Flomaton Police Chief Resigns

May 25, 2010


Flomaton Police Chief Terri Tolbert resigned her position Monday.

Tolbert was hired last year to replace Tim Hardage as police chief; Hardage was released during a six month probationary period. Flomaton will begin accepting applications for a new police chief soon.

Pictured: Former Flomaton Police Chief Terri Tolbert works a crime scene on Old Atmore Road last February. NorthEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


22 Responses to “Flomaton Police Chief Resigns”

  1. concerned citizen on May 27th, 2010 9:07 pm

    I think that the town of Flomaton at this point needs to consider what the problems are. first if you can not afford to pay a fair wage for police or other town employess then don’t be supprised at the people you get working for you. the town needs to dis ban the police force. try and get the assistance of the sheriff’s office to have an additional deputy assigned to flomaton. maybe the the almost 2 million dollar debt paid off before the town goes bankrupt. i unfortunately only see that the future of the town at this point will be insolvency. and that is sad. the current administration, along with the council that supports the agenda, has managed to spend over $1 million dollars out of a savings account in mobile and borrow $1.7 million dollars to pay for various things including payroll. that would be a total of $2.7 million dollars spent by the current administration over the last 5 years.do you see how a town with a total revenue generated of around $1million and expenditures which exceeds the revenue can possibily pay for the debt. this is a town of less than 2000 people. well congratulations, you elected them….

  2. MWUH on May 27th, 2010 12:04 pm

    Flomaton PD really needs to get their act together! Just shut it down already this town has no hope!!

  3. John M. Smith on May 27th, 2010 9:01 am

    No police chief or police officer will ever stay in Flomaton. I’ve lived in Flomaton for five years, and there have been three chief’s and so many officers I’ve lost count. Getting a new chief isn’t going to solve the problem. One problem is money and that is true of every town department here.The second is the circus here(Town Meeting), it seems that the town council never gets on the same page. I’ve been to many town meetings where they focused on petty issues, and sidetrack the real problems of the town. Thirdly the buddy system here controls the town, Sometimes you are going to offend your friends and do things that will affect them, but consider how many town citizens you offend by granting your buddy a favor.Find the Money, attend town meetings, stop spending what you don’t have, and it don’t matter how long your family has lived in Flomaton you are not above the law . The very people that complain and spread rumors are the ones you never see at town meetings. Come on Flomaton wake up realize that a community problem can only be solved by the community. If Flomaton don’t fix the problem then it will soon be taken over by the county and police response will be slower, and things here will take a back seat to,Atmore,and Brewton. Your police work harder than you think at any moment they . could go to a call that may end his/her life. My whole point because of poor management years ago and not fixing the problem at the start town employees leave for better pay and they all will continue leading to no one coming to work here.The town will die!!!!!!

  4. Reader on May 26th, 2010 3:49 pm

    I agree. Lambert was great for the town of Flomaton. I am just glad Escambia County Alabama has him. I say let’s vote Mike Lambert for Sheriff.. I sure wish he would run. He would really make a possitive difference in our community.

  5. Opinions on May 26th, 2010 3:26 pm


  6. Casandra on May 25th, 2010 11:14 pm

    I would imagine that Lambert has his eyes on the Sheriff’s office for the future. He won’t come back to Flomaton. That would be career suicide.

  7. Need Lambert back on May 25th, 2010 6:58 pm

    â– Flomaton Mom >> I agree with you Mike Lambert was the best for Flomaton he done a great job ! yes he aressted one of my family members but he was doing his job maybe he will come back !

  8. truth on May 25th, 2010 4:57 pm

    The Police Department is not a joke. The officers do their jobs without fussing and do it very well. They are very Professional..
    What is sad is that when OFFICERS work, you are going to have complaints.( of course if people know that they can go to the MAYOR or COUNCIL and cry about something they can get it fixed, they will, even when they know they were wrong.) YOU CANT SELL DOPE, BEAT YOUR WIFE, SPEED, OR DO ANYTHING ILLEGAL, GET CAUGHT AND GET MAD AND CALL THE MAYOR, ITS SAD BUT THAT IS WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!!!!!It does not matter how many CHIEFS you have or even who they are.. If the MAYOR and the COUNCIL continue to try to “PUPPET” the CHEIF you are going to get the same results everytime… what is it? 3 Chiefs now? YOU CANT BLAME LAMBERT OR ANYBODY FOR LEAVING!!! Think about it, the MAYOR is a business man, not a POLICE OFFICER… and their is only one on the COUNCIL that was a cop. They cant police, but they want to… BOTTOM LINE IS: NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE UNTIL THE MAYOR AND THE COUNCIL STAY OUT OF POLICE WORK. BOTTOM LINE,

