Obama: Oil Spill A ‘Potentially Unprecedented’ Disaster

May 2, 2010

Calling the Gulf of Mexico oil spill a “potentially unprecedented” disaster, President Barack Obama pledged a “relentless” effort by the federal government to clean up. At the same time, Obama said the cost will be the responsibility of BP.

“BP is responsible for this leak. BP will be paying the bill,” Obama said Sunday afternoon in Louisiana after touring the slick over the Gulf — which is now only about nine miles offshore.

At the same time, Obama said, the federal government is working full steam to mitigate the oil’s impact.

“From day one, we have prepared and planned for the worst,” Obama said. ”Your government will do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes, to stop this crisis.”

“We’re dealing with a massive and potentially unprecedented environment disaster,” the president said. “It could extend for a long time. It could jeopardize the livelihoods of  thousands of Americans who call this place home.”


9 Responses to “Obama: Oil Spill A ‘Potentially Unprecedented’ Disaster”

  1. really sad on May 4th, 2010 9:03 pm

    thinker good for you….big thumbs up here!

  2. No, to drilling in the Gulf on May 4th, 2010 9:03 am

    Drill only where you can take care of the spills!

  3. Thinker on May 3rd, 2010 10:44 am

    Oil spill? Spilled from what? This is a geological, human caused oil RELEASE, or at least that’s what I call it. That IS unprecedented. How long will it flow?

    This kind of thing makes me and a lot of other people want to quit the human race. Maybe if we just get busy and put down more parking lots, cut down the rest of the forests, mow ALL the grass, spew more chemicals and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, buy more SUVs and operate more race cars and other “fun” rides to cause more air pollution for no good reason, etc., maybe then we can speed an end to our stupid, ignorant species quicker. In time the fungus will break up the parking lots and highways, forests will return and the air and waters will be clean again. So get to work. (Yes, I’m cynical and tired of arguing for conservation and respect for nature)

  4. Daniel on May 3rd, 2010 9:57 am

    You guys should be glad this happened to BP & not some of these other small production companies, at least BP has the money to pay for it. This well was not in production & should not drive up gas prices the way I see it. BP can’t raise the price of their products because people will just by from other companies. Y’all talk about tourism, but if it was not for drilling travel cost would be so high it would be slowing tourism. Oil is used to make many products we all use every day, we all have a part in driving the need for oil & gas. I drill oil wells for a living & I do the best I can to protect the enviroment I love. My family like so many others depend on drilling.

  5. mayjem on May 3rd, 2010 8:02 am

    Oak Grove Bud and Northender43 – You are absolutely right. What was I thinking? Of course we will just pay for it in the long run.

    Anydaynow – I agree totally. It seems every time I hear of a place wanting to “attract” new industries and large businesses, we hear of how concessions are made to make that location more appealing so the big business doesn’t take their business to another state or country. I’m sick of it. I think that’s what the oil companies did with skimping on extra safety precautions that other countries required of their oil rigs (from what I’ve heard in news outlets) while they make MASSIVE profits. If I still had horses, I would probably see if there was a way to use them instead of driving.

  6. Northender43 on May 3rd, 2010 5:52 am

    I agree with Oak Grove Bud. We will end up paying for it. The price of gas will go up to cpver their losses once the cleanup bill is tallied. The president needs to make sure this doesn’t happen. We pay enough for it now.

    Our beaches are going to be ruined for years…. Florida is going to be hurting even more (just when tourism is picking back up)… there goes the springbreakers and snow birds for this area.

  7. anydaynow on May 2nd, 2010 7:23 pm

    I hope to see some regulations coming soon, too. For too long now, too many business and industries have been almost completely exempt from regulations. The claims that corporations have a vested interest in “doing right” and that they don’t need government regulating them that they will do it themselves has been proven wrong time and time again. They will get by with anything they are allowed to get by with. Greed always has it’s way any time it’s allowed to go without boundaries.

  8. Oak Grove Bud on May 2nd, 2010 6:22 pm

    BP will pay for this????? Anyone who buys motor oil or gasoline,any petroleum products, will be paying for this…….just wait!!!

  9. mayjem on May 2nd, 2010 5:19 pm

    I keep hearing “BP will be responsible for the cost of cleanup.” Why do I have the sneaky suspicion that once the costs are tallied, if they ever can be, that BP and/or associated companies and responsible parties will just appeal for a “bailout.?”