Looking For A Yard Sale? Try Our Classifieds

May 8, 2010

If you are looking for a yard sale on this Saturday, check out the NorthEscambia.com classifieds.

There are about a dozen yard sales listed in our classifieds today, plus lots of items for sale, vehicles, real estate, jobs and more. NorthEscambia.com classifieds are free for individuals, just email your listing to news@northescambia.com

To visit our classified page, click here or click “Free Classifieds” in the light gray menu bar near the top of the page.


One Response to “Looking For A Yard Sale? Try Our Classifieds”

  1. Erin, got a problem with it? oh well. =) on May 8th, 2010 10:12 am

    If your out yard sale hopping today, be sure to stop by 4921 Camp Road (off of Bratt Rd.) between 9 and 3. Baby clothes, bibs, socks, hats, mittens, $2 and under. Bottle warmer, wipe warmer, headrest, baby sling/carrier, all $10 and under. Plus a few other assorted goodies that aren’t baby related, also $10 and under.