  9. Retired PoPo on May 25th, 2010 2:49 pm

    You have some citizens in Flomaton who are working at real law enforcement departments, driving to another city to work for the money. What a shame some of these men and women could not be enticed to work in our area instead of driving 40+ miles. Oh, I forgot, this is Flomaton Alabama, the backward, behind the times town on life support. Just saying.

  10. Retired PoPo on May 25th, 2010 2:46 pm

    The Police Department is not professional, it takes a strong leader to maintain control of their officers and the politics involved. You get what you pay for!!!!!
    Old Atmore Road where the picture was taken, remains an unsolved case. No one came and talked to the neighbors to gather information on that case. I think it was botched from the beginning. You want a real Police Department, get rid of the politics involved and let the Police do their job without intereference. You must pay to retain the good officers. No money, you get the rejects from other departments. It always amazes me as to the city council and the know it all’s who have no background in law enforcement, yet they know it all. Flomaton is a dying town, drug infested and on life support. Without change from the top to the bottom, we will continue to sink. I’m just saying!!!!!

  11. Mary on May 25th, 2010 2:45 pm

    I think we need to get the council members to put on a uniform….they are the reason why everyone leaves………..The Politics in this po-dunk town is deplorable ! I think they ought to get off thier high horses.not one of them is a policeman but yet they decide how it should be run…..This town stinks because of them………I am amazed that Terri didn’t leave sooner..God Bless her !…..you councilmen will never be happy and we will never have a decent police force …Can’t the Mayor do something about the council members because they are a joke !…………Good Luck to you Terri………you did a wonderful job with what/who you had to work with !!!!!

  12. rhonda on May 25th, 2010 1:07 pm

    Best wishes Ms. Terri. You were a great police officer. I’m so sorry this happened. You will be missed. Thanks for all the help that you gave me. I will always be grateful.

  13. Casandra on May 25th, 2010 12:29 pm

    @shakingmyhead, we have a family friend who worked for the Flomaton PD before moving on to another law enforcement agency. You would be shocked to learn how little those officers are paid! They are out there risking their lives at times, and they are not paid nearly enough in my opinion.

  14. Flomaton Fan on May 25th, 2010 12:07 pm

    Terri did a better than excellent job with the resources she was provided. But when the town council and mayor won’t pay for gas for her to attend boni fide training in Brewton or Bay Minette, won’t pay for uniform pants that fit a new officer (instead, the officer is told to get a needle and thread and take up old pants) — something is wrong with leadership in the town.

    The citizens of Flomaton can solve the problems with police department at the election box. It’s time for new leadership at the top in Flomaton.

  15. FHS Senior on May 25th, 2010 12:01 pm

    Mrs. Terri is one of the sweetest people I know! Good Luck Mrs. Terri! (: All of us at FHS love you!

  16. Flomaton on May 25th, 2010 11:39 am

    Flomaton’s Law Enforcement is a JOKE, you’ll see 20 cars pulled over one day and the rest of the month NOTHING.

  17. shakingmy head on May 25th, 2010 11:27 am

    I wish her the best,sometimes change is for the better.
    Oh and btw just peachy…where is that Mc Donalds where i can make that kind of money? I want to get a job there.

  18. Jay Man on May 25th, 2010 11:17 am

    If Flomaton would get off the money they could have a good police force, ps. you may be able to hire Bill Gillespie out of Sparta Mississippi !

  19. Flomaton Mom on May 25th, 2010 9:45 am

    We didn’t want Mike Lambert to go! He was the best thing that happend to Flomaton. We have nothing against police officers but we want someone to do the best job possible, and she wasn’t doing much of anything.

  20. royals on May 25th, 2010 8:41 am

    whats up with Flomaton they have something against police officers? they keep getting ready of their chiefs

  21. just peachy on May 25th, 2010 8:24 am

    She can go to work for McDonald’s and make as much money. Best Wishes Terri

  22. Casandra on May 25th, 2010 7:45 am

    She was forced out…I wish her the best, and I hope she is able to find employment in a town which actually appreciates its law enforcement officers!