Century Mayor Seeks Help For Woman With Leaky Roof; Code Lien Preventing Repairs

May 17, 2010

An Century woman can’t get assistance to have her leaky roof fixed because she owes an old code enforcement lien that amounts to more than her monthly income, and Century’s mayor is asking the county to help.

The single, 58-year old female head of household takes care of her 34-year old developmentally disabled son on a Social Security disability income of $672 per month, according to a letter from Century Mayor Freddie McCall.  She currently owes costs of $675 from a 2005 Escambia County Code Enforcement magistrate hearing.

To fix her leaky roof, the resident of Jefferson Avenue applied for emergency repair housing assistance through Escambia County’s State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) program.  When her application was processed, it was discovered that she owed the $675 code lien and back taxes of $617.47. The back taxes have since been paid by her brother.

In the letter to the county, McCall requested that the code lien be forgiven so that the woman “may be determined eligible to receive housing assistance to replace her roof and to eliminate existing health and safety conditions”.

McCall’s request first went before the Escambia County Commission on May 6, but commissioners took no action.

According to Code Enforcement records, the woman was first cited on April 14, 2005,  for an inoperable vehicle, overgrowth in excess of 12 inches, trash and debris, including mattresses on her property. On December 5, 2005, the woman faced a Special Magistrate  hearing, was ordered to bring the property into compliance by January 21, 2006, and was ordered to pay costs of $675.

The property, according to Code Enforcement records, was brought into compliance by January 9, 2006 — over a week prior to the magistrate imposed deadline.


24 Responses to “Century Mayor Seeks Help For Woman With Leaky Roof; Code Lien Preventing Repairs”

  1. David Huie Green on May 21st, 2010 2:24 pm

    “And I’m actually referring to someone who is extremely close to me that the church’s would not help. He was homeless. He walked there. ”

    As usual, I don’t know a thing about your particular situation, but it did remind me of another homeless person I–along with over a hundred others at one time or another–took in, trying to help him.

    When he was with me, he threatened to beat up our 8 year old children for something or other, so my forgiveness-challenged wife explained it he ever raised a hand to those small children, he had better be ready to move out.

    He decided to leave immediately rather than limit his freedom to attack small children.

    A couple of years ago, he was staying with a 78 year old woman who took him in out of pity. She took him to church with her one day and he got into it with the preacher because the preacher asked him to stop texting during the service.

    Yes, I know the preacher was completely wrong to make such an unreasonable request. I went to a funeral a couple of weeks ago and was amused to see how many teens were texting each other during the service. He was obviously in the wrong church or else he should have turned off his tone which sounded loudly every couple of seconds as the lady in Maryland or the one in Mobile, don’t know which one it was, sent him another text.

    He drew back to strike the preacher but finally reconsidered. He finally decided to leave the state when reminded that one of the grandchildren (come to think of it, the same small one he had threatened years before) had threatened bodily harm if he ever hurt his grandmother–which he had while fighting her.

    You wish you could help, but sometimes you just can’t. In fact sometimes when you think you are helping, they are thinking they fooled you again.

    David for better nephews
    and recognizing the impossible
    and protecting the weak

  2. Erin on May 20th, 2010 10:27 pm

    Actually, I did say that I would help with what I could. (I posted as ‘aww’ as well) Granted, I can’t give her much, because I have a 3 month old, myself, and my significant other to care for, but I can offer her what little I can spare. If nothing else I’m sure she, with the help of her community (that’s us you guys), could gather enough money up to get her roof patched, at least for the time being. Until she could find a way to get all of this taken care of. And no, I don’t drive a Lincoln. I’m not one to ask for help, even if I do need it. And I’m actually referring to someone who is extremely close to me that the church’s would not help. He was homeless. He walked there. He didn’t show up in a nice, or even a crappy car. They told him that they had nothing for him. But that’s done with now.

  3. David Huie Green on May 20th, 2010 12:19 am

    “You get an eye-opener when you deliver Christmas gifts to one generation after another and they drive nicer cars than me.”

    You remind me of a time our church’s benevolence committee kept helping a lady with her utilities bills–month after month. It was a time when most of the members of our church didn’t have air-conditioning but she did, yet left the doors open while it was running. She didn’t have to conserve, we were going to pay her bill.

    When finally asked what she was doing toward becoming self supporting, she let us know she had to drive to a gym in Pensacola three times a week so she could get into shape to look for work. Made sense to me.

    Finally we had a less understanding pastor. He explained we would help her move to Pensacola if she needed help. It angered her that we were cutting off her money.

