Unsupervised Animal Tethering Now Illegal In Escambia

April 24, 2010


The Escambia County Commission has approved an ordinance amendment that now restricts how and when dogs can be tethered in the county.

It was a victory for animal rights groups and activists like Laura Catterton of Cantonment. She helped draft the ordinance amendment approved unanimously by the commission. As a volunteer for the Junior Human Society and Escambia County Animal Services, she has spent a lot of time over the past five years photographing and documenting animal tethering abuse in Escambia County. Here photos were also viewed by the commissioners prior to their vote.

“As a volunteer with several animal welfare groups in the area, I have witnessed the numerous chained, neglected dogs in the county. I started photographing these dogs five years ago so the citizens could have documented proof that such abuse and neglect take place in Escambia County,” Catterton said in a post on NorthEscambia.com.

The ordinance requires dog owners to provide a shelter large enough to stand up, turn around, lie down and stretch comfortably. Tethering of animals over six months old will be allowed, if the ordinance is approved, if the animal is within eyesight of the owner and the tethering system is at least six feet long, below 1/16 the weight of the animal and fitted with a proper collar. The animal can not be tethered during extreme weather or while it is sick.

There are additional requirements set forth in the ordinance. To read the ordinance, click here.

For a gallery of Catterton’s photos, click here. (Editor’s note: Some readers may find the photos disturbing.)

Pictured: An example of animal tethering in Escambia County in a photo by Laura Catterton of Cantonment. Submitted photo for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


33 Responses to “Unsupervised Animal Tethering Now Illegal In Escambia”

  1. Big G. on May 10th, 2010 11:03 pm

    This is disgusting and pathetic. The punishment for abuse must increase and the owners should pay with there lives in prison with a heft fine. Enough of this abuse. these owners are cowards and weak men.

  2. Uv Gotoo B. Kiddingme on April 28th, 2010 8:56 am

    The commission got this one wrong (as usual). They caved in to special interest crackpots over some isolated incidents and now have further intruded into our lives with government. Shame on them. We need to let Kevin White no how we feel about this in the North End.

  3. Really?!?! on April 28th, 2010 8:50 am

    typo… the fence would need to be BURIED (sry didn’t have time to spell check or grammar check) You get the point…

  4. Really?!?! on April 28th, 2010 8:48 am

    This is all getting to be quite ridiculous. First let me say that I am against the “Tethering” Law. It is one thing to tether your dog out with everthing that it needs to live and be happy (food, shelter, water, a place to run and play), but it’s another thing to tether your dog without food, water, some sort of shelter and shade, and on a chain that makes it impossible to move around (that is completely insane and yes ABUSIVE). Would you like to pay to have my yard fenced in so that my dog will not need to be tethered? Let me make sure you understand what all you will be paying for.. the fence would need to be wood or chainlink (so that the dog can not escape through the fence).. then the fence would need to be dug in and buring AT LEAST a foot and a half underground (this is so that my dog will be deterred from digging under, but then again this is no guarantee… and lastly this lovely fence would need to be somewhere between 4 and 6 feet tall (you see my dog can jump and I wouldn’t want him to jump over the fence.) Would someone like to take care of this for me… by the way… with that 6ft high fence how’re you gonna be able to see into my yard to make sure that nothing abusive is happening to my pet? NO.. I do not abuse my dog, but are you seeing my point yet? There is a right and wrong way to tether your animal… we need to stop condemming people who are trying to take care of their pet by keeping it safe on a tether and focus on the ones who are actually abusing their animal.
    Can someone please post some picz of dogs that are tethered in a non-abusive way, then maybe people will see that there is a right and wrong way… and that by tethering in the right way is non-abusive at all. Doing it in the right way is keeping my/your dog safe and still letting it behave the way a dog needs/deserves too. My dog can run… jump… dig…. roll over… PLAY… all very safely. (And those worried about my dog jumping over it’s dog house and hanging itself on the other side..really?!?! It’s as easy as putting the dog house far enough away that the dog can enter, turn around, and lay down.. but not having enough extra to jump over the dog house.)
    Please… let’s use some common sense. Let’s not punish pet owners who are doing their best. Let’s punish the pet owners who are actually abusing dogs (and let us remember that abuse can and does happen whether the dog is “tethered”, lives in a kennel, or resides in a residence with a perfectly manicured and fenced in yard… appearances can be deceiving.)

