87-Year Old Caught On Tape Selling Crack Cocaine To Deputies

May 13, 2010

An 87-year old woman was arrested Thursday afternoon after she was caught on video selling crack cocaine to undercover officers.

agee10.jpgOla Mae Agee, 87, of Pensacola, was charged by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office with one felony count of selling cocaine.

Over the past month, the Sheriff’s Office conducted an undercover narcotics investigation in the area of Dr. Martin Luther King Drive and East Desoto Street.

“During the investigation suspect Ola Mae Agee was captured on video selling crack cocaine to undercover deputies. This sale and other narcotic sales at the residence led to a search warrant being executed at Agee’s residence today,” according to a statement release by Sgt. Ted Roy, spokesperson for the Escambia Sheriff’s Office.

Agee was transported to the jail where she turned herself in on an outstanding warrant and was released on her own recognizance, according to Roy.


69 Responses to “87-Year Old Caught On Tape Selling Crack Cocaine To Deputies”

  1. patrice on May 15th, 2010 5:23 pm

    very funny willie

  2. patrice on May 15th, 2010 5:20 pm

    To Good Grief:

    First of all if you have taught your children and raised them in the right way, surely they would follow what they was taught, all at the same time if they haven’t been taught any decipline, morals etc. what can you expect. I have children and i will never leave them unattended or in a environment that isn’t safe.


  3. CONCERNED PARENT on May 15th, 2010 4:25 pm


  4. Just Because on May 15th, 2010 4:10 pm

    Just because this woman got caught dealing drugs three times over the past 14 years don’t mean she only sold them three times. If you got a ticket for running a stop sign 14 years ago and another one this year that don’t mean you just ran two stop signs, very likely you’ve run a lot more, you just got caught two times. You said sometimes kids are coached into making unjust decisions, exactly, I agree 100%, they are coached by people just like this woman. I’m not trying to tear her down, she seems to be doing a good job of that herself. I do believe in praying for anyone that needs help, regardless of why or what for. But as responsible adults we have to make adult decisions, like serving on jury duty. I don’t believe we can just let people that have committed serious crimes go and pray for them. I just don’t see that working because we were giving the intelligence to make those decisions. We don’t know what the end results may have been from people buying dope from this woman, could have been overdose, or crimes of robbery and burglary to get the money to buy the dope with. A person living on the same street I live on stole some items from my house one time to buy dope, he didn’t know it but a surveillance camera tape him in the act. I told him that if he brought the items back I wouldn’t take the tape to the sheriff’s department, this time, but if he ever put a foot on my place again I would take it to them.

  5. Good Grief!!!!! on May 15th, 2010 3:17 pm

    Patrice, i am just thankful that this criminal , (not some sweet old lady) did not sell crack to one of your kids and they overdosed and died. No one on this post say they hated they lady and hopes she dies and goes to a Devil’s Hell. What I am saying is she needs to be punished for the crimes she did commit.

  6. David Huie Green on May 15th, 2010 1:13 pm

    “…. but the bible teaches us to luv thy neighbor….”

    Oh goody, another theological discussion.

    So when the lawyer involved in a theological discussion asked Jesus, “But who is my neighbor?” Jesus told the parable of the good Samaritan in which a man was beaten, robbed and left for dead while on the road to Jericho.

    In it he specifically pointed out two religious people–a Levite and a priest–who saw a man in need and ignored his need. Then he specifically pointed to a member of an outcast, despised group who helped the one in need despite the fact that Samaritans also despised Jews–a mutual non-admiration society. The good Samaritan dressed the hurt man’s wounds, put him on his donkey, carried him to a place of safety and saw to his further care before going on his way.

    Then Jesus asked the lawyer to judge who was the needy man’s neighbor.

    He begrudgingly admitted the Samaritan was the neighbor because he showed compassion. Jesus told him to do the same.

