Dollar General Store To Be Built In Molino

May 27, 2010

A new Dollar General store is on the way to Molino, and it will be larger than a normal store.

The building permit for the store was issued Tuesday, according to Escambia County  building permit records, and the Dollar General corporate office confirmed the new store on Wednesday.  The store will be located at 6511 North Highway 29, near the the old Grocery Advantage store at the Molino Road intersection.

“We are building a store in Molino,” Emily Weiss, Dollar General spokesperson, told on Wednesday. “Molino was just a great match for us. We believe we can deliver a great shopping experience to the Molino area.”

The Molino Dollar General will be just over 12,000 square feet; the company’s average store is about 7,100 square feet, Weiss said.

“We will be able to offer a full selection of brand name and private label products, including food, home decor, household items, basic clothing, seasonal items and more,” she said.

The Molino store location was chosen by the Dollar General corporation based upon demographic trends, traffic patterns and customer needs, Weiss added.

There is currently no projected opening date for the store; the first day of business will be dependent on the construction progress at the store. The general contractor for the store is Cassida Construction Company in Pace.

In the North Escambia area, there are currently Dollar General stores in Century, Cantonment, Flomaton, Jay,and Atmore.

Courtesy photo for, click to enlarge.


53 Responses to “Dollar General Store To Be Built In Molino”

  1. Horse! on September 18th, 2010 9:37 am

    The old webbs /anthony’s place has one flaw and that is a poor septic system.
    I’d love to see a subway go in there. Also my understanding is Molino is restricted by zoning to two resturants. Right now the economy is is such poor shape and taxes/Employee Health care uncertainties that no one wants to start a small business. Resturants are not high margins, they need a lot of traffic.

  2. molino on August 21st, 2010 9:07 pm

    well my daughter went in the store friday and they said they were opening tomorrow sunday i thought they would open on monday but cant wait. and the rib shack was a good place anyone no what happened to them

  3. AE on July 27th, 2010 10:59 am

    WELL .. I am just now getting around to reading these comments and I would like to say FIRST OF ALL – ( CW ) Its not a nail salon its a gift store and tanning salon and you might be suprised if you stopped in and checked it out what they have to offer! Also, you need to learn to spell before you start knocking people for coming and TRYING to open something in a town that doesnt have ANYTHING! The building that is a tanning salon has been abandon for awhile and at least SOMEONE is trying to bring SOMETHING to MOLINO! As for my vote .. Molino definitely needs some resturants! Why cant anything make it in the old Webb’s Diner??

  4. cw on June 21st, 2010 2:45 pm

    scotts is so high you must have a lot of money wanting to save scott”she is a rip off

  5. Sue on June 2nd, 2010 12:59 am

    A Waffle House would be nice! Though i think a Hardee’s would be even better. Then you could order at the window too!!!! Let’s just be thankful for the Dollar store for now. I think it’s a blessing for us country folks LOL

  6. elmo on May 31st, 2010 9:52 am

    i think that a DG is a good thing for molino because cantonmen & 9mile is to far to drive just to get a few basic items.because people like my mom dont like to deal with a lot of traffic and molino dosent realy have much traffic so thank you DG for puting a store in molino.

  7. Big B little ill on May 30th, 2010 5:35 pm

    OK David just for you, Waffle House & IHOP

  8. David Huie Green on May 30th, 2010 5:17 pm

    IHOP’s too expensive for a cheapskate like me, but okay, you can have an IHOP if you let us get a Waffle House.

    David knowing they don’t care what we prefer

  9. cw on May 30th, 2010 3:04 am

    walmark is not to far from here we dont need a walmark here we need a food store
    and for the nail salon thay need to move out put something in thair we need
    i support eneything and for tom thump sick of beeing rip off.

  10. mel on May 29th, 2010 11:56 pm

    whooo i’m game 4 waffle house or even,better yet an IHOP!!

  11. karen on May 29th, 2010 5:28 pm

    i am so happy we need something closer to us people in molino good job

  12. T on May 29th, 2010 4:59 pm

    The problem with Molino is that I don’t think the county does not have plans to extend sewage lines this far up when the lines start going in after the new plant is built. Maybe someone can comment who is in the know but I heard Hwy 196 is as far north as the line will go. Without the Sewage line, development in Molino is going to be strictly limited. If they would allow sewage up to Molino, I think we would see substantial commercial business going in. That’s only a few more miles up Hwy 29.

  13. Bib B little ill on May 29th, 2010 10:28 am

    I never cared much for Waffle House, but IHOP would be copacetic. As for Dollar General, it’s just a mini Wal-mart. Really mini.

