Woman Trapped, Transported By Helicopter After Wreck In Her Neighbor’s Yard

April 3, 2010


A local nurse is recovering after reportedly falling asleep on her way home Saturday morning from Sacred Heart Hospital and hitting a tree in her neighbor’s yard.

Stacy Hancock was flown back to Sacred Heart Hospital by LifeFlight after the accident. Her injuries were not considered life threatening. Firefighters were forced to use the Jaws of Life to extricate Hancock from her car following the accident about 8 a.m. on Tate Road.

The Ensley and Cantonment stations of Escambia Fire Rescue and Escambia County EMS responded to the call. The accident is still under investigation by the Florida Highway Patrol.

For more photos from the scene, click here.

Pictured below: A Cantonment woman was transported by LifeFlight following a wreck in her neighbor’s yard early Saturday morning. Submitted photos by Kristi Smith for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.



32 Responses to “Woman Trapped, Transported By Helicopter After Wreck In Her Neighbor’s Yard”

  1. Anonymous on October 2nd, 2016 10:09 pm

    Stacy rear ended my relative and his girlfriend at a red light Saturday morning around 840 AM at a speed of 50-60 miles an hour knocking them both unconscious and turning his 4 door car into a 2 door car. They are lucky to be alive after suffering each a concussion and neck damage. His girlfriend also has a crack in her C1 part of her vertebra. If anyone was in the backseat of the car they would not be alive. This woman needs to be off the road if she cannot drive responsibly or needs to not work overnight shifts. She is putting other people’s lives in danger. You would think someone who had to be extracted from a vehicle prior to this would learn their lesson about drowsy or distracted driving. She didn’t refused treatment at the scene and has still yet to call her insurance to report the incident. Pretty sad for someone who is a registered nurse and has kids of their own. Imagine what their parents went through and are still going through. No remorse shown whatsoever. Not even a phone call to check up on them even though she was provided one of their numbers. Justice will be served.

  2. rachel sapp on April 11th, 2010 6:30 pm

    stacy honey its been a long time im rachels friend that came to your wedding i wish you a speedy recovery and hope things get better soon i was very sorry to hear about the wreck i work in a hospital here in longview i been there two years and i know what its like to come off twelve hour shifts also its hard to stay awake sometimes god loves you and things will get better if you need anything let rachel know and she can tell me and i will try to help any way that i can

  3. rachel brown (sis-in-law) on April 9th, 2010 5:21 pm

    Stacy I’m so glad your ok. Tell the hubby that its been over a year since corey’s wreck and I still think about it often. Time will pass and everything will be ok. We love and miss you guys!

  4. molinojim on April 8th, 2010 8:51 am

    Good that the young lady is home and improving. I can recall working off of a midnight shift and coming home and being so tired. Then the sun would start to come up and it was even worse if that was possible. We all do things today trying to make a living—double shifts—extra hours—part time jobs and it’s hard to stay alert some times. Again am happy to hear good news about the young lady.

  5. none on April 7th, 2010 10:24 am

    Do they have some place where the nurses and Dr’s can rest BEFORE they have to get behind the wheel…

  6. Stacy's mom (Carol) on April 6th, 2010 4:18 pm

    Holli you are right I have heard Stacy say that also about being conserned about staying overtime and having the unit well staffed. Scared Heart has put alot of great ideas into place and is amazing for the patients and staff working there. I should of been more clear answering Bill. I do have personal friends that work at many different types of companies and they are not allowed to work over time, most hours are cut and those left cover for those that should be there for proper staffing and are not. They do the work of two or three people and are stressed and exausted, I will not mention names of companies. I was not thinking of the refection there maybe where Stacy works. Stacy would not consider ever working any where else she is very happy and content. I am sorry for using the word ALL, there are a few places of business still out there that do care about customers and workers. I did not consider watch what you type, only God can read your thoughts. The point I made yesterday, I am human and do make mistakes. Please forgive me if I offened any one that I should not have by being careless with my words. They are like feathers once you put them out there and the wind takes them you can not take them back.

