A Brighter Century: ‘It’s The Little Things Sometimes’

June 16, 2010

Sometimes it’s the little things that can brighten a town.

“The town is shining bright,” Century council member Gary Riley announced at the most recent Century Town Council meeting.

For months, Riley has, arguably in a very friendly fashion, repeatedly questioned Mayor Freddie McCall about why streets lights around the town were out.  The town pays Gulf Power each month for each light, Riley has pointed out, so he said he thought the town should have working street lights.

Riley, McCall and perhaps other council members have driven around town, on the hunt for dark lights and attempted to find the pole numbers required by Gulf Power to report the non-working lights.

For the first time in about a year, Riley expressed real satisfaction about the lights.

“It is our obligation to do whatever we can to keep the city safe,” he said.

That prompted a reaction from council member Sharon Scott. “Let’s stop having that tunnel vision and see the big picture,” she said. Scott said she hates the sometimes the never-ending battles at the council table. “We can work together and do good things.”

Scott has been a champion for Marie McMurray Park at recent meetings, expressing her pride to see ballgames keeping kids off the streets. She often speaks up for the little things needed for the park — bathrooms unlocked, additional trashcans for waste, or more frequent grass cuttings.

On the subject of little things, council member Nadine McCaw thanked McCall for taking care of aging flags and for cleaning the sidewalks in front of the town hall and library just in time for the children attending the Century Branch Library’s summer reading programs.

“It’s the little things sometimes,” Riley said.


3 Responses to “A Brighter Century: ‘It’s The Little Things Sometimes’”

  1. Century Girl on June 16th, 2010 10:52 pm

    The city of Century is the first “Florida” city one sees when entering the state if one is heading south on hwy 29…it really needs a facelift all along Hwy 29. Residents and businesses should be encouraged to cleanup their places. Perhaps a campaign to remind people they have arrived in the Florida …might be a way to challenge residents and businesses alike.

    The little things are important. But most important is to just start some where! Just do it folks!

  2. Bob on June 16th, 2010 7:44 am

    There is a sign being transported around Poarch and put sometimes by the Jack , Springs Rd,which simply reads.Tired of Neglect Do Not Re-Elect. Lots of our problems in every level of government from municipalities to Washington needs to adhere to this. Even Century can get along at the council table if they desire. Remember the troublemakers and the do nothings and remove them from office at election time.

  3. Century Man on June 16th, 2010 7:33 am

    Wow!! A happy Century story. Bet they don’t do that again for a long time with that council.