    There is no doubt showing compassion is instructed here. There is doubt on other matters. Was the Samaritan a neighbor before he showed compassion. Can’t we assume the Levite and the priest should not be considered neighbors?

    If we are to love out neighbors and our neighbors are defined as those who show compassion on us, should that be taken to mean we do not have to love those who do not show compassion on us?

    Now consider one who sells harmful substances to the foolish. Is she showing compassion? Should we treat her like a good Samaritan or like a self-centered Levite? If we are to excuse her actions, shouldn’t we excuse those who at least did no harm, such as the Levite and priest?

    If we are to show compassion on the vendor of non prescription pharmaceuticals, how should our compassion express itself? Should we return her drugs and money to her and tell her to have a nice day? Should we keep her drugs and drug money and put her in therapy and counseling again like the other times she was caught?

    Really now, what CAN you do with an 87 year old woman? Show some compassion with the people who actually do have to deal with this situation; it’s the neighborly thing to do.

    And lest we think Jesus spoke well of all Samaritans rather than just the good ones, remember he said their judgment for unbelief would be harsher than for Sodom and Gomorrah because THEY would have repented if they had seen the works he did.

    David thinking the donkey doesn’t get enough credit

  7. patrice on May 15th, 2010 12:57 pm

    To Atmore, I’m so glad to have read a post that someone has sympathy for mrs.agee.Like you said, where is here family know one knows and that should be good enough for the other commentors, this is where gods children need to step in and lift her up, a call or prayer would mean somuch. Atmore are you with me , if so we are still down by quite a bit, but who cares we have the lord so the total isn’t important, lets pray for mrs.agee an i will pray for you and your family and i hope you do the same for me.

  8. patrice on May 15th, 2010 12:49 pm

    To Just because, just because she pled guilty in 2 other instances doesn’t necessaryily mean that she is an experienced dealer. Kids are selling, because a lot of times that are coached into making unjust decisions. Selling dope to me is wrong, but that doesn’t put any of us in place to lable anyone. Lets keep it real ok, mrs agee sold drugs and yes it was wrong but don’t try to tear the lady down. But its just like having sex, did all of you nasty unjust individuals not have sex until you were married, i don’t think so.This goes for you, doctors, preachers and et al if you don’t know what et al means it means others. Wash your own underpants before you try to bleach someone elses, we are all human and all of us have made unjust decisions in some way form or fashion, but thats when we should learn form them,but in instances we don’t, we should keep leaning on gods unchangeing hands and hopefully you can testify to someone having problems. May God Bless all of you.


  9. patrice on May 15th, 2010 12:35 pm

    To the brewton mom that made the comment “there goes your social security check” well if this is so Gods people help one another not tear them down. upps i forgot a person that doesn’t know the lord, is expected to say or do anything. But l’m not going to get real with you, because if i did like tha old saying goes if you argue with a fool the people onsite want be able to tell the difference or distinguish one from the other. I am going to pray for you


  10. patrice on May 15th, 2010 12:29 pm

    Again to all of you that are so perfect, the lady is 87 years old, and what she did is not right, but who are we to judge. Thats a job that you all have taken on, not saying you were employed, you just took the job, but that withing itself is wrong aside from being ignorant. I don’t think for on minute that The Lord need your help in judgeing people, he would be pleased to know that you are trying to get people to know him rather than take his job. I’m sure you all have moms, dads and other relatives that you luv unconditionally and you wouldn’t want anything to happen to them whether their decision was just or unjust. This is when a person that truley knows the lord will pray for people that has gotten caught up in making unjust decisions, again we don’t wish the worst for these people, we pray for them and let god handloe the rest. Mrs.Agee my heart go out to you, i will pray for you and i know the lord will work it out. One thing you should do is get down on your bending knees and admit that what you did was wrong and ask the lord to strengthen you and i know he will, but you need not worry ask for forgiveness and leave the rest for the lord to handle. I often dwell on what my pastor said in church one sunday if you gonna worry why pray and if you gonna pray why worry.Mrs. Agee its gonna be alright,people are going to talk, but let them talk, in all essence you must be of importace to the unjust if i were you baby i would feel honored. I don’t even know you but the bible teaches us to luv thy neighbor so this is fromthe heart, “I luv you “and wish nothing but the best for you.

