Thousands Enjoy Second Blueberry Jamboree (With Photos)

June 13, 2010

Over 4,000 people braved the sweltering heat to attend the second annual Blueberry Jamboree Saturday at the Barrineau Park Community Center.

The free event  featured locally grown blueberries, live bluegrass music, dozens of arts and crafts vendors, bingo and even pie eating and blueberry spitting contests. The Kids’ Zone  included bounce houses, face painting and educational games.

For a photo gallery from the event, click here.

The Escambia County Farm Bureau Women’s Committee sponsored a Blueberry Jamboree Bake-Off. Click here for photos and results.

Despite the heat and humidity, well over 100 runners completed the 5K Race for the Blueberries. Click here for photos and results.

The second annual Blueberry Jamboree was sponsored in part by, Escambia County Farm Bureau, International Paper, Wind Creek Casino, Faith Chapel Funeral Homes, Navy Federal Credit Union, BagelHeads, Fran’s Diner and Winn Dixie.

Pictured top: A couple dances to bluegrass music Saturday at the second annual Blueberry Jamboree in Barrineau Park. Pictured inset: A giant blueberry. Pictured below: Thousands attended the event. photos, click to enlarge.


22 Responses to “Thousands Enjoy Second Blueberry Jamboree (With Photos)”

  1. Uv Gotoo B. Kiddingme on June 15th, 2010 5:08 pm

    “Family” and “beer” are not exclusive of one another. Maybe the sacrosanct busy bodies who think everyone should live as they do are the ones who should just stay home.

    Or better yet, just enjoy yourselves and stop whining about how others enjoy their own time.

  2. Sweetie on June 15th, 2010 9:00 am

    That’s what I love about living in America. We all have a right to live our life the way we want. At least that is the way it should be. If I see someone doing something I don’t agree with, I don’t complain to change the law, I just move on. As long as you are not breaking the law, or hurting others, then to each their own.

    agree with david green. don’t judge.

  3. David Huie Green on June 14th, 2010 10:00 pm

    In other places, drinking beer IS the family friendly way with harder spirits laid aside in deference to small children. I don’t drink alcoholic beverages at all but have known young adults from other parts of the country who are surprised at how many others also don’t drink.

    It’s a big country, settled by many peoples with different ways.

    (ours are RIGHT but theirs are theirs)

    David the forgiving
    or simply unjudging

  4. 5k Runner on June 14th, 2010 11:27 am

    I agree with YELLARHAMMER about the Navy Petty Officer’s Club parking. I was taken aback when I saw them break out the cooler of beer. It made me regret that I had given them my $2 to park. Very disappointing. I’m proud of our military, but wish they would have had more respect for the jamboree attendees.

  5. YELLARHAMMER on June 14th, 2010 9:11 am

    Maybe if the soldiers that where parking the cars had been told this is a family affair they wouldn’t have been drinking beer.

  6. Blueberries yay! on June 13th, 2010 10:37 pm

    Joe, you have the right idea!! I’ll be first in line at your booth next year.

  7. David Huie Green on June 13th, 2010 10:03 pm

    wrong state. Riley is over Alabama

  8. Bob on June 13th, 2010 3:48 pm

    Did someone say Bingo. I’m sure glad Gov Riley was tied up with the oil spill and dining at LuLu’s,else he would have sent his task force down and shut the whole Jamboree down.

  9. Joe on June 13th, 2010 3:44 pm

    perhaps next year I will offer a food booth with modest pricing and I will out sell everyone else there! I would rather make $0.25 to $0.50 per item profit and sell 200 of them rather than $4.00 profit per item and only sell 25! well to take it one step further, perhaps I will suggest this to one of the organizations I belong to and we might be able to do it as a fund raiser. money is tight for most right now and I agree with Mr. Green, fixed pricing is not the answer. competition drives business (as well as supply and demand) lets just see what happens next year. this year was a good time for all.

