Photo Gallery: Celebrating Mayfest

May 2, 2010


mayfest-047.jpgFrom beautiful babies, arts and crafts, entertainment and plenty of fun, Mayfest 2010 had a little bit of something for everyone Saturday at Tom Byrne Park in Atmore.

Hundred attended the annual event, including many North Escambia residents.

For a photo gallery from Mayfest in Atmore, click here.

Pictured above: A Mayfest crowd enjoys twirlers Saturday morning in Atmore. Pictured: inset: One of the contestants in a beautiful baby contest. Pictured below: Mayfest in Atmore. photos, click to enlarge.



22 Responses to “Photo Gallery: Celebrating Mayfest”

  1. Bob on May 4th, 2010 8:33 pm

    When you are the TOP DAWG everyone seems to want a piece of you. Now all you folks that want a piece of William are going to run into big trouble. We simply will not tolerate that in North Escambia. All you controversial people can take a long walk on a short pier.

  2. Beyonce on May 4th, 2010 6:13 pm

    An ecological crisis is threatening the coast and the economy yet Atmore residents seem to be more concerned with how many Atmore, AL Mayfest photos are found on a Florida website. This is the typical narcissism you find in Atmore.

  3. alumni on May 4th, 2010 5:54 pm

    I’m only commenting to say “William, you do a fantastic job with the time, energy, availability and knowledge that you have”. You are truly appreciated and I love reading the stories on here no matter WHAT the story is or WHERE the story is located.

    Keep up the wonderful work William!!!!!

  4. D Brown on May 3rd, 2010 6:41 pm

    If you don’t like what William covers then don’t look at his website. Wait three or four days for your local paper to cover it, if they even cover it………William does a terrific job for the North Escambia residents and covering events at the local schools that no other news source covers. Thanks William and keep up the good work!!!!!!!

  5. Chiefs Fan on May 3rd, 2010 12:02 pm

    atmoreman — just how much coverage do the atmore papers websites have yet? That’s what I thought. ZERO.

  6. Chiefs Fan on May 3rd, 2010 11:52 am

    > So comments like “more coverage commitments than Mayfest in Atmore,” can sometimes be construed as a slight on our community

    You’re kidding right? You are complaining that northescambia does not cover Atmore enough on a story where they did cover Atmore.

    Looking back at the pages from Saturday and Sunday. It looks like he covered a disabled fishing tournament in Walnut Hill, and, among other stories, an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

    Seems to me that an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was way more important than mayfest in Atmore. Plus, I think the disabled fishing thing was cool. Nobody else covers things like that. That’s why I like They cover a variety of things. It does not matter if you were a disabled person fishing or a beautiful baby, you got coverage.

  7. William on May 3rd, 2010 11:44 am

    >I think that far too many times that forgets that Atmore is an integral part of north escambia residents, their lives, and livelihood.

    Yes, Atmore is an important part of the lives of some North Escambia residents. Some work there, some shop there, and probably many more enjoy a good shrimp basket at Davids (Mmm!) from time to time.

    But Flomaton, Jay and Pensacola are also important parts of the lives of many North Escambia residents. (More North Escambia residents work in or travel to the Pensacola metro that any other place.)

    There are thousands of North Escambia residents that never, ever go to Atmore. Same with Flomaton and Jay.

    But Atmore, Flomaton and Jay are great places with great people, so we love y’all too and consider you part of the North Escambia family.

    That’s why we cover North Escambia fully and completely. And then we cover events, “breaking news” and other info from Atmore, Flomaton, Jay and Pensacola. We don’t and will not claim to provide complete coverage in Atmore, Flomaton, Jay or Pensacola — same with the rest of Escambia County, Ala. and Santa Rosa County. We are, however, the most widely read daily news source in many of those communities, and we appreciate each and every one of our readers.

    We do have, and do claim, pretty complete coverage of what goes on in or has a strong impact on the 20,000 plus people in North Escambia. But well over 20,000 people per day read — so it is very evident that we have thousands of readers outside “our area”.

    I would be happy to run more items from Atmore. Or Flomaton. Or Jay. Anyone is welcome to submit items and photos for publication. We always invite readers to become involved and submit photos, or at least let us know about an event before it happens. Many readers do.

    Again, we value each and every reader. To each one in North Escambia, Jay, Atmore, Flomaton, Brewton, Pace, Iraq and Afghanistan — no matter where you are — we appreciate you. And we always invite you tell us how you think we can do a better job.

    Thanks for being part of the family!