    She moved to Mississippi to live with her rich aunt. Looking back, we were just holding her back by helping her month to month with no goals in sight. Her aunt REALLY needed her.

    I wonder who we actually COULD have helped with the time and money lavished on her. My respect for the benevolence committee decreased.

    Yet people complain when all churches don’t help all people who claim to need help. They know THEY shouldn’t be bothered to help or even consider what would actually constitute help, but also KNOW the churches should help by giving whatever is demanded.

    David remembering many other examples

  4. Dixie Chick on May 19th, 2010 10:35 pm

    You haven’t been to the right church. Then again, it’s hard to give to people when they drive up in Lincoln Navigators or some eqaully nice car with flashy rims. You get an eyeopener when you deliver Christmas gifts to one generation after another and they drive nicer cars than me.

  5. aww! on May 19th, 2010 6:21 pm

    Church’s talk the good talk, but most don’t walk the good walk. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. They won’t help you unless they think your WORTHY of their precious time.

  6. Having trouble with my own bills on May 18th, 2010 9:55 pm

    Maybe they DID ask for help and got none. If they had asked you people, that would have been the answer, so why do you think it would be different from anyone else?

  7. been there on May 18th, 2010 5:31 pm

    What about local churches…they can help if the need is made known…or is there more to this story than is being told. We must help those that are less fortunate.
    Then let GOD deal with the situation..but in the meantime..a little prayer could not hurt

  8. Pat on May 18th, 2010 3:24 pm

    We need to walk in her shoes before we make judgment!!! Caring for a developmental handicaped person is a full time job. We have been there in our family!!

  9. kathy and charles brady on May 18th, 2010 1:16 pm


  10. David Huie Green on May 18th, 2010 12:13 pm

    “Why are we throwing stones at this person who lives on fixed income, when we have two houses on Front street that puts the whole town to shame. No, they haven’t asked for help, that I can recall……My parents taught us being poor is no disgrace when you work hard and do the best you can, but to be nasty is not care about your place is a disgrace.”

    ” They haven’t asked for help” answers the question. People should be free to do as they wish as long as it doesn’t hurt other people. My father was amused to note that most people talking about hard times usually had a cigarette or a beer-or both-in their hands while moaning about how hard-up they were.

    Why don’t we just cut to the chase and raise our taxes enough to give her and everybody else a new house every few years? These houses tend to run down very quickly if not kept up and it doesn’t seem likely it will.

    David admiring a pool table in front yard of someone else,
    knowing they’re going to need another free house soon too

  11. Erin, the one that speaks her mind. on May 17th, 2010 11:37 pm

    This poor woman was 54 at the time that this debt was handed to her, taking care of her 30 year old developmentally disabled son, on a fixed income. How many of you have to live on $670 a month? I can guarantee not many, or you dang sure wouldn’t have a computer to run your mouth on. I may not have money right now, but I did recently get a job. No, I won’t have much to give, but I am beyond willing to donate whatever I can to this woman. And NOT just because her house is any “eye sore”. Get over yourselves. Your no better than she is. No one is better than anyone else. I may not go to church, but that is one thing I am absolutely solid on. I’m no better than you, your no better than me, and we, are no better than this woman who just needs a little help from her community. I’m sure if you look into your hearts, you could donate, just a little, as well.

  12. observer on May 17th, 2010 8:46 pm

    if everyone here is so concerned about the judging (more like people speaking their minds) how come no one has announced how much they can pledge to this woman to help her out? the ones who are saying we are heartless, Etc. are quick to express their opinion but offer no real help either. I see them as no different than anyone else. I am willing to pledge $0.00 for this woman to get her roof fixed. I am willing to pledge my time to assist in a cleanup day if it is organized. (see how that works, I stated my opinion but I backed it up with a solid offer, not money, as I have none, but time as I do have that)

  13. Century Girl on May 17th, 2010 6:50 pm

    “Observer” I have thought the same thing at that location on Front St. I wonder if they have a business liscense for the city and the county? They are obviously running a junk business.

    As for the lady on Jefferson, Good Luck getting anything out of our county commissioner! Oh, do we even have one? LOL

  14. Shoe Fits on May 17th, 2010 1:32 pm

    Bible quote -”Am I my brother’s keeper?”
    Answer – yes I am!

    If we all had more of a Christian attitude, our communities, towns, and the whole world, wouldn’t be in the fixes we are in.