  10. David Huie Green on June 13th, 2010 3:39 pm

    husband of first-cousin-once-removed in 033.jpg
    mother-in-law in 051.jpg

  11. David Huie Green on June 13th, 2010 3:29 pm

    “whoever is in charge of this should be able to control food prices.”

    Competition is the simple solution. If enough people are offering food and drink, those who charge what you consider a reasonable price will get your business. Those who charge more than you want to pay will not get your business.

    Sometimes you pay for novelty of experience. This is a taste you don’t often get, a flavor you don’t often see, things like that.

    Sometimes there is the matter of convenience and availability. There’s an old joke as you can see by the prices cited, but you could update it to more modern bread prices:
    BUYER: How much for a loaf of bread?
    VENDOR: Fifteen cents per loaf.
    BUYER: Fifteen cents! The store down the road sells it for ten cents per loaf.
    VENDOR: Then buy from them.
    BUYER: I can’t; they’re sold out.
    VENDOR: That’s nothing. When we’re sold out, we sell it for five cents per loaf.

    I’ve known days I would gladly pay $5 for a glass of tea and wait until thirst was quenched to begin to gripe. There was plenty of free water from the water coolers inside the old school, not as good as Central Water Works, Inc water-of course, but still not bad if you were actually thirsty (I was).

    David against price fixing

  12. mary on June 13th, 2010 9:55 am

    whoever is in charge of this should be able to control food prices. Don’t let em in of they are gonna rip people off. The vendors should look at lowering their prices for these festivals and sell more! I totally agree…isn;t this called price gouging, and can’t something be done about it?

  13. Terri Sanders on June 13th, 2010 9:52 am

    William,are you allergic to fudge or just my booth? lol!

  14. T on June 12th, 2010 5:13 pm

    I agree, the food is so overpriced!
    The fun, music, and bingo was worth the trip.

  15. JP Decker on June 12th, 2010 5:09 pm

    blueberries yay … funny you mentioned that about the prices. i went last year, our band played on the outside stage … it was real hot. afterwards, i went over to the yellow trailer to buy an ice tea … and the guy wanted to charge me FIVE DOLLARS … unbelievable

  16. Blueberries yay on June 12th, 2010 1:57 pm

    Festival was great!! Ran into alot of old friends. Alot more vendors than I expected. Music was awesome, the clogging was awesome. Pies, cakes, cookies, also great!! Why oh why are the prices so high on food like blooming onion and chicken on a stick???? I will never understand why they think that makes them more money. I’m positive they’d make more money if their prices were lower. For instance, I would’ve bought both of those items if I hadn’t felt like it was going to kill a $20 dollar bill. Imagine how many people walk away like I did. All the festivals do it though, I just wish this one had been different.
    Several people had sweet tea which is a must! Tons of plant sales. And the fudge was great…so many flavors. Great festival, I will always be a regular for sure. I’m just gonna have to get something to eat before I go next year so I can spend money on plants and crafts (eating lunch took all my money).

  17. Atmore mom on June 12th, 2010 1:30 pm

    A BIG Congrats to my son for running his first 5K today in the Blueberry Festival! So proud of you! Many more to come!

  18. Molino Resident on June 12th, 2010 1:28 pm

    Who won in the Blueberry Bake-off?

  19. JUDY MASEK on June 12th, 2010 12:20 pm

    well…just got back from the festival…wish i could have stayed longer….met many nice folks/venders and bought alot nice plants, a unique cookbook and a beautifully handmade windchime…my suggestion: drink fluids before and while there…wear very light clothing and a large brimmed hat…IT IS HOT!!…but, definately worth going!

  20. =) on June 12th, 2010 12:37 am

    31 flavors of fudge? Sounds like heaven!

  21. Terri Sanders on June 11th, 2010 10:27 am

    Don’t forget to get your blueberry fudge or any of 31 other flavors of fudge saturday.I hope the rain staye is spain!

  22. jim brown on June 11th, 2010 8:59 am

    i really enjoyed it last year/keep up the good work/will get bigger in time/thanks