Boil Water Notice For Town Of Jay

May 22, 2010

A precautionary boil water notice has been issued for the town of Jay until further notice.

The advisory was issued due to an unexpected cut in a water line. Customers will be notified when the boil water notice is lifted.

Residents are advised to boil water for one minute at a rolling boil or to use 6 drops of regular unscented household bleach per gallon of water for water to be used for drinking or cooking purposes.


3 Responses to “Boil Water Notice For Town Of Jay”

  1. Entertained Reader on May 24th, 2010 2:02 pm

    I sure hope nothing is found to have been wrong with the water being that we were drinking the water for a couple of days before this story was posted. Way to go Town of Jay water system for notifying its customers lol. Look forward to hearing when the notice is lifted.

  2. Time to move forward on May 23rd, 2010 3:05 am

    Would this affect those on the Mt Carmel water system?

  3. Bamcubz on May 22nd, 2010 11:39 pm

    Would have been nice if the water company themselves had called to notify their customers.