Former Atmore Cop Arrested For Fake Pain Pill Prescriptions In Century

May 1, 2010

A former Atmore Police Department officer was arrested Friday afternoon in Escambia County, Fla., charged with prescription fraud at a pharmacy in Century. Meanwhile, Atmore Police said their former officer is under investigation by the Alabama Bureau of Investigation.

freemanronald.jpgRonald Sanford Freeman, 23, of Flomaton is charged with two felony counts of obtaining a controlled substance by fraud. He was released from the Escambia County Jail on $5,000 bond.

According to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office incident report, Freeman made an arrangement with a doctor’s office employee, Ashley Megan Nall, 24, of Atmore,  to call-in prescriptions for pain medication to area pharmacies. Freeman would then pick up the filled prescriptions and split the pills evenly with Nall.  Nall was employed by Dr. Francis Salter of Atmore, and she is Salter’s granddaughter, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

Two such prescriptions were called in to the Century Pharmacy and filled on February 5 and March 5. Both were in Ronald Freeman’s name, and both were for 90 Lortab pills, according to the ECSO report. When Century Pharmacy received another call-in prescription on April 19 for 90 Lortabs and 20 Keflex, they became suspicious and called Dr. Salter to verify that she had issued the prescription. When Dr. Salter said that she did not issue the prescriptions and that Freeman was not her patient, the sheriff’s department was contacted.

When deputies contacted Dr. Salter, she said “she made contact with her granddaughter and told her that she was fired and further indicated that she also contacted the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) in reference to some matter concerning her license.”

When interviewed by Escambia County (Fla.) deputies, Nall admitted that she had called in about eight fraudulent  prescriptions for Freeman to Walgreens in Atmore, Flomaton Pharmacy and Century Pharmacy for 90 Lortab pills and 20 Keflex. Nall said the two came up with the 50-50 split phony pain pill scheme about four months ago. She said she had known Freeman since high school and as an officer for the Atmore Police Department.

Freeman told Escambia deputies that he saw Dr. Salter one time in October 2009 for a back injury, and that is when he made the deal with Nall. He admitted, according to the police report, that he knew the prescriptions were fraudulent.

According to the Escambia County (Fla.) Sheriff’s Office report, Atmore Police Chief Jason Dean was notified of the investigation on April 19. “Chief Dean indicated that he would be taking administrative action against him (Freeman), pending the outcome of our investigation”.

Dean said Friday afternoon, following Freeman’s arrest, that Freeman had “resigned for personal reasons” and was no longer an Atmore police officer. Dean said that the Alabama Bureau of Investigation was investigating any alleged incidents in Alabama involving Freeman. He declined to comment on that investigation.

As of Friday, any alleged involvement by Nall in the incident was still under investigation in both Florida and Alabama.  She had not been charged in connection with the case as of Friday afternoon.


84 Responses to “Former Atmore Cop Arrested For Fake Pain Pill Prescriptions In Century”

  1. Luke on May 24th, 2010 3:03 pm

    Well, not much to say that has not already been said.. but, I’m bored.. so I’ll try.

    @Kim, Marcia, Ron, and Family:
    Everyone else here is bored too, ignore them, the issue isn’t Ron — they don’t know Ron. Notice that everyone here who knows Ron is taking up for him, so its obvious that this issue is not even about him.

    @David Green:
    Excellent points, but its the wrong context. I have not seen anyone here saying that anyone should be acquitted of any crimes or automatically reinstated as officers. The point [we] supporters are trying to make is that although this is bad, and punishment should ensue, Ron should not be condemned as a person. His acts were against the law, but not intentionally against the people. So, let the legal hammer fall where it should, but then rally behind him so that he may leave the situation feeling the support that his attitude and prior life actions have warranted. Support and love, rather than scorn, promote love and support universally.

    @All other protesters:
    Most of the people here do not bother to fully formulate a thought. Spend an extra five minutes on your post please, uneducated remarks couldn’t possibly help anything. Try proofreading.

    “who thinks like that!”

    Is that a question? If so, then “me!”. But, I do agree that a law is a law, even if I think its a stupid law. I dislike most laws, just on principal, and by extension I generally dislike most cops too — because they enforce the laws I think are stupid. Putting that aside, I did not excuse his actions legally, but rather socially (somewhat). In social terms the crime is very minor — he did not rape, murder, or burn anything down… its a relatively small offense and it should not erase ALL of his good deeds in life. Help the man up and let’s move on.

  2. an old friend on May 16th, 2010 12:17 pm

    I use to be good friends with Ron, but i got married and pregnant so i quit hanging out with them!!! But ron was a good guy…and yes i understand he was a cop but look at people higher up they have done worse things!!!! so quit criticizing!! no body is perfect!!! and as far as i can see it took a real man to turn his self in!!! and ron had a little girl and i’m pretty sure she doesn’t want people to run their mouths about her daddy!!! so for ron and his whole family’s sake leave them alone!!!! Ron i will pray for you and i will always consider you a good friend!!!! God bless you and i hope you make it through this!!!!! let god guide you he will get you where you need to be!!!! Lots of love, sam!!!

  3. let'sgohunting on May 6th, 2010 10:56 am

    Little Ron is a good guy. Good guys do bad things, and bad things happen to good people. I’ve know this family for a very long time. So leave them alone and let all of them heal. He is human, and puts his pants on one leg at a time like everyone else.

  4. annabell on May 6th, 2010 7:55 am

    Anonymous on May 5th, 2010 2:43 pm If it walks like a duck….quacks like a duck….then it must be a ???
    The animal patrol is looking for you. You need a rabies shot. Get lost. Out of here. SHew, Shew, Shew little critter. Don’t know the situation, don’t know the person so don’t comment.

