Mother’s Day: Meet Several Local Moms

May 9, 2010


Happy Mother’s Day! invited our readers to submit stories about their mothers. We’ve selected a few and included them below.

If you would like to tell your mom’s story, or just wish her a Happy Mother’s Day, please do so in the comments section at the bottom of the page.

Debbie Adcock, Barrineau Park
submitted by Tracy Adcock

How do you describe the best mother in 300 words or less? Let’s try this. My mom has been the rock in my life that refuses to move no matter what storm blows through. She is always there for me whether I want her there or not! She is a phenomenal mom to my other siblings. She also takes care of my grandmother. With so many depending on her she is always positive and always there to give of herself no matter what she is going through. I am so proud of everything she’s done and accomplished. I’ve been truly blessed to have such a wonderful lady in my life and to top it off she’s my mother too.

When going through life feeling battered and bruised,
She’s been the constant that’s helped me through.
She’s the first one to me and the last to go,
She’d be there in the fury of rain or blinding snow.
She’ll tell me when I’m wrong and she’ll tell me when I’m right,
And when I need a hug she’ll be there to hold me tight.
She’s always been someone on whom I can depend,
From the moment of conception till the very end.
She is the one and only, above her is no other
She is my very own, uniquely mine, my mother.

Yes, I’ve through a few words and rhymes out there about my mom, but there are really no words that can describe what she truly means to me. I am thankful to be able to have a mom that cared enough about me to see me through everything in my life and always behind me pushing me to do my best. There are a lot of awesome moms out there….I just happen to think I have the best.

Pictured top: Mom Debbie Adcock, granny Mary Ann, sister Amy, Tracy, and sister Tiffany and on the bottom is brother Jesse.


Willie Jean Edwards, Bratt
submitted by Brandi Edwards

My mother in-law is like no other mother that I know. She has been my inspiration for 10 blessed years. I know I would not be the wife or the mother without her encouraging me and helping me. Our family has had a lot of trials through these 10 years but its her faith and trusting in Jesus Christ that has got this family through all the ups and downs.

She is a very quite woman but her actions speak loudly. She loves the Lord with all her heart.

She is a Proverbs 31 woman through and through. People that know her will agree. She has a lot to teach people if they would listen. Her husband,children and grandchildren praise her in all she does and says. I pray I can be that mother to my children as she has to me.

She respects her husband as she has worked beside him over 40 years. She has good business skills, loving,compassionate,you can trust her,she is kind, she has a lot of wisdom, she loves her kids and grandkids. She prays and is faithful. She is a beautiful woman inside and out.

I’m glad I have this opportunity to honor (Willie Jean Edwards).

Mamma,thank you so much for loving me and believing in me. I love you so much. Happy Blessed Mother’s Day!!!!


Gail Webster, Atmore
submitted by Susan Eiland-Odom

My name is Susan Eiland-Odom and my mom is Mrs. Gail Webster. Originally from Indiana, we moved to Pensacola around 1974 and lived there until my Dad died 10 years ago. It was then that Mom moved to Atmore to be near me.

susanodommom.jpgI’m really blessed to have her as my mom for so many reasons. Mom and Dad couldn’t have children so she actually chose me before I was even born, which makes me feel extra special. Some who know Im adopted ask me if I know my “real” mom. You bet I do because my real mom is the one who raised me! Even through the turbulent teen years, my mom has always been there for me without fail. She carted me from pillar to post, took me shopping and to luncheons,taught me to cook, tried to guide me and worked in countless band booster projects, just for starters. Through all of life’s trials, she has always been available for me.

Now that I am a wife and mother, I have a whole new appreciation and understanding of her. Things I once couldn’t understand and angered me now make total sense! I find myself more and more sounding like my mother with my own children, which I find funny yet makes me feel blessed. She makes it well known that she is a very proud grandmother of six; Karen, Dane and Darian Eiland, Ashley and Kim Odom and Missy Odom-Bass. Whether it is a ride home from school, ball games, school functions, holidays, birthdays, showers or weddings, we know we can count on her love and support.