  11. Good Grief!!!!! on May 15th, 2010 10:21 am

    This is to Atmore……………..if this was my Grandmother, I would ask my Grandmother what in the Heck are you doing? Atmore, she is doing it for the MONEY…..Her so called family is probably giving it to her. They might think that if 87 year old Granny sells it for us they will just slap her on the hand. As to what she does in jail, is her own business. I say she will be paying her debt to society. Yes it is tragic that it happened but she should not have done it. Don’t fall into the thinking that all old people are sweet and loving. They were young once too and could have been the biggest thug in the world.

  12. David Huie Green on May 15th, 2010 9:47 am

    “I have no clue why or what made her do what she was doing. One would only know(her and God)…..The elderly normally cannot make ends meet and is this what they are trying to do to make it? …..Where are her kids, grandkids, sister, Somebody.. …. Everyone is entitled to freedom of speech. Just because you dont agree with what some one has said or done does not give you the right to judge. Learning to accept who we are,what we say and have done,will take us a long way…”

    If something MADE her do it, she is without guilt–not a free agent, just a tool.
    It really looks like she CHOSE to do it. If so please accept her decisions and treat her like a responsible adult until you know otherwise.

    Actually, most elderly CAN legally make ends meet. Very few are out selling dope to survive. In fact the younger folks are often sponging off of the elderly, so not only can they make ends meet, they are able to help others. And that’s even without breaking any major laws.

    If there are kids and grandchildren in her life, it is reasonable to assume they supported her decisions–may have even encouraged them–to earn income through unlicensed pharmaceuticals. Otherwise, they would have likely done something years back to disuade her. We could wonder at them, but might find ourself judging them harshly if we weren’t careful.

    Freedom of speech includes freedom to say you think something is good or bad. Thus people DO have the right to judge her actions and decisions. Remember you and I have judged her to be someone who should be allowed to walk (hobble?) around freely. Others have the right to say NO WAY. None of us is judging in the legal sense. Our judgments don’t carry any weight, they are just expressed opinions, subject to change as more information comes in. We must learn to accept that, too.

    David for freedom to disagree
    even with me
    though how that could be
    is far beyond me

  13. Atmore just commenting on May 15th, 2010 12:18 am

    This is not a laughing matter,this is serious.This could be my grandmother or mother.I have no clue why or what made her do what she was doing.One would only know(her and God).I saw this today at work,and it broke my heart,really what is this world coming to or has become.I know that the law is the law and and we should not or cannot favor but i am glad she is out.What would she really do behind those bars.Oh my,,my heart goes out for her.Life can be so hard and it can be so pleasing to others.The elderly normally cannot make ends meet and is this what they are trying to do to make it?Not making any excuses or anything bc i dont do drugs,dont be around drugs but i do know people that have.I took a look at her wrap sheet and it seems she has been in trouble with the law for quite some time now.Where are her kids,grandkids,sister,Somebody..She needs help,,and need to know who God is.We as people shouldnt be so judgemental,iv notice on blogs that we tend to eat at one another for comments,opinions or suggestions that are made.Everyone is entitled to freedom of speech.Just because you dont agree with what some one has said or done does not give you the right to judge.Learning to accept who we are,what we say and have done,will take us a long way..Pray for this women,,dont laugh,dont joke,.This could be one of your family members.deck gill im on your level..LETS PRAY..not only for her,for everyone..