  7. Holli Spencer on April 6th, 2010 11:13 am

    I am fortunate to work with Stacy… She is an amazing person who lights up the face of anyone she comes in contact with! My prayers are being said for you honey!!! Speedy recovery :)

    As for working too many hours and being ‘forced’ into overtime – that simply is not true. The unit that I work in is well staffed and our nurse manager is always mindful of how long we’ve been working and is adamant that we do not work over!

  8. Stacy's mom (Carol) on April 5th, 2010 6:39 pm

    BETH O MY GOSH ! ! ! You are a breath of fresh air! Beth thank you so much for your comment. Hope all is good with you and your family. As always Stacy’s spirit is very positive and always taking the next step to the gold she has set for herself. This is no different she is doing what she needs to so she can get back to work. She is like a duck out of water, she loves what she does. We all make choices and make mistakes and have to live with them and no one is perfect. The only one that was perfect in the flesh was Christ. He died for us on the cross and he will intervene for those that believe in him and really try to do what is right. When we do slip however he is there to catch us so we do not fall through and hit the bottom. It’s called having us in the palm of his hand. I would not like to be any where else, I am human and have my share of mistakes….we fall and that is what makes us human. That is why we need faith and belief in the one whom created us and everything in the universe, we did not just happen to be………

  9. bill, big b little ill on April 5th, 2010 5:31 pm

    Drowsy driving = Drunk driving…just where would suggest she pull over and wake to being robbed, molested, killed just to make you happy. The lady was doing what she thought was best, yes she had an accident, yes she could have been killed, but ain’t God grand, you know that God you don’t believe in. He spared her life and no one else was harmed. The God of grace, mercy and love….he even loves you inspite of your biligerent attacks on him and his people. Just for the record I spent 35 years working with one company, 35 years of having to work forced over doubles, 35 years with God watching over me everyday…matter of fact he has spent 56 years all total on earth watching over me and tells me he knew me before I was born….so sad you don’t know him….but you can….you still have some time left before it’s to late…he’s not lost but you are.

  10. Stacy's friend Beth on April 5th, 2010 5:16 pm

    I agree that driving drowsy is very serious. But let me just say this: Stacy is a damn good nurse and one that has always put patient care #1 and given 100% on the job. I worked with her for years. She is also serious about never wanting to hurt anyone and I’m sure she feels badly about this. I DON’T equate it with driving drunk and don’t believe that being tired impairs anyone nearly as much as alcohol does. We can, however, all learn from this and make sure to have an extra cup of coffee before heading home. I am so thankful that she wasn’t hurt badly. Thanks, Stacy, for all you’ve given to so many people in this community. Thank-you Father for watching over her!

  11. bill, big b little ill on April 5th, 2010 4:58 pm

    dd i sort of figured that was you wp

  12. Drowsy driving = Drunk driving on April 5th, 2010 3:04 pm

    Little Brain, Big ill,
    It was meant to inform; to make people think; to make people who would never consider drinking and driving understand that drowsy driving is the same and punishable under the same laws as drunk driving. As for my job experience, well let’s just say 20 plus years working for Uncle Sam in military uniform pretty much helped me understand the whole working when you are told to thing. That coupled with a few years of factory work, government contractor work and on-call service technician employment has given me probably a better understanding than you will ever have concerning this subject. But that is not the point, the point is this lady CHOSE to drive tired and could have easily killed you, me or herself! She could have made the choice to pull over and take a nap, but she didn’t and thankfully lives to learn. Others may not be so lucky next time. I only posted what I posted as a lesson to others. An act of prevention, not condemnation!
    Why do you feel the need to comment on nearly every story and every comment that differs from your opinion? You need to find what is missing in your life and fill it with something positive because you are a very negative person. My comment was the only comment with substance and value, yours was more of the same gibberish that we have become accustomed to you providing.

    As for the whole “god forgive you” comment….save it for church because I am not interested in your fables.

