Murzin Drops Out Of Senate Race; Pre-Files To Run Against Valentino, Touart For Commission

May 7, 2010

Rep. Dave Murzin has dropped out of his the primary race for the Florida Senate to run for the Escambia County Commission seat currently held by Gene Valentino.

murzin.jpgMurzin, R-Pensacola, pre-filed for the commission seat Friday afternoon, citing the need to clean up Escambia County politics and spend more time with his 11-year old son. The District 2 Commission seat is currently held by Gene Valentino, who is facing misdemeanor charges of soliciting campaign contributions on state property.

“We’re never going to pull ourselves up to our potential when we have people mired in conflict,” Murzin said Friday.

In addition to Valentino, Murzin enters a field crowded with contenders — former Administrator George Touart, Robety Kelley, Andy Kowalski, Karen Sindel, Myra Simmons and Paul Redman.

Murzin’s move leaves only Rep. Evers and Pensacola insurance agent Mike Hill in the race for the Senate seat being vacated by Rep. Durell Peaden. With 10 years in the Senate, Peaden is not running again due to term limits.

“I wish Dave well in whatever he chooses to do in the future and am confident he has much to contribute to our community and our state,” said Evers. “Dave is a friend and a true public servant who has literally dedicated his entire professional life to the service of our state.  I am proud to have served with him in the Florida House and wish him the very best. I look forward to continuing to work with him to make certain the Northwest Florida we both love and call home is well-positioned and well-served for years to come.”

The News Service Florida contributed to this report.


8 Responses to “Murzin Drops Out Of Senate Race; Pre-Files To Run Against Valentino, Touart For Commission”

  1. not disappointed on May 11th, 2010 10:32 pm

    I went on a school field trip to Tallahassee, last year with my son and watched a session in which Mr. Murzin was sitting in on. I watched in amazement as no one was listening to the individual speaker who was at the front of the room. Our hardworking people in government were to busy twittering, socializing, eatting, or with their heads in their computers. I felt extremely embarrassed that these were the people who were suppose to be working for us and ignoring the person pleading their cause. Unfortunately Mr. Murzin was also one of the individuals who only seemed to be there to be a warm body in a seat. Many of the representatives didn’t even take the time to vote on the individuals issue when the time came. Later, Mr. Murzin was kind enough to answer questions from the 4th graders. When asked by a student, “How do you know what is going on when you guys aren’t paying attention?” , Mr. Murzins response was that they already know about it and know how they are going to vote prior to the speaker. I was shocked. This is not the type of representative I want in Washington or working for me in Florida. Wake up Mr. Murzin and realize that we are the people you are working for and all sides should be heard before making a decision. I for one am glad that he bowed out!!!

  2. Bob on May 8th, 2010 9:50 pm

    I will be disappointed in the voters of Escambia County if they return any of the presently seated Commissioners back to office. They have all proven beyond a shadow of doubt that they are not leaders. We have so many qualified people that really could make a difference but just don’t need the aggravation. I think Murzin is already ahead of two candidates.

  3. A Watchman on May 8th, 2010 1:11 pm

    Karen Sindle

  4. Mathias Venditto on May 8th, 2010 11:29 am

    We need an everyday, regular Citizen, who understands what the Constitution is to join this race. We need to regain control of our local and state offices if “We The People” ever want to truly be free again. Both parties have systematically and intentionally eroded our civil liberties and our individual sovereignty over the past several administrations. When November rolls around, be part of the solution and vote No Party Affiliation whenever you have the opportunity. We need real people on office, not career politicians who hold allegiance to their party and not the people. It is time to take action, vote them out!

  5. Name (required) on May 7th, 2010 11:13 pm


    Watch out… especially if any of George’s friends come offering to contribute to your campaign….

  6. anydaynow on May 7th, 2010 9:56 pm

    Cute how the anti-government folks loooove working for the gubmint. I wonder if they cash their pay checks or if they are content to just dismantle the school system, and drain the state coffers ignore waste fraud and abuse and create mountains of debt to hoist upon the citizens of Florida.

  7. Don on May 7th, 2010 5:32 pm

    Still wants to be on the taxpayers dime what a shame go home enjoy…..

  8. Derek Cosson on May 7th, 2010 3:39 pm

    What a crazy race in District 2!