Royals Advance Toward State With Win Over Northview

May 8, 2010

jay11.jpgIt was all the things that good playoff games are made off Friday night in Jay as a capacity crowd watched the Jay Royals take on the Northview Chiefs the Region 2A Semifinals.

In the end, the Royals beat the Chiefs 1-0. Along the way, it was a game of great pitching, great hitting and equally great fielding.

The only RBI of the game came from Rush Hendricks in the bottom of the third with a single up the middle to score Sawyer Gandy.

jay14.jpgIt was the end of one of the best seasons ever for the Chiefs (18-10). The Royals (17-7) will advance to the Region 2A Finals  at 7:00 Friday night in Jay.

Hunter Brown pitched seven for the Royals, allowing two hits, no runs, one walk and striking out three. Austin Reid pitched seven for the Chiefs, allowing five hits, one run, four walks and striking out six.

Northview hitters included Brad Lower 1-2 and Dakota Stuckey 1-2.

Jay hitters included Sawyer Gandy 2-2 with a run and Rush Hendricks 1-1 with an RBI.

Photos courtesy WEAR for

Looking For A Yard Sale? Try Our Classifieds

May 8, 2010

If you are looking for a yard sale on this Saturday, check out the classifieds.

There are about a dozen yard sales listed in our classifieds today, plus lots of items for sale, vehicles, real estate, jobs and more. classifieds are free for individuals, just email your listing to

To visit our classified page, click here or click “Free Classifieds” in the light gray menu bar near the top of the page.

Northview FFA Holds Annual Banquet (With Photo Gallery)

May 8, 2010


It was an emotional night Friday at the 15th Annual Northview High School FFA Banquet. For the FFA teacher sponsor and the FFA president, the night was a perhaps a little more emotional and special.

nhs-ffa-banquet-072.jpgNorthview FFA sponsor Perry Byars and his son — this year’s FFA President Micah Byars, a graduating senior, spent four years in Northview’s FFA under his father’s leadership.

The annual banquet includes a somber ceremony for graduating seniors…they slowly remove their signature blue FFA jackets and hang them up for the last time on a coat rack.

One at a time, the two graduating FFA senior officers participated in the ceremony. Sentinel Gavin Hinote, and President Micah Byers removed their jackets one by one, placing them on the coat rack.

The night also included many awards for Northview and Ernest Ward Middle school FFA members and supporters.

Among those honored for their support of the FFA program were Northview teacher Scott Slay, Northview and Ernest Ward agriculture teacher Tommy Weaver, FFA Alumni supporters Gayle and Angus Brewton and Publisher William Reynolds. The five were named honorary members of the Northview FFA.

The new NHS FFA officers named for the 2010-2011 school year were: Lydia Weaver, president; Allie Vidak, vice president; Stephanie Solari, secretary; Allyson Bullard, treasurer; Courtney Solari, reporter; Jessica Baldwin, sentinel; and Devin Bell, historian.

Dozens of the students in Northview’s FFA received various awards during the night.

The night also included honors and awards for Ernest Ward Middle School’s  FFA members presented by chapter sponsor Cynthia Wilson.

For a photo gallery from the event, click here.

Pictured top: Graduating senior FFA Sentinel Gavin Hinote, and President Micah Byers share their goodbyes. Pictured bottom: Members of the Ernest Ward Middle School FFA. NorthEscambia.comp photos, click to enlarge.


Smell From Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill Reaches Escambia County

May 8, 2010

The first odors from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill reached Escambia County Friday afternoon, with some residents reporting a smell they described as kerosene or WD-40.

“With the afternoon sea breeze, a kerosene-like odor has been detected in areas of Escambia County. While this odor is most likely associated with the oil spill, the spill remains well to the south,” Sonya Daniel, Escambia County public information manager, said.

“Escambia County officials have deployed staff to check the waters, however there is no oil sheen or slick sighted near our coastlines,” she said.

Winds on Saturday are expected to shift to the north, alleviating the smell.

Tate FFA Rodeo Continues Tonight

May 8, 2010

The Tate Future Farmers of America (FFA) Alumni Foundation Rodeo continues at 7:30 Saturday night at the Escambia County Equestrian Center.

Admission is $10 for adults and $5 for children.

The FFA is an organization made up of middle and high school students who focus on agricultural education programs. The FFA Alumni Foundation holds events, such as the Tate FFA Alumni Rodeo, to raise money for these students and to give those students interested in the rodeo lifestyle a chance to compete.

For more information, call John Kelley at 937-2308.

What Is Special About Your Mom? Tell Her Story On

May 8, 2010

Do you want to say thanks to your mom for Mother’s Day? wants you to tell us what is special about your mom.

We may select your story to appear in a special feature this Sunday (Mother’s Day).  Tell us a little bit about your mom and why she is special to you in 300 words or less.

Please include your name (and the names of your siblings, if you would like), your mother’s name and the community where she lives.  Please include your phone number, which will not be published.

Please take the time to proofread your story just a little and make sure you use spellcheck. 

To submit a story with a photo:

Email the story in the body of an email and attach a photo. Please tell us the names of everyone that appears in your photograph. Send to with the subject line “Mother’s Day”.

To submit a story without a photo:

You can simply leave a comment on this story (your comment will not be “approved” or appear to the public until Sunday). Or you can email your story to with the subject line “Mother’s Day”.

Nokomis VFD Fish Fry Today

May 8, 2010

The Nokomis (Ala.) Volunteer Fire Department will hold its annual fish fry today.

