‘Cornbread’ Named Inspirational Hero

May 13, 2010


cornbread121.jpgCornbread is an inspirational hero — as most everyone around Northview High School knows.

Chris Moorer — also known as Cornbread — was named an inspirational hero by Cox Gulf Coast during their 16th annual Inspirational Student Hero Celebration Tuesday night. The event honors students that have faced significant challenges, including the loss of their parents, physical illness, handicaps and language barriers.

“Chris is the type of student every student and teacher knows at school. He brings smiles, compliments, and cheers to everyone’s day. He is a hard worker in class and takes pride with his job at school. Chris was awarded the Most School Spirit Award for this school year,” Northview reading teacher Natalie Nall said about Chris.

According to the event program, “Chris has brought smiles to the halls of Northview and into the lives of the school personnel and students. His proudest success is being able to complete his assignments. He is also very proud that he has learned not to be easily influenced and to take responsibility for his actions.”

Chris, a senior, was also awarded this year’s Most School Spirit Award at Northview.

Other North Escambia area students that received the Cox Inspirational Hero award were Tashima Talton of Cantonment, Escambia Charter School; Sarah Martin, Jim Allen Elementary; Jon Walker, Ransom Middle School; and Rebeccah Elizabeth Godwin, Tate High School.

Pictured above: Chris Moorer, also known as Cornbread, poses for pictures at the Cox Gulf Coast 16th annual Inspirational Student Hero Celebration. Pictured below: About 40 students were honored at the event. Submitted photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.



40 Responses to “‘Cornbread’ Named Inspirational Hero”

  1. Christopher Moorer on February 4th, 2021 2:31 pm

    Thank you for supporting me and stuff I really miss y’all

  2. Damon on May 25th, 2010 10:18 am

    way to go cornbread proud of you bro

  3. Coach Wise on May 21st, 2010 3:13 pm

    Cornbread – You are Northviews biggest celebrity now. You deserve to be recognized for your big heart and ability to lift people up with a smile. Your outlook on life will take you a long way. Keep it up!!!
    Coach Wise

  4. La Chancery on May 21st, 2010 2:51 pm

    Chris your the most spirited young man at Northview. We are proud of you.
    Keep that great smile and that wonderful and happy heart. You are an inspiration to us all.
    You Are My Hero……

  5. Candice & Caitlin on May 21st, 2010 10:31 am

    Congratulations Cornbread!!! We’re so proud of you. You are so sweet and kind to everyone at school. We love you=))

  6. Lexi on May 20th, 2010 10:31 am

    Hey Cornbread, I just wanted to say how proud I am of you. You always know how to make someones day and I’m so happy that you got the Inspirational Award.

  7. Mrs. Regina on May 19th, 2010 6:14 pm

    My sweet, sweet Cornbread. I am so proud of all you have accomplished this year. You have grown into a fine young man. Northview won’t be the same without you, so you better come back and visit. We’ve known you were a HERO for years and now you have the medal to prove it. Stay sweet, be good, and remember how much we love you!

  8. cathy on May 19th, 2010 3:49 pm

    chris congratulations, i am so very proud of you, it has been a real pleasure working with you this year. you always brighten my day with your cheerful, sweet and kind way and great attitude, such a caring and loving heart, bigger than any.
    you will surely be missed at NHS.
    thanks for being sunshine to all of my days.
    ms. cathy

  9. Bill Britt on May 19th, 2010 1:58 pm


    $5 foot long!!! Thank you so much for your wonderful attitude about everything. You always brighten my day when we talk.

    You are my hero too!

    Vaya con Dios, amigito.

    Mr. Britt

  10. Ms. Parker on May 19th, 2010 10:41 am

    Congratulations Chris

  11. Mrs. M. J. Smith on May 18th, 2010 11:01 am

    Congratulations Chris! You are an inspiration to me and I wish you the very best as you leave NHS. You have a special talent – sharing your smile and warm heart with others which lifts their spirits and brightens their day.

  12. Clarissa Ross. on May 17th, 2010 7:03 pm

    Way to go cornbread(:
    You are always making me smile. I’m going to miss you.

  13. Kassandra Lett A.K.A S@nBoX on May 17th, 2010 6:51 pm


  14. Nurse Hinote on May 17th, 2010 2:44 pm

    You are a ray of sunshine!!!! We are going to miss all of the hugs and songs next school year. I know that where ever you go after high school that you will continue to put smiles on faces everywhere.
    Nurse Hinote

  15. Misty on May 17th, 2010 1:57 pm

    Way to go Cornbread!

  16. Chelsea L. on May 17th, 2010 1:29 pm

    Cornbread, I’m so proud of you!!! You did it!!! You’re my hero and I support you 100%!!!! I LOVE You SO MUCH!!!! Keep up the good work and stay out of trouble.