  13. Stacy's mom (Carol) on April 5th, 2010 2:18 pm

    Stacy came home late yesterday! She has a long road ahead of her, milinojim was right she is hurting from all parts of her body. Thank you for prayers Angi and everyone else we are so thankful for them.
    Drowsy driving I know what you are trying to say…..my husband drove the 48 States and Canada for twenty years, he knows first hand and we are aware of the study. Sad thing is with the economy being what it is, ALL places of business are working with skeleton crews to save money. Even retail and the people left to work are expected to work the load of two or three people, they go home totaly wiped out. I hear it from personal friends working a regular day shift they have no choice they have a family to feed. Your right Bill and chasing that money is getting our country further away from God, he says to depend on him and not borrow from other countries, but do we listen? We are seeing the decline from removing God from so many areas of our lives, shame on us as a people united under God.

  14. bill, big b little ill on April 5th, 2010 10:59 am

    To Drowsy driving = Drunk driving, have you ever had a job. Maybe you don’t understand that employers don’t ask you to work over time in some jobs, THEY tell you that your staying over. It’s all about that bottom line dollar, where they will work the few to death before staffing to cover the whole work force.
    Your comment equal to drunk driving, very unkind to this poor lady.

    God forgive you.

  15. Angi on April 5th, 2010 8:37 am

    Carol… Our thoughts and prayers are still coming that way for your daughter and family, I do hope that she makes a quick recovery and can get back to what she enjoys doing… Bless this family.

  16. Drowsy driving = Drunk driving on April 5th, 2010 8:11 am

    Hopefully this is something she and others may consider in the future:

    The Facts About Drowsy Driving
    The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that 100,000 of reported crashes occur as a result of drowsiness, and considers sleep deprived drivers a hazard equal in severity to drunk drivers. Studies show that staying awake for 18 hours and driving produces the same effect as being legally drunk behind the wheel. The greater the sleep deprivation, the closer the correlation to higher levels of intoxication.

    More information available here:

  17. Bill on April 4th, 2010 4:48 pm

    I live in Mcdavid and I am always afraid of do the same thing it is so dangerous just thankful she is ok

  18. molino mom on April 4th, 2010 8:45 am

    To Stacy’s Mom
    You have touched my heart this morning as you did on scene yesterday. I continue to pray that Stacy makes a full recovery so she can return to doing what her heart so desires and what we know God has truley called her to do. I never dreamed after meeting her at Sacred Heart that our path’s would cross again. I am very glad that my Son and I were able to help you in such a scary time. I must tell you that my Son was amazed that Stacy still noticed the birds singing yesterday morning while being cut out of her car. To those who have never had the honor of meeting her this shows you what a wonderful soul she truley is. Even the look on her face was not one of fear. She is such an amazing person and nurse and I don’t know if I could have made it through our stay at Sacred with out her support and comfort during our time of need. Now she needs to let everyone else take care of her so she can heal quickly. (by the way good luck with that) :) My thoughts and prayers are with you all on this Easter Sunday.

  19. instigator on April 4th, 2010 7:05 am

    i know how it can be for her. try getting home at 10pm from working 12 hours plus and then after 1/2 hour lying down the beeper goes off to return and have to have your full wits about you to take care of an acute mi. we travel the roads at all hours of night with no sleep. i hope she makes a quick and full recovery

  20. molinojim on April 4th, 2010 6:51 am

    Sorry Judy–It don’t work that way. The responders on scene know if she needs life flight or not—”not because she is one of their own”. The call may have been made for life flight by the first unit on site due to the damage to the car and victim. From the looks of the car and all she will be hurting for a long time. I know because I’ve been there thanks to the fault of another driver.