The event will take place at the fire department at 163 James Road, just off Highway 31 near Mr. Green Jeans. Plates are $6 each and will include catfish, bread and a choice between cheese grits, baked beans or slaw.

The annual Nokomis Volunteer Fire Department fish fry will take place from 10:30 a.m. until 1 p.m.  All proceeds will help the department pay for insurance and equipment.

Yellow Leaves And Insects Pester Gardenias

May 8, 2010


The gardenia, with its bright white, fragrant blooms and glossy, dark green leaves, is a favorite landscape shrub in Florida.

A brief history

Gardenias originated in China, where it was cultivated for more than 1,000 years. In 1761, British naturalist John Ellis received a specimen of this plant from China and named the plant after his friend Dr. Alexander Garden, a noted botanist and physician in Charleston, South Carolina.

theresafriday.jpgIn the 1920s and 1930s, gardenias became highly prized as a cut flower for corsages and arrangements. Today gardenias are a favorite shrub in the Florida landscape and are acclaimed for their creamy-white blossoms and unique fragrance of vanilla, jasmine, and nutmeg, a fragrance that becomes spicier as the gardenia blooms age.

While gardenia is a lovely landscape shrub, it is not without problems.

Yellow leaves

Yellow leaves are a common complaint among gardenia-growers. Yellowing, or chlorosis, may be due to a number of causes.

One of the first things to consider is an iron deficiency. Gardenias generally require more iron than other plants. In high pH (alkaline) soils, iron is not readily available. Lack of iron will result in yellow leaves.

To correct this problem, first see if your soil pH is the issue by getting a soil test. Sometimes, foliar applications of iron are effective. Follow the directions on the product label. In addition, fertilize your gardenias with an “acidifying” fertilizer.

Other causes of yellow leaves include insufficient light, over watering or poor drainage, soil temperature that is too low, nematode damage or disease.

Even though gardenias are evergreen plants, they do go through a period of leaf replacement. Some yellowing on older leaves is normal and may occur during the spring months before new growth appears.


As their name implies, whiteflies are small, fly-like insects with white-colored wings. They hide on the underside of leaves, where they multiply rapidly. Whiteflies suck on plant juices and, in large numbers, can consume a considerable amount of nutrients. Like aphids, they excrete lots of honeydew, on which black sooty mold fungus grows.

fridaygarden11.jpgThe key to whitefly control is not a specific insecticide–the key is persistence. Almost any insecticide will kill a whitefly. Insecticidal soap, neem oil, horticultural oil, permethrin, bifenthrin and lambda-cyhalothrin are deadly to the insect.

Since whiteflies live under gardenia leaves, it is critical to direct your spray upwards under the leaves. Plan to spend several minutes with each gardenia, working to achieve complete coverage. One spray won’t kill all of them. Nearby plants harbor the creatures and they will move back in within a few days.


In early summer, the gardenia will reward gardeners with fragrant blooms. However, the blooms are frequently infested with an insect known as thrips.

Thrips are very small insects with piercing-sucking mouthparts. In addition to causing discoloration of petals, they can also cause leaf malformation (distorted, dwarfed, and matted), leaf fold, leaf roll, leaf blisters, and sometimes defoliation.

fridaygarden12.jpgTo aid in detecting thrips, place a sheet of white paper beneath the leaves or flowers and shake the plant. The thrips will fall onto the paper and can be more easily observed and identified than when on the plant.

Since thrips may come in large flights over an extended period of time, insecticides which give good initial results but have a short residual effect are generally inadequate for control of thrips infestations. Systemic insecticides are highly effective and provide long-term control.

For more information, contact Theresa Friday at 850-623-3868 or email  Friday is the Residential Horticulture Extension Agent for Santa Rosa County.

Courtesy photos by Theresa Friday for, click to enlarge.

Northview Fans: Arrive In Jay Early

May 7, 2010

Northview Chief fans are being asked to arrive at the ball pakr  in Jay at 5:30 this afternoon to form a spirit line when the team’s bus arrives.

The Chiefs and the Royals will play for the Region 2A title tonight at 7:00.

Murzin Drops Out Of Senate Race; Pre-Files To Run Against Valentino, Touart For Commission

May 7, 2010

Rep. Dave Murzin has dropped out of his the primary race for the Florida Senate to run for the Escambia County Commission seat currently held by Gene Valentino.

murzin.jpgMurzin, R-Pensacola, pre-filed for the commission seat Friday afternoon, citing the need to clean up Escambia County politics and spend more time with his 11-year old son. The District 2 Commission seat is currently held by Gene Valentino, who is facing misdemeanor charges of soliciting campaign contributions on state property.

“We’re never going to pull ourselves up to our potential when we have people mired in conflict,” Murzin said Friday.

In addition to Valentino, Murzin enters a field crowded with contenders — former Administrator George Touart, Robety Kelley, Andy Kowalski, Karen Sindel, Myra Simmons and Paul Redman.

Murzin’s move leaves only Rep. Evers and Pensacola insurance agent Mike Hill in the race for the Senate seat being vacated by Rep. Durell Peaden. With 10 years in the Senate, Peaden is not running again due to term limits.

“I wish Dave well in whatever he chooses to do in the future and am confident he has much to contribute to our community and our state,” said Evers. “Dave is a friend and a true public servant who has literally dedicated his entire professional life to the service of our state.  I am proud to have served with him in the Florida House and wish him the very best. I look forward to continuing to work with him to make certain the Northwest Florida we both love and call home is well-positioned and well-served for years to come.”

The News Service Florida contributed to this report.

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