  14. Deck Gill on May 14th, 2010 10:50 pm

    Because I’m a caring person I just can’t help but feel sad for this (human) I know nothing about her, I don’t understand why anyone would do this knowing when anyone puts that junk into their system it will harm them. is she in her right mind, is she a mean person, I can’t imagine at my age going to prison, I was disturbed seeing it on TV. did she have to do this to eat, 87 yrs old, I grew wiser when I grew older, I stopped doing the things I did when I was a young man, by the help of Jesus Christ I’m NOT the same old man I once was.
    I pray Ola Mae gets her heart right with Jesus, repents and lives a holy life with her few year she has left here on earth.

  15. brewton mom on May 14th, 2010 9:22 pm

    there goes your social security check omg lol

  16. Patiford! ♥ on May 14th, 2010 8:08 pm

    To Billy:
    I laughed so hard when i saw the picture && thought what in the world? (:

  17. cole on May 14th, 2010 6:26 pm

    madea would be proud

  18. David Huie Green on May 14th, 2010 6:23 pm

    What’s this younger generation coming to?????

    I assume this is serious to her, wouldn’t want to get a bad reputation and all that, but it’s just a bit hard to take all that seriously.

    Living proof of the adage: Some kids never grow up.

    Regarding the idea of making her post a high bail, Why? Bail is not established to punish people before they have been tried and convicted, it is to assure they won’t flee the country to avoid trial.

    Is this lady really likely to skip town? head to Rio? Amsterdam?

    Is she a threat to the community?
    Would folks in her neighborhood be in a more dangerous situation with her free than with her in jail?
    Is she likely to be involved in any drive-by shootings?
    Is she going to beat anybody up if she’s loose?
    Will she intimidate any of the witnesses against her?

    If the answer is NO, then why worry about her running around loose? How fast can she run; how loose can she run?

    To see her record, go to: http://www.escambiaclerk.com/xml/xml_search.asp?ulname=AGEE&ufname=OLA&ucasetype2=&ucase=&ucit=&ufromdate=&daterange=0&ucasetype=&uagencynbr=&uagencytype=

    Read about the blocked fire lanes, read about the child support petition, read about the citations for possession of a controlled substance (cocaine) with intent to distribute, about the court ordered drug evaluation and counseling, the forfeiture of $1,971 in drug money one time, resisting arrest without violence back in 1996 when she was just what? 73?

    Ask yourself what self-respecting officer of the law would admit getting beat up by her if she DID resist.

    Back then bond was set at $25,000 back when Rio was much more likely. She stuck around.

    The lady’s just about beyond the scope of the law now. Anything you do to her will make some folks mad. Anything you let her get away with will make some folks mad. It might even be the same folks, folks are fickle.

    Pity the people dealing with this case.

    While you are at it, consider the fact that there is no “community of criminals”. In all likelihood, she was turned in by some competitor wanting her share of the action.

    Making drugs illegal has not made them go away; it has just made them lucrative for those who deal in them.

    If you really wanted to do away with most of the drug trade, you would make it legal for the grandmas and a number of my cousins and everybody else to buy and sell to their heart’s content.

    People would die from bad drugs just as they do now, but there would be less reason to get grandma into the trade. They only do it because they can make money from it. If they could not make money from it, they would go into some other vice.
    (At least you are keeping her away from a life of prostitution!)

    You could still prosecute driving under the influence just as you do now. You would just leave people alone in the privacy of their own homes. You might make it more likely they would stay home rather than roam the streets looking for a hit, a toke, a snort, a fix or whatever the latest euphemism is or money to pay for said hit, toke, snort, fix, ….

    (and lest you wonder, no I don’t use, am subject to drug testing at a moment’s notice, look forward to it for the extra pay)

    David considering how some supplement their social security income
    without turning on the red light

  19. atmore on May 14th, 2010 5:31 pm

    sorry. I really hope this woman gets help if she needs it and can live the rest of her life well and good.

  20. William on May 14th, 2010 5:11 pm

    Comments should be on the topic of the story and not directed toward individual posters. Otherwise, they will not be approved.

