North Escambia Man Named Florida’s Most Wanted Fugitive Captured

May 22, 2010

A Cantonment man wanted on child porn charges was captured Saturday in Louisiana.

Martin Lyle Christianson, 58, was arrested without incident at a home on the 500 block of Delmar Street in Terrytown, Louisiana, according to a U.S. Marshals press release.  He is being held in the Jefferson Parish Corrections Center on $1 million bond awaiting extradiction to Escambia County.

christiansonmartinlyle.jpgChristianson, 58 was named the Florida Attorney General’s most wanted fugitive in the state. He was wanted on 20 felony counts of possession of child pornography, including images of child molestation. He was also wanted on four-year charges for placing his wife into a brothel.

His last known address was 452 Crowndale Court in the Cottage Hill community.  Investigators believe Christianson, aka ‘Robert Allen’, fled the Pensacola area earlier this week in a used ice cream truck that was later found abandoned in Mobile.

Investigators have determined that Christianson is also wanted in Santa Ana, CA on a four-year old warrant for commercial sex charges. Each of the 20 felony counts of possession of child pornography holds a $50,000 bond, setting his total bond at $1 million.


26 Responses to “North Escambia Man Named Florida’s Most Wanted Fugitive Captured”

  1. whitepunknotondope on May 26th, 2010 3:33 pm

    “In other words your god is what we christians call the devil.”

    No my God is not the devil, Bill, there is no such creature. Write what you will after this post, I will never again dignify your incorrect beliefs with a response. It’s simply a waste of time. Amen!

  2. Big B little ill on May 26th, 2010 10:52 am

    In other words your god is what we christians call the devil. You stated that you’re a christians worst nightmare. White punk, you are your own worst nightmare. We christian are very secure in our faith. You said don’t psychoanalyze you, no need for that you’re self exlanatory. You are so self destructive. I feel very very sorry for anyone so lost as you. May the God of the bible open your eyes.

    Just like the man in this artical, we all need God (God of the Bible). When Satin the devil, gets hold of you it’s a long rocky road down hill. Without Jesus, the only begotten son of God you have no life. Sure your existence here gives you the apperance of life, but it’s just walking death. So white punk, life is all about choices, you have made yours and I have made mine. So…what’s your point… me what ever you heart desires your hateful words can’t hurt me, you mean spirit is what you want, you’re happy being you and I an very happy to have Jesus as my saviour of my soul. God only tells me that I am to tell other of him and the saving grace of Jesus. He has never told me I needed to chop off heads if they don’t believe nor beat them in the head with a silly stick until they comply.

  3. whitepunknotondope on May 26th, 2010 9:11 am

    “In other words, you can beat all around the bush but your false god has no name.”

    Um, yes he does, his name is God, as in the One True God. And for your information, news flash, He is NOT the God of your Christian Bible. He got a bad rap from men on that one. The old testament is a collection of historical half-truths and flat out made-up parables written by MEN thousands of years ago (!) to keep people in line by scaring the crap out of them. And it still works on YOU! That says a lot about you Bill. And it ain’t very encouraging.

    “You saying that your so called god approves of your method of trying to belittle everyone whos opinion does not line up with you…”

    I actually don’t ask God if he approves of my method or not. I came here with a free will and he trusts me to make decisions. Doesn’t your so-called god trust you Bill? Or do you have to clear everything with him first? CUCKOOO! CUCKOOO! Maybe he’s too busy sending a bear to maim children for laughing at an old man’s beard. Yeah, that’s the ticket! I understand your problem. You were raised by your ignorant mama and dada to believe this load, and you never, ever, EVER developed far enough on the evolutionary or spiritual path to REALIZE that you were sold a bill of goods! You just brainlessly keep marching on to the same music. And you’re not ALONE! There are millions of people in the world who are JUST AS IGNORANT AS YOU ARE! That should make you feel a little better. It isn’t just you.

  4. Big B little ill on May 25th, 2010 2:39 pm

    In other words, you can beat all around the bush but your false god has no name. You saying that your so called god approves of your method of trying to belittle everyone whos opinion does not line up with you, call them names to the point William can’t post your reply. But feel free to continue in your with your mean spirited foul mouth ways. But keep you a change of clothes cause your going dirty the the onesyou have on when you meet Jesus.

    My apology to William an his crew for straying off topic.

  5. whitepunknotondope on May 25th, 2010 1:12 pm

    Don’t psychoanalyze me Bill, I’m perfectly grounded and normal. You believe God sent a bear to maul children because it’s in the Bible?!!! That’s the stupidest, most asinine thing I’ve ever heard come out of a Christians mouth. And the parable about picking up sticks on the sabbath is a close second!

    You want want to know what motivates me Bill? Blind Christian stupidity motivates me!!! I am a Christian’s WORST NIGHTMARE! I represent the TRUTH!

    And to answer your question, my God is THE ONE TRUE God. And he isn’t a vengeful God, Bill he IS all about Peace and Love. Any so-called “god” that isn’t all about Peace and Love is a liar and a false prophet. Your old testament boogey man fits that description. You’re a fearful, simplistic caveman who made a huge mistake being incarnated into this time. You don’t belong here Bill. You missed your boat by 2040 odd years. The world will be a better place someday, when people like you and most Muslims are gone from the face of the Earth.

  6. Big B little ill on May 25th, 2010 11:00 am

    Oh yea, you calling me a lunatic I expect from you, but to denie Christ or the Bible on what you have had to say, I would call myself a lunatic.