  5. Anonymous on May 5th, 2010 2:43 pm

    If it walks like a duck….quacks like a duck….then it must be a ???

  6. Former police of ALabama on May 5th, 2010 12:46 pm

    If you can read this all started in Feb. not 2 years ago. What give you the right to say he is a drug head. He protected you and your family wand was a durn good cop. Ask anyone who knew him or worked with him. You act like he has been doing this for years. Shut up and pay attention I worked with him personally and his was always at his best and that means when he was on duty he give 100% of his abilities to the department and the public. What he did on his off time I don’t know. But make it out like he was a drug head. That not even fair. He is and will always be a great person. I worked with him. And hay everone pay taxes so don’t throw that comment this way. Do it mean when I pay taxes I am paying my own salary? This man did his job to protect and serve the public, yes he got caught up in a bad desicion making process, but dont hang him on this. He deserves a chance to prove himself. And he will. Hay he is just human. Could happen to anyone and don’t even say it will not.

  7. Former police of ALabama on May 5th, 2010 10:27 am

    please close this posting. Things have got out of hand. THis family needs closure. The healing process is under way. To the Freeman family, I know you all are good people. Keep your heads up and faith is all you need.

  8. Anonymous on May 5th, 2010 9:50 am

    I agree…we have the right to freedom of speech. If it wasn’t a family member then you would be just like the rest of us. Im not bashing….Im concerned and to be honest afraid. Im afraid to know that people like this are out there and hold theses type of positions. I mean he was sworn in to protect us, our city, our children, and our property. How can you arrest someone for drugs or other crimes when you are high yourself. I know that people make mistakes but someone of such great character should have admitted his mistakes long ago and got some help for it. I believe that it is my business because I spend money in the city of Atmore and pay my taxes therefore I pay his salary and I have every right to know what my employees are up too. Im sorry for the family because unfortunately addiction affects everyone. Pain killer addiction is a big problem in our state. Most people dont know that we are one of the top states in the country for “pill” addiction.

  9. Jill on May 5th, 2010 8:53 am

    Thank you for reporting this story.
    We have every right to know what’s happening in our surrounding area’s. Thanks to Century Pharmacy for paying attention to what is going on at their pharmacy and catching on to this…… The people at Century Pharmacy are good people. Atmore Police Depart ment a Police Officer let you down but it doesn’t mean you all are bad cops.

    People here on this forum have just as many rights to speak out and give an opinion. No one here has got out of line or William would not let them post.

  10. tell them on May 5th, 2010 12:03 am

    you tell them Jacks Wife……Everthing you said is so true…..

  11. really sad on May 4th, 2010 8:41 pm

    as for this not being any of our business, I beg to disagree. This man was
    on our payroll at the time he committed these crimes.

    Also, he is not exempt because he is your son or brother and you feel
    he is a great guy. Why don’t you just stop reading this forum then it
    won’t hurt so much. You have your son or brother to thank for this mess,
    stop taking your rage out on us, we did nothing except be shocked that
    someone who took an oath to us and set himself apart from us as a good
    man who would protect and serve and he turned out to be having a conspiracy
    to steal drugs, get high, forge signatures, and possibly sell drugs and god knows
    what else.
    We have a right to be shocked and even angry. This is the same guy who
    probably admonished some of us for going 11 miles over the speed limit
    on the highway and giving us a ticket, while he went what speed himself
    high on drugs down what streets in the name of the law.

    Now stop reading this thing.

  12. kim rons other bigsis on May 4th, 2010 5:34 pm

    ok people please listen carefully…my family and i have had more than enough of this…it is embarrisin enough without all the harsh comments.. I am askin u with tears rollin down my face that unless u r a judge or God..please please stay out of it..he is my brother and i will defend him completely till the day i die..why attack my whole famiky?!?! It is pethetic and uncalled for..please unless u have something that my family would like to hear dont speak on here..ill b so glad when this is off here it has really got out of hand..people please think before u speak…u r not only hurtin ron but his family too and im not impressed with it at family is great and would never attack one of u..why do it to them..enough is enough!!!!!

  13. David Huie Green on May 4th, 2010 5:28 pm

    “as for David Huie Green(were any of the pills he illegally obtained for pain or were they all for sale to others?) Did the article say he was selling? NO NO NO NO NO thats how gossip get started.”

    No they weren’t for pain or no they weren’t for sale or no to both? And I’m not just asking about his half of the drugs. Surely they came up with the scheme for some reason.

    I don’t want to start any rumors; that’s why I’ve never once mentioned his name.

    In fact I have even come out in favor of letting him buy all the dope he wants or needs in which case what he reportedly did would not even be against the law. Regardless, the duo came up with the scheme for SOME reason. I just wondered what the reason was.

    I am being completely nonjudgmental, as usual.

    “So please quit wondering unless you are doing the same thing. Get a life and leave this family alone.”

    What kind of life do you suggest?

    Once I have the answers, I can wonder about other things.

    And I’m sure SOME are considering going into the business–assuming it is a business, which may not be correct but I can’t know until the answers are provided. If it WERE a business, people would have to wonder how lucrative it is for a person to risk so much to go into it–especially KNOWING you ARE going to be caught at some time or else thinking all other law enforcement is too incompetent to ever catch on.