  15. dnutjob on May 17th, 2010 12:08 pm

    Instead of judging why don’t you help her, try deciding wether to eat or cut your grass, $600.00 plus a month to live on you try it and see how it goes. Leave the judging to the good lord up above, iIam so ashamed of some of the posts here but thats what this world is coming to. You have no idea what the circumstances are and god forbid you ever are in this situation. Have a lovely day and be thankful for how well off you are.

  16. Opinion on May 17th, 2010 11:44 am

    I have to agree with The Observer, you come off Hwy. 29 on to Front St. and you think you are coming into a nice part of town till you come to the first two houses sitting next to the RR tracks, Whoa !!!! what have I come into. It is enough to make you want to turn around and get out there before you go any further. Century really dose need to get Code Enforcement to do there job and if they can’t do it fine somebody that can. Those two places are NASTY. And if that is a business well the town needs to have there license pulled till they clean up the place. And I don’t think it is a business because there was no ribbon cutting announcement in the paper or on North Escambia. And if they have been coded why hasn’t something been done.

  17. Century Resident on May 17th, 2010 11:35 am

    sunshine how is heartless that most people is society would expect her to do something for herself? Read the story — all she had to do was cut her grass, clean up the trash in her yard and get rid of a junk car.

    Neese’s in Molino will pay $100 for a junk car. She could have used the $100 to pay someone to cut her grass. Like another poster said, she could have gotten someone like a church group to help pick up the trash. But, no. In a full year she said there on her duff and did nothing.

    Now, as a taxpayer, I’ll have to give up the $675 she owes the county, in addition to paying my tax money to fix her roof. I figure I can complain if I want too, cause I clean my hard and pay my taxes. I stick a bucket under my leak until I can work and buy my own roof.

    And — something’s wrong with the picture here. If her developmentally disable son lives her as the mayor’s letter says — mostly likely either he’s getting a taxpayer check too or she’s getting one for him. If not, they need to apply for him.

  18. sunshine on May 17th, 2010 11:26 am

    I think that comments on this site should just be shut down in order not to expose how HEARTLESS you people are. Get a life and quit judging everyone but yourself.

  19. The Observer on May 17th, 2010 10:34 am

    Why are we throwing stones at this person who lives on fixed income, when we have two houses on Front street that puts the whole town to shame. No, they haven’t asked for help, that I can recall. but the way things look the old houses may fall in on their heads before long. This code enforcement is a joke. If I was not to old to pull up my roots and start over I would move out of Century. I am ashamed to tell people where I live. The two places on front street is a shame and disgrace to this community. My parents taught us being poor is no disgrace when you work hard and do the best you can, but to be nasty is not care about your place is a disgrace.

  20. observer on May 17th, 2010 10:18 am

    just pay the bill already. if the bill is paid by others what motivation is there for anyone to pay for anything? I don’t want to pay my property taxes, but I do. I am disabled and live on a fixed income and I don’t cry about the things that break at home and need repairs. I have to budget my money and find a way to pay for the needed repairs. sometimes we need to make sacrifices of the nice things we enjoy such as cable tv or direct tv, cell phones, not buying ciggerates, Etc. you get the idea. you budget your funds and save until you have enough or just pay a little each month until it is paid. these people don’t need money they need someone to look over their finances and help them make a budget. these things happen to everyone at some point.

  21. Another working citizen on May 17th, 2010 9:36 am

    I don’t know these people, but I think we all need to have a little compassion. Does anyone believe in helping our neighbor’s anymore? Community ties are not what they used to be. Maybe she was too embarassed or overwhelmed to ask for help. Who knows the circumstances that led to this citiation? Good neighbors would have seen a need and pitched in without having to be asked – especially knowing she takes care of a developmentally challenged adult. If the property was in compliance a week prior to the hearing, someone should have given the lady proper instructions on how to notify Code Enforcement and she probably wouldn’t have been charged to start with.

  22. BrattBrat on May 17th, 2010 8:44 am

    I got an idea!… Wait until Memorial Day weekend and send the city workers and equipment over and the Mayor can pay for it.

  23. DoTellUs on May 17th, 2010 7:57 am

    I think from what I have seen, The BIGGEST EYE SORE on Hwy 29, must have been “Forgiven” or just over looked. Or could be WHO you know, hum??

  24. WorkingCitizen on May 17th, 2010 6:57 am

    No forgiveness, she had from April to December 2005 just to clean her yard. Other citizens do not want to look at eye sores, at that time she could have asked for assistance from churches, neighbors, or volunteer organizations. Or just cleaned a little each week. Forgiven 1 might as well forgiven all code enforcement law breakers.