U.S. Marshals Locate Fugitive Child Sex Offender Living With His Mother

May 11, 2010

Monday morning, a convicted child sex offender that had been living with his mother in Century for the past three months was busted after he was located by U.S. Marshals.

squarebillyray.jpgBilly Ray Square, 54, of Century, was booked into the Escambia County Jail a a felony charge of sex offender violation/failing to register as required. He was released from jail on $5,000 bond.

Square was convicted in 1993 of indecent liberty with a minor in Wilson County, North Carolina, according to court records. He was later incarcerated in Florida and released  in October, 2009, at which time he moved to New York. Early this year, he moved back to Century to live with his mother, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office arrest report.

On February 5 of this year,  his New York state benefits card was used at T.C. Foods on West Cervantes Street in Pensacola. It was used again on March 1.

Monday morning, the U.S. Marshal’s Service Florida Regional Fugitive Task Force made contact with Square at 506 North B Street in Pensacola. While he was being interrogated by federal agents, Square admitted that had been living with his mother at 8815 Blackmon Street in Century for the past three months, according to the ECSO report.

Records checks revealed that Square had not registered the address with the State of Florida, as sex offenders are required to do upon moving to the state.

Square is due to appear in Escambia County Circuit Court on June 3.


26 Responses to “U.S. Marshals Locate Fugitive Child Sex Offender Living With His Mother”

  1. Valerie Parkhurst on May 12th, 2010 6:35 am

    If the system cant seem to keep these guys under wraps and incarcerated..”the three strikes and your out” debachle…than at least insert a micro chip in their backside and use the technology available to track their movements..hey I hate “big brother” as much as the next guy…but these offenders have demonstrated that they really cant function in a succesful society…so I am not going to give to much weight to their privacy issues…if the General public correlated the murdered and missing children and adults in their state alone, it shouldnt be much of a stretch to come to the conclusion we have some pretty bad guys in our mist. These freaks need a short leash and a tight electronic collar if the “powers that be” insist on letting them roam among us..

  2. been there on May 11th, 2010 9:02 pm

    Hey B…B gawn frum dis website
    B cawz u aint rat

    I love this website dude…freedom of speech…AMEN

  3. Parentwithabrain on May 11th, 2010 6:57 pm

    When a person commits a felony it never leaves them. Especially in Florida. Doesn’t matter if it is a sexual offense, violent offense, DUI or not. A person convicted of a felony is required, by law, to register with the local sheriff’s department when they are released from prison. Period. What that means is if a crime is committed in your neighborhood they will be taking a look at the people in that neighborhood. If you are a felon then you will more than likely be questioned. Doesn’t matter if the felony is twenty years old.

    If you are a convicted felon in Florida your employer wants to know. Often this means jobs are hard to come by. Even if it is a nonviolent offense and it occurred twenty years earlier. Nobody in Florida is permitted to simply serve their sentence and move on with their life.

    In some cases this is a good thing. Often people don’t learn their lessons. In fact, the recidivism rate in Florida is horrible. A third of those who are released will reoffend within three years. Pretty sad. But that’s what happens when people are put behind a fence with no real attempt to change cognitive thinking. There is no real rehabilitation. So if a person is not motivated, if they do not have a support system outside they are not going to change the way they think and become productive members of society.

    Our judicial system is a mess. The Florida Department of Corrections is a joke. Full of uneducated who believe they are responsible for further breaking the broken.

  4. Just sayin on May 11th, 2010 6:56 pm

    True to their hypocritical Christian ways, judging others that they have no right judging. Should make for an interesting conversation at the pearly gates. Hope you enjoy eternity down below with those you have judged.

  5. David Huie Green on May 11th, 2010 2:09 pm

    oops, I forgot about a bunch of other convictions in 1993 2002, 2005, 2006 including the one above, but none of my business anyway, since I don’t live in Century, New York or Wilson County, NC.

  6. David Huie Green on May 11th, 2010 1:26 pm

    I’m not judging the fellow, but

    North Carolina arrested him for an assault on a female on July 1, 1979,
    It was just a misdemeanor, so they didn’t likely take it seriously.

    Otherwise Escambia County would not have been able to convict him of burglary of an occupied dwelling in 1980 and again in 1986. Both times he stole between $300 and $20,000, a third degree felony.

    He must have decided he liked North Carolina because shortly after his release they arrested him for crimes in February and March of 1987 for breaking and entering and larceny-over $200.

    He was incarcerated again in Florida in July of 2008 and released in November of last year.

    I’m too lazy to check any other states which may have falsely condemned him. This is not the first time he has been arrested for failure to register as a sex offender.