    David considering a new life in the drug trade

  14. Former police of ALabama on May 4th, 2010 3:19 pm

    I think that cuz chris is just very caring for his cousin. I do understand the comments he made he done with a caring heart. This must be a strong family for them to be sticking up for him like that. A close family is a stong family is a good family, and has alot of love toward each other. Ron I under stand you have committed a crime and like a true man you have confessed. Please continue to get help, and as for David Huie Green(were any of the pills he illegally obtained for pain or were they all for sale to others?) Did the article say he was selling? NO NO NO NO NO thats how gossip get started. So please quit wondering unless you are doing the same thing. Get a life and leave this family alone.

  15. David Huie Green on May 4th, 2010 2:23 pm

    “Temptation is not sin –”

    Well put.

    “….ya all just need to shut it unless you have a good comment to say cause really who asked you to give negative comments i mean is your life just so pathetic that you have to just have to sit around and slander people you don’t know ….”

    You do realize you are bad-mouthing people for bad-mouthing people, don’t you?

    And if only “good” comments are allowed and no “negative comments”, wouldn’t that mean what you wrote is not to be done because you’re getting all negative on them?

    And is it REALLY slander if people are saying a crime which a person supposedly confessed to is a crime and is wrong? To my limited intellect that makes as much sense as saying, “He intentionally broke a bunch of laws over a long period of time but he owned up to it and I sure am proud of everything he has done because he did it like a man.”

    I’m sure he’s a wonderful human being, the salt of the earth but why fault people for saying wrong is wrong?

    While we’re on the subject and since you know him so well, were any of the pills he illegally obtained for pain or were they all for sale to others? Again, I’m not condemning since he is such a wonderful person, I’m just wondering.

    David the curious

  16. A Watchman on May 4th, 2010 11:21 am

    It is very frustrating when God’s word is used to validate excuses! There seems to be two basic kinds of people or human conditions, Good and Evil – as forces in the world. There are some who are “Chronically Good” and some who are “Chronically Evil” but to further confuse us mere mortals are the good-who-“back-slide” and the bad-who-have-a-little-bit-of-good-in-‘em. Now, also introduce those who have never heard about good and evil – how can you blame someone for acting bad who has never been told that bad exists?

    Still there are consequences. To those who would chose to only remember the passages of the Bible on the opportunities when we need an authoritative excuse to prop up a poor argument or to make THE point WE want to defend or condemn (our choice), I say; What about the large content of the Bible that speaks to “Consequences” of one’s actions. Did not the one who tried to steady the Ark of the Covenant to keep it from falling, die for doing what most of us would think was a good thing because it was commanded by God that NO ONE TOUCH THE ARK without suffering a consequence of death. There were consequences to disobeying God; some consequences are fatal and some consequences are not.

    A person can be a GOOD PERSON with good intentions and still must suffer the consequences of their choices and actions – even Moses was not allowed even to enter the Promised Land because he disobeyed God. How many “good” people do we condemn? People who are not really “evil”, and yet HOW do we determine those who ARE evil? What do we do with the “EVIL” ones and what do we do with the “GOOD” ones after the consequences of the “LAW”?

    It seems we MUST JUDGE whether or not a person is EVIL – but is the person EVIL or are they temporarily possessed by a demon that can be dealt with, and we must recognize that consequences are still there and not to be excused – because we are all given CHOICES. Temptation is not sin –

  17. chris caraway on May 4th, 2010 10:55 am

    i am telling ya some of you people need to just get a life ant stop talking about people it has become pure stupidity that someone could talk about someone they don’t even know or have the slightest idea of who they really are or what they really did wrong ya all just need to shut it unless you have a good comment to say cause really who asked you to give negative comments i mean is your life just so pathetic that you have to just have to sit around and slander people you don’t know come on now get a life and stay out of ours because i know we didn’t ask you for for comment …………now thank you and may god bless you ……………….later lil ron hang in there ya cuz chris

  18. Sherry Caraway on May 4th, 2010 8:01 am

    goose and gander go cluck some where else………..

  19. 911Dispatch on May 4th, 2010 5:24 am

    I know Ron and he IS a good person. Good people do make mistakes. He made a mistake. He was a damn good Police Officer and helped everyone he could. So, if you don’t know someone – you shouldn’t make assumptions about them. He has an excellent family and WILL get through this, regardless. It’s a shame some of the authors of the negative comments don’t know Ron, trust me, you’re missing out on knowing a great person.

  20. GooseNGander on May 3rd, 2010 11:31 pm

    Kudos to the Esc Cty Sheriff’s Dept of Florida, but what is going on with Atmore and Esc cty Alabama? Wonder why there has been no arrest of Ashley? Why are there not more charges against the former policeman since so many fraudulent prescriptions called in at several pharmacies?
    Sure makes one wonder, isn’t what’s good for the goose also good for the gander?

  21. sara on May 3rd, 2010 6:57 pm

    it does not matter how many sherrys there is on here.she is telling the truth thank you sherry on may 3.2010

  22. nick on May 3rd, 2010 6:55 pm

    he makes ALL of us cops look bad!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Sherry Caraway on May 3rd, 2010 3:58 pm

    Too many Sherry’s on here. Aunt Sherry or Sherry Caraway is family. sherry on May 3rd, 2010 3:43 pm is not a family member.

