Atmore Man Pleads Guilty To Federal Porn Charges

May 21, 2010

A former Atmore resident is facing at least 15 years in prison after he pleaded guilty Thursday in federal court to child pornography charges.

barrowericsebastian11.jpgEric Sebastian Barrow, 38, pleaded guilty to the production of child pornography and the possession and distribution of child pornography on a computer file sharing network.

According to federal court documents, Barrow used a web camera to record a pre-teen girl living in the western United States.  The girl, according to court documents, was about 11 or 12 years old at the time. When located by federal investigators, the girl  said she recognized Barrow’s online nickname “bad_red_dragon_2004″.

According to court documents, Barrow, who is unable to walk due to spina bifida, would meet other young girls in Internet chat rooms and direct them to perform for him.

In 2005, a Florida Attorney General’s Office investigator found Barrow sharing child pornography online from his home in Atmore. The Florida investigator turned the case over the Alabama Bureau of Investigation. The case was later turned over to the FBI.

In February 2006, the FBI raided Barrow’s Atmore home and seized computer equipment. Federal investigators said they found 65 videos of nude pre-teen girls, along with 3,847 images of minors. According to court documents, Barrow would use the “Limewire” file sharing software to download and share child pornography files.

Barrow was also arrested in Escambia County, Fla., on March 26, 2009,  on five counts of possession of child pornography charges. He was eventually sentenced to five years in state prison on those charges.

Pictured: Eric Sebastian Barrow of Atmore is pictured (top) February 13, 2010, in the Escambia County (Fla.) Jail; (middle) in September, 2009 in a Florida Department of Corrections mugshot, and (bottom) in an undated photo.


20 Responses to “Atmore Man Pleads Guilty To Federal Porn Charges”

  1. Terri Sanders on August 23rd, 2010 8:52 pm

    looking at this from another angle…google” lime wire and adult and or child porn” .you will be horrified to read what is happining to people who are only intending to view adult porn.That in itself is bad,but to be accused of viewing child porn when in fact you didn’t intend to is devastaing to ones life

  2. Dixie Chick on May 23rd, 2010 12:07 am

    Nancy G,
    No one raises their kids to be a criminal except for those sorry parents that teach their kids to shoplift.

  3. nancy g. on May 21st, 2010 10:46 pm

    i happen to know this young man and his entire family..he was not raised to do this kind of thing…his parents were very involved in his life and he was raised in church…i hope god will have mercy on his soul..and someday his family will find peace

  4. Angi on May 21st, 2010 9:29 pm

    This is very sickening, he needs to rot in prison!!!

  5. Emily on May 21st, 2010 5:36 pm

    This is just horrible!!

  6. sad thing is you never know on May 21st, 2010 4:54 pm

    I feel sorry for his parents. I don’t know what is wrong with some people has to be the devil. I remember this guy he use to take karate classes in atmore. He seemed normal enough other than he couldn’t walk scarey thought to know he was around a lot of kids back then. And he didn’t look like his photos on here then either

  7. David Huie Green on May 21st, 2010 4:52 pm

    she’s actually saying OBAMA IN 2012 because she wants four more years of his wise leadership

  8. T.K. aka The DODGE MAN on May 21st, 2010 3:04 pm

    I just can’t believe anyone would call themselves OBAMA !!!!!!

  9. mph on May 21st, 2010 2:12 pm

    These creeps are everywhere. THey live in nests (and there are plenty of them) in Northern Florida and Baldwin and Escambia County Al. – take some good advise – check the sex offender registery in AL and FL – know your neighbor – these people have even infiltered some churches in Pensacola. If the Dolly Do-Gooders think they can help these people then they are sadly mis-informed. What was this guy doing with a computer if he had been convicted in Fl for a similar crime? Good questions for all citizens to ask of their public officials. Demand more and you will learn that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. In Florida ask your representative why a person that is applying for a Handyman liscence does not have to go through a background check. These guys mow your lawns, paint your houses and do minor repairs on your house and you do not have the information you need to see if they have a criminal record. Insist that your state legislature require criminal background checks on people before you hire them to come to your home. if you wonder if what i have said is true call the Esc. cty. Fl tax collector and ask them for yourself.

  10. David Huie Green on May 21st, 2010 2:03 pm

    The article plainly states, “In February 2006, the FBI raided Barrow’s ATMORE (as in Alabama) home.”

    While he was once an Atmore resident, he is scheduled to reside in Florida until the below penalty is completed. That makes him one of ours. (Oh JOY!!)

    “Barrow was also arrested in Escambia County, Fla., on March 26, 2009, on five counts of possession of child pornography charges. He was eventually sentenced to five years in state prison on those charges.”

    David acknowledging our blessings

  11. Cynical on May 21st, 2010 12:42 pm

    A “special needs” prisoner confined by spina bifida to a wheelchair is going to be an expensive inmate to maintain medically. Likely his confinement will not be much different from his home life except . . .

    no internet.

    At least he doesn’t have to worry much about being molested in Club Fed.

  12. geezzzz on May 21st, 2010 11:48 am

    another sicko,
    I would have given him 20 years at hard labor, i don’t know much about
    spina, but I would find out what he can do, no matter how hard it is for him,
    and he would be doing.
    Maybe cleaning toilets with his tongue because he likes dirt!
    Federal is to cushy for him.
    He took advantage of a lot of young girls who are too stupid and too young
    to know what they were doing, and their parents obviously are not paying
    Guess thats why those young girls are looking for the wrong attention!

  13. Beth on May 21st, 2010 10:42 am

    There sure are a lot of pervs all over the country it’s not just the north end of town. I’m sure you Obama have quite a few just minutes from your doorstep. Maybe you should check the registry once in awhile and stay informed.

  14. molinojim on May 21st, 2010 9:26 am

    Your tax dollars at work. We have to support this human (?) garbage now in a federal lock up. You can bet it will cost more that what we were paying for his care before this. Why not just find a very large toilet and flush him away. The sad/sick part as I read this story and others is that young people will send out all sorts of nude photo’s of themselves to people they do not know on the internet. HEY PARENTS WAKE UP.

  15. guest on May 21st, 2010 9:22 am

    bless his heart

  16. art on May 21st, 2010 7:58 am

    SW, please don’t insult the Addams family like that.

  17. SW on May 21st, 2010 7:21 am

    He looks like a character from “Adams Family.”

  18. been there on May 21st, 2010 5:23 am

    You are right on OBAMA….and he will move on a little further north towards the prison real soon too…tell him to take some pictures up there for all to see

  19. ? on May 21st, 2010 5:20 am

    Not sure what “north-end of town” you are talking about. The article plainly states, “In February 2006, the FBI raided Barrow’s ATMORE (as in Alabama) home.”

  20. Obama in 2012 on May 21st, 2010 4:09 am

    Sure are a lot of pervs up in the north-end of town.