    David for freeing the innocent

  7. Splat on May 11th, 2010 12:43 pm

    sex offenders are sick in the head and yes, they do need to be registered. Murder is a crime of passion for the most part but when I grown person does something to a child, that is just sick.

  8. David Huie Green on May 11th, 2010 12:35 pm

    “And if he paid for his crime, why are they still after him 17 years later? ”

    You can’t really pay for a crime. You can only fulfil the requirements of the law in response to that crime.

    For most crimes, the requirements are fines and incarceration. If the crime is a felony, you lose your civil rights such as the right to carry weapons and to vote and to hold public office. Those can be restored if law calls for it automatically or if you keep your nose clean and get appropriate officials to restore them.

    Legislators decided sex crimes should have another requirement: registration. They did this because offenders tend to repeat. Unlike a murderer who may only murder under very limited circumstances, they are surrounded by potential victims, usually small children (male or female, not that it matters to you) but sometimes old women or even just any female. In very few cases it involves predatory women going after 17 year old boys, but that is VERY rare.

    Anyway, legislators noticed sex offenders kept preying on the helpless and that quite often some poor child would be raped, tortured and murdered by a convicted sex offender living next door, whose past was unknown to the greiving parents. To protect the helpless, the legislators added the registration and notification requirement.

    Thus, a sex offender has not paid his debt to society as long as he still lives and is considered a potential menace.

    Many may have been mislabled. For all I know that is the case here. Nonetheless, the law is the law and he knows the law and chose to ignore the law. If you think sex offenders should not have to notify potential victims, strive to overturn the law.

    David explaining as best I can the thinking behind the laws

  9. huh on May 11th, 2010 11:46 am

    Its amazing how you can word things and sound really different, lets try it

    ” Guy guilty of a crime 17 years ago visits his mom for a few months and is arrested”

    I don’t know exactly what this guy did, 17 years ago, but really don’t we have better things to worry about as a country? And if he paid for his crime, why are they still after him 17 years later? (since it says it happened in 1993)

    The sex offender system is broken, If they are “high risks” they should not be out of jail. And If they paid for their crime and are released, then their should be no more law involvement

    Look at murders, where is the murderer registry? A murderer could move in beside you and and you would never know

    Or a DUI registry, or a registry for anyone who had violence in a crime? It would seem to me those people are very dangerous and prone to cause problems as well?

  10. Erin, got a problem with it? oh well. =) on May 11th, 2010 11:11 am

    There’s no hope for Century, almost all of this town is trash. And yes, I do live in Century, and no I am not calling myself trash. For one, at least I know how to spell. That’s a big step over the people who are defending Century, at least on this story. b, I would say go back to school, but from the way your talking I would hope you were still in school. Maybe I’m just too hopeful a grown person would know how to talk. And David, you still crack me up. Keep doing what you do! This man should undoubtedly have stayed in jail, at least long enough to pay his bond, and then made to register as a convicted sex offender again. His mother may not have known anything about it, but even if she did, she shouldn’t be punished. Would you not try to protect your child? Just saying. Plus she is elderly. Jail is no place for old people.

  11. Cynical on May 11th, 2010 10:56 am

    A mother’s love knows no boundaries and no prejudices.

    LEOs were right to just gently remove the offender and console Mom for the loss of her son.

    Compassion was proper and justified and advocating her arrest is misguided.

  12. Splat on May 11th, 2010 10:38 am


    this could be the nicest woman in the world, but fact is, she allowed a sex offender to live with her.

  13. JB on May 11th, 2010 10:19 am


    PLEASE, PLEASE for the town of Century and surrounding areas DO NOT post on a public website how “illeterate your really are”. You are a disgrace to the town and I am ashamed to say that I from Century because of you and others like you. Educate yourself or SHUT UP!!!!

  14. David Huie Green on May 11th, 2010 10:07 am

    “Maybe I’m just too old, but I can’t figure out what in the world the two comments below say. Is that texting language? It’s sure not English.”

    Let me TRY to help, I speak ebonics


    is roughly translated:

    And to the lady who said the mother should be charged, you are sick.

    That’s an elderly lady too. Why would you want her in jail?