  24. sherry on May 3rd, 2010 3:43 pm

    to rons big sis you said she should by punished to the fullest extent of the law what about ron he WAS in it just as much as her he should get in more trouble because he is a cop someone the town looks up to…what a shame

  25. Sherry Caraway on May 3rd, 2010 2:00 pm

    Yes thats my name. Yes he is my nephew. Yes his family believes in him very much. Ron you have alot of support around you, just reach out and take it. Everyone makes mistakes in their life time, so don’t sit idle, you are in the home stretch now. You have started the healing process. Yes it takes a man to admit he is wrong. Ron you are the man. Hugs and kisses. I love and support you 100%

    Aunt Sherry

  26. David Huie Green on May 3rd, 2010 1:56 pm

    “…and i saw one i did not agree with the get out of jail free crap, come on dude grow up it was a mistake …”

    Let me walk you through the concept: Everybody who is accused of a crime is entitled to a fair trial.

    Part of a fair trial is the expectation that those accusing you are trustworthy.

    If a person were convicted based on testimony or chain of evidence issues involving a person known to do illegal or dishonest things, he did not get a fair trial. What is more, it will likely no longer be possible to prosecute for the same crime due to prohibitions on double jeopardy, although I won’t swear to that fact.

    This is why I say if there are any whose charges and/or convictions were associated with him in any way, they can challenge their convictions and will likely have them thrown out, even if he only had a small part in the trial.

    Unfair? Maybe but also unfair not to do it.

    You don’t expect a doctor to be a good brick-layer but you have a higher expectation regarding his doctoring. you don’t expect the police to be good doctors but you do have a higher expectation regarding their trustworthiness in legal matters.

    Still disagree? If so, why?

    David explaining, not condemning, but wondering

  27. Anonymous on May 3rd, 2010 1:08 pm

    Just wanna say that Im proud of The Century Pharmacy for catching on to this. It doesn’t matter if your a cop or nurse the rules still apply to you and justice should served. I think this will open a lot of eyes to the fact that there are probably more out there that havent got caught “yet”. Its sad but there have been rumors of corruption in the APD for a long time.

  28. Bill on May 3rd, 2010 1:01 pm

    Funny, “rons bigsis” states (1:08 am) below he had applied for a job in March and was leaving the force x choice last week. So, to all those he “manned up” and took the blame and resigned because of this incident, get real. He is the worst type of offender, a public officer sworn to uphold the law and protect you, your family, and the community. He had an established drug distribution circuit going , with help from another, and should be punished as would be any other. Cause from an accident, pain killer addiction, and all other excuses are simply that. This appears to be done for profit, distribution, not personal use and excuses. I do believe in rehabilitation, but stop making excuses for the common criminal.

  29. Sgaron Freeman on May 3rd, 2010 12:47 pm

    “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone”"

    My son, I Love you more than words. From a premature baby to a good man, you have grown and shown more love to most people than anyone will ever know. You are a good person, a loving father and a trusted friend. Let everyone know that youare a man and are taking the necessary steps to recover from this tragedy. Your family loves you……

  30. curtis on May 3rd, 2010 11:38 am

    Well 1st of all i dont like commenting on stuff like this but looking at all the comments and i saw one i did not agree with the get out of jail free crap, come on dude grow up it was a mistake that he will have to pay for just like all the others it cost him his job,his reputation and me knowing the escambia county area like i do most people will turn there back on him except his family and true friends so shut up about that get out of jail free crap its not gonna happen. Ron i dont agree with what you and that girl did but however I will not judge you its not my place but i will support u in get n help and being there for your family ron let this be the wake up call and get the help that you need man . I will pray for u. And for the people bashing my great friend please stop and think before u judge him now i know thats a hard thing to do but just think if it happend to u what would you do help support him. ron is a great guy with a big heart that need help. Help him stop the gossip that is one of the biggest reasons some people left the town of flomaton bc of the gossip people would be the greatest friend u ever had untill something happens and you are in pain and need someone. help ron before its too late for him. RON WE WILL PRAY FOR YOU hang in there man and just let the positve comments help u through this and you give me a call if you need anything.

  31. cindy covan!!! on May 3rd, 2010 8:38 am

    Ron I just want u 2 know u will get through this and you have great family and frieds who will stand behind you 100 % of tha way when something went wrong I needed help called people no one came 2 help but when I would call ron he would come no matter what!!! That’s a good friend!!! Hang in there ron people around here are gonna talk there crap keep ur head up cause most need 2 sweep there own doorsteps before they run there mouth!!! We love ya very much!!

  32. NDNMAN on May 3rd, 2010 8:37 am


  33. Robert on May 3rd, 2010 7:47 am

    I think it’s odd when people we call scumbags get arrested for this same offense, we say they are lawbreaking heathens who deserve that maximum punishment available by the law but when a nice guy does the same thing we should feel his pain and have mercy on him. Why can’t we have mercy on the scumbags who also were in pain and need our compassion too? Most all prescription pill problems start with a legitimate injury. Then the patient becomes dependent on the pills because they work. It doesn’t matter if you’re a lower class citizen or the nicest guy in town, they both end up in the same situation. I sure as heck don’t have an answer to this dilema but I feel getting wrapped up in the “system” because of substance problems does NOT remedy this situation. You end up on probation because you are in physical pain, then violate probation because you are still in pain and finally when you get down with all the legal stuff you are still in pain,, nothing has been solved. You need help not punishment.

