McDavid Woman Charged With Smuggling Drugs Into Jail

May 14, 2010

A McDavid woman has been charged with smuggling drugs into the Escambia County Jail.

walkervalene.jpgValene Alaine Walker, 24, of Highway 164, was charged with a felony count of possessing a controlled substance without a prescription and one felony count smuggling contraband into a detention facility.

According to and Escambia County Sheriff’s Office arrest report, Walker  was arrested by Deputy Mike Coburn on an outstanding grand theft warrant. An anonymous caller tipped off detention deputies at the jail that Walker was carrying narcotics in her bra. A strip search, according to the arrest report, located one Xanax pill, four Lortab pills and four Xanax bars in the suspect’s bra.

Walker was released from jail on $5,000 bond. She is due to appear in the court on May 27.


22 Responses to “McDavid Woman Charged With Smuggling Drugs Into Jail”

  1. David Huie Green on May 16th, 2010 3:30 pm

    “….went on to conveniently rationalize that certain “acts” weren’t REALLY sex, “cause the president said so…. hot dog! it must be ok, then”… doubt, the dramatic increase of certain STDs (in teenagers) can be linked back to those scandalous national news events…”

    Whereas I asked, “If it isn’t sex, why do they charge for it?”

    In all likelihood most had already heard of such services before the President redefined them for us in an attempt to get a discount or at least to explain to his loving wife why she shouldn’t be so mad at him or at least to explain why he denied such activities before a federal judge in a sexual harassment suit under laws which he had signed into law back before he thought they would apply to HIM.

    I suspect people don’t take their guidance from the President all that much, though, or they would have quit when the following two Presidents were in office.

    —-and the current leader is considerably more honest about such things since he said, “Of course I inhaled, I thought that was the point.”

    I wonder what will happen when it occurs to him he can grant blanket pardons to all convicted of drug crimes just as President Carter gave blanket amnesty to all draft dodgers. Several years back the governor of Tennessee was charged with selling pardons. To muddy the water, he wrote out thousands of pardons. Interestingly enough, Tennessee is not considered the crime capital such releases might have been expected to have resulted in.

    I don’t guess it would help on the other crimes, though.

    David thinking of discounts, drugs, pardons and repercussions

  2. JUDY MASEK on May 16th, 2010 12:20 pm

    kevin…..well, lets see….how about, posts that attempt to place the blame for the young ladys arrest on the law officers (instead of on HER poor decision making) and….our president trying to place the blame/condemnation on the state of arizona for inforcing (already in place) FEDERAL immigration laws that HE (being our leader) is suppose to be inforcing….thats your correlation………another fine example of poor leadership: president clintons infamous actions w/ monica…do you NOT think then, that a good proportion of teenagers went on to conveniently rationalize that certain “acts” werent REALLY sex, “cause the president said so…. hot dog! it must be ok, then”… doubt, the dramatic increase of certain STDs (in teenagers) can be linked back to those scandelous national news events….that being said, the actions and words of our leaders DO contribute to the shaping of Americans attitudes towards the interpretation of the rights and wrongs in our society, as well as the temptation to avoid taking responsibility for our own actions.

  3. molinojim on May 15th, 2010 9:51 pm

    dear concerned—she is 24. She was arrested on an outstanding warrant—she was not going to see some one in jail, she was not at the jail when arrested. Yes she was strip searched because some one called in a tip about her having drugs on her. It could have been another dealer or a dealer she owed and had not paid. True most drug deals are on a cash and carry basic–but some times a good customer can get a little credit. At 24 she should start getting the idea she should not carry drugs around in her bra. She is a user or dealer–not some poor girl who didn’t understand not to have drugs hid on her person.

  4. Kevin Bethea on May 15th, 2010 9:48 pm

    It doesn’t seem to matter what story William covers on here, someone always tries to turn the comments political. I can’t for the life of me see the connection between a woman being charged with introducing contraband into a detention facility, and the President of our country or the immigration laws in Arizona!

  5. CONCERNED PARENT on May 15th, 2010 4:19 pm


  6. aubrey king on May 15th, 2010 3:32 pm

    BEt this is not her first time violating the law.She knew what she was doing and would feel good if she got away with it.But poor ole me if caught.

  7. molinojim on May 15th, 2010 12:49 pm

    Hi Judy. I’m pro law enforcement—but not having seen a copy of the Arizona law I’m a little concerned about when and why the person can be ask to prove they are a legal or an American. My comment about setting up the woman who was arrested was because as you said, some folks try to find fault with every one except the person who is at fault. One person said she may have been taking the drugs to some one who was in jail—no way —she was holding and was arrested and the drugs found.

