Atmore Man Gets Life In Prison For Selling Over 13 Pounds Of Crack

May 26, 2010

An Atmore man has been sentenced to life in prison without parole for selling over 13 pounds of crack cocaine.

dixonscottieladon.jpgScottie LaDon Dixon, 38, received the sentence from Chief U.S. District Judge William Steele after he pleaded guilty to conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute crack cocaine. Dixon admitted in federal court that he sold 6.2 kilograms (13.67 pounds) of crack cocaine while he was on supervised release from a 1997 drug conviction.

A Drug Enforcement Administration’s High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area task force agent used a confidential informant to purchase crack from Dixon near Bay Minette on April 21, 2009. According to court documents, Dixon bragged about the quality of crack and sold the confidential informant two cookies of crack for $2,000.

As federal agents raided Dixon’s home, he was found at the end of a trail of cocaine powder, standing over a toilet. Court documents indicated that agents found crack in the sewage pipes under his trailer. He was taken into custody by federal agents at his trailer at 307 East 4th Street in Atmore on April 30.

Dixon is currently being held in the Baldwin County Jail.


23 Responses to “Atmore Man Gets Life In Prison For Selling Over 13 Pounds Of Crack”

  1. Michaellambert on October 27th, 2011 8:03 am

    M.i went to school with scottie he was one of the best all around athletic person i have known some where in life he allowed the enemy which is the devil to guide him on the wrong path but my advice to scottie is to give his life to christ and turn from his ways and he will be free

  2. tina love on July 24th, 2011 9:56 am

    i dont think its right to give him life an most people are not thugs most men just feel the streets is what they know so dont be so quick to judge somebody

  3. Bob on May 27th, 2010 8:44 am

    Made the mistake of hiring work release for a while. The most costly mistake of my life. When they were paroled out they came back to visit me at night even took belongings out of the vehicles on the carport which was later found at their residence. Yes, they are criminals and they will always be, it’s easier to steal from the working class than work for for a living.

  4. bull!! on May 27th, 2010 12:56 am

    I think him selling drugs is wrong…. But when u have child molesters out there who get a slap on tha wrist get outta jail free card this seems 2 be a lil much!!!

  5. guest on May 26th, 2010 7:48 pm

    Molino Dad. He got prison time because it was a federal judge and not a soft state judge.

  6. Big B little ill on May 26th, 2010 5:23 pm

    To Patty Helton Davis

    I like you response, compassions is hard to find some times.

  7. Teresa on May 26th, 2010 2:15 pm

    To Jobs Dont hire excons….

    Would you be saying that……If it was your children he was trying to sell to….

  8. AC on May 26th, 2010 1:44 pm

    72%!?! If that were true (obviously it ISN’T) we have the absolutely WORST judicial system in the history of the planet! Even half of the prison population being innocent as one poster put it is ridiculous. And the sad part is that some people ACTUALLY believe this bull. The scary part is these people VOTE!

  9. T.K. aka The DODGE MAN on May 26th, 2010 1:14 pm

    There is no excuse !!! I don’t sale or do drugs or hang with people that do. I am not worried about being wrongly convicted of anything. I work , pay my taxes ( which will skyrocket thanks to obama) and support my family. This 72% are wrongly convicted is bull crap. Maybe 7.2% are , but not 72% !!!! If people want jobs , they are out there. Most people without a job for longer than 6 months DON’T WANT ONE !!! I am tired of people feeling sorry for other people that would rob you in a second to get what they want. It’s time to WAKE UP America. Obviously we didn’t when the UNQUALIFIED was running for president.

  10. huh on May 26th, 2010 12:59 pm

    Life is far to harsh, he needs a drug rehab program. I see no reason tax payers should have to pay for his life stay in prison. He should be made part of a drug program and forced to work for the better of the state

  11. sktmax on May 26th, 2010 12:17 pm

    John, anway, and jobs dont hire, where did you get your numbers??? I work at a prison. Havent you heard?? They’re ALL innocent!!

