Tuesday: Learn About Ernest Ward Electrical Academy

May 24, 2010

Parents who would like more information about the Ernest Ward Middle School Electrical Academy are invited to attend an orientation meeting from 3:45 until 4:30 p.m. Tuesday at the school.

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers will work with the school district to create the Electrical Academy. Middle school career academies are small, personalized learning communities within a school in which select students and teachers participate during a two or three-year span. A career academy involves teachers from different subjects working together as an interdisciplinary team.

To learn more about the program click here for a previous NorthEscambia.com article.

For more information about the orientation, please call (850) 327-4283.


One Response to “Tuesday: Learn About Ernest Ward Electrical Academy”

  1. mikayla on May 25th, 2010 8:59 pm

    yea it was sooo much fun… wegot to see the opportunites of electrical academy and touch solar panels but me, and my friends licked it..