  21. atmore on May 14th, 2010 5:09 pm

    concerned mother,

    GET BONDED!? are u kidding me!? please lay off the drugs yourself. OF all of the people making comments similar to mine why must you target me!? not that i really care, but maybe you should be teaching YOUR kids, since your a mother and all, not to freakin judge!? how about that for a thought…i cant believe people are being this way…learn proper grammar and then try to tell me what i should and should not say! Not that i care what you have to say because i still get to voice MY OPINION! i find great humor in the ignorance in people like you. SCREAMIN AND YELLIN ABOUT RIGHT AND WRONG AND WHAT SHE MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE BEEN DOING AND BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH, AND WHAT YOU REALLY NEED TO BE THINKIN ABOUT IS HOW YOUR JUDGING PEOPLE! And not just on this one story, *Concerned mother* NEARLY EVERY STORY I READ ON HERE YOU HAVE SOMETHING JUDGMENTAL ON HERE ABOUT THE STORY! YOU DONT HAVE A CLUE WHAT THAT PERSON HAS BEEN THRU BUT O WELL, THAT’S BETWEEN YOU AND THE GOOD LORD ONE DAY. All im sayin is i hope he has mercy on your soul for all the judging! thank you for your input, that was my input and have a nice life, you may want to get into church or something. jus sayin…

  22. Concerned mother on May 14th, 2010 3:47 pm

    Dear Atmore,

    Im happy that you live in a world with no pier pressure but unfortunatly us in the real world see it everyday when it comes to our kids. I understand you have a heart but not everyone hooked or buying it is stupid just desperate for what ever it gives them. You need to take a good look around and join the real people and parents. If she was hurting and trying to make it then how could the money be there to get her bonded??????? Please stop showing your Intelligence and just shut your yap!!!!! She is not a poor old woman she is someones grandma and mom and she is greedy, not helpless!!!!!!

  23. Willie B. Posted on May 14th, 2010 3:45 pm

    I thought Moms Mabley was dead. Do they furnish Metamusil in prison?

  24. Toni on May 14th, 2010 2:26 pm

    I am a Geriatric Nurse. You people make me sick!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Elderly are the throw away generation. I agree with atmore.

  25. Billy on May 14th, 2010 1:44 pm

    Good = Good Nice =Nice Old = Old
    Old doesn’t =Good or Nice

  26. patrice on May 14th, 2010 1:32 pm

    I really feel sorry for the old lady and my heart go out to her. I don’t believe that this is something she did own her own, i feel like that maybe she could have been coached into selling the drugs. For the people that posted all the negative comments, i’m sure you had or have a grandma and you do what you feel is in the best interest for her, I’m sure that you all have had or have relatives that are much younger and aware of the penalities for breakining the law, but do you or did you wish they would go to jail, “I don’t think so. did any of you think for a minute to wonder if the lady was in her right state of mind, maybe she needs medical help. And besides, you all need to mop our own back porch before trying to mop someone else’s ok. Its quite obvious that you all don’t know the Lord, If he can forgive us for our sins and he is God, then why iis it so hard for you all that sin everyday maybe in a different manner to pray this lady because now she needs prayer as well as someone to stand by her side. None of us are perfect so don’t get things twisted and try to pose as being perfect, theirs only one perfect person and thats God and it seems like a lot of you need him. Again mop your own back porch and it might do you all some good to sort out the clothes in your own closet you will probably be surprised of the dirty laundry that have be thrown in their to keep on the DL and if you don’t understand english it means on the down low. I will pray for Mrs. Agee as well as you all because i know that god answers prayers.

  27. Beegee on May 14th, 2010 12:59 pm

    Reckon somebody set her up???? I mean that’s the going thing now….blame somebody else!!!!

  28. Me on May 14th, 2010 12:33 pm

    Just because a person is “old” doesn’t mean they can’t be mean, hateful, vindictive, devious, a thief, a drug pusher, a pedophile, a murderer, & the list goes on and on. “Old” doesn’t automatically make someone a “sweet, innocent” person. That comes from having a good conscience & always trying to do the “right” thing.