So this Mothers Day, I want to tell my mother THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for all that she has done for me and our family. There are not enough words to express how much we appreciate and love her. My hope is to be the wonderful kind of mother that she have always been to me. Love, Susie

Pictured: Gail Webster’s senior portrat from Rushville High School in Rushville, Indiana, from about 1959.


Susie Conner
submitted by Amy Conner

My mom, Susie Conner, is a very special woman. She is always putting others before herself and she is always lending a helping hand. My mom not only takes care of my two sisters and I, but also my grandmother who lives with us. Everyday she cooks, cleans, washes clothes, and helps my grandma get anything and everything she needs. My mom also helps a couple in our area with their everyday needs as well. Three or four times a week she goes to their home to cook, clean, and help them in any way she can. My mom has always been an avid volunteer and she always has a positive attitude. She is very loving, caring, and courteous. I honestly couldn’t ask for a better mother and role model because she has always put everyone else’s needs before her own. She is always open to lend a hand to help and I love her very much. I don’t know what I would do without her, and I know everyone that she cares for and helps feels the same.


Inola Driver, Century
submitted by Beverly Driver Cawby

My Beautiful mother means so much to me! She has been my guiding hand and earthly angel for fifty-five years now. Mom exemplifies the words from the Bible found in Proverbs; “Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies, Let her own works praise her.”

driverinola.jpgThis precious lady, small in statue, big of heart has been an inspiration to her family and many others during her seventy plus years. Born to the James Boutwell family of Flomaton, Alabama, she grew up to marry my father, Bennie Driver in 1953. She became a mother to three children, Beverly, Jeff and Holley, and a great grandmother to five children, Ryan, Kamden, Ryleigh, Madison, and Jiana.

My mother served her church well in her capacity as a Pastor’s wife. She was and is a wonderful Christian. A few days after Mother’s Day, ten years ago, she said good bye to the one and only sweetheart of her life. Mom continues to mentor her family with words of wisdom and encouragement. Mere words could never tell how much my mother means to me, so I will just end by saying: Happy Mothers Day to the best mom in the world, Inola Driver, I love you!

Pictured: Four generated in March 2010, (L-R) Beverly Driver Cawby, Jiana Morrow, Inola Driver, Joni Cawby Morrow. Click to enlarge.


Ann White, Century
submitted by Kimberly Burkett

I really don’t even know just where to begin on the wonderful and loving things that my mother Ann White has done over the years. First of all my mother has battled Parkinsons Disease for over thirteen years. It is very hard to see my mother struggle with it in everyday life but she does not let it stop her from getting out and helping others. I have watched my mother take care and cook meals for her neighbors that was very sick with cancer.

Everyday my mother would cook and deliver them meals and even take them to doctors visits. Yes I say neighbors in the plural form because she has lived in the same neighborhood and became friends with all the surrounding neighbors over the past forty five years and she lost five that I can think of to cancer and was always there for them. Now she is devoted to taking care of her mother and helping her sister that lives at home with her mother.

There are days that I don’t see how she goes but she is either running errands for others, taking care of my grandmother, working in her church or doing her favorite past time working in her flowers. I have a mother to look up to and admire and I thank the Lord above for giving me such a special and loving mother.


Lisa Jones
submitted by Haley Smith

joneslisa.jpgMom, i just wanted to show North Escambia how much you mean to me. Not only are you my mom but also my best friend. When I don’t have anyone to turn to you are always there for me to call on. I will always know that you have my back no matter what good or bad. I’m graduating in less than a month and the big world is gonna hit me right in the face. When I’m down from hard situations you will always be there to pick me right back up. I just wanted you to know that I’m thankful your my mom and always remember I LOVE YOU!!!

Pictured: Mom Lisa Jones and daughter Haley Smith, click to enlarge. 