  14. Cal Turner on May 28th, 2010 4:25 pm

    Regarding jobs at the new DG….
    As this store gets closer to opening….
    You can apply at
    Then I would contact a neighboring DG to get the District Manager’s contact info..
    The DM will know how many people needed and what date the store will start the opening process.

  15. INSTIGATOR on May 28th, 2010 1:34 pm


  16. interested reader on May 28th, 2010 11:03 am

    Good news. We need stores in our area. Thanks , looking forward to being able to buy something closer to home.

  17. Uv Gotoo B. Kiddingme on May 28th, 2010 9:18 am

    Now THAT is true about Walmart and the bad experiences. The one time I ate at Fran’s was breakfast. The food was outstanding once we finally got it. Like I said, the waitresses were so busy chatting with and serving the folks they already knew (even the ones that came in after us) that it took forever. That is not how you make new customers feel welcome. At Waffle House, if something like that were to happen, you can complain to the manager or corporate. But if the business is family owned and interested in being exclusive and GOB, well, your only choice is to not go there. So we don’t. I was born and raised in this county, but grew up in the supposedly far away land of Pensacola. If they won’t welcome me, then imagine the folks from up north!!! With the inevitable return to 4 bucks/gallon for gas, any local retailer we can get we should welcome. The new DG will give us a much shorter run for milk, bread, etc. without paying Tom Thumb prices or driving all the way to Cantonment. Walmart? Well, since they have 80% of the things we need for daily life (including gas) I would certainly support one. By the plant in McDavid would be a great spot for one.

  18. Trish on May 28th, 2010 8:32 am

    To Molinojim: I agree, if you want to live next to Wal Mart then move to Ensley. If you hate driving to Cantonment to go to the grocery store or the dollar store then why in the world are you living in Molino? Moving farther out is an option but when you have lived here your whole life it is not easy.

    deBugger: There are a lot of people who live in the “Molino” area who don’t understand the difference in Molino and Barrineau Park much less the milage.

    Fran’s breakfast can beat Waffle House any day. If you want Waffle House go to Cantonment. One bad experience does not define a business. If that were the case then none of us would ever go to Wal Mart again!

  19. Diddleysquat on May 28th, 2010 7:54 am

    deBugger: I moved my family out here 45 years ago because I liked the area. No one promised me that the area wouldn’t change, tho. I wouldn’t get excited about a Wal-Mart locating out here, but It wouldn’t bother me either. The suggestion that people who want to be near Wal-Mart should move closer to town intrigues me. The same could be said for those who DON’T want to be near Wal-Mart move to less populated areas of the country. While it might prove difficult to find a place without a Wal-Mart, I hear they are scarce in Wyoming.

  20. molinojim on May 27th, 2010 9:52 pm

    For those that think a Wal-Mart would be nice—please move to Nine Mile Rd. area, there one there. They want every cent there is and give very little in return. In some areas the Tom Thumbs are small scale grocery stores–about two times the size of the old Molino Grocery with every thing, so let’s wait and see what the Dollar Store has to offer. Ref : FRAN’S–They have a lot of things besides fried food and a daily special with a choose between two different items plus sides.

  21. K.B. on May 27th, 2010 9:02 pm

    I’m happy that they are opening a Dollar General in Molino! I love shopping at Dollar General. I live in between the Century and Flomaton stores and rotate between them. I also wish that somehow Century could get another grocery store to give the Piggly Wiggly competition. When we are towards Cantonment we always stop by the Grocery Advantage and stock up especially on our meat! Prices at the Piggly Wiggly is horrible. Yes they run pretty good sales but they know while your in there nine times out of ten you are gonna pick up other stuff and it is priced ridiculous!

  22. David Huie Green on May 27th, 2010 8:39 pm

    I agree with Teri, Waffle House is nice.

  23. molino resident on May 27th, 2010 7:50 pm

    what about jobs? is there a number i can call to try and get a job there?

  24. deBugger on May 27th, 2010 5:50 pm

    Porky’s in Cantonment makes a good stromboli, and the pizzas aren’t bad, especially when you work with them and tell them exactly what you want— and there’s always the Pizza Hut, or [shudder] Domino’s, if you’re into it…

    That new Chinese place served me some decent take-out the first time I tried it.

    Is Cantonment too far too drive from Molino? It’s about as far to Molino from Barrineau Park as it is to Cantonment.

  25. JohnMolino on May 27th, 2010 5:16 pm

    More business the better, I figure. The people who are going to work there will be from the area who are in dire need of employment. I hate wasting gas and money driving into town to pick up something small but needed. Putting a Dollar General or even a WalMart up here will hardly effect the Country feel we have. To think otherwise is silly. We don’t even have a stoplight folks…. We need a few more places to eat up here. I’d like an Italian place,but that’s just me. Who amongst us doesn’t do Pizza? If Pizza is bad, I don’t want to be good.