  5. ABC on April 26th, 2010 3:52 pm

    Quiet child you are correct, a cement floor for a pen isnt the best flooring for them, however, if someone cant afford to do otherwise, it is a choice, Hopefully a pen isnt the way the animal will spend over an hour or so at a time……………. A fenced yard is the safest way to go unless like some who have digging out dogs, therefore they need a pen and the flooring will prevent them from digging out……..Unfortunately you have taken my words to the extreme……..I believe if you were to reread it you would realize that I would never encourage a dog to be left on a cement floor pen for a ridiculous amount of time……and if the dog has the interaction and excersize with the owner, and the attention it needs, it would not be digging out….. There are other human and successful methods to cure a dog from digging out if that is the main worry………..I am sure you love your dogs, as we do ours, sorry you missed the whole point of my message….Have a great day.

  6. whitepunknotondope on April 26th, 2010 12:00 pm

    “People who Eat Tasty Animals. That wasn’t funny…”

    Oh yes it is!!!! I think that’s hilarious! Good one.

  7. quietchild on April 26th, 2010 10:27 am

    Uv Gotoo B. Kiddingme, I agree with on every word except (I am a member of the real PETA…. People who Eat Tasty Animals.) That wasn’t funny but, I know where you are coming from by that statement. I totally agree with you about enforcing the laws we already had. This new crap is just that crap! It is a few “concerned” activist getting into the business of others and wanting things done their way. What makes them right? Nothing except they ran their mouth at a County meeting caught the ear of a few showed photo’s that aren’t the way everyone treats their animals. People if we let these people tell the Count Commission how they think things should be, then our dog wont even be allowed outside very soon.

  8. Uv Gotoo B. Kiddingme on April 26th, 2010 10:17 am

    I am a member of the real PETA…. People who Eat Tasty Animals. I do not condone abuse of animals, however. But consider this; these activists are way out of line. Tethering animals with lots of room to run, find shade, get food and water, etc. is far superior to caging them in a Kennel when you have to leave them unsupervised. Some folks don’t have a fence, and you can’t leave a dog inside for hours as, unlike cats, it can not use a litter box. Some dogs can get out of fenced yards and need to be tethered. I’m sure there were neglected and abused animals, but to assume, as these crackpot activists do, that all tethered animals are neglected or abused is ludicrous. And shame on the BOCC for caving in to yet another special interest.

    Here’s an idea… enforce existing laws!!!! You know, instead of making new ones that increase the ever-enlarging encroachment into our lives by government!!!

  9. quietchild on April 26th, 2010 10:17 am

    dunno it, dahhhhh people love to get in other peoples business! It is human nature to tell someone your way is the best. But, when a”tether” is being used for the protection of the animal then people need to keep there noses out of other peoples lives. The more laws we make the less freedom we have. Yes, punish the abusers don’t punish the innocent. And keep you nose out of other people lives unless there is truely something wrong! A “tether” does not mean abuse.

  10. dunno it on April 26th, 2010 9:57 am

    That’s a lode of hogwash,
    you know what makes ppl become activist’s?
    Seeing the disgraceful way animals are treated by humans!
    No one get’s into it to bug anyone or control anyone.
    If ppl were not such buttheads, other ppl wouldn’t have to view some
    of the horrors of their actions and become activist’s for animals who
    have no recourse.

    I guess none of you know any acctivists!

    You shouldn’t have to have a law to keep ppl from murdering someone either,
    but dahhhhh!

  11. quietchild on April 26th, 2010 9:36 am

    JGJ, you are so right!!!!!

  12. quietchild on April 26th, 2010 9:35 am

    ABC , cement is not the best flooring for a dog. It is the easiest to put your dog on to care for but, it isn’t the best. Cement can cause ulcers to the paws of your pet. Cement is not a natural suface and can irritate his feet. A dog on a cement surface is not able to be a dog. They can’t run and play, they can’t dig. Why are we talking about making a dog less of a dog? You people want to think you have all the right ideas. If you were a dog how would you feel living on a cold cement slab. And if you do put a dog on a cement slab, how large could it possibly be? Is it large enough for your dog to run and play on, I sincerely doubt it. Do you people really want more rules to tell you how to run your life when you are doing nothing wrong! If I were “tethering” my dog and leaving it out water, food, or shelter then yes lock me up. But, I’m not! If I put my dog on a “tether” and had a muzzle on him as in the picture, then there is abuse. But my dogs are cared for and loved. Go after the abusers don’t go after the pet lovers! I find this law abusive to those who can’t afford a fenced in yard. I find this law wrong in so many ways!