  8. HA! on May 3rd, 2010 11:25 am

    If you want pictures so badly, maybe you should have GONE YOURSELF. I’m so sick of people complaining about William’s lack of pictures on events that interest YOU. He isn’t going to go to one place and camp out to get pictures of every little thing. Take your own pictures! We all know that northescambia always invites people to submit photos of their own, so if you want coverage of something that is important to you to make it on here, take them & submit them. Pretty easy.

    Keep up the GREAT work, William!

  9. atmoreman on May 3rd, 2010 11:16 am

    Although most folks in our area know that Mayfest is held in Atmore, it was nice of William to point it out. I think that far too many times that forgets that Atmore is an integral part of north escambia residents, their lives, and livelihood. So comments like “more coverage commitments than Mayfest in Atmore,” can sometimes be construed as a slight on our community. We enjoy the site, but would like a little more respect at times.

  10. Angi on May 3rd, 2010 7:43 am

    Just keep up the excellent work that you do William, people have to come to realize, that you always have more than one place to be at all times; you yourself run your poor self to death covering all the stories that you do. Thanks again so much for sharing the photos that you did take at Atmore’s Mayfest… I’m sure if they followed your footsteps, with all your coverage they would understand; you can’t stay there all day taking pictures of everybody and everything. That’s just the way it goes…

  11. Century Resident on May 3rd, 2010 7:07 am

    You think the Atmore papers will have something? Ha! They’ll have pictures of babies, cute women, politicians and who’s who people like bankers, business owners and politicians. I bet there are no bands or ordinary ugly people.

  12. justsayin on May 3rd, 2010 5:22 am

    Great Pictures.I heard there was a car show also.Will the Atmore paper have those pictures?Keep doing what you’re doing William,good job.

  13. JJ on May 3rd, 2010 1:03 am

    William, great pictures. You did and always do a great job. When you have as large a reader base as you’ve gotten, there will always be a couple people who can find fault with you… please ignore them and realize the vast majority of us appreciate the great job you do.

    Maybe since Mayfest is in Atmore, and technically out of the NorthEscambia area, and since Cathy thinks you did such a bad job, you should just take down all the pictures….


    Don’t sweat the petty stuff.

  14. George on May 2nd, 2010 7:06 pm

    Let me say: is a GREAT website and we in Atmore are so glad that William extends his coverage area to us when he can.

    This website is a much more comprehensive news organization than any of the Atmore newspapers.

  15. Century Resident on May 2nd, 2010 6:45 pm

    Cathy – Discrimination because he did not take pictures of prissy little poodles in mini skirts? How stupid is that?

  16. William on May 2nd, 2010 6:15 pm

    > Come on William, although the pics you took of the Mayfest are good, you could have captured a few more events orther that the kids…like the bands, and the pooch parade….Do I detect discrimination here….

    Discrimination? What in the world are you talking about? I was at Mayfest for about an hour and photographed a little bit of everything that took place during that hour. I did not spend eight hours shooting pictures of everything that happened at Mayfest. I have a personal life and had more coverage commitments other than Mayfest in Atmore.

    Please explain how that is discrimination?

  17. Cathy on May 2nd, 2010 5:48 pm

    Come on William, although the pics you took of the Mayfest are good, you could have captured a few more events orther that the kids…like the bands, and the pooch parade….Do I detect discrimination here….

  18. Angi on May 2nd, 2010 1:15 pm

    Excellent job to everyone that participated at Mayfest, it was a wonderful day. I’m very thankful that the rain held off, so that everyone could enjoy the day. A bit breezy, but I guess that’s a good thing; so it wasn’t so hot out there… It was a really good turnout.
    @Emily, I don’t believe it is going on today. (Sunday) it’s usually a one day event…

  19. Emily on May 2nd, 2010 10:46 am

    I went to Mayfest and it was AWESOME!!!! Loved it!!!! I think it’s still going on today!! I hope so because I want to go again!!!!

  20. Holly on May 2nd, 2010 10:23 am

    Anyone have any information on the United Bank Rocking Chair Contest? Which schools won?

  21. William on May 2nd, 2010 8:22 am

    > Where are the pictures of the runner up and winners for each age category in the contest??

    We did not take pictures of all of the contestants in the beautiful baby contest. We covered the entire Mayfest event in general with our photos.

    The beautiful baby contest was sponsored by our friends at The Atmore Advance. I’m sure they will have the runner up and winner photos in their Wednesday paper.

  22. More pictures please! on May 2nd, 2010 8:18 am

    Where are the pictures of the runner up and winners for each age category in the contest?? i would like to see those pictures if you will please put them up.