Commissioner Wants Escambia Waters Tested

May 20, 2010

One Escambia County Commissioner wants to make sure that the water quality off Escambia’s beaches is safe following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. He is calling for weekly water testing to monitor any changes.

Commissioner Grover Robinson issued the following statement Wednesday:

Recently it has come to our attention the public concern with water quality on the Gulf of Mexico. Prior to the end of April and first of May we quickly took water samples for clinical testing of both our Gulf and inland waters to determine the baseline for the existing waterways. With this baseline we are able to know what is a clean and acceptable level for people who participate in water activities.

robinson.jpgWe must and will do all we can to ensure the environmental protection of our citizens and our tourists. Towards that end, I am working through staff to submit a request to e-Constellation (Unified Command) to perform weekly testing on Pensacola Beach and Perdido Key. This water sampling would be tested and the results compared against the baseline. If there is no detectable difference between the test and the baseline then the water will be deemed safe.

If the water is significantly in variation from the baseline we will work with the State Health Department and notify our citizens and visitors. The plan is to take one sample on Pensacola Beach and the following week take a sample from Perdido Key and return to Pensacola Beach the following week and so forth as we proceed through the summer and fall season. We believe the cost of this testing will be around $25,000 but would seem the right allocation of resources from BP and e-Constellation to ensure the public’s safety and wellbeing.

I believe it is Escambia County’s responsibility to ensure the citizen’s wellbeing; however, if there is no detectable variation, then it is equally our responsibility to promote our economic entities. At this point there are many details of the testing plan yet to be resolved; however, I do hope that it will be made available on a weekly basis to the public and to the media for publication.

If you have any questions or comments you are welcome to contact myself or Larry Newsom to discuss.


Grover C. Robinson, IV


Escambia Board of County Commissioners


3 Responses to “Commissioner Wants Escambia Waters Tested”

  1. Wendy on May 20th, 2010 10:29 am

    Are the owners of the testing company contributors to his campaign?

  2. Uv Gotoo B. Kiddingme on May 20th, 2010 9:06 am

    Huh? You mean the BOCC is considering using the oil spill money to protect our waterways and our citizens? What ever happened to taking that money and giving millions to Perdido for a new baseball complex they don’t need (i.e. FEMA fishing bridge money)? Oh the humanity!!!!

  3. Cheryl on May 20th, 2010 6:13 am

    Why on earth does the county have to “request permission” with Unified Command to test water just off the beach? Oh wait, BP is holding the pocket book and DEP likes to shuffle papers for a month to remind everyone that they’re looking out for our own good. On the other hand, perhaps our commissioners can now relate to the frustration the lowly taxpaying citizen feels when we get ignored and put off by them. How does it feel to have to beg for reasonable things?