  29. JUDY MASEK on May 14th, 2010 10:08 am

    jks……my sentiments, exactly!

  30. ewalum on May 14th, 2010 9:58 am

    Is it just me, or does her picture remind anyone of when the wolf put on Granny’s clothes in Little Red Riding Hood?

  31. Cynical on May 14th, 2010 9:45 am

    Looks like the slack has already been cut and she didn’t pick up on the lesson.

    Jail provides 3 hots and a cot. She won’t go without food or shelter.

    She should be treated like any other dope dealer: no better or worse; age discrimination is a terrible thing.

    Nice job, LEOs.

    Fewer crack dealers improve my chance of not getting blown away by one of her customers in a robbery.

  32. KIRSTY on May 14th, 2010 9:45 am


  33. Splat on May 14th, 2010 9:43 am

    Yes Safebear, that thought came to my mind as well.

  34. me on May 14th, 2010 8:28 am

    Not fair! If she is dealing drugs then she has enough money for a bond! What is wrong with this picture? Now watch and see how many more 80 somethings go and sale! what is this world coming to?!

  35. You Who on May 14th, 2010 7:46 am

    Just wondering will they confiscate her house? Why did she get special privilages? I think she should have been treated just like any other DRUG DEALER and should have got a bond. If she could not pay her bond then she would set in jail like the rest. It seems to me that if anyone gets busted for drugs now that they could get a lawyer and fight that they were not treated fairly and they want to be treated the same as this old lady was. This is blind justice FAIR is FAIR.

  36. guest on May 14th, 2010 7:39 am

    I think she is a male with a bonnet on. He looks mad, because he got caught

  37. Angi on May 14th, 2010 7:27 am

    I agree, the fact is the lady was selling drugs; it shouldn’t matter about age here. A crime is a crime no matter what, she should be punished just like the rest of the others. In fact if this is her third time getting caught selling drugs, then why is she even still out on the streets? Is it because she’s 87? Makes no difference!!! What if she murdered someone? Would that one be slipped through too because she older? May the right thing be done about punishment on this crime!

  38. TJ on May 14th, 2010 6:24 am

    Can wait to see if someone else is in it with her who is making it or where is she getting it from, and what cut is she getting out of it and she may be doing it all herself , Granny can do some good cooking!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. a girl on May 13th, 2010 11:13 pm

    i really dontt think a lady this old would be doiong it just to be doing it .. i mean i really think some one put her up to it or she had problems.. it just dont seem right

  40. rodney on May 13th, 2010 10:19 pm


  41. Dan on May 13th, 2010 9:48 pm

    Dealing drugs is dealing drugs. No matter how old you are!
    I hope they throw the book at her.

  42. Springfever on May 13th, 2010 9:25 pm

    Wrong is wrong, I don’t care how old she is. I’m sure she has relatives that put her up to it for their own benefit. Sad, really sad.

  43. cracks me up!!! on May 13th, 2010 9:20 pm

    If she just would have charged sales tax and give the government there cut.

  44. been there on May 13th, 2010 9:02 pm

    Gotta make ends meet somehow…Obamanomics…yeah thats what it is..its not her fault people…give granny a break…she aint got much longer anyway…..shoot…shes gonna go out with a bang like this..but…the law is the law…question is…where is she getting it…she aint makin it brother..get em’ get em’ get em’ film at eleven…bet theres more arrests to follow…shes only 37…the crack makes her look older

  45. Safebear on May 13th, 2010 8:58 pm

    Does anyone else maybe see this on Jay Leno’s “Headlines” one Monday night?

  46. CW on May 13th, 2010 8:56 pm

    I wonder where she was getting it from in the first place?

    Ya never know, instead of a sweet ole lady she could be one of those that carries a piece and curses like a sailor.