  13. JGJ on April 26th, 2010 9:30 am

    9 times out of 10, little stuff like this has nothing to do about passing a law or oridance for the better. Its about activists getting their way and telling other people how to run something.

  14. ABC on April 26th, 2010 8:05 am

    A responsible person, studies a breed before they get a dog.,They take the responsiblility to care for,Train and provide safe and comfortable accomodations for that dog, they appreciate the animal by providing it with love and security and companionship,and medical care for that the pet In return it will definitely provide them.more with loyalty, protection and love more abundantely.
    ….If they need to leave the animal unattended for certain periods of time, and do not wish to leave this new member of their family in their home, then they need to provide the pet with a secure large pen which has a cement floor that can be cleaned properly with a cover or house to protect …..the animal from the environment…After enjoying numerous breeds for nearly 70 yrs, these experiences have taught me that a dog is more loyal than more than too many humans, Animals are not cruel, if you study the animal kingdom you will learn that they protect their families, provide for their familys. Thats more than we can say for all the members of the human race. It has also been my experience that anyone who is cruel to an animal will be cruel to humans in one way or another. Animals do not murder members of their families except when culling a sick or dying member…….there are many humane methods of keeping a dog from “digging out.” an owner just has to respect the animal and find out how to deal with bad habits……and follow through. I fully support the new this New law.

  15. dunno it on April 26th, 2010 7:35 am

    You know I have said for a long time maybe it would be best if ppl
    had to take a test before they could have children or pets.

    Seems an awful lot of ppl don’t want to take care of either!

  16. quietchild on April 26th, 2010 7:32 am

    andrewlee, I still say a dog in a kennel or behind a fence is a hidden dog. Hidden dogs are the ones that need the concern of the county. Stick a dog in a kennel and let him out an hour or two each day, not that is abuse. My dogs interact with the yard around them and no they are not out there to be guard dog but, they do a mighty fine job letting me know there is someone in the area that doesn’t belong. I have rescued several dogs for abusive situations and at this point if I had to fence in my whole yard I would probably have to turn the dogs over to a shelter. In the economic situation a fence just isn’t in the budget. Don’t get me wrong I can afford the food and the attention my animals need. But right now a lump some going out is not feasible. I have a small fenced in area where I let them run when I am home but, a full fence and then to build some kind of anti digging devise is beyond my means right now.

  17. Marty on April 26th, 2010 7:15 am

    Animal ABUSE is stupid!
    To say a dog is abused just because he is on a tether is stupid!
    This ordinance is stupid!
    If you think this will help people quit abusing their dogs you are REALLY stupid!

  18. dunno it on April 26th, 2010 7:14 am


    I agree with you … tethering is not necessarily the problem.
    The problem is ppl!

    The guy next to us tethers his dog 2 acres from his house clear in
    the back of his property for a guard dog.
    The dog knocks over the water and they don’t take it in when it’s
    hot or cold.

    The guy next to him raised hounds to sell. No shots, no shelter, no

    The guy at the end of the block does the same thing.

    The problem isn’t the laws, it’s the ppl and the enforcement of
    the laws we have now.
    The same ppl who abuse their animals are sometimes the same ppl who
    who are the dog catchers and the ppl who are suppose to
    care, but they don’t care, they just want a job!

  19. andrewlee on April 26th, 2010 1:50 am

    quietchild you seem like a good dear person and i’m sorry you lost one of yours because of digging out from under the fence but couldn’t you put some of sort of barrier at the bottom to prevent the digging under? most dogs i’ve seen tethered didn’t receive care, love and affection as yours. most are nothing but a guard dog.

  20. Brytt Adams on April 26th, 2010 1:39 am

    properly train your dogs! for Christ sake people!!

  21. quietchild on April 25th, 2010 4:52 pm

    ghendricks, all a fence does is provide a means for a