McDavid Man Sentenced To Two Years In Prison

May 20, 2010

A McDavid man will spend two years in  prison after being busted at an area fishing spot last year with drugs, drug paraphernalia and the feet of an owl.

giddinschadandrew.jpgChad Andrew Giddins, 33, of Christian Home Road, McDavid, has been sentenced  to 24 months in state prison after being found guilty on charges of possession of a controlled substance, possession of a listed chemical and manufacturing methamphetamine. He was also found guilty of  possession of drug paraphernalia and sentenced to time served.

Charges of possession of less than 20 grams of marijuana and possession of migratory bird parts were dropped by the state.

According to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, Giddins was fishing at Bogia Landing last September with another man, John Wesley Brooks, 34, of Black Road, McDavid.

When the two men headed back to their trucks, a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission officer at the fishing spot noticed a glass smoking pipe, according to the arrest report.

The Fish and Wildlife officer recovered the pipe after Brooks placed it on the ground, and it appeared to have a drug residue on it. The arrest report says that two large knives and a bag of methamphetamine were recovered from Brooks.

The officer then noticed two owl feet on the dash of Giddins’ truck. Giddins, according to the arrest report, said that he killed the owl after it killed his chickens. A search of Giddins’ truck uncovered bottles and tubing with meth residue, other items often used in the production of methamphetamine, and marijuana seeds, according to the arrest report.

Giddins is currently being held in the Escambia County Jail.

Brooks was sentenced earlier this year to 24 months probation after adjudication was withheld on a charge of  possession of a controlled substance and a concurrent 12 months on a charge of possession of  drug paraphernalia.


17 Responses to “McDavid Man Sentenced To Two Years In Prison”

  1. out of step on May 24th, 2010 5:48 pm

    I really feel bad for these families. I’ ve known Chad and his family over forty years. Chad only 33 of course. They are some of the best friends you could ask for. Even now Chad would help you if he could if he knew you were in need. The only person he seem to disrespect is Chad. I don’t know why. This is the case we so many on our young people. I don’t have he answer or words to help him. There’s been taught and I doly say has heard the right and wrongs of life. I hope he will get treatment to satisfy hisself that he is worth saving. Good Luck Chad. Seek GOD son. We will be praying for his parents also.

  2. Juggalo on May 24th, 2010 12:05 pm

    You all complain too much. These men messed up and are paying their dues. The end. If they arent of your family then dont worry about it. Get a life and then die. Sorry but ignorance and belligerance is the biggest problem in this country not drugs and crime.

  3. Big B little ill on May 24th, 2010 11:51 am

    Just let the go. After all in Washinton illegal is not illegal any more, just as Clinton did not have sex with that woman. What’s the point of it all.

  4. hey on May 22nd, 2010 10:10 pm

    First of all the one who got probation did not have multiple charges over th past years like the other one did.and for your info he is straight and instead of haveing no faith you should be praying for this young man and others. And people smoke cigerettes age and get cancer and stink with smoke stinch smell and they continue to smoke see drugs SEEM to solve issues for the user like alcohol mellows some people out helps to relax they say cigerettes can calm someone down that is upset well meth is no different than all the other drugs out there it serves its purpose also it is just easier to get for it seems one gets introuble and another starts. As long as some people long for that unhealthy and quick fix there will be druggies. As far as the law officials go- do your job yourself stop allowing druggies to continue to use and rat on the other to keep out of trouble for they need help too think of the damage they are causing all around them what about their bust them kids at home and left in the home no official steps into help them. People these things are happening all around us. Sorry to rant on and on

  5. Springfever on May 21st, 2010 3:57 pm

    2 years…he should have gotten a stiffer sentence, imo.

  6. geezzzz on May 21st, 2010 11:36 am

    Oh and if this guy was my son or brother, i would have knocked the
    crap out of him and locked him in a room till he was clean.

    It’s bleeding hearts who have caudled this guy.

  7. geezzzz on May 21st, 2010 11:33 am

    white punk, you quack me up…

    guess who— if your a friend of this person, we’re sorry, but this guy
    was a problem in our society and it’s hard telling how many crimes
    on drugs he has actually committed, and WE have every right to
    dislike that he is our burden now to pay for.

    If you don’t like what you read in here, stop reading.

  8. guess who on May 21st, 2010 8:34 am

    To Molino Libertarian: Again, did you go to his court hearing? I didn’t think so! So, you can form your own opinion however you choose, but like I said, the Media only will print what they think will sell a newspaper or interest people like yourself in order to start a bunch of nonsense comments!!!!!!