  47. Erin, got a problem with it? oh well. =) on May 13th, 2010 8:48 pm

    I’m just saying, why drive to downtown Pensacola when they can get most anything at the end of Hwy 4? They can’t use their money on gas and buy crack too.

  48. Billy on May 13th, 2010 8:42 pm

    Did anyone else kinda laugh when they saw the picture and title?

  49. Oversight on May 13th, 2010 8:41 pm

    And for Derek Cosson…. When the city police ignore law breakers under their purview, the county law enforcement agency (the sheriff’s department) has jurisdiction over the entire county because the city limits are withng the county’s boundary. Therefore, Pensacola can not escape the long arm reach of the Sheriff.

  50. Oversight on May 13th, 2010 8:31 pm

    The old lady is targeting anyone and everyone who has the money to purchase her drugs. It is time to get over the age disparity and not let your judgment be clouded by the difference in the seller’s years compared to what one would stereotype as being normal or average age for selling or purchasing illegal drugs. When the easy money comes in from drug activity, everyone involved deserves equal treatment.

  51. JUDY MASEK on May 13th, 2010 8:17 pm

    dear sweet miss olga has A RAP SHEET! …looks like (from esc. county clerk of the court records) they just gave the little ole granny “citations” in the past, when she got busted for selling….from what this article describes, it sounds like this was somewhat of an ongoing “operation” that she had set up at her house… ive tried and tried, but..i just cannot muster up any sympathy (unlike a few others) for miss olga and her life of crime…olga needs to go straight to jail (do NOT pass go) and stop w/the citations, already!….the government can then give her 3 hots and a cot!

  52. guest on May 13th, 2010 8:09 pm

    To Derek Cosson, where have you been since 1993. There is no Century Police Dept. They need to put this 87 year old thug on a chain gang, It will give her something to do. Oh, to Babyface, relative or not, she is a thug, DO not make her a poor innocent little victim.

  53. jks on May 13th, 2010 7:45 pm

    To “babyface”:

    The government doesn’t make anyone turn to a life of crime. They have the option of getting a J-O-B. Or two if they need to just to get by. Why would anyone be so dependent on this so called government that is doing nothing but burying this country in debt? Thats whats wrong. So many people depend on Uncle Obama to pay for everything. Its sickening. If those people got off the swing on their front porch and worked for it instead of drain the system, maybe CHINA WOULDN’T OWN AMERICA. Just thinking out loud.

  54. Just Because on May 13th, 2010 7:43 pm

    This is the third (3rd) time this woman has been arrested for selling dope. She pled guilty in 1996 and 1999, at least she is an experienced dealer.

  55. Erin, got a problem with it? oh well. =) on May 13th, 2010 7:09 pm

    If she’s just trying to make it by, I’m pretty sure she’s not targeting your children. Plus, I know the kids around here get everything from Century. They aren’t going to go all the way downtown to buy from an old lady. And if the kids are buying it, you can’t blame the old lady. Their going to get it from someone if they want it.

  56. Erin, got a problem with it? oh well. =) on May 13th, 2010 7:08 pm

    If she’s just trying to make t by, I’m pretty sure she’s not targeting your children. Plus, I know the kids around here get everything from Century. They aren’t going to go all the way downtown to buy from an old lady. And if the kids are buying it, you can’t blame the old lady. Their going to get it from someone if they want it.

  57. Atmore on May 13th, 2010 6:39 pm

    @ jessica,
    I’m not saying it’s right…i know it’s not, but at the same time I have a grandmother that’s around this womans age and it’s hard to make a living when your not getting any money! I AGREE WITH BABYFACE! And if My kids or loved ones were stupid enough to go out and buy the crapp then I dont care if they buy it from a 100 year old person or a 15 year old. It’s a sad life…i know people that are on it and sell it, but truth be known, teach your kids right from wrong and you wont have to worry about “YOUNG KIDS OUT BUYING IT” that’s grown folks stuff, and after the age of 18 wether you like it or not, kids are going to make their own decisions. I’m sticking to the fact that I truely feel sorry for this woman! And please everyone think about the fact that this is AMERICA, I do have a right of FREEDOM OF SPEECH just like everyone else. I’m simply voicing my opinions on this story and I should be allowed to do so without everyone thinking i’m a horrible person…….jus sayin, not that I care. I just wanted to remind everyone of that Thanks

