Molino Man Charged With Shooting At Vehicle, Fighting Outside Bar, Trashing Truck

May 6, 2010

A Molino man is jailed after allegedly firing a gun multiple times at a vehicle leaving a bar and then trashing the victim’s truck at a convenience store.

weldonchristopher.jpgChristopher Michael Weldon, 20, of Allen Circle, Molino, is charged with four counts of aggravated assault, battery, criminal mischief, armed burglary of vehicle, petty theft and discharging a firearm in public. He is being held in the Escambia County Jail with a bond set at $62,000.

According to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office arrest report, deputies responded to a shots fired call at the One Stop convenience store at the intersection of Highway 95A and Molino Road. A 20-year old victim told deputies that at about 11:30 p.m. Wednesday night, he was with a female and Weldon at the Homestead Lounge on Highway 29.   After the 20-year old was denied entry into the bar, he and Weldon allegedly got into an argument over the ownership of beer located in a cooler in a vehicle outside the bar.

The victim said Weldon approached him holding a gun. The victim said he feared for his  life, so he struck Weldon in the face three or four times. When a bystander attempted to break up the fight, he became involved in a fight with Weldon.

When the victim and two other people left the bar in a truck, Weldon reportedly fired at the vehicle multiple times. Witnesses reported both hearing and seeing the gun fired by Weldon.

When the original fight victim later went to the Tom Thumb in Molino to retrieve his truck, he reportedly found Weldon and a large group of people standing around the truck. At that point, the victim and the two other people that had left the bar went to the One Stop and called deputies. Two deputies escorted him back to the Tom Thumb.

Witnesses at the Tom Thumb said Weldon had pulled out a pistol in the store’s parking lot and said he was going to shoot the victim’s truck. Instead, according witnesses, he cut three tires, broke a light and mirror, and destroyed the windshield wipers. Weldon had fled the Tom Thumb, possibly down Crabtree Church Road, prior to deputies arriving. The victim claimed that his fishing tackle was missing from the back of the truck.

Several deputies searched the Molino area for Weldon.  His uncle flagged down a deputy on Jahaza Street, advising that he had Weldon in custody and he wanted to turn himself in.

According to the arrest report, Weldon admitted the he did get into a fight over beer in a cooler outside the Homestead. He also, according to the report, fired multiple times at the three victims as they were traveling north on Highway 29 from the bar.  He also told deputies that he damaged the victim’s truck at the Tom Thumb, but he denied stealing fishing tackle.

Weldon is due to appear in court on May 27.


19 Responses to “Molino Man Charged With Shooting At Vehicle, Fighting Outside Bar, Trashing Truck”

  1. really sad on May 7th, 2010 7:22 am

    I really perticularly hate that they said he fired at the fleeing vehicle and
    they charged him with shooting at a vehicle.

    PPL were in that vehicle, and thats attempted murder, AND he had
    already threatened the man driving that same vehicle.

    Tell me there wasn’t charges being lowered in this case.
    why is this baby being helped.

    This should be looked into very closely SHERIFF!

  2. really sad on May 7th, 2010 7:16 am

    don’t any of you feel sorry for this guy;.
    It’s a good thing they got him.

    Do any of you really think, that this was a great kid who never did a thing
    wrong in his life, and went to church on sunday, and one day just went
    nuts, and fired a gun at three ppl over 4 beers in a cooler and tried to
    get in a bar and get served, and got in a fight and trashed a truck and
    threatened ppl.


    This guy didn’t start there..
    This kid knew to run right to his uncle and have him handle things
    with the police.

    There were no attempted murder charges on him???????
    I believe they have probably been protecting this babies bad behavior
    for years. Sweeping things under the table……

    This is what happens when you teach children they are above the
    law, daddy will take care of it! Or Uncle, or whoever.

    Thats my belief!

  3. ann on May 7th, 2010 6:55 am

    for one he was not a redneck for two not all rednecks are bad me & my husband are redneck and the only thing we shoot are guns at are deer so be carefull what you say

  4. T on May 6th, 2010 10:56 pm

    and all this started at the “Homestead”? thars your sign people! such class

  5. dnutjob on May 6th, 2010 10:44 pm

    I sure wish people could read theses articles and comprehend what is being said.

  6. Angi on May 6th, 2010 8:05 pm

    WOW! all of this over beer in a cooler? How stupid can someone be? All I can say for this boy is ” You’ve done your crime, now go serve your time!!!” I really hope that no one was hurt by any shots fired.
    I agree with *really sad* (Quote) you know if i had shot at three ppl in a bar they would have charged me with attempted murder. three counts. why don’t i see those charges?

  7. Parentwithabrain on May 6th, 2010 6:51 pm

    Where will he be in 15 years? Possibly just getting out of prison. Florida takes a pretty hardcore approach to weapons being fired. So he may be young and stupid but now he’s going to end up a felon and go to prison so he can learn more stupid things. Rather than do something constructive and actually learn from his mistake.

  8. interested reader on May 6th, 2010 4:47 pm

    Dumb acts can follow you into adulthood. Yes, he probably will regret this act in the future but again he may be on the beginning of a long road to destruction. His choice and by the way he should be old enough to spend a little time in jail to reflect on the bad choices he has been making.

  9. NOTE on May 6th, 2010 2:54 pm

    Yeah, we all do stupid things when we are young and immature. But, most of those “dumb” things we did when we were young didn’t involve shooting a gun in a public place, much less at someone’s property. Well, at least he didn’t steal the fishing tackle.

  10. dnutjob on May 6th, 2010 11:22 am

    I bet just about everyone has done something really stupid in thier younger years that if they had been caught would have gone to jail, Youngsters do stupid things, and most of them wonder what the heck was I thinking later, when they are adults. Its not intelligence its just being what my mom called young and dumb but she said most of us grow out of it… :)

  11. LULU on May 6th, 2010 9:17 am

    Good grief!!! There’s certainly no shortage of stupidity!

  12. KRISTY on May 6th, 2010 9:01 am


  13. Concerned Resident on May 6th, 2010 8:50 am

    Bet none of these people have jobs….to much time on their hands…Going out drinking on Tuesday night…group of young people to young to be out drinking…who provides this alcohol to him..why didn’t the cops do something about the underage drinking….cops take that crap not serious enough……

  14. aam on May 6th, 2010 6:43 am

    I see anger management classes for a long time

  15. really sad on May 6th, 2010 6:39 am

    you know if i had shot at three ppl in a bar they would have charged me with attempted murder. three counts. why don’t i see those charges? Hummmmmmm

  16. really sad on May 6th, 2010 6:32 am

    it said his uncle said he had him in custody, guess that means his uncle is a cop.

  17. really sad on May 6th, 2010 6:29 am

    another nice molino boy

  18. whitepunknotondope on May 6th, 2010 6:23 am

    Typical violent redneck boy with too much testosterone and not enough intelligence.
    Anyone care to place a bet on where he’ll be in 15 years? He won’t be living comfortably I can guarantee you that.

  19. Jay Man on May 6th, 2010 5:14 am

    What can I say , just a bunch of drunks , people needs to grow up !