  34. tell them on May 3rd, 2010 6:42 am


  35. l.e.o. on May 3rd, 2010 1:09 am

    Ron, man hate to hear that this hapened to you, i enjoyed working with you and we all knew that you were hurt doing your job, wish that was a factor everyone knew,but instead they are talking about you. you will pull thru this man, it was a great honor working in the same county with you, and i hope they see that you didnt mean for this to happen. i know from talking to you when i seen you that you hurt and i told you that you needed to tell someone and try and fix it. if you didnt do this the way it says and i dont beleve you did then you will get thru this man. god bless, and your in my prayers

  36. corncerned citizen on May 2nd, 2010 11:39 pm

    Not a lot to say just why do people think because you are an officer of the law you are immuned to doing anything wrong? I am aware that they are suppose to be an example for the rest of us, but they are human like the rest of us and they do things they shouldn’t

  37. David Huie Green on May 2nd, 2010 11:03 pm

    “He didn’t even steal the pills… he was only hurting himself… so its really none of our business in the first place.”

    Who will guard the guardian?

    When a law enforcement officer gets caught up in illegal activities, he hurts more than just himself. All his testimony in any case becomes suspect. Thus, even if he never did anything else wrong, convicted criminals now have a GET OUT OF JAIL FREE card if he were involved in their conviction.

    He sets the example for others to follow. “Why should I follow the law when HE doesn’t?” will be asked by people who know of him and what he did. Respect for law in general is reduced.

    Even if he had not been caught, he set himself up for extortion by any who knew. “If you don’t let me go, I’ll turn you in.”

    When caught, and he should have known he was going to be caught eventually, there is the damage to his family and friends and the cost of his punishment and the danger he may face if placed in general prison population. As members of society, it costs all of us. No matter what we think, we are involved in it.

    He’s caught in the judicial machine now and will go where it takes him. It cost his freedom and his reputation. This is a bad thing.

    If the law enforcement officers won’t obey the laws regarding illegal prescription drugs, what hope do the rest have? A law which is not enforced or enforceable is a bad law. The solutions are simple: Enforce the laws or revoke the laws.

    I favor revoking the laws and simply requiring anyone getting drugs sign a statement admitting they bought them AGAINST SOCIETAL ADVISE and let them pay the costs which result. The cost will be high to the users but at least he would be able to buy all the drugs he wanted/needed without going to jail, doubt he could continue to hold his job, though, due to impairment associated with drugs while driving.

    David with pity and regret

  38. lol on May 2nd, 2010 9:15 pm

    a small pill scam,,

    who thinks like that!

  39. Luke on May 2nd, 2010 8:37 pm

    Yah, I generally dislike when cops break the law they enforce.

    However, you people really need to understand that, in my opinion, Ron is actually a really great guy. I’m not talking about someone who says “hello” each time you see them. Ron is the sort of guy who would literally give you his shirt.

    With all of the problems we face from day to day, I would hate to think that ALL of someone’s good deeds could be undone by a small pill scam. He didn’t even steal the pills… he was only hurting himself… so its really none of our business in the first place.

    I hope you are able to recover quickly from this Ron, I don’t know you very well personally (other than the few times we hung out coming up).. but I know lots of people who do know you very well, and they all speak very highly of you every time your name comes up.

    Good luck, we’re all behind you..

  40. Aunt Sherry on May 2nd, 2010 3:15 pm

    This is my nephew. I am very proud to say that. Yes he has made a mistake, but people learn from their mistakes. That what makes a great person. IF anyone on here can say that they have never committed a crime or mistake, then they are wrong. Nobody is perfect. That comes from the bible. Everyone here is giving their personal comments, but that what they are just personal. If you don’t have some kind of prayer to lift him up then do reply to this section. This section is full of his family that we go to the end of time for him. Ron you are my world and I am here. Don’t let no one try to tell you other wise. Love ya Aunt Sherry

  41. jack's wife on May 2nd, 2010 2:59 pm

    Ronald and Ashley are the reason alot of people that are in real pain can’t get help. They both knew what they was doing! As for feeling sorry for him there should not be any. He took an oath to uphold the law. He and Ashley knew what they was doing and that it is illegal. They would not have called around using differant pharmacies. If this was anybody else out there you would not be feeling sorry for them. Everyone would be saying Great bust, Glad they caught them, Lock them up and I sure are glad their off the street. Just because you once knew a good kid does not mean their good when they grow up.

  42. Michael on May 2nd, 2010 1:16 pm

    Ron, I just wanted to say that I am praying for you and I know that this is a tough situation for you and your family. Sometimes bad things happen to good people.
    I’ve known you for a while now and Im sure that you will make the best of this bad situation. You were a good police officer and a good guy. Just know that your friends and family are pulling for you. GOOD LUCK BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    However, I show no pitty on all of you that have chosen to show your ignorance and lack of class by voicing your opinions on this site when you have no idea what happened in this situation. You are ignorant, stupid, and for lack of a better term: TRASH!! Get some class, and keep your mouths shut. And to call the man a coward is completely unjustified. You people are the cowards. Have some respect for the mans family.

  43. Teresa on May 2nd, 2010 1:10 pm


  44. JUDY MASEK on May 2nd, 2010 11:47 am

    from reading the numerous comments from the officers friends and family, as well as the article, i get the impression that (apparently) he has a significant issue w/pain control…stemming from, possibly, an on-the-job injury….i dont know, but..maybe the atmore police department should/could examine their proceedures for responding to their injured employees…..i would think that the officer may have found it difficult to open up to his superiors about the amount of pain he may have been having…he, no doubt, had to think of his job, his family, insurance/disability, his income, bills, mortgage, etc…all im saying, i think, is that …does the department have proceedures in place to help them recognize when an officer has the potential to get into this situation?….and, then …provide counseling and other resources, like pain clinic referrals, so that the employee doesnt feel afraid or apprehensive about asking for help..or, feels like his job would be in jeapordy if were to come forward for help…..if that policy already is in place, maybe now would be a good time to re-emphysize it…

  45. jack on May 2nd, 2010 10:46 am

    In reading what most have said here——-> Charges need to be droped and Freeman , given the “Citizen of the Year Award” and / or , maybe the “Key to the City”.