  8. JUDY MASEK on May 15th, 2010 11:30 am

    jim…youre “amazed at some of the statements here that seem to be in favor of the one who violated the law”……its a societal thing, jim … try and blame the very ones who are dedicated to inforcing the laws of our great country so that we, citizens, can enjoy an orderly and safe enviroment….but, what really ticks me off is, our “supreme” leader (obama, not God) perpetuates this perversion of societal right and wrongs by taking the lead in condeming arizona and undermining the difficult job of the law officers in that state…when he and holder do not even have a real clue as to the constitutionality of that new immigration law…disgraceful!

  9. molinojim on May 15th, 2010 10:33 am

    How do you set up the person who is being arrested on an out standing warrant for grand theft. She nor the called didn’t know when that officer was going to show up. She was arrest on another warrant and found to be holding drugs.

  10. me on May 15th, 2010 1:10 am

    to brenda—– to answer your question if i am not mistaken a bar is 2mg it is white with 4 lines marking sections half a bar would be like takeing one blue which is 1mg. so a whole bar is like takeing 2 blues and it is shaped like a bar.with that said xanax is very addictive . if used as perscribed it helps with anxiety and to help you sleep i mean good sleep for those who have trouble staying asleep. I myself have been takeing “as perscribed” xanax’s for about a year and it does help me with some issues i have. and for those of you ready to bash someone for takeing perscritions like these dont be so quick to condem people . Just because you dont feel we should take them doesnt give you the right to judge. with that said people should not take meds of any kind that is not perscribed to them . those who do have dr orders need to be monitored . it is easy for some to justify abuseing them as a way to escape thier problems.

  11. Brenda on May 14th, 2010 11:51 pm

    “four Xanax bars in the suspect’s bra”

    I’m still wondering what this is. I’m a medical transcriptionist, and I have never heard of a “Xanax bar.”

  12. Erin, got a problem with it? oh well. =) on May 14th, 2010 9:31 pm

    Maybe she should have took those pills herself, she doesn’t look very cheery.

  13. really sad on May 14th, 2010 8:12 pm

    my first take on this was she is probably in love with some loser in jail
    and taking him stuff he asked for…now she is the loser in jail.

    no one set her up, she stuffed her own bra white punk.

  14. David Huie Green on May 14th, 2010 2:27 pm

    “she as an adult knew it was wrong.”

    Don’t be so quick to judge knowledge of right and wrong. Some only know “caught” and “got away with”

    David with interesting relatives

  15. Jim on May 14th, 2010 1:24 pm

    It amazes me that some of the statements here seem to be in favor of the one who violated the law. What is happening to our society? She was not set up, how could she be? She knowingly took the contraband on to and in the jail she as an adult knew it was wrong. When are we going to stop making excueses for things like this and get back to good morals and standards? We have unfortunately a portion of our society who has become dependent on drugs and have no values left. It truly is a sad state of affairs.

  16. Not forgiving on May 14th, 2010 12:18 pm

    It has come to a point when a person has done wrong that our first instincts are to point the finger at someone else. THis country has created laws for a reason and it is not to teach people to point the blame somewhere else. They were formed to protect the innocent and to punish the guilty. If this girl had drugs in her bra then she needs to be punished. Hopefully this will educate her and others that you cannot break the law and that there will not be any repercussions for those actions. Society has come to the point where someone else is at fault for anything they do.
    How does this help anyone to become better people and learn the difference between right and wrong.

  17. whitepunknotondope on May 14th, 2010 8:38 am

    “how would you say that someone set this woman up?”

    It’s conjecture on my part. Just smells fishy that’s all.

  18. woweee on May 14th, 2010 8:30 am

    How stupid can one be. She gave away her freedom for someone else who has lost theirs.

  19. Angi on May 14th, 2010 7:36 am

    @■whitepunknotondope, how would you say that someone set this woman up? She chose to do this herself, I don’t believe no one was breaking her arm making her take thiese drugs into the jail. May she get what she deserves come court day and not just a blow off slap on the wrist!

  20. whitepunknotondope on May 14th, 2010 6:42 am

    Sounds like someone set her up big time! Justice will be dispensed on the caller outside the realm of the law.

  21. been there on May 14th, 2010 5:31 am

    STUPID…..the law wins again…..get em’

  22. David Huie Green on May 14th, 2010 2:07 am

    my cousin looks unhappy