  7. Big B little ill on May 25th, 2010 10:31 am

    See white punk, you never answered my question on what your gods name is. To answer your question YES I BELIEVE WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS. People have been lulled in to think that the Real God, the God of the Bible is just a God of love and peace that would never hurt a fly. But he is a God of grace and Does forgive if we ask him AND repent. He also tells me that people just like you will persecute christian because of our belief in him. Feel free it’s just another blessing to me each time you prove it true. By the way, you can’t prove it’s wrong.

    The really funny part, is why you a person who denies Jesus and the Bible would even care. Think about what motivates you.

  8. whitepunknotondope on May 25th, 2010 9:39 am

    “Whitepunk just for the record God also sent two bears to maul 42 children for making fun of Elisha’s bald head.

    2 Kings 2:23-24″


    I rest my case Bill! What I can’t figure out is if you really believe these scriptures or are you being facetious? Do you REALLY believe that God sent a bear to maul children? Answer carefully because the answer will identify you as either a person who can communicate with others in a social setting, or a lunatic.

  9. Big B little ill on May 24th, 2010 6:57 pm

    Whitepunk just for the record God also sent two bears to maul 42 children for making fun of Elisha’s bald head.

    2 Kings 2:23-24

  10. Big B little ill on May 24th, 2010 6:18 pm

    Tell me whitepunk, just what does your god call himself.

  11. Justice on May 24th, 2010 1:41 pm

    This vile man is now in the Florida judicial system and what happens from here is anyone’s guess. Most people are beginning to understand that it is not whether this man did right or wrong …. but rather how crafty is his attorney to get him off.

    Ultimately, he will have to answer to a power higher than our judicial system. His unrepented sins will seal his fate into a fate worse than physical death. He will suffer enternity in “hell”. For anyone that does not believe there is punishment in a “hell” …. hold on to that belief and you will find out.

    Escambia County deputies had him and let him go?????
    Good job to the Louisiana law enforment for good police work and getting him off the streets!!!

  12. Wendy on May 24th, 2010 12:11 pm

    Why such a good looking hansom mad would need to do such things, I can’t imagine. I sincerely hope he will come to understand how wrong he has been.

  13. William on May 24th, 2010 11:53 am

    > Since William wouldn’t print my original response, let’s try this one:

    See Rule 4 in regards to why the post was not approved. It was the profanity part.

    (4) Keep it clean. Nothing vulgar, obscene or sexually related. No profanity or obvious substitutions. Period.

  14. whitepunknotondope on May 24th, 2010 11:50 am

    “Yep Whitepunknotondope, God killed a man for picking up sticks on the sabbath.

    Numbers 15: 32-36″

    Since William wouldn’t print my original response, let’s try this one:

    The One True God never killed a man for picking up sticks on the sabbath, therefore the book of Numbers contains lies. The god who did that is a deceiver and an imposter.

  15. Big B little ill on May 24th, 2010 8:28 am

    Yep Whitepunknotondope, God killed a man for picking up sticks on the sabbath.

    Numbers 15: 32-36

  16. whitepunknotondope on May 24th, 2010 6:48 am

    “God sanctions through His Word,the death penalty for those who committ such and other acts of perversion.

    The Scriptures also assigns the same penalty to those who violate the Sabbath,”

    You mean the death penalty? If that’s what you mean then, your scraptures are a crock of donkey waste.

  17. commenting on May 23rd, 2010 9:06 pm

    Martin Lyle Christianson, has by his actions against the young and defenseless in our society was arrested and is now within our legal system.
    God sanctions through His Word,the death penalty for those who committ such and other acts of perversion.

    The Scriptures also assigns the same penalty to those who violate the Sabbath,
    and is also decreed against “realigous leaders” so-called who lead His People astray from following Him.

  18. JDG Molino on May 23rd, 2010 7:11 pm

    Bubba is gonna be so happy to see him. If he’s found guilty I hope he dies a horrible death.

  19. Sharon on May 23rd, 2010 2:33 pm

    This man was driving an ice cream truck through my neighborhood for two weeks prior to him fleeing. The FBI raided the home he was staying in and let him go after questioning him. He then fled and has been missing for weeks. So glad they caught the sorry SOB.

  20. guest on May 23rd, 2010 2:00 pm

    I am going to sound like a liberal democrat for a minute…………….bless his heart, I hope he can finally get the help he needs. I say string him up, right after his guilty verdict.

  21. been there on May 23rd, 2010 8:39 am

    If he escapes from Louisiana….he will head to the swamps…you know there are GATORS in those swamps as big as a boat…and they like fresh meat

  22. Big B, little ill on May 23rd, 2010 8:36 am

    The alarming thing here is the growing number of people who think what he has done is ok. I used to work with a man who could make you sick just some of the things that came out of him mouth about his belief of what was ok. The loss of morales in our country if scary. The truth is…we can’t protect or children/family from the dangers that are all around us. We can onlt try.

  23. interested reader on May 22nd, 2010 8:51 pm

    Thanks to the police in La. for the capture of Christianson. Maybe with a million dollar bail he will be in jail until he is tried. Then hopefully he will be in prison the rest of his miserable life. Prayers were answered today.

  24. guest on May 22nd, 2010 8:09 pm

    Hang’em High…………

  25. T on May 22nd, 2010 7:11 am

    I will never understand a child molester’s mind.
    WHY do they have to hurt children?
    And what bothers me is that he is out right now in public where he could hurt a child.
    I know this is cold, but why not just give him the death penalty and get him off the streets?

  26. kb on May 22nd, 2010 3:44 am

    It is so scary that there is someone like this on the loose and any innocent child can fall prey to this sick and disturbed individual. I pray that he is caught before he can hurt a child!!!!!