  9. Molino Libertarian on May 20th, 2010 7:35 pm

    Guess Who, would you like to shred the entire Bill of Rights, or just the sections that you don’t agree with? Feel free to stop reading comments if they upset you. These men where found guilty of the crimes they were charged with.

    Guess Who said, “I think the community should leave these people alone and not be aloud to comment on these websites.”

  10. hunter on May 20th, 2010 4:48 pm

    What could the other side have to tell? These guys were framed? Its not there first time being arrested. I have close kin that is affected by this drug, and friends I grew up with. I messed up early in life, payed my small debt to society, and realized, I wasnt that person. If I hadnt had to pay my debt where would I be? All who break the law should pay, regardless of how the judge feels. Quit babying the criminals they have been babied too long. Thats the reason they are where they are now.

  11. guess who on May 20th, 2010 3:00 pm

    I think the community should leave these people alone and not be aloud to comment on these websites. You only know what the media has told, but not the entire story. How many of you appeared at these guys hearing or actually even know them. Everyone has skeletons in their closet. The only difference is, some haven’t gotten caught yet. These people are humans and myself having a family member (a minor at that) harrassed by the public due to what the media wants you to know and not printing the entire truth, in my opinion alone should be against the law, but let’s face it, who wants to read the complete truth-there is two sides to every story. How would you feel if this was you or your family member being drug through the mud & talked about? You all should think about that!!!!!!!

  12. mph on May 20th, 2010 12:40 pm

    Two more outstanding members of our community. The one going to prison will come out meaner and smarter and the one on probation will soon violate and go on down the road with his friend. Parents – WAKE UP – these kind of people are the ones who will probably provide drugs to your kids in the future. Demand more of our public officials and wach your children carefully for any sign of drug abuse. People like these need to be publically shunned but as long as we as a society idolize Hollywood types that are common criminals this problem will persist.

  13. Terri Sanders on May 20th, 2010 9:02 am

    On the same page this morning here…drug user gets 2 years another guy who was arrested 10 times in less than a year including a couple of charges that included lrwd behavior with minors and he gets out time and time again with no consequences. Racial profiling maybe??HA! look up the judes,vote them out…the judicial system is neither just or fair! He is not competant enough to know when his pants are down? Give me a break!

  14. T on May 20th, 2010 8:06 am

    The system never ceases to confuse me.
    “One guy” “”A”" got 7 “SEVEN” years….and he only had the items
    (in his car) used to make meth, NOT the actual drug itself.
    He got 7 years! Now… you got these thugs, who by the way WILL offend again, one gets 2 years, and the other gets 2 years probation???
    Thier friends best watch thier backs because you know these two are doing ALOT of talking……….
    How does this happen?
    Just like the case in Walnut hill, the couple, who got caught TWICE, with thier kids living in the middle of it, and they got NOTHING but a slap on the hand.
    I have so many times heard “punishment depends on Judges mood” and sometimes I often wonder if that is true.
    How can one offender get 7 years, one gets NOTHING, one gets probation, one gets 1 year??????
    Meth has become so common, being sold more openly, you can ride by the local bar’s and have plenty of access to it.
    and by the way, it really doesn’t take law enforcement to guess who is using meth, just take a look at the face and arms of the meth users around here, the sores, the rotten teeth, the tics, age progression ……looking at a “30″ year old that looks 60 with the sunken in cheeks, a very sad sight, and I often wonder if the meth users overlook, or choose NOT to see the consequences, the sores on thier body, the rotten teeth, do they just not look at what is happening to them, hoping that others don’t see it too?
    Sad, Sad, Sad…..because it results in many, many, children being abused, neglected, and living in filth because of this drug.

  15. whitepunknotondope on May 20th, 2010 7:58 am

    Ah, the old methamphetamine and owl feet connection again!

    What really bothers me though is that hair style….

  16. Bob on May 20th, 2010 7:56 am

    I think when one is sentenced to prison for drug use, part of the sentence should be for them to have a picture of themselves before and after the use of drugs inside their cell block to see every day. It is so sad what drugs are doing to our society and yet the magnitude of this problem is in no way going to ever be corrected. Drug users are a pathetic sight.

  17. really sad on May 20th, 2010 6:57 am

    2 years for one
    and 24 month probation for the other, on meth charges, drug charges and
    killing a migratory bird.

    geez … guess this judge doesn’t take drugs and killing things that aren’t
    suppose to be killed v ery seriously.
    No wonder there is such a drug problem in escambia.

    When you read these things it all makes sense.

    Thats probably why so many don’t work in escambia so.
    It’s pretty hard for drug addicts with a record to get jobs

    Thanks a lot judge for your fine job,
    Next time we see this guy he will be a convicted druggie felon
    with a gun and no sense..