3rd FCAT Reading And Math Results Released; Good News For Most Local Schools

May 28, 2010

FCAT scores for third graders were Thursday with most North Escambia Schools seeing improvement over last year.

Bratt Elementary
Reading 64
Math 84

There was a large decline in the number of Bratt Elementary School third graders scoring a grade level three or better in reading. There were 64 percent at level three or more this year, compared to 78 percent last year and 83 percent two years ago.

Math scores at Bratt Elementary improved from 81 percent at grade level last year to 84 percent this year.

Byrneville Elementary
Reading 91
Math 97

Byrneville Elementary improved in both math and reading. The school jumped from 86 percent at grade level last year in reading to 91 percent this year. The percentage at grade level in math jumped from 93 percent in 2009 to 97 percent in 2010.

Molino Park Elementary
Reading 90
Math 92

Molino Park Elementary saw great improvement in reading scores, jumping from 76 percent in 2008 at grade level, to 81 percent in 2009 and 90 percent in 2010. Math scores improved as well, with 89 percent at grade level last year improving to 92 percent this year.

Jim Allen Elementary
Reading 76
Math 84

Jim Allen Elementary saw declines in math and reading scores. The percent on grade level in reading dropped slightly from 76 to 76 percent, and the percent on grade level in math dropped from 89 percent last year to 84 percent his year.

Escambia District
Reading 71
Math 75

At the county level, Escambia third graders declined just slightly in reading and math. There were 71 percent of third graders in the county making a grade level three or better in 2010, compared to 72 percent in 2009. The percentage making a three or better in math fell from 77 to 75 percent during the past year.


39 Responses to “3rd FCAT Reading And Math Results Released; Good News For Most Local Schools”

  1. David Huie Green on May 31st, 2010 8:20 pm

    Using information taken from Northescambia.com http://www.northescambia.com/?p=8373
    May 21, 2009:

    At Bratt Elementary, the number of third grade students scoring at grade level on the reading portion
    83 percent in 2008
    78 percent in 2009, a drop of 5 percentage points
    In math,
    86 percent in 2008
    81 percent in 2009, a drop of 5 percentage points

    Considering the 2010 scores of Reading 64, a drop of 14 percentage points and Math 84, a RISE of three percentage points

    There was a drop in reading and a rise in math scores from last year, although still below where it was two years ago.

    How did the Carver kids drop them last year when they weren’t there and how did they raise them in math this year?

    David all confused
    but knowing everything’s our fault

  2. Way2Go. on May 31st, 2010 6:17 pm

    Wow, bringing in the students from carver has really brought Bratt down. Its sad, Bratt’s students didn’t deserve this, neither did the schools reputation. It’s not that the blame is being cast on carver for no reason, before carver was placed with Bratt, Bratt was an exceptional school. It’s not that Bratt is looking for a person to blame, its just that its obvious that Bratt was a way better school before it had to be migrated. The students from carver are going to have to work harder and with the teachers at Bratt they will eventually get the education they need. At carver they really never had a chance the system over there did barely little to nothin to help them. Just keep your head up Bratt and don’t let this get to you, you teachers over there are wonderfull and can help these students get back on track.

  3. Courtney W. on May 31st, 2010 3:08 pm

    Wow! Way to go Molino Park. I went there last year. It’s a really great school to go to. The faculty and staff are great there. I love that school!

  4. mel on May 29th, 2010 11:49 pm

    way 2 go molino pk teachers and 3rd graders!!! awesome work!!!!!

  5. David Huie Green on May 29th, 2010 10:40 pm

    So if they did well, they must have been cheating and if you did poorly, it must have been somebody else’s fault?

    David still learning how to think

  6. concerned on May 29th, 2010 7:06 pm

    It is not Century/carver or Bratt students, they are all Bratt students. It should not all be put on the teachers and staff or the students, parents need to step up and take responsibility. You can tell the students who have parent involvement at home. Those who have support and help at home are the ones who succeed. teachers can not do it alone no matter where the student comes from.

  7. Mom on May 29th, 2010 4:41 pm

    Does anyone happen to know the website to the FCAT scores(showing reports and scores for a student). I have misplaced my paper with the information on it. Thanks

  8. Jessica Smith on May 29th, 2010 1:47 pm

    Way to go Byrneville… Not only are the teachers great at what they are doing.. The students put in so much effort to do their best… Keep it up!… Glad my daughter was there from 2nd-5th…..

  9. justnoticing on May 29th, 2010 11:16 am

    I have been debating between putting my four year old in Bratt or Byrneville. Now I know. I wonder how that compares to the schools just across the state line?

  10. interested reader on May 29th, 2010 10:55 am

    WOW! Way to go Molino Park. I know everyone there is bursting with pride and appreciation for all the hard work by teachers and students.