  46. susan on May 2nd, 2010 7:26 am

    Its amazing how many people judge and condemn when they do not know all the facts. Freeman is being treated the same as any other person who got caught doing something like this. The granddaughter Im sure will be arrested in time also. Hopefully both these young people will get help for their addiction and get thier lives back on track. My heart breaks for Ron’s parents.

  47. cjcj on May 2nd, 2010 1:09 am

    please investigate and arrest the instigator of this whole fiasco

  48. rons bigsis on May 2nd, 2010 1:08 am

    to oversight ron had applied for another job in march and was leaving the force by choice last week I wish you people would know the whole story b4 you make comments that you know nothing about. this news site does not have the time or funding to publish everyone that gets arrested’s life story so think before you type it makes you seem like an uneducated gossip

  49. rons big sis on May 2nd, 2010 12:46 am

    ron is anything but a coward he turned himself in and is taking the steps to recovery that less than half the people arrested on drug charges would even do if they were court ordered to he is a hard worker,great father, loyal friend and would never harm anyone even when he was ran over by a drunken drug addict while on duth so anyone who went through that kind of pain will have a high likelyhood of becoming addicted to pain meds AND AS FOR THE REAL COWARD in this highly fabricated story the girl who stole from her grandmother and almost cost her her md license again she should by punished to the fullest extent of the law where is her arrest report and is she trying to rehabilitate herself like ron?????

  50. Mary Greenwell Cannon on May 1st, 2010 10:50 pm

    Ron I love you so much. Your the best friend someone could ask for. Everyone makes mistakes, we’re just humane. You’ll get through this eventually and the people that love you are behind you 100%. We know your a good person and WILL ALWAYS be. Stay strong and fight through this.

  51. Kimberly on May 1st, 2010 10:46 pm

    First of all, Ron is great guy! A great friend! And a great police officer! He resigned over a week ago before charges were even brought! I understand what he did was wrong but come on, the bashing is useless! I’m sure he knows what he did was wrong, and is going through enough right now then to have to deal with the bashing too. This is not all his fault! He was in a bad wreck, hurt his back and was prescribed loratabs, and became dependent on them to help ease the pain he has continued to have. I personally think that this Ashley Nall should be held accountable for her part in this. She admitted to calling in the prescriptions but yet charges have still not been filed. Come on! She was more in the wrong then he was. Ron, we all still love you, and support you! You will always be a great friend to us!

  52. fam friend on May 1st, 2010 10:44 pm

    ron congrats on doing the right thing and as for the other party you need to do the same and get help ecause this crime was not committed alone a.n. called them in and forged signatures so arrest her also and let her do her time

  53. fam friend on May 1st, 2010 10:42 pm

    come on already cops arrest the main party in this situation and stop with the harrassment of ron he took his punishment and is trying god bless you man i kno wyour a hard worker with a great family you will overcome this and as for the forgery girl you need to do the same thing

  54. Half truths = Whole lies! on May 1st, 2010 9:39 pm

    Time for change, you should try and be more informed before you cast blame. You said “What yall really should be asking is this, how come this story made the cut but some other ones didn’t. Like the Esc co AL deputy that sexually assaulted that gas station clerk and was “LET GO”.
    First of all there is a difference in sexual harassment and sexual assault. Sexual assault is a crime; sexual harassment is grounds for termination but nothing criminal. I’m sure that the deputy didn’t commit the crime of sexual assault or he would have been arrested and in the paper.
    Second I think that if you don’t know all the details you shouldn’t tell the story. Or maybe you do know the whole story but only want to tell the part that benefits you or the people you are trying to draw fire from…..

  55. David Huie Green on May 1st, 2010 9:30 pm

    i wouldn’t dream of condemning anyone for drug dealing because that would be judging but I feel the need to point out that to condemn those who do condemn drug dealers is judging them and if you are opposed to judging others, you would be guilty of doing that which you condemn which is judging.

    not that I’m condemning those who condemn those who condemn because….okay…it’s gotten so twisted that i guess it would be wrong to tell our children to stay from killers because that would judging too.

    Why not try this tack: You like the kid, wish him well, regret he has gotten in trouble, hope he gets out of it and straightens out for his sake and for the sake of his family.

    I’m fairly certain you can admit facts without getting twisted out of shape regarding judging and not judging and that we are all sinners and ……

  56. Atmoreboy on May 1st, 2010 7:37 pm

    Century just keeps em cleaned up dont they…good job once again. Are the jails full yet ?…Century is a busy little town…with busy people. God help them

  57. todd & heather on May 1st, 2010 5:32 pm

    Ron we love you and are praying for you. You are a great person and you have always been there for us and we are here for you. Everybody has a past so hold your head up, stay strong and you will get past this. The bible says that god will never leave nor forsake you and i promise that along with everybody else he is there for you ready to forgive you and get you through this. We love you and just remember that only god can judge and that is all that matters.

  58. former patient. on May 1st, 2010 4:35 pm

    No one has mentioned Dr. Salter! She has had a tough time rebuilding her practice, and was DELIGHTED to be back in the Atmore area. I ask you NOT to blame her in any of this. She is an incredible lady, and a wonderful doctor! God bless you, Dr. Salter!!!