    You are all very stupid. I will be happy if this webside is taken off the internet because of these messy people. [I couldn’t translate messy, sorry, possibly busybodies]


    “a check dis out yal dnt kno wat yal talkin bout dats wats wrng wit yal people today yal worried bout da wrng thang and the wrong person and the MR.GREEN u dnt stay in century so y are u talkin bout it is nun of ur biz wat goes on in century u jus want sumthin 2 talk about and i see u do this all da time wen u comment anything bout century worry bout yo household and yo family u act like u dnt have 1 cause u stay on here talkin bout sumthin dats not yo biz………im sorry people but i kno this man so wat it happen dnt talk down bout sum1 u dnt kno”

    roughly translated:

    Please consider the fact that you do not know what you are discussing.

    That is what is wrong with you people today. You are worried about the wrong thing and about the wrong people.

    And Mr. Green, You just want something to talk about. I see you do this all of the time when you say anything about Century. You just want something to talk about. I see you do this all the time whenever you comment on anything about Century. [Yes, I know it’s redundant but that’s what the child wrote.]

    Worry about your own household and your own family. You act like you don’t have any family because you spend much time here talking about matters which do not concern you and are none of your business.

    I’m sorry people but I know this man and what actually happened. Therefore only I should be allowed to talk about it.

    The rest of you should not talk down [belittle] someone you do not personally know.

    David trying to be helpful

  15. angel on May 11th, 2010 10:07 am

    I have a problem with the comment about the mother should be charged. For 3 months this man has lived with his mother back from New York do we know if he has even made his mother aware that he needed to register. I happen to know of his mother and I am certain that she would not be aware of the procedures her son would need to follow once he moved to this area. In some cases the parents should be charged with what there child has done, in this case I think not this is not a child and he is responsible for himself, but, from the look of that photo…I’ll just keep that comment to myself..

  16. David Huie Green on May 11th, 2010 9:52 am

    “MR.GREEN u dnt stay in century so y are u talkin bout it is nun of ur biz wat goes on in century u jus want sumthin 2 talk about and i see u do this all da time wen u comment anything bout century worry bout yo household and yo family u act like u dnt have 1 cause u stay on here talkin bout sumthin dats not yo biz”

    Dear child, sex offenders ARE my business. Sweet of you to defend them but I don’t have to do so.

    Further, my point is still valid. If you clean out all the criminals, more will come in to take their place. It is an unending job.

    David wondering at writer’s connection to child molestor

  17. molinojim on May 11th, 2010 9:50 am

    I’m with “busy” on this. Why does this person have a benefit card? In most cases it is hoped that the person would try to get a job–but with this type arrest it would be hard to find a job except as a day laborer. Still why is the card being used on W. Cervantes St. if he is living in Century? I can understand his mother taking him in—mama is the last hope for some folks.

  18. lisa on May 11th, 2010 9:35 am

    B you need to stay off of the website and get back in school….yellerhammer you don’t know this mother and what she goes through. I happen to know this woman and she is a very nice little lady…Until you go through something with your kids if you have any! You don’t know what you would do. I do hope that all of you who sit and judge all day have nothing to worry about if it comes to be your turn on here one day.

  19. Century Resident on May 11th, 2010 9:21 am

    Maybe I’m just too old, but I can’t figure out what in the world the two comments below say. Is that texting language? It’s sure not English.

  20. b on May 11th, 2010 9:15 am


  21. b on May 11th, 2010 9:12 am

    a check dis out yal dnt kno wat yal talkin bout dats wats wrng wit yal people today yal worried bout da wrng thang and the wrong person and the MR.GREEN u dnt stay in century so y are u talkin bout it is nun of ur biz wat goes on in century u jus want sumthin 2 talk about and i see u do this all da time wen u comment anything bout century worry bout yo household and yo family u act like u dnt have 1 cause u stay on here talkin bout sumthin dats not yo biz………im sorry people but i kno this man so wat it happen dnt talk down bout sum1 u dnt kno

  22. busy on May 11th, 2010 8:09 am

    The report states he was useing his NY benefit card at a food store why does he have a benefit card and sounds like fruad livin in FL and drawing benefits in NY. And people wonder why the system is going broke

  23. YELLERHAMMER on May 11th, 2010 8:00 am

    I’m sorry for this mom but she should be charged with harboring a fugitive.

  24. Angi on May 11th, 2010 7:34 am

    @ been there, Yes they surely are; and I am so glad of it. They may have to start building more jails… Good Job Law enforcement, keep doing the wonderful jobs you are doing…

  25. David Huie Green on May 11th, 2010 7:28 am

    “they are still cleaning up Century, Fl..”

    The problem with cleaning is that more dirt comes to take the place of the old dirt

    David considering an unending job

  26. been there on May 11th, 2010 5:17 am

    Man I am telling you…seems like they are still cleaning up Century, Fl..how much more room do they have in the jails….Good job Escambia county law officers