Several Major Roads Closed For Obama Visit

June 15, 2010

Several major roads in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties are closed morning as President Barack Obama visits the area.

All traffic has been routed away from the Pensacola Bay Bridge, portions of downtown Pensacola, and Gulf Breeze  as Obama departs following an overnight stay at the Crowne Plaza in downtown Pensacola.

The Pensacola Bay Bridge, Gregory Street from I-110 to the bridge, I-110 south of Cervantes Street and Garden Street from Alcaniz Street are closed. Other downtown streets are also closed, but authorities have declined to identify them for security purposes.

The Pensacola  Bay Bridge, Highway 98 from the bridge to Bayshore Drive in Gulf Breeze are also closed until at least 11 a.m. for Obama. No vehicles will be allowed to enter the closed roadways.

Also, no vehicles are being allowed on Pensacola Beach.


19 Responses to “Several Major Roads Closed For Obama Visit”

  1. Shea on June 15th, 2010 9:18 am

    Recently, wasn’t there a man from Santa Rosa county who was questioned and/or jailed for sending threatening lettters to the White House regarding the president??? Hopefully that isn’t the mindset of other people in our area but maybe the secret service feels that it’s “better to be safe, than sorry”.

    JW- good point. And doesn’t God help those who help themselves? One person is not going to be able to fix this (and at this point, I have no faith whatsoever in BP as a solution) so maybe those of us who are concerned or upset should be trying to find out what little thing we can do to help solve this problem (volunteering, donating to the cause…ect). Every little bit counts, right?

  2. Big B little ill on June 15th, 2010 7:09 am

    While I’m not sure why anyone puts their faith in a president or big government of any party, you all should have figured out that his coming here is strictly political. But all of you know that no matter who is president they will take precautions to protect him from idiots that may take an opportunity to kill the man. You all know that we have no shortage of nuts running around. Just think if he were to be killed, or hurt in a way that he could not serve Joe would have to step up and that man would be so excited he would have a heart attack, then you would have Nancy P.
    Some of you just can’t get G. Bush out of you mouth. The man is no longer president, we have a different bozo now. Just set back and relax his Pensacola visit will be short and we can go back to bickering about everything we can do very little about. Put you faith to better use, in the God of the bible.

  3. Kevin Bethea on June 15th, 2010 6:11 am

    Well put Jeff Etheridge!!

  4. JW on June 15th, 2010 3:55 am

    Jesus would stop my friend, He, unlike the rest of us, shows compassion, love, grace, mercy and forgiveness and then I believe Obama would pay homage to HIM. “Every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess…..”

  5. Jeff Etheridge on June 15th, 2010 1:01 am

    Yes, it will be a difficult morning for those folks trying to get to work and such. But all of you mouth-breathers who can only criticize President Obama regardless of what he tries to do are a part of the problem–not a solution.

    “The Messiah?” –what the hell? Turn Glenn Beck off for a few hours and try to think for yourself without slavishly following a political entertainer.

    And Casandra–I would offer that he is doing a lot to help us here–you only want to advance an opposing political opinion without any proof–typical Repug/TeaBag tactic.

    Much like all of you on this blog who have spent the last 18 months railing against any government in your lives. Now you want government to make it all better.

    But I have no doubt none of you understand hypocrisy. I know what you do understand, though.

  6. Beegee on June 14th, 2010 10:02 pm

    May I say that if Jesus chose to come back as the president was coming down the road……….He would not stop to pay homage to the man!!!!!

  7. expected on June 14th, 2010 9:29 pm

    Anydaynow is right, this happens with all Presidents. I don’t think that we need to keep being negative about Bush though. What good comes from that statement. I would have thought that the President would have wanted to have as little negative impact on this area as possible, but I guess I was wrong on that assumption. He’s here though, and thats good, now I just hope we don’t put a show on for him, and let him see the real story. He needs to see the damage and feel the pain of those that have been so terribly affected by this tragedy.

  8. just thinkin on June 14th, 2010 9:03 pm

    Nice Joan.

    But I thank it should be then not than?

    OOPS, make that think. LOL

  9. Shea on June 14th, 2010 8:43 pm

    Though president Obama may not be able to go out into the Gulf with a wet suit and absorb all of the oil with a sponge and hope, it’s great that we have a leader who is here, involved and at least wants to do something to help. He wants to be involved in the process of getting the oil spill resolved and I find that commendable. I just really hope that a resolution is found soon. It’s sad that oil companies didn’t improve their practices after seeing the destruction post Valdez. I hope that BP is held accountable.

  10. dnutjob on June 14th, 2010 7:53 pm

    We had this same kind of spill back in 79′ and they know no more now than they did back then on how to stop it, and it was only 200′ deep last time. It stopped after the relief wells were put in place. So hurry up and wait.

  11. Joan on June 14th, 2010 7:41 pm

    It’s the secret service and that’s just the way it is. I’m sure if there is an emergency than those vehicles will be allowed on the streets. One more note…learn how to spell correctly if you want to leave a comment.

  12. anydaynow on June 14th, 2010 6:13 pm

    You know what? This practice has been going on for decades. At least he isn’t having every tree in sight cut down and making the entire population of a town stand in a stadium while he’s in town the way Bush did.

  13. Frank. on June 14th, 2010 5:59 pm

    It is NOT the County, This is Secret Service Ordered.. Right slap dab in the heart of Tourist season…We must not be hurting enough…that is what we get for voting for Bush, he will show us who is boss!

  14. ewms Student on June 14th, 2010 5:47 pm

    it is very dum to he want do nothing anyway

  15. Casandra on June 14th, 2010 5:39 pm

    It would be different if the man was actually doing anything helpful! It is asinine to close so many major streets and inconvenience so many when nothing is even being done to help resolve the situation!

  16. jks on June 14th, 2010 5:33 pm

    What about ambulances? Fire trucks? Cops? And all the other emergancy personel in the case of an emergency? Yeah, The Messiah is way more important.

  17. who cares on June 14th, 2010 4:45 pm

    Our almighty president needs a good vacation for him and his family. Everyone needs to get out of his way and bow down!

  18. heather on June 14th, 2010 3:25 pm

    I-110 from Cervantes street to Gregory Street will be closed tonight from 5-9pm, as well as Garden street to Alcaniz Street.

  19. dnutjob on June 14th, 2010 3:20 pm

    How stupid can this county get?