Back To Jail On His Birthday: Judge Revokes Javis Grimes’ Bond

June 17, 2010


Javis Cain Grimes was arrested Wednesday — on his birthday — after an Escambia County judge revoked his bond in an outstanding drug case.

According to Escambia County Circuit Court records, Grimes’ bond was revoked Tuesday by Judge Paul Rasmussen in a March case in which Grimes, 26, was charged with unlawful possession of a listed chemical used to manufacture a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia and cited for driving with a suspended license.

He was arrested without incident after a traffic stop near the intersection of East Highway 4 and North Century Boulevard just before 3 p.m.

According to court records, Grimes, of Gilmore Road, Century, also has outstanding unrelated cases that include four counts of  possession of drug equipment, possession of a listed chemical, tag and seat belt violations, driving with a suspend license, no proof of insurance, and expired registration.

Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Steve Kay was patrolling Highway 168 on March 8 near Byrneville looking for an older model silver Chevrolet S10 pickup truck that was reported in the area traveling at a high rate of speed shortly after a bank robbery in Flomaton. Kay met a similar Chevrolet S10 pickup. When he turned around on the truck, he reported that it sped up as it turned off Highway 168 and into a yard at 7710 Jack Smith Road.

Deputy observed Grimes, the driver, go behind a mobile home. Grimes told Kay that he ran because his license was suspended, but he had paid the fines. The deputy asked to search the pickup truck, but Grimes said he would need to call his mother because the pickup belonged to her.

At that point, Escambia County Deputy Todd Day requested the assistance of a K-9 from the Flomaton Police Department. Flomaton K-9 officer Jason Bondurant’s dog indicated on the passenger side of the truck, according to the sheriff’s office incident report.

A subsequent search of the vehicle revealed a long list of items commonly used in the manufacture of methamphetamine, the report states. The search also revealed other items inside the vehicle. In the back of the truck, deputies found Coleman fuel, and Grimes had a metal torch on his person, the report states.

Pictured top: Hydrogen peroxide, salt, pseudoephedrine pills, rubber tubing and a digital scale — some of the potential meth-making materials deputies said discovered during a Byrneville traffic stop in a truck driven by Javis Grimes in April. file photo, click to enlarge.


17 Responses to “Back To Jail On His Birthday: Judge Revokes Javis Grimes’ Bond”

  1. Maggie on June 20th, 2010 6:15 am

    You are very welcome for my families support, after all Javis walked to my house in his diaper to have coffee with Paw Paw. I still see him as that toddle with great potential and with Gods help he gain that potential again. Please support others from spitfull blogging on

  2. personofinterest on June 19th, 2010 1:12 pm

    I agree with Maggie and Really. One thing I can say about this is “never say never” and when it comes to your own you’ll think differently about all these comments that are being made on NE.C. I have always been told “if you don’t have anything good to say, then say nothing at all”. These comments are only hurting the people that love this young man. I’ve known his mother & family for many years, not only does she have this to contend with, but you need to think of the other issues she’s having to deal with at this time, if you know her then you’ll know what I’m talking about. As Maggie says, leave the judging to the Judge and the Lord….We’ll be praying for the Grimes family and maybe Javis can get the help he needs for this awful disease called “addiction…” By the way, all of us have them “addictions” the only thing, everyone’s is different. Thanks for the kind comments “Maggie and “Really”

  3. Maggie on June 19th, 2010 8:42 am

    Matthew 7 Verse1
    Judge not, that ye be not judged.

    Let the United States Court System and his Lord judge him. Not the people of this community and those who blog spitefully on You are not Judge or Jury therefore your opinon does not count. He can’t read your hurtfull words, only his family and friends of family who pray for the best for his recovery from this disease call addiction. We are praying for Javis and his family through this time of hardship.

  4. William on June 18th, 2010 1:53 pm

    > If there should be a child or even an adult that might be curious as to how to go about making an illegal drug——- they now know what to purchase. Could you please print directions? Really now! Is this too much information or what?

    Actually, there are many more ingredients that are not listed. This article would not help anyone make meth.

  5. tryingtokeepquiet on June 18th, 2010 1:46 pm

    This is to “Really!”

