Northview High Baccalaureate, Graduation Scheduled

May 24, 2010

Graduation, Baccalaureate and Senior Honors Night have been scheduled for the Northview High School Class of 2010.

The 2010 Senior Class of Northview High School will hold student-led Baccalaureate Exercises the evening of Friday, June 4th at 6:30 p.m. at the Atmore First Assembly of God on South Main Street.  All family and friends are welcome.

For seniors participating in the services, Sunday dress attire is requested under cap and gown. There will be a mandatory practice on Thursday, June 3rd from 10:00  a.m. until 12:00 p.m.  For additional information contact senior class President Candice Greenwell at (850) 587-2489.

Graduation for the Northview High School Class of 2010 will be Saturday, June 5 at 4 p.m. in the Northview High School gym.

There will be mandatory graduation practice at 9 a.m. on Friday, June 4.  The graduation group portrait will be taken at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 5.

Senior Honors Night will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 3 in the school theater.


10 Responses to “Northview High Baccalaureate, Graduation Scheduled”

  1. quietchild on May 28th, 2010 11:36 pm

    I feel it is sad that Baccalaureate has to be held away from the school. It is totally ridiculous.. Baccalaureate has never been mandatory. If prayer or the Bible offends you or your graduate then don’t attend. Baccalaureate is just another celebration for a graduate and it should be able to be held in the building that nutured that graduate for the last four years.

  2. NHS parent on May 25th, 2010 6:06 pm

    Places like Milton and Pace both use their stadiums for graduation. They also do the ticket thing in case they have to move it into the gym. i just know that a lot of these Seniors have very large families that would all like to come, and sitting is an issues. The live feed thing is good but not for intemediate family members, if for some unknown reason a family is running late, they shouldn’t have to watch their child recieve their dipolma on a TV screen in a totally other place!

  3. nan on May 25th, 2010 4:21 pm


  4. NOTE on May 25th, 2010 2:30 pm

    I don’t think those wanting to attend graduation would mind the stadium.

    I believe at ECHS, seniors practiced for both the stadium and the auditorium, so if it rained, it wouldn’t be a problem relocating. I don’t know if they still do this, but it worked out pretty well then. A certain number of tickets were issued to seniors prior to graduation (in case of rain) to distribute to whom they chose to attend in the auditorium. Those tickets totaled the number of people the auditorium could safely accomodate.

    Of course, there were always those who became disgruntled if the weather did not cooperate, but the policy was in place prior to graduation. In rural schools like these, the stadium is the practical choice for seating those friends and relatives who want to attend graduation. It may take a little more organization and work on the part of teachers and administation, but graduation is a huge milestone for these students–and many friends and relatives would like to share and honor this occasion with the graduates.

    Keep in mind that not all can travel out of town (civic centers) for these events–for many reasons.

    I do like the live video stream idea.

  5. former nhs student on May 24th, 2010 11:27 pm

    to student and NHS parent and EMD:
    A few years ago in 08 when i graduated, we tried to get her to have the graduation on the field too, but she wouldn’t let us either. But the fact that the weather can be uncertain is a good reason to have it indoors.

    Safety however was an issue. The year before i graduated there was a major over crowding issue, and numerous fire codes were broken, including chains over exit doors and such. I think she ended up getting a fire marshall to come in and help keep the graduation within codes and help to maximize seating. It was crowded, but legal, and there was an overflow in the theater with a live video stream. I’m sure, that Mrs. Weaver will make sure that the graduation is safe.

  6. Joann Catoe on May 24th, 2010 10:33 pm

    I am really honored and lucky i have two beautiful grandchildren steping out in the world Jasey Gibson and Erica Rendell go chiefs love you guys couldnt be any prouder.

  7. EMD on May 24th, 2010 4:31 pm

    I think that having that many people packed in the gym is a very dangerous, as well as uncomfortable, situation. Also, many cannot see or hear all that is going on. I have never seen something as important as high school graduation be treated in such an unimportant manner. There must be a reason that it is not held in the P’cola Civic Center. Does anyone know why not there or another “suitable” place?

  8. student on May 24th, 2010 10:26 am

    we tried to get mrs weaver to allow us to have graduation on the football field because of the number of students graduating but she said absolutly not idk y though i think cause she doesnt want the weather to affect our graduation

  9. NHS parent on May 24th, 2010 7:11 am

    I wish graduation was being held on the football field! I heard how over crowded the gym was last year. Why not use the football field that the Chiefs love so much??

  10. mama on May 24th, 2010 6:50 am

    Wow here we go it is hard to believe it is already time to watch my son graduate from high school. Where did all the time go?? We are proud of you Jonathan Burkett and love you very much!