Mattie Smith Retires After 16 Years At Century Care Center

May 18, 2010


Century Care Center employee Mattie Smith has retired after 16-years of dedicated service at Century Care Care Center. Smith was hired before Century Care Center had patients, helping to move in the furniture. Smith, who many at CCC consider a mother-figure, was honored with a gold plaque and gold watch. Pictured above and below: Century Care Center Administrator Don Ripley and Mattie Smith. Submitted photos by Beth Whatley for, click to enlarge.



4 Responses to “Mattie Smith Retires After 16 Years At Century Care Center”

  1. Elaine Bray on May 19th, 2010 8:42 pm

    Congratulations Ms. Mattie on your retirement. You will be missed by all the patients, their families, and the faculty with your sweet smile. Thanks for all the help you have given to Mom and the other residents. Enjoy your leisurely time.
    God Bless

  2. Jim on May 18th, 2010 11:53 pm

    Century Care Center is a class act with quality care, I know first hand. Mom spent her last days there and her care was all that we could ask for.

  3. aubrey king on May 18th, 2010 2:26 pm

    Happy retirement.It takes special people to do care giving.God bless you

  4. Angi on May 18th, 2010 8:13 am

    Congratulations Mrs. Smith on your retirement, For 16 years you have put in with all of these people in CCC, giving them the love and care that they needed; thanks for all you have done with them all and all of your dedication. I’m sure you will probably find yourself going back to visit the residents there from time to time… Now, get out and do some things for yourself and have fun…