Cassie Cufr
submitted by Matthew Cufr

My kids mother: my wife.
Of all the people I’ve met in my time on this earth, there is one that headlines them all. Life has been about as hard for our family as it could be the last ten years this May. Without the support, strength, love, and hope that my wife gives we wouldn’t have been able to make it this far. The mother she is to my kids is more than I could have ever asked. So for this mothers day I send a special thank you to a different mother of mine.
Thanks Cass for all you do.
Love Matthew, Maggie, Emma, and Jackson.


Judy Redmond, Walnut Hill
submitted by Quinshanna Redmond

redmondjudy.jpgOur mother is Judy Redmond of Walnut Hill, Fl. Our mom is special to us in many, many ways. She is such an incredible person that we cannot begin to put into words. She is such an joy to be around and always keeps you laughing and smiling. Our mom is our HERO, we will always admire her for being the most understanding and patient woman we know. We are so lucky and proud to say that we have a mother like her, she TRULY is one of a kind, and we couldn’t have asked for anyone better than her. Although, I know we probably don’t say these words enough, We want you to know WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH and hope you enjoy your Mother’s Day! From all your kids and grandkids!

– Quinshanna, Tabarin, Tymiriana, T’ahna, Tiffany, Malonie, Talaysha, Quindale, Quindarius, Myasia, Lenele, and Kassey.


Charlotte Bradley
submitted by Michelle Franklin

My name is Michelle Franklin and my mom is Charlotte Bradley . I live in Bratt and she resides in Gulf Breeze. She is the BEST MOM ever! When I was just 6 years old, my dad was diagnosed with brain cancer. Mom stood by my dad through thick and thin. After his surgery she would feed him, bathe him, help him learn to talk, and practically how to do everything all over again, not to mention changing out catheters on a daily basis. At the same time, she took my brother, sister and I everywhere we needed to go, baseball and football practice, gymnastics, and cheerleading practice , etc. She was the mom and the dad all in one. She would work a graveyard shift at Escambia Molded Plastics so she could make ends meet. After dad died, mom was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. The doctors have told her that she would have to use a walker or scooter everyday, and she still walks ( when she is not to weak ) up her stairs on a daily basis. She has taught me to be strong no matter what God puts in front of us. I love my mom and don’t know what I would do without her.


24 Responses to “Mother’s Day: Meet Several Local Moms”

  1. note may 7.2010 on May 10th, 2010 7:31 pm

    happy mother day mother i no you are at peace i love
    you &miss you

  2. Mark on May 10th, 2010 8:03 am

    Happy mother’s day to all mommies!

    This was a refershing story. Tired of all of the oil stories in the other media. It’s nice for a while to forget about it and spend time with mom.

  3. Erin, got a problem with it? oh well. =) on May 9th, 2010 10:47 pm

    Happy Mothers Day momma!!! I looovvvveeee you!!! Even though I’m a mother now too, you’ll always be my momma, and I know you’ll be there through everything. I mean, come on, you still love me, and we all know how crazy I am! =). I love you momma. xoxoxo

  4. Debbie on May 9th, 2010 7:40 pm

    yes I do love it !! As you can tell from my earlier comment I read this at 6am this morning and I came back tonight to read it again ( and print it) because it is sssooo sweat ;)

  5. Jenn on May 9th, 2010 2:48 pm

    Awww Tracy! That is so awesome! I know your momma loved it!

  6. Courtney W. on May 9th, 2010 2:31 pm

    To: Lisa W.

    I love you so much mommy and i hope you know that. You do so and I hope you know I appreciate that. I Love You SSSSSSSSSOOOOOOO Much. I would do anything for you. I

  7. Delaney R. on May 9th, 2010 12:37 pm

    To: Jane R.

