Notice Something Strange About

May 26, 2010

Everything should be just fine as you visit today, but if you notice something strange, we would like you to tell us about it.

As has grown over the past several months with more and more readers, we found it necessary to make some “behind the scenes” upgrades to our site. The end result should be a faster experience for our readers.

But, if you should notice anything strange — a page that won’t load, a page that looks different than usual, or any type of error message — please let us know! Please send us an email to with the problem that you have found. Tell us the exact page where you had a problem, and, if possible, copy and paste the error message into your email.

(We are aware that a very, very small number of comments made between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. this morning may be missing. It was an unfortunate side effect of the upgrades. We have tried to restore as many of those comments as possible.)

And, as always, thanks for being part of the family of readers. We appreciate each of you!




5 Responses to “Notice Something Strange About”

  1. Marshall on June 1st, 2010 10:11 am

    I agree with Diana…I also use the RSS feeds and would like to see the full story in RSS.

  2. Diana Bondurant on May 27th, 2010 7:25 am

    Everything looks great! Some of the weird things that had been happening to the site in Safari are now corrected. Kudos!

    I do have one new complaint, though: I access the site through an RSS reader (not nearly enough time in the day to check the site over and over for updates), and now the posts are all limited to just the first few sentences. I’m not getting the full stories in my RSS reader anymore. Perhaps this is intended to generate more total clicks to your site, but I don’t have time to do that for every post. For me it just means I won’t be getting the news anymore. Please consider switching back to including full posts in your RSS feed…pretty please? :-)

  3. PaPa John on May 27th, 2010 12:13 am

    You are doing a outstanding job. I read this web site daily from Iraq. It helps me stay in touch with home and I thank you for that.

  4. carolyn on May 26th, 2010 11:53 am

    Great job! no problems !

  5. deBugger on May 26th, 2010 11:24 am

    no problems on this end so far

    y’all are doing a great job, so you may consider this a “pat on the back”