  17. jmmccants on May 17th, 2010 10:48 am

    Chris, sometimes we are unaware of the road ahead, and directions the directions we must take. Surely, the plan was to bring joy to Northview High School. You have been given a plan to spread joy through the hall ways, and to everyone you have touch. This is a great plan for such a young man, you have done it well.

  18. Abbie on May 15th, 2010 9:05 am

    congratz cornbread!!!

  19. Ms. Barbara on May 15th, 2010 7:59 am

    Way to go cornbread, Northview will not be the same without you. I will miss your hugs and laughter. Congradulations and always keep a smile on your face.

  20. Billy Welch on May 14th, 2010 2:14 pm

    We are proud of you and wish you well in everything.

  21. Olivia on May 14th, 2010 10:39 am

    Congrats cornbread! So proud of you! You represent Northview so well!!

  22. Mrs. Castor on May 14th, 2010 9:53 am

    Congratulations, Cornbread — you totally deserve this award! Your smiling face and positive attitude help brighten the halls of Northview and the lives of many. :)

  23. Robert on May 14th, 2010 8:07 am


  24. Angi on May 14th, 2010 7:29 am

    Congratulations Cornbread, keep up the excellent work!

  25. Edie J on May 13th, 2010 9:17 pm

    Congratulations Cornbread! Don’t be a stranger to NHS after graduation. Football games won’t be the same without you!

  26. Jeremy on May 13th, 2010 8:54 pm

    Way to go man! Keep up the good work!!!

  27. JUDY MASEK on May 13th, 2010 8:28 pm

    wow! his parents must be soo proud!…i give ALOT of credit to his parents for helping to shape his uniquely well-rounded, good attitude….:) it made me smile as i read about all of the great students honored!

  28. Mrs. Ellis on May 13th, 2010 8:02 pm

    It is so wonderful to heer you are making those good decisions, putting a smile on your face and cheering others along the way. Keep your eyes on a goal!
    I smiled to remember you from our days together at Ernest Ward. Continue working hard after you leave Northview…there is a lot of good you can do in your future.

  29. girlwitgreeneyes on May 13th, 2010 3:23 pm

    YAY!!!! WAY TO GO!!!!

  30. Erin, got a problem with it? oh well. =) on May 13th, 2010 3:18 pm

    Way to go cornbread!!! You deffinently made me smile quite a few times when we were in school together.

  31. Ashley on May 13th, 2010 2:16 pm

    Congrats Cornbread! I am so proud of you! You always are having a great day, and make everyone elses just as good. You have a very nice way of bringing someones day up with your hilarious jokes & songs you sing. Thanks for making my High School years so much fun. I hope that you meet Miley Cyrus one day, if so get a picture for me!! (: Remember always keep your head up & always stay the same as you are! Im going to miss you at lunch after we graduate. Good Luck in the future & keep up your Great Work.

  32. let'sgohunting on May 13th, 2010 1:47 pm

    Such a wonderful change to read a touching story like this one, instead of all the other crap that we have to read. Way to go Chris.

  33. Emily on May 13th, 2010 12:51 pm

    I agree with atmore! I like to hear great things like this in the morning and I like the good kind of stories not the bad ones! Keep up the good work Chris!

  34. renzo on May 13th, 2010 11:21 am

    good job cornbread, WHATS UP DOG, that’s what he used to say me me when i was in high school with him 3 years ago. he was a cool fella

  35. stephen on May 13th, 2010 10:26 am

    way to go chris. this was a nice thing to read keep up the good work,

  36. classmate on May 13th, 2010 9:35 am

    I use to have pe with cornbread. he kept everyone entertained & was very nice. congrats cornbread ! keep it up :)

  37. atmore on May 13th, 2010 8:52 am

    It’s so great to read stories like this early in the morning! It just brightens my day..I wish there were alot more of these GOOD stories rather than bad ones all the time. I do not know Cornbread but I just wanted to say Way to go!!! Keep that great spirit!!=)

  38. Vicki harrison on May 13th, 2010 8:39 am

    These are the kind of stories I love to read/hear about!
    Congradulations to all of these fine young men and women! :)

  39. TJ on May 13th, 2010 8:32 am

    He was on the bus with me one year he is the best kid on the bus.. i hope to see you oneday I was a bus aide♥ and I hope that you Will remember me ♥

  40. Mrs. Terry on May 13th, 2010 6:45 am

    Way to go Cornbread. You truly do bring joy to me and a smile on my face everyday at school. I’m am so proud of you and you are an inspiration to us all. If only more people would have a caring heart like you, the world would be a better place. You are the sweetest person I know. I am going to miss you next year.

    Cornbread, YOU are my Hero, …
    Mrs. Terry