    Happy Mothers day mom! always there for me, ready for hugs, brave, for limping and crying, homework and everything, Mom, your the best. i love u! :-)

  8. Bethany R. on May 9th, 2010 12:12 pm

    To: Jane R.
    Thanks for being such a fantastic mom. You are always there for me when I am sick or even when I just need a big fat bear hug or a shoulder to cry on. You are always willing to help me with my homework (Even if it is algebra or a summary on old history!) I am always thankful for every loving mom in this world, but I am extremely thankful for you! Thanks for being the best mom I could ever dream of.
    I LOVE YOU!!! :-)
    Love always,

  9. michelle helton-shue on May 9th, 2010 11:57 am

    Happy Mother’s Day to Viola Lemmon and Lorraine Stuckey they both are wonderful mothers and prove it daily with how they support their children…also a Happy Mother’s Day to Brenda Helton and the late Gladys Helton

  10. Sheridan Rowell on May 9th, 2010 11:31 am

    How sweet, happy mothers day to all mothers,I am not one.I`m only 8 years old.

  11. ashley on May 9th, 2010 11:05 am

    to my wonderful mom (dell) we love you more than you know you mean the world to me and my family you have been there every time we need you and for that we will always be grateful..your the best love noah,ashley & ryder

  12. ashley on May 9th, 2010 11:01 am

    to my wonderful mom ( Sara) i love you so much you mean the world to me.i love you more than you will ever know..thank you for always being there for me and my family whenever we need you…your the best love ashley,ryder,noah

  13. luvinoki on May 9th, 2010 8:58 am

    Happy Mother’s Day to my best friend Annie Wiedel. Even though we are MILES apart, I am always thinking about you and your family. I hope you enjoy your special day today. You deserve it! Love Ya Girlie!!

  14. Angela Rowell on May 9th, 2010 8:34 am

    Happy Mother’s Day to my mom Esther Dortch from her daughter and grandchildren Sheridan, Randall & Kayleigh! We are going to miss you & dad so much when we move next month to Texas! Remember, watch the mail next Mother’s Day! We love you!

  15. Lynsey Perry on May 9th, 2010 8:30 am

    I want to wish my mom, Bonnie Perry, a happy mothers day, and I want her to know that even tho she does not have a big paragraph on here, she is still the best momma in the whole wide world! She does so much for me and my brother and we don’t tell her thank you very often. She is the kindest, sweetest and most loving momma in the whole wide world! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! WE LOVE YOU!

  16. susan on May 9th, 2010 8:29 am

    Thank you for printing the tribute to my mom. This is a wonderful idea you have. Tell your wife happy mothers day from your readers!

  17. tara on May 9th, 2010 7:48 am

    HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to my Mother, Gayle Weaver. From your grandchildren: Jami, Logan, Megan and Katherine. And from us: Tara and Randy. HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR DAY!

  18. angel on May 9th, 2010 7:27 am

    Thank you for printing my tribute to my Mom.

  19. Mark on May 9th, 2010 7:22 am

    happy mommys day mommy. i love you.

    you are my mommy. i love my mommy.


  20. Alan Bell on May 9th, 2010 7:22 am

    Mom – I love you more than words could ever describe…thanks for being so selfless and caring…you are a wondeful mom and nana…and I know you are going to be an ever better great grandmother. I love you!!

  21. T on May 9th, 2010 6:13 am

    Some Great entries

  22. Debbie on May 9th, 2010 6:07 am

    Now look what you did Little Girl,,you made me cry ! Love you too!!

  23. mel on May 9th, 2010 4:04 am

    to all the wonderful mom’s and in-laws out there,HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!!!

  24. Idris Ahmed on May 9th, 2010 3:05 am

    My mum is d best ,shes wondaful,strong, a gud advicer,religious, loving, caring, kind, jovial ,friendly, and always love helping pple wit wateva she hv. Shes blessed n i thk God 4 me 2b bless wit such a mother,shes unique, i just pray she lives longer n enjoy ,n witness more gud things.n i want 2 build a gud n nice mansion,beautiful car 4 her bcuz she dserves all d best in d world. Happy mothers day 2 all the gr8 mum in d world.they r d best we eva had.
    Special One