If this is not Sheriff Smiths fault, who is at fault. Just remember, the only time you see plenty of deputies on the scene is after the crime has already been committed. If you had them on the street patrolling you would have less crime.

  20. guest on June 2nd, 2010 5:20 pm

    Hey ira Hayes, Grover isnt a bad guy, but he isnt trying to work with the county commissioners to get more money. Atmore P.D. has about 5 officers per shift at any given time. It is a fact that only 2 deputies work at any given time in the County……………Hey Burglars, feel free to come to Esc, Alabama there is no law enforcement protection up here. The 2 deputies that are working, are tending to other things like family fights, etc drunks………..It is dangerous out there for those 2 deputies, these are dangerous times…………as far as iI know the one Deputy is not allowed to cross Hwy 113 to back the other one up. So to you kind and nice folks near McCoulough, you have to do wothout any law. Grover again is not a bad guy but even being a fine and upstanding and honorable Sheriff doesnt mean he is doing a good job………..Grover needs to retire…….

  21. wake up ppl time 4 a change on June 2nd, 2010 2:45 pm

    I think anything would be better than what we have in office now…. WAY BETTER!!! We seriously only have 2 deputies at night? How many investigators do we have working day shift at a desk? Can we not put some of them out at night? I SAY BRING IN “action jackson” what harm could he do that the one in office hasn’t done already……..

  22. hey on June 2nd, 2010 1:57 pm

    Sorry for escambia county al jackson is no different than smith when it comes to. I will stop right there or else it won’t get published. We need someone who won’t make deals

  23. Fred on June 2nd, 2010 11:58 am

    What does Jackson bring to the table that we don’t already have?
    I will support whoever is voted in but I don’t believe Action Jackson is the answer.

  24. JW on June 2nd, 2010 11:52 am

    Did he really have any competition? He’ll be good. Every now and then you need a little “young” blood to shake things up a bit.

  25. Sardine Creek on June 2nd, 2010 10:28 am

    Time to clean up our County! How can Grover say he’s working on drugs when we only have one or two deputies working at night for the entire County? Wake up folks, Grover is not a bad guy he’s just complacent. The office of sheriff belongs to US, and we need to upgrade with some aggressive leadership. Time to kick in the doors of the bad guys so they don’t kick in our doors. You can’t do that from behind a desk in Brewton, and you sure can’t do it going home a 5pm everyday.

  26. Know your neighbor on June 2nd, 2010 9:31 am

    ” Don’t give up your day job just yet, sport. I’m republican but I also know Grover to be a fine upstanding and honorable Sheriff “.

    I like fine upstanding and honorable people too, I just want one that will do his job and beyond just the basic job description !

  27. tara on June 2nd, 2010 8:54 am

    Congrats Heath.

  28. wondering on June 2nd, 2010 7:37 am

    I wonder how much the previous person was paid by Grover to post that hahah. Way To Go Heath

  29. Ira Hayes on June 2nd, 2010 6:54 am

    Don’t give up your day job just yet, sport. I’m republican but I also know Grover to be a fine upstanding and honorable Sheriff. I’ll support him come November. Keep up the good work in chasing down those drug lords.

  30. fire dawg of brewton on June 2nd, 2010 12:31 am


  31. Mike Amerson on June 1st, 2010 11:15 pm

    Congrats on your victory Heath. I’m sure your hometown would be pleased to have you as Sheriff. With as many votes as you received, as an incumbent, he needs to be concerned. Escambia Co’ Ala’ will do well with an officer like you as Sheriff. You will have the advantage of knowing most everyone there and what’s better for the community. You’re not considered as an outsider and that will work to your advantage. Keep you head up, stay on course and things will go your way in Nov.

  32. jo harrison on June 1st, 2010 10:27 pm

    congrats heath maybe u can clean things up , up there once again congrats .

  33. Atmore man on June 1st, 2010 10:21 pm

    Heath is the man for the job. He has the experience without all the friends he owes political favors to. It’s time for a new sheriff in town, and his name is Heath Jackson!

  34. Flomaton on June 1st, 2010 10:20 pm

    Congrats Heath! We knew you could do it. Can’t wait until November.

    Saw your ads on northescambia.com today — you went big time on this one and you won!! Vote Heath!

  35. Know your neighbor on June 1st, 2010 10:13 pm

    Good news and congrats Heath Jackson……! I know you’re the man for the tough job !

  36. Local Yocal on June 1st, 2010 10:10 pm

    Way to Go Heath!!! Can’t wait till November!!

  37. Shaun on June 1st, 2010 10:00 pm

    Twice the number of votes?? This ought to be a good show for November! Way to go Heath. Good Luck