  12. John on May 26th, 2010 11:40 am

    Question for posters Jobs Don’t Hire and Anwar….

    Where did you get your numbers……

    (72% have been wrongly accused.)

    (well over half the prison population are wrongly convicted…)

  13. Patty Helton Davis on May 26th, 2010 11:02 am

    To Scottie Parents: I am sorry for your loss..I sat at a many Little League games that Scottie and my son played on the same team. We don’t always know why our children chose this path, but you are in my prayers..

  14. anwar on May 26th, 2010 10:42 am

    I think LE Supporter forgot that well over half the prison population are wrongly convicted… the way cheaters, fornicators, liers and adulterers work at these large corporations built on sweat daily(no different from an excon) sin is bigger than any other sin..according to GOD..most Christians(as is this Bible Belt regions that we live in here) should know this..these sins are worthy of death and eternal life in Revelations Ch. 18…so yes, i would hire an excon because i’m not a judgemental, partial individual, everyone deserves a second chance and i am not dumb enough to think that all excons were all guilty as charged..

  15. none on May 26th, 2010 10:23 am

    You would think by now that drug dealers would know…it’s not a matter if you get caught, it’s a matter of WHEN… play, you pay

  16. Hate Druggies on May 26th, 2010 9:57 am

    I wish more judges would give ‘em life!

  17. robert on May 26th, 2010 9:05 am

    the reason he got life is because he wouldn’t roll on somebody else.

  18. robert on May 26th, 2010 9:04 am

    i work with excons everyday and i trust them more than regular folks most of the time. they are loyal and most of them are hardworking individuals. this particular guy worked for me for two years and i hate to see that he let things get to him to where he got involved with this mess again. some people are quick to judge. let the one with out sin cast the first stone.

  19. Rex on May 26th, 2010 8:55 am

    He shoulda moved one state over Section 20 -2-91 of the BAMA penal code plainly describes the the penalties for all narcotic convictions

    IF ya gonna be dumb ,,,,, ya best be tough…

  20. LE Supporter on May 26th, 2010 8:48 am

    To “Jobs Dont Hire Excons”… Would you hire a convicted felon if you had a multi-million dollar corporation bulit on years of sweat and hardwork? The honest answer is no… I have no sympathy for them (Excons) they made CHOICES that got them where they are now…

  21. T on May 26th, 2010 8:11 am

    Molino Dad, I’m with you, BUT I just don’t understand how some get many years to life while others get NOTHING.

  22. Jobs Don't Hire Excons on May 26th, 2010 8:06 am

    Forget the Jaded Judicial System and be Logical for a moment. When he was released in 1997, was Alabama Power going to hire him? How about Walmart, Dollar General, Georgia Pacific, Solutia, Verizon, Pizza Hut, McDonalds, Burger King? NOOOOOOOO…Noone hires felons, excons. [by the way, 72% have been wrongly accused] So what else is this man to do? He can not start a business because he wouldn’t be able to get bonded. Who wants the services of a nonbonded business? Not Me? You can’t even get financial aid to attend school if you’ve been to prison. So what is the man to do, other than sell drugs? The only thing he could qualify for is taxpayer dollars in the form of welfare, foodstamps and medicaid.

    I do not condone drug dealing and selling, however, I do understand that this man has to provide for his family, he has to provide a living for himself. I don’t know how else he would do so. ENOUGH with this selling to our kids. Parents need to be parents, anyone under the age of 18, using drugs is unacceptable. Please parents, teach your children values, morals and know where they are at all times. If they are under 18, they are still your children.

    I think the sentence is excessive. But who cares about that. This man is just another statistic according to the Judicial System.

  23. Molino Dad on May 26th, 2010 7:19 am

    I’m glad to see a story on here where one of these thugs actually got prison instead of a slap on the wrist. I wish they would all get life.