  58. AL on May 13th, 2010 6:36 pm

    A – there is no way in the world ANY person caught selling drugs should be allowed to “slip through the cracks” – that was a statement made obviously without thought

    B- the first thing that came to mind was a TV show I saw where a crackhead had his mom out on the corner selling crack for him to make money. She was old, with dementia or some such and just did as she was told.

  59. Terri Sanders on May 13th, 2010 6:24 pm

    It seems people are saying “poor old lady” but that may not be the case.She may have all she needs ,and thought she needed more.Maybe she was helping her grown kids out.Who knows?It doesn’t matter the age.A crime is a crime!

  60. Frank on May 13th, 2010 5:32 pm

    What ya gonna do when they come for you? bad girls, bad girls! lol

  61. babyface on May 13th, 2010 5:26 pm

    That just goes to show how the things are. I feel sorry for mother. She is trying to make a living like everyone else. And the system makes it hard for everyone. And no one will trying to help. Now the government need to look at this and try to do something for our elderly peopls. No I am not saying what she is doing is right. But it is bad when she has to be forced into this. But our government will not help them at all. Most of them don’t want to do drugs. But when you don’t have any help with the system. You are forced to do things that you don’t want to do. No I do sell drugs. To scared.
    And what to do things the right way. But one thing I can say it is HARD. Being a single mother and trying to make it in this world. And you make to much money to get help from the so call system. So sometimes you are forced to do things you don’t want to do just to make a good living for you and your kids. I blame the GOVERNMENT for all of this..Mother hold your headup. Some of them are doing worst then you. And they are thinking about it to. JUST SCARED>>>>>God bless you…

  62. FYI on May 13th, 2010 5:08 pm

    She should be punished just like anybody else would be. There’s no telling how many years she’s been breaking the law. Why should she get a “pass” just because she’s old? If you can’t do the time, then don’t do the crime. She’s no innocent granny. She’s a drug dealer!

  63. Jessica on May 13th, 2010 4:50 pm

    @ Atmore,

    Would you be so willing to “let it slip through the cracks” if your children or loved ones were being supplies cocaine by this woman? I don’t care how old or young the seller, drugs still ruin lives. The fact that she has lived 87 years does not give her the right to negatively influence the lives of our area’s children and young people.

  64. Car Dealer on May 13th, 2010 4:31 pm

    The ECSO can arrest anyone in the state of FL if they observe drugs being sold who care about city limits this women is aiding in killing members of our society that is hooked on this mess. You have got to be kidding me.

  65. cold on May 13th, 2010 4:15 pm

    I agree, she could sell the crack that the kids are using . And as far as why are the sheriffs deputies operating in the city limits.. Who cares as long as they are getting the drugs of the street. after all Pensacola is still in the county..

  66. Concerned mother on May 13th, 2010 3:48 pm

    This should never slip through the cracks people. She could sell to any of our young children. The older the more you should know right from wrong. You aught to be ashamed to even think that let alone say it outloud. There are enough resources for someone her age to get help. If not from family.

  67. atmore on May 13th, 2010 3:44 pm

    This is so sad. I’m sure an 87 year old woman isn’t doing this because it’s fun. She’s probably just trying to get money to get by on! And the fact that there young able bodied people out there doing the same thing just so they wont have to work. I know it’s wrong but they should have let this one slip thru the cracks in my opinion. it’s just really sad if you look at it from every perspective.

  68. Derek Cosson on May 13th, 2010 3:42 pm

    Why are ECSO deputies operating within the City limits?

  69. Car Dealer on May 13th, 2010 3:34 pm

    OMG…. What is there to say!