  21. Stacy's mom(Carol) on April 4th, 2010 6:06 am

    This is a comment Stacy made to me. Mom, I love my job and I am so honored and proud to be a part of the Sacred Heart team. She could not see doing anything esle. She has been a nurse for eleven years, this is what God called her to do. We hear about the news that is happening, but not about the real personal side of the people. We all have hopes and dreams and duties we are called to do. We all need to bloom where we are planted, we can do so much for those around us….. just a smile and hello is good for another one passing by us. I felt moved to share the comment my daughter made to me.
    Thank you NorthEscambia.com for this web site and your allowing comments. I really needed this at this time in my life…….God Bless every one of us……….we surely need those blessings.

  22. Stacy's mom(Carol) on April 4th, 2010 4:46 am

    One more comment………there was so many people that helped!
    Thank you Kristi and your son Hunter, I needed the moral support you both gave by being there and talking to me, it kept me grounded and focused.

  23. Stacy's mom(Carol) on April 4th, 2010 4:29 am

    Thank you every one for all of your prayers that have been praying for Stacy and her recovery. We need prayers, it is how we talk to our Heavenly Father. God hears every one of them and answers them in his perfect way, we do not always understand why but through faith we know he has our back and knows what is best for all. I truly believe we can do and go through any thing with God. I believe in divine intervention with out it we have no victory. The victory is in Christ! I am so humbled that Christ gave up his life, so that whom so ever believed in him and excepted him as God would be saved to eternal life and have the Blessings that go along with the walk in Christ. God is so good to us and makes away for all of his children. There is power in prayer, thank you again!

  24. Stacy's mom(Carol) on April 4th, 2010 3:37 am

    Thank you GOD for all the Angel’s you used to take care of my daughter only the
    way you do everything the perfect and orderly way. We have so many Angel’s in
    our mist and the trenchs they are working in many could not go, it takes those with
    gifts from God to do what they do every time they go to work. As a huge team they
    all do what needs to be done to save the lives of our loved ones. From Stacy’s front yard the Fire Rescue,EMS,Baptist Life Flight to Sacred Heart ER, Surgery to hospital room she passed through the hands of God through every Angel that was at work that day and night. Stacy is going to be okay she will be out of the trenchs for six weeks, but back with all of the team soon. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and our family for the selfless work all of you do. God Bless You All….my prayers are for every one of you to stay well and safe we need you!

  25. EMD on April 3rd, 2010 10:39 pm

    Judy Masek,

    Maybe because they knew and loved her. One of their own. May only charge her for fuel, if that. Whatever, I hope that if they ARE understaffed that they will “fix it.” But, I will not hold my breath ’til they do. Nurses are worked into the ground, especially the good ones.

  26. Springfever on April 3rd, 2010 9:33 pm

    What a true miracle that she was not badly injured! I pray she makes a full and speedy recovery!

  27. JUDY MASEK on April 3rd, 2010 9:16 pm

    EMD, you are absolutely right!…i travel to walnut hill after working nites (Sacred) and it can be a real bear sometimes…..i do wonder, however, why they used lifeflight, to transport, if her injuries “werent considered life threatening”…i only say that because i know how expensive a ride in the helicopter is, compared to ground transport..just wondering….but, VERY glad she didnt get hurt any worse than she did!

  28. bill, big b little ill on April 3rd, 2010 9:02 pm

    When you see an accident like this with so much damage to the car, you just know that God had a hand in protecting her.You can always find a reason to thank and praise God.

  29. EMD on April 3rd, 2010 6:55 pm

    I am truly amazed that this is the first time I’ve heard of this happening to a nurse, if they are still draining every minute out of them like they did in the past. God was certainly with her. Her mission must not be over. I pray she is as good as new, as soon as possible, and I thank God she wasn’t killed.

  30. molino mom on April 3rd, 2010 4:37 pm

    She is an Angel who had many Angels watching over her today. She has touched so many lives as a nurse and I thank God she will continue to do so.

  31. Angi on April 3rd, 2010 1:16 pm

    OMG! This poor woman is very lucky to still be alive from the looks of these photos, God was sitting in her passenger seat for sure… I really hope she is doing alright.

  32. blondie on April 3rd, 2010 12:09 pm

    thank god she is truly blessed…