  59. chris his cuz on May 1st, 2010 4:20 pm

    I would juss like to say that all of you who are talking crap juss need to mind your on business look at your past you have all done something wrong lord knows i have but life goes on and he will get past all this ………………and i honestly think that girl should be locked for writing the prescriptions but it is what it is she wont get in no trouble for who she is but he will pay for his mistakes ………come on now people mind your own business cause i know his family does not enjoy this crap yall are saying and i sure don’t wanna hear it what can i say he my cuz i know he a good guy yall juss dont know him so laterz ………ya will make it lil ron laterz mane ya cuz chris

  60. kim on May 1st, 2010 3:54 pm

    well well..bubba u no what u r doing right now is the right thing so most of these comments mean absolutely for the ones who showed support thanks soo very much..truely appreciated..maybe one good outcome will come from this..maybe these ppl who were told to look n the mirror will..n maybe jus 1 life will b saved today..thats what u can look at this as ron..lesson u soo very much and def. Behind u 100%!! Been there done that..prob most of the ppl writing to and maybe they will check their lives before they r on here with u..seen u take better pics than that tho :)

  61. Best Friend on May 1st, 2010 3:42 pm

    Ron just remember ” Only GOD Can Judge You”. We are all human, we all make mistakes and we have done things in our life that we wish we could take back, but whats done is done. Everyone wants to come down hard on Ron because he was a cop, but he wasn’t the only one involved. What about Ashley Nall, she worked for Dr.Salter and she was the one calling in the prescriptions, so why hasn’t she been charged and arrested? Ron is a great person and would do anything for anyone, and I know first hand. Ron is being a MAN and taking responsibility for his actions. I just hope and pray that Ashley gets justice too. Ron you will get through this, you have alot of people standing behind you because they know the real you. Keep your head up and stay strong!!

  62. dan on May 1st, 2010 3:03 pm

    She was calling them in is he really to blame, it said he went for an injury and then maybe got caught up in the other partys mess up. good luck man maybe they will see the root of this was her.

  63. Cammy on May 1st, 2010 2:23 pm

    There is more to the story I am sure. Why would the pharmacy get suspicious over the monthly Lortab prescription of 90 pills? Seems common to me. Sounds like “Word was out” about this duo. And I wonder how many times that officer pulled someone over with an illegal prescription and arrested them? “Everyone makes mistakes officer, please let me go”…………… yeah right……………..

  64. local resident on May 1st, 2010 1:21 pm

    I had no idea this website allowed u to make comments . Its a real good thing none of your ungodly opinions count. Man is not perfect. God say you should not judge man. You do not know Ron and neither do I very well but GOD made him , and he is Gods child and to all of you who made these harsh comments should check your own life. I believe the bible tells us we all are sinners and to repent of our sins daily. God bless you Ron ! Turn your eyes to the lord and he will rescue you

  65. David Huie Green on May 1st, 2010 12:55 pm

    if the pot admits it’s black, can it still call the kettle black?

  66. interested reader on May 1st, 2010 12:51 pm

    Two more young lives messed up by drugs! Whether they were using or selling this will never go away. Now they have a chance to turn their lives around. Don’t blow it! Somewhere down the line we all have to pay for our mistakes. Just be thankful that your loved ones are not having to identify you at the morgue.

  67. marcia on May 1st, 2010 12:28 pm

    Thank most of you for your concerns over my brother who has always came to help anyone who asked him to everyone in this world has problems and at least he acted like a man and took the punishment like a man and has been going to counseling for two weeks now because he loves and respects his child and family. I am sure that he is not the only person in law enforcement that messes up from time to and but he was a man about it and did what was right and for the girl who was wanting the pills just as bad and she was the one forging the prescriptions so why is she hiding from the law and not being responsible for her action so to everyone who are talking like he wasnt an outstanding citizen take a deep look into your life and im sure that most of you will find someone who has been affected in the same way but you didnt get this fine luxuary of reading opthers who its no business of theirs opinions GROW UP and be a mad and admit your faults as well

  68. William on May 1st, 2010 12:02 pm

    > “… how come this stoRy made the cut but some other ones didn’t…”

    Our coverage is concentrated on North Escambia County, Florida. That’s where he was arrested; that’s why this story made the cut.

    And, by the way, we’ve ran stories about several Escambia Fla. deputies, detention deputies and sheriff’s employees being arrested over the last several months.

  69. David Huie Green on May 1st, 2010 11:33 am

    “… how come this stoRy made the cut but some other ones didn’t…”

    In other words, no news should be reported until ALL news is reported?

    I’ve seen little children saying they won’t behave until everyone else behaves.

    A man was stopped in Century years back and asked why they stopped him when all those others were speeding too. “We can’t catch everybody but we could catch you. We’ll catch somebody else when we finish with you and keep doing it until y’all decide to obey the law.” (obviously they don’t do that anymore)

    And while it is rough on his family to be facing public humiliation, isn’t that on him? I mean, he decided to do the things for which his family might be shamed to have them known.

    David for considering consequences

  70. Old Century Friend on May 1st, 2010 10:59 am

    I just want to say bravo to Century Pharmacy. This is the second fraudulent prescription they have caught. Great Job!!!

  71. insider on May 1st, 2010 10:57 am

    I know he didnt tell the guy he split them with her every time they assumed all of that but he will rise back up, he got hurt and pain will make you do things that u cant imagine. half that sounds like its toward him but he called an asked she filled sounds like thats someone fixing that pain problem because we all call in an ask for meds, she just trying to throw him under the bus so she dont get in as much trouble. where is her arrest report. he went the day they asked and turned himself in so i dont beleive the report because thats an officers veiw. he has always helped any one who has asked for help, an would go out of his way to do so, but people loss sit of that when they see your picture. ron what your doing know is good glad you seeing your way through this bud, i know you thought she was doing the right thing an checking with the doc. jus turning on you because its more to talk about

  72. Oversight on May 1st, 2010 10:30 am

    To “Friend”

    I thought “coward” was about as benign as I could be considering he was a trusted agent of the law who carried the right to end a citizen’s life in the line of duty. Maybe I should have used words like immoral, scandalous, outrageous, iniquitous, and or felon to describe Freeman’s conduct.

