About 20 Apply To Be Century’s Next Town Clerk

May 10, 2010

About 20 people applied for the position of Century Town Clerk, and the mayor hopes to present a final candidate to the town council soon.

Mayor Freddie McCall said the list of candidates will first be cut to a “short list” for interviews with the help of the town’s accountant, Robert Hudson. Then a final candidate will be selected for council approval at a future date.

The new town clerk will be required to hold at least an associate’s degree with a minimum of three years experience in records management, data processing or experience in municipal government including supervisory experience and any equivalent combination of education and experience.

The applicant will also be required to have working knowledge of state statutes and bylaws relating to the duties and responsibilities of the town clerk, local government procedures and office procedure requirements, as well as other office and financial record keeping experience.

The previous town clerk, Dorothy Sims, retired at the end of last month,  but will remain available to help train her replacement.


6 Responses to “About 20 Apply To Be Century’s Next Town Clerk”

  1. David Huie Green on May 12th, 2010 12:04 am

    “i didnt even put in for this cause that little AA requirement.”

    Too late to worry about it now but didn’t they include something similar to the clause “or equivalent” which would allow much higher experience elsewhere to make up for shortages in preferable qualifications?

    Well, they can’t reject an application which was not submitted or accept one either. Remember they first put the bid out without that requirement and got no takers. THAT was the time to throw your name into the mix, when you would have been the only name.

    Ah, well, life is full of opportunities, hope you find a good one next time.

    David wishing the best for all people

  2. CaCiCoCaCe on May 11th, 2010 6:32 pm

    I have 10 years experience working for the City of Pensacola Government then 5 years running a 3 office, 9 doctor medical facility.

    I have government experience out the ying-yang , plus office corodinating, not to mention I have always had to deal with the public…… but I didnt even put in for this cause that little AA requirement.

    Not everyone was able to do college….. some of us WORKED for a living! Also the pay does NOT meet the education requirements :( Thats my opinion

  3. David Huie Green on May 11th, 2010 11:43 am

    “It will be interesting to how can someone train a newly hired town clerk, when the one retiring …”

    Nobody knows everything, everybody knows something. She can and is willing to share what she does know. That should help the new clerk.

    David who doesn’t even come close

  4. Century Girl on May 11th, 2010 2:01 am

    Uhmmm, It will be interesting to how can someone train a newly hired town clerk, when the one retiring has less qualifications than expected of the new one.
    Good luck new town clerk.

  5. just tired on May 10th, 2010 8:13 am

    There were more than thirty that applied for the Clerk’s position, so I guess the list was cut before being cut to the “short list”.

  6. Mark on May 10th, 2010 8:02 am

    Won’t it be fun reading the story where the mayor presents his candidate? I bet the bickering will be fun! Gonna make some popcorn for that story.

    Can we get a video like we did of the mayor using the equipment at his racetrack?