  11. mom at bratt on May 29th, 2010 9:38 am

    i feel as a parent of two straight A children, that it has to do with everyone working together. The teachers at bratt are great and i see first hand how hard they work to teach these children what they need to know for fcats. but, i believe too much is put on the teachers and children about fcats. it should be known state wide that fcats are pressed upon students too much. when i was at bratt, we learned what we needed to learn to make it to the next grade level. the teachers and students have too much pressure on them to be able to enjoy learning.

    also…i beleive parents have a lot to do with the education of these children. a lot ofthe time parents dont even know whats going on in their childs school or their work. they dont follow the advice of teachers, and make sure their child is doing what he/she needs to be doing at home inorder to get ready for fcats and other school work. parents need to be more involved with their children’s lives and school work.

  12. whooo hooo!!! on May 29th, 2010 6:55 am

    Way 2 go Byrneville !!!! Proud mommy of 2 Byrneville students!!!

  13. Byrneville parent on May 28th, 2010 9:22 pm

    Way to go Byrneville!

  14. delaney on May 28th, 2010 8:08 pm


  15. S.L.B on May 28th, 2010 7:20 pm

    Maybe the administrators/Staff at Bratt Elementary should consider meeting with Byrneville Elemenary/Staff over the summer to learn about their FCAT techniques and skills, which apparently produced a more positive outcome for the Byrneville students.

    It’s never too late to try something new, different and/or better if it will help improve the 3rd grade scores at Bratt Elem. this upcoming 2010-2011 school year, right?

  16. Diddleysquat on May 28th, 2010 3:37 pm

    “Teaching The Test” is a standard “Teacher’s Union” response. They say they don’t have time to teach fundamentals. Recently, NorthEscambia.com ran a sample of the F-CAT. Everything I saw on the test WAS fundamentals. The Math test had Math Problems on it, just like the tests I took in grade school. Every problem was based on “Real Life” situations. Maybe “Teaching The Test” is a GOOD thing. Of course, I’m just an old country boy, what do I know?

  17. Byrneville Parent on May 28th, 2010 12:08 pm

    Way to go Byrneville!!!! Be proud of your accomplishments…You have all worked very hard to be the best!!!!

  18. Teacher on May 28th, 2010 11:36 am

    Proficiency ( Levels 3+) percentages should not be compared from one year to the next to determine if a school has done well. This is because you are comparing differenct groups of students.
    What should be reported is how proficient this group of 3rd graders was last year, compared to the proficiency in that same group this year.

    For example, if this year’s group of 3rd graders tested at 50% proficiency last year, and are now 64%, that would show an improvement.

  19. Molino and EW Mom on May 28th, 2010 11:11 am

    Way to go Molino Park! I am, and have always been a PROUD Molino mom. To me these scores are a reflection of the entire school experience and not just 3rd grade. The teachers in ALL grades have really worked hard on getting each child on target with reading and comprehension. Those two key elements are crucial to the growth of any age child. You can teach FCAT 24/7 but if they cannot read, they can’t fake it on the test. Congratulations to ALL of the Molino Park staff. You guys ROCK!!!

  20. Kyle on May 28th, 2010 11:09 am

    I’m not sure if “Just sayin” was making an accusation toward Byrneville but I need to step up to their defense. Byrneville did more than simply teach to a test. I was a practicum student in that school and the teachers and administration went well out of their way to ensure their students performed well. For several weeks, the teachers stayed after school an extra 3 hours every day to tutor students for the FCAT. The teachers proactively encouraged parents to have their children attend the tutoring. I was amazed at the amount of participation. As well, both the children and staff put a great deal of effort and energy in preparing for the test outside of normal school hours. You guys worked hard for your score and should be proud of your accomplishments!

  21. Concerned on May 28th, 2010 9:56 am

    My child is a student at Bratt and I am sad to say that due to cuts we are loosing the best teachers. It is sad that our kids will be the ones to suffer from the cuts the Board of Education is making. To all the teachers loosing jobs this year, you will be greatly missed and I wish the best for you all. Sad to see the best of the best go……

  22. Just sayin on May 28th, 2010 9:39 am

    Well you can certainly see which schools are teaching FCAT.

    Unfortunately teaching the children to take a test instead of teaching them the foundational skills does more harm than good.

  23. former nhs student on May 28th, 2010 9:33 am

    You hit the nail on the head Bratt Man. There is so much emphasis put on the FCAT that teachers nearly have to teach for the FCAT. Plus the FCAT is not a true or fair representation anyway… too much is placed on 1 test.

  24. Sarah-Jane on May 28th, 2010 9:27 am

    MOLINO PARK ELEMENTARY – YOU ROCK. This is an awesome improvment. Each and every child should be so proud of this :-) CONGRATULAITONS. Don’t forget during the long hot summer to encourage each child to read for a 15 minutes a day this will allow us to maintain and improved on this for 2010/11 year.