    I do know his mother, his father, his brother & his sister. I’ve known him since he was a kid. And I know his mother has done EVERYTHING possible to try & straighten him out. I do not blame any of this on his mother. She is a very good person who has tried her hardest to do right by him but he wouldn’t listen to her. And as for it being my kid…..I know it could be mine. But, I think, that if it were my child, and he/she had been doing the stupid crap he’s done, then he/she deserves the ridicule. If it were mine, I would know, as their parent, that I did the best I could to raise he/she correctly and there is only so much a parent can do. I have children, and they haven’t made the best decisions either, but it’s not because i didn’t raise them correctly. As with Javis’ mom. She did the best she could, and I commend her for that. He just wanted to do things his way or no way, and that’s why he is where he is!

    As for tryingtokeepquiet, well, I tried…it didn’t work, sorry!

  6. Questioning the media on June 18th, 2010 1:33 pm

    If there should be a child or even an adult that might be curious as to how to go about making an illegal drug——- they now know what to purchase. Could you please print directions? Really now! Is this too much information or what?

  7. babygirl15 on June 18th, 2010 8:03 am

    hey this is a good way to spend your birthday Javis…are u ever goin to learn?

  8. UnbeWeavable on June 18th, 2010 5:46 am

    Happy Birfday, Javis!

  9. TOOBAD on June 17th, 2010 5:23 pm

    I know of a fellow named Mr Grimes
    Who was running around and committing crimes
    And what do you know…what do you say ?
    To a fellow like this on his happy birthday

    Happy Birthday to you !
    Happy birthday to you !
    Happy birthday Mr Grimes !
    You will be doing some time …!!!!
    ( And hope you get one to grow on )

  10. David Huie Green on June 17th, 2010 4:35 pm

    I would rather not be in jail on my birthday or even on any of my unbirthdays.

    How, oh how could I stay out of jail?

    By not being caught breaking the law.

    But how can I be sure I won’t be caught?

    By not breaking the law in the first place.

    Naw, seems too simple, there must be some more complicated way to stay out of jail on my birthday. . . .

    David musing on a mystery

  11. interested reader on June 17th, 2010 1:46 pm

    Arrested in March, bond revoked in June. Trouble seems to follow this young man. Perhaps he should try to stay out of trouble and then he wouldn’t be arrested on his birthday. I don’t know his family but my prayers go out to them.

  12. Really!?!?! on June 17th, 2010 1:09 pm

    People are really quick to judge. One day this might me you & yours. Just in case you haven’t been reading the total articles, this guy was arrested Thursday of last week not on a new charge but on something in addition to an old charge that has already been to court & was sentenced, case was closed. As far as it being his birthday, that is really terrible. I know that I would hate to spend my birthday in county lockup instead of with my family. Also, if you really paid attention, these pictures, along with last weeks pictures are from April’s arrest.

    This is to “trying tokeepquiet”, you are not doing a good job at “trying to keep quite”. Obviously you think you know this guy and his family and if this is true, then you would also know that his mother is not to blame she raised all three of her children the same. Sometimes one may chose to go a different direction and it is hard to back paddle to come back without support from his family, which he has. How would you react to people saying these things about you and your child? If your child was in jail, would you be okay? No, and I don’t think his mother would either. I couldn’t imagine my child in this situation, and no one expects this to happen to them. I am sure that this mother & son will agree with me. This is a sad situation, for him and his family. Whatever happens to people? No of you have a clue to what goes on in his mind, his mother’s, nor his family. So don’t judge because one day you might be in the same boat. If you don’t want these nasty comments made towards you and your child then don’t make them towards this mother & her son. I am sure that she has done everything in her power to raise him right & help him to get better. And do you really know that he hasn’t tried to get better? Or are you once again passing judgment?????

  13. olred on June 17th, 2010 1:03 pm

    Im tryin to figure how he kept getting out the first place it really doesnt make no sense to me, I was starting to think he was working. He was a good dude just got with the wrong crowd. The deputys wont have nothing to do now, he had them pretty occupied. Maybe he will get some help.

  14. tryingtokeepquiet on June 17th, 2010 11:10 am

    What a disappointment to your family. What about your little girl? Have you ever thought anything about her? Evidently not. You’re butt needs to be in jail. That’s a good place for you. At least your mom will know where you are now!

  15. another scumbag gone on June 17th, 2010 10:49 am

    this time…keep him!

  16. meforone on June 17th, 2010 10:29 am

    Happy Birthday Dude ! :(

  17. whitepunknotondope on June 17th, 2010 8:14 am

    Why you look so miserable Javis? Didn’t get what you wanted for your birthday?