    Frans? Yeah, never been there. People I know go there. Not into fried foods, thank you. My family does go to Scotts. Great little pharmacy and nice folks. Been to the BBQ place once, right around the first week they opened. Great ribs, but the chicken was a couple days old and I could have re-soled my boots with it. Yeah, not a good first showing. Two hungry guys(Father in Law and I) who would be in there once a week and they gave us bad food.

    We use all the local shops around here.We support Hendricks lawnmower shop, it’s great for little things and repairs that I cannot figure out, but they have been really busy lately and slow. That’s good for them but aggravating for us. Glad they are busy.

    The knuckleheads over at Coles barbershop are my favorite. Getting a haircut is fun stuff. I wish my budget allowed me to go more often if just for the laughs.
    I see the new Nail Salon and Tanning Salon is busy. I hope like hell they are doing well. Good luck to them. I doubt I fit into their customer demographics as I bite my fingernails and pee standing up…otherwise I’d drop in. hahahaha

    At the risk of sounding all “Corporate”, more business the BETTER. Bring it on. Competition and Capitalism is a good thing. Just keep the damn Unions out.

    At this time, I would like to end this mini Rant and wish my Pittsburgh Steelers a Winning Season.
    There you go,from my keyboard to yours.
    Don’t thank me, I’m a giver. It’s a burden I tarry.
    I remain.

  26. deBugger on May 27th, 2010 4:46 pm

    I must say I concur completely with Observer’s comments.

  27. Ramona on May 27th, 2010 4:36 pm

    Yah! It will great to have a place to go to shop here. I remember Partains” Massey’s, Price’s, Abbott’s, and even Molino Cash house. It will be nice.

  28. none on May 27th, 2010 4:30 pm

    aanthony’s has EXCELLENT food…best bar b q around…wish he was still in bay minette..i hope your dollar store doesn’t bring many more dollar or dollar type stores to the area…look at atmore, they are bombarded with dollar stores

  29. Observer on May 27th, 2010 3:49 pm

    Fran’s Country Diner is what it is. If Waffle House is your idea of a great meal then go there. However, Fran’s is an old-style restaurant where they know your name if you go often enough. Some food items are great, and some are okay. If we are soon to be run over by Tom Thumbs, Family Dollar, and quick food places then as one said why bother to live up here. I chose to live here for the rural flavor, no siren noises, neighbors you know and who fly the flag, and no police-type subdivision rules. There is a distinct difference between Molino and town. Family Dollar and Dollar General are not the high-end stores that generally pull a community together. Like the old TV adage went, “No more city life, farm living is the life for me.” In closing if you have never stopped at Fran’s, stop by. I think you will be pleasantly pleased. Don’t nitpick, absorb what it is. I appreciate Molino for what it is.

  30. homemaker40 on May 27th, 2010 3:47 pm

    This is just about the BEST news. I will totally support this Dollar General. Can’t wait!

  31. curious eye on May 27th, 2010 3:17 pm

    atleast molino hasnt been totally forgotten, thumbs up to DG

  32. aubrey king on May 27th, 2010 2:58 pm

    Great.I am really looking forward to not having to drive so far to get a few things i need.Maybe a nice grocery store next.

  33. Reader on May 27th, 2010 2:53 pm

    Woo hoo—— You can bet I will support it and any other business that wants to move to Molino. I would like to move my patronage from the stores that have left Molino and take it to stores that are willing to invest money in our town. I hope it is a grocery store as some have reported that the new ones are. This is good news.

  34. Cal Turner on May 27th, 2010 1:27 pm

    If you haven’t been in a NEW DG in awhiile…..I think you’ll be surprised!
    14 doors of coolers/freezers…. bread/eggs/milk/cookies/cereals/snacks/candy/pasta/soups/\
    quick meals…..with prices as low as WalMart with quicker service and convenient parking. Full apparel/health&beauty/toys/cleaning supplies/stationery/home decor/pets supplies and food.

    Not counting monthly ads and promos and full lines of Seasonal Product.
    There is a reason that DG shares went from 21 to $31/share in the last 6 months…..they have a great formula and are a great neighbor!

  35. mom~0f~2~beautifulgirls on May 27th, 2010 12:19 pm

    a dollar store,we have one 8 miles from tom thumb,how about something BETTER…like a walmart??? now that would be better

  36. Uv Gotoo B. Kiddingme on May 27th, 2010 11:33 am

    I would prefer small business, don’t get me wrong debugger. But if they can’t be service oriented and be more inclusive, they will continue to fail. The ones we have that are successful do that.