  25. Bratt Man on May 28th, 2010 9:14 am

    I can’t believe the scores would go down that much. All they do is teach the test. If you would sit in on a class at Bratt, EW, or Northview, it’s FCAT all the time. I wonder sometimes is the curriculum being taught, or just what it takes to take the FCAT. If teacher pay is ever tied to FCAT results it will get even worse. Too much emphasis on standardized tests.

  26. Amazed on May 28th, 2010 8:42 am

    I am truly amazed at how quickly people pass judgement when they don’t even have all the facts. From what I’ve been told, teachers are being cut because the enrollment is way down because very few of the Carver kids went to Bratt. The scores are only third grade. How many of the third graders even came from that school? Did any of the third grade teachers even come from Carver? I think it amazingly sad that the children can get along with each other so well but adults are so quick to make negative comments without anything to back it up. Bottom line is there is one school-get over it and get used to it. If the CC teachers were so bad and the Bratt teachers so much better, then why didn’t all the scores go up if they now have Bratt teachers? Do you really know that the students that scored poorly even came from Century? I think that is confidential so how would you know for sure that Century is bringing Bratt down? Think about it all. Great comment about the math scores by the way! Do you want to give Century that credit? I agree it’s a two way street.

  27. Waterlady501 on May 28th, 2010 8:25 am

    “cen” makes an excellent point. The abilities of individual students can vary greatly from year to year. I remember once our north end high school had a valedictorian with barely an “A” average. The salutatorian that year had only a “B” average. Compare that to the year Northview graduated a class with THREE co-valedictorians, each with a perfect straight-A record for every class, including every honors course that was available to take. That same class also graduated over 10 students that had a 4.0 grade point average or higher. You can see how comparing these 2 groups of students on the 3rd grade FCAT might produce quite a different result. It’s not the school’s fault, or the parent’s fault, or anybody else’s fault. It’s just the difference in the abilities of individuals.

  28. cen on May 28th, 2010 7:46 am

    mom, you may need to check those statistics. you may be surprised. yeah, bratt’s grade did drop, but the classes and students do change. we are not measuring the same students each year. you may find that statistics show that these Carver kids are helping lots more than hurting. you should always check your facts first!!

  29. Parent Of Bratt Student on May 28th, 2010 7:45 am

    Pay attention to the reading scores at Bratt. 83 two years ago — prior to Carver/Century teachers and kids. 78 on year ago — prior to Carver/Century kids.

    64 this year. Did Carver/Century kids or teachers bring the score down? Probably. It was an F school with very, very kids scoring a 3 or above.

    But the scores were falling at Bratt before the Carver/Century kids. There’s some other problem there. Kids in our area did not suddenly become stupider. It’s either a teacher or leadership problem or both. It’s time for a change at the top.

  30. mom on May 28th, 2010 7:36 am

    I agree it is not the children’s fault, we as parents need to do our part at home. When I say Carver is bringing us down look at the statistics Bratt was what grade school last year and Carver was what????? If your child doesn’t go to Bratt then you aren’t aware of the students that came from Carver…..

  31. mal on May 28th, 2010 7:33 am

    I am very insulted about the comments toward Century Teachers. You need to check the facts to see what teachers class scored what, before you lay the BLAME.

  32. Julie Kent on May 28th, 2010 7:18 am

    I am so proud of all the schools. They have worked hard and it has paid off. Great job teachers and students keep up the hard work.

  33. robert on May 28th, 2010 7:17 am

    not the kids fault!!!!! time to think parents to many video games and computer facebook pages and not enough studying. yes my kids go to Bratt and both are a students.

  34. K.B. on May 28th, 2010 6:54 am

    Way to go Byrneville!!! Proud that both my boys (now Northview students) attended this elementary!

  35. cheryl stacey on May 28th, 2010 6:50 am

    Way to go Byrneville!!!

  36. Concerned Parent on May 28th, 2010 6:09 am

    Wait until the Bratt teaching staff gets gutted by the district and lets go teachers who worked hard to make Bratt an “A” school because the school is over staffed with more senior displaced former Carver-Century teachers. The transformation will be complete and Bratt at best will fall into a state of mediocrity.

  37. Mary Ann Spence on May 28th, 2010 5:23 am

    Bratt’s Math scores went up. If Carver is the fault of the reading scores, it stands to reason, they are the reason for the increased Math score as well. Keep working Carver students.. you will make it.

  38. bull on May 28th, 2010 4:27 am

    Its not that carver is bringing bratt down that’s just what u would like 2 put tha blame on!!!! My kids do not got 2 school in bratt nor did they go 2 carver!! But trying 2 blame carver kids for bringing it down get a life!!

  39. mom on May 28th, 2010 12:39 am

    CArver is bringing us down at Bratt:(