BP Caps Part Of Oil Leak

May 5, 2010

British Petroleum  has capped one of three oil leaks in the Gulf of Mexico. That’s the good news. That bad news, however, is that the company says that it did not diminish the overall oil flow.

The former Deepwater Horizon rig site is still gushing 5,000 barrels of oil per day — now from two lead sources rather than three, according to BP.

BP was able to use a robotic submarine late Tuesday night to use place a valve over the of a pipe to stop one leak.

BP hope to place a giant containment dome over the two remaining leaks later this week.


4 Responses to “BP Caps Part Of Oil Leak”

  1. Marshall on May 5th, 2010 8:54 pm

    I think that by capping the one line, they have simply increased the flow rate through the other two lead sources. There would be a slightly diminished flow rate due to more friction losses, but the reduction would be minor.

  2. David Huie Green on May 5th, 2010 10:40 am

    “That bad news, however, is that the company says that it did not diminish the overall oil flow.”

    If the overall flow continues but is flowing up the line from the cap, that is not all that bad.

    If they are capturing the flow here but the uncontained flow continues at prior rate, that make no sense.

    It’s good that it seems the idea worked, now just put it over the source after cutting the riser and drill pipe out of the way. Again, shaped charges to cut the metal, a line to pull the cut metal out of the way, and the cap to go over the wellhead.

    David for diverting flow up to barges they said would receive the petroleum

  3. not an english major on May 5th, 2010 10:00 am

    I hope they repair this soon. There will be much loss of marine life. Sad situation!

  4. Joe on May 5th, 2010 9:20 am

    “hope to”… later this week….. in the mean time we watch our gulf coast waters and marine life be destroyed. the severe impact on the gulf coast region has not even been estimated yet as it will devistate the economy even more than the president did. this is a very bad situation for all along the gulf coast. I hope it is cleaned up soon.