  73. Time for change on May 1st, 2010 10:13 am

    I would please ask everyone to think about what they say before you say it. Ron is a very good person and I am honored that I have had the chance to work with him. Everyone makes mistakes sometime or another in there lives, even police officers! Remember Ron has a family too and if the shoe was on the other foot you wouldn’t want anyone talking about you like that. Yes what Ron did was wrong but remember someone else was involved in this with him, yet everyone wants to bash Ron. What yall really should be asking is this, how come this stoy made the cut but some other ones didn’t. Like the Esc co AL deputy that sexually assaulted that gas station clerk and was “LET GO”, or the Esc Co AL deputy that was dunk and high on duty and was “LET GO” guess what they are still officers only working at different agencies!

    Ron, just remember we love you and are here with you every step of the way!

  74. atmore on May 1st, 2010 10:01 am

    Known RON for somertime now he is a great person.. Hope u make it through this RON….

  75. none on May 1st, 2010 9:37 am

    seems like if it were anyone but a cop, everyone on here would be bashing them for “drug” use, but since he’s a cop, it’s “gonna be ok”…if it were “you or me”, we’d be under the jail…just sayin

  76. Lee on May 1st, 2010 9:23 am

    Ron keep your head high,you will recover from this!Like i sat at the table with you a few days ago and told you ,I`ve got faith in you ! We come from the same home town. You have a great family and a lot of friends that will see you threw all this!Their is a “Light” at the end of the tunnel.

  77. Molino Mom on May 1st, 2010 8:58 am

    If he’s guilty, I hope he gets the most time possible in a Florida prison. Cops should know better and be made examples of.

  78. Atmore Resident on May 1st, 2010 8:54 am

    Another question. I know the story does not say he was using his half of the pills.

    But does Atmore make their cops pee in a cup? Wouldn’t a drug test find Lortab?

    What’s up with the Keflex? That’s an antibotic right? Somebody must have a nasty infection to risk going to jail for Keflex.

  79. Atmore Resident on May 1st, 2010 8:53 am

    I find it strange that he got charged in Florida but nobody’s charged him in Alabama. Hope there was not going to be a coverup in Alabama.

    He screwed up by messing with Escambia County, Florida. How many cops and detention deputies has Sheriff Morgan’s department busted in the past year? Morgan will get you. And I bet since this was in Century, Frank Way had something to do with it. He is an awesome investigator. You can’t get nothin past the bloodhound nose of Inv. Frank Way!

  80. Free Ride on May 1st, 2010 8:51 am

    If you’ve ever gotten a ticket from this cop, been investigated by the this cop, or arrested by this cop — it’s time to get your case thrown out.

    If he’s convicted, it would be super easy to convince a judge that perhaps he was lying or used bad judgement.

  81. Friend on May 1st, 2010 8:48 am

    I think “coward” is a little harsh, don’t you? This man done something wrong, no doubt! HOWEVER, me and my family know this young man and his family personally and he “resigned for personal reasons” as soon as he was 1st questioned about the incident! He knew what the outcome would be and done what he thought was right at the time! People make mistakes! None of us on this earth are perfect! We’ve ALL done something, sometime in our life that was wrong! This man should be punished and will be for doing this. It was wrong, he know’s it and has admitted to it and the problem he has! I personally don’t think that’s a “coward” at all! I think he’s doing what he needs to do for him and his family and that’s all that really matters! If he’s taking responsibilty, getting help and ready to take the punishment he deserves then he’s far from a “coward” in my book! The first step to getting help is admitting you need it and admitting what you’ve done wrong! God bless Ron and his entire family and our prayers and thoughts are with you all!
    “Judge NOT, that ye might be judged!” Matthew 7:1

  82. Mickey Powell on May 1st, 2010 8:06 am

    I’ve known Ron all of his life. From T Ball thru Little League with my son. I’m not defending Ron as he knows that he’ll pay his dues for this. With his Dads Characture and Ron’s practice of his demeanor he will recover from this.
    One pill or a thousand, its the system. A little money and self gratifacation is all that some people quest.
    alcohol, drugs, gambling, (notice they are listed with small letters) can cause a million bad things to happen to you. My cripple son for the rest of his life will be in a wheelchair. We’ll never know if any of these ‘ol devil things caused this on July 4th night in 2008 or not. We live what our belief gives us, and never question his.
    We need to pray for Ron and his family because praying is like a fresh haircut or a peck on the cheek of your face by someone gorgeous, its makes you feel better.

    Mickey Powell

  83. ?? on May 1st, 2010 7:25 am

    Ron you are a good guy everyone makes mistakes!!! You will make it through this keep your head held high you have a bunch of great family and friends to help you through this!!! And I know you have realized what you have done was wrong I will keep you in my prayers!!! I will be there for you no matter what!!!

  84. Oversight on May 1st, 2010 6:48 am

    “Resigned for personal reasons”… That’s an understatement! Come on Chief Dean, do the right thing by taking the bull by the horns; you should have fired Freeman for the record instead of letting this coward slip away without punitive action by your police department.