Chateau La Roach: EWMS Drama Presents Spring Play
May 27, 2010
The Ernest Ward Middle School Drama Department will present their annual Spring Play tonight.
This year’s production is “Chateau La Roach”, a comedy about a small hotel being overrun by cockroaches. Mimi and Francois LaRoche must find some way of stopping the health inspector from finding out about their little bug problem. With the help of their wacky staff, the two of them try to find which guest is the health inspector. Will they find the health inspector or is it too late?
The cast is made up of seventh and eighth graders who have spent many hours preparing for this play. Tickets are not being sold this year; donations will be accepted at the door. The community is invited to come for the debut at 6:30 Thursday night in the Ernest Ward gym.
The play will also be presented again Friday morning at 9:20 for the students and faculty.
3 Responses to “Chateau La Roach: EWMS Drama Presents Spring Play”
went and watched this play thursday night and enjoyed every minute of it. really really funny. everyone did a great job. you are all very talente, keep it up and im sure they’ll be plenty of other plays to come. great job sam
I can’t say enough about the dedication and talent of the students who participated in this drama production tonight! These middle school students presented a FULL LENGTH play!!! I am very proud of each of you and Ms. Ward. Not only for this production, but for all the Christmas program, the Veterans’ Day program, and the Armed Forces Day parade. You are all FANTASTIC young people!!!
Mrs. Gayle Hanks
I think that would be a funny play to watch. Can’t Wait!