Gulf Power May Help With Oil Cleanup

May 3, 2010

Gulf Power Company is organizing employees to help with any coastal cleanup operations should an oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico reach area beaches.

“We have offered our services to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Escambia County if they need workers,” Sandy Sims, Public Affairs manager said.

Gulf Power has almost 800 employees in the area and the company could also call on additional resources from sister companies in Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia.

“With our experience in dealing with hurricanes, we know how to organize large-scale emergency operations, how to respond quickly and how to mobilize large numbers of people to get the job done,” Sims said. “We are willing to offer any and all of that expertise to help in this situation.”

The electric utility also has floating booms available if needed to capture surface oil. The company maintains a supply of these booms at their power plants where barges are unloaded.

“If the state and counties need us to walk the beaches and help clean up, we’re willing to roll up our pant legs and go to work,” said Sims.


3 Responses to “Gulf Power May Help With Oil Cleanup”

  1. Walter on May 4th, 2010 9:34 pm

    Might be an idea.They are certainly efficient at making your bill go up large scale.

  2. Jana on May 4th, 2010 2:47 pm

    I think we can use all the help we can get at this point. :(

  3. AL on May 3rd, 2010 1:00 pm

    thumbs up!