    I would also love to see another gas station on the opposite side of the road from the Tom Thumb at 29 and 97.

    Oh, and if this are progresses to not being rural enough for you, there is always Flomaton. Good luck.

  37. deBugger on May 27th, 2010 10:11 am

    A Wal-Mart?


    Spoken like a true “Corporate Citizen”.

    Why don’ t you move closer to town? The rural nature of this area is what drew my family to move out this way over 35 years ago.

  38. Melissa on May 27th, 2010 9:21 am

    YEAH!!!! That is so awesome! I am so excited! This is as great as when Pizza Hut started delivering Pizza…….! and when it wasn’t long distance to call Pensacola anymore!!! Whooo hoooo! We do support the businesses here in Molino! I am excited to see growth of small businesses and large. It will mean jobs for our little area! Thank you North Escambia Paper for your coverage of our area too! You do an awesome job and I really appreciate being able to read about the good things that happen in our area, as well as the other sometimes, sad news that occurs. Keep up the GREAT work! YOU are a blessing to MANY!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. cm on May 27th, 2010 9:10 am

    This is great, we need something! Anthony’s right next door :) they have great food at reasonable prices. Progress IS GOOD for all of us. Does anyone know how many jobs will be created from Dollar General?

  40. Uv Gotoo B. Kiddingme on May 27th, 2010 9:02 am

    Well, yes, debugger, a Walmart would be quite cool. Maybe closer to Century, though.

    The issue with local businesses that “don’t get off the ground” as you say, is that they tend to be less service oriented and more of a GOB type of thing. The problem that they don’t realize is that there aren’t enough GOB with money in our area to sustain a profitable business. When I first moved up here from Pensacola 4 years ago, I went into the Diner on 29. I sat for 25 minutes waiting to be waited on while the waitresses chatted and served the folks they obviously already knew that were in there. Some even came in after me. I haven’t been back since and would love to see a waffle house.

  41. christi on May 27th, 2010 9:00 am

    WOOOHOOOO!!!! i am so excited about this!! maybe this will bring more stores in the near future! thank you so much!!

  42. Lynn on May 27th, 2010 8:57 am

    I wish Dollar General would open up one of their “Super Dollar General” stores like they have in south Florida (Lakeland, Tampa, etc.). One side is a grocery store and the other side is the regular dollar store. The grocery side has everything the larger stores have, including a meat department. If they’d study this area I feel they’d find out it would work up here. I personally feel it would be great for the Century area. . . .give Piggly Wiggly (or Food Giant now) some needed competition!!

  43. cw on May 27th, 2010 8:49 am

    we are on the map buy buy doller store we all need a food store now hope
    we get one soon all of us wants a store stop serge charge

  44. molinojim on May 27th, 2010 8:36 am

    I saw that the old Rose gas station was gone as of yesterday. Will part of the other building be remove or just used for what ever. PLEASE DO NOT MESS WITH SCOTT’S—-THEY ARE AS NICE A GROUP OF PEOPLE YOU COULD EVER WISH TO DEAL WITH.

  45. deBugger on May 27th, 2010 8:34 am

    I understand the positive convenience & economic aspects of this for people in our area, but c’mon—?!

    Waffle House? Taco Bell? Church’s? Why not support the small, locally-owned businesses & restaurants that never seem to get off the ground? Do we really want our little area to begin looking just like the rest of the drive-by cookie-cutter big box consumer culture that blights so much of our landscape?

    Next you’ll want a danged Wal-Mart SuperStore to take over some large tract of our precious farmlands.

  46. Eloise on May 27th, 2010 8:16 am


  47. Terri Sanders on May 27th, 2010 8:12 am

    Waffle House is next on my wish list!!

  48. c on May 27th, 2010 7:41 am

    this is a great thing to do i loved the little store and i believe this store will be just like it

  49. EscambiaGuy on May 27th, 2010 7:40 am

    This could be a positive thing.

  50. dnutjob on May 27th, 2010 6:40 am

    WOO HOO! this is just great. :) been missing the little grocery ever since they closed it….. I think I will dance to this one.

  51. Betty on May 27th, 2010 6:07 am

    There are a lot of happy people in Molino!!! This will be such a blessing for this area. We have needed something like this for a long time.
    Thank you William for confirming the rumors that have been going around for several months.

  52. TJ on May 27th, 2010 5:41 am

    That is good about time maybe more things will follow… Need a Taco Bell or Church”s Or just anything!!!!!!!

  53. Diddleysquat on May 27th, 2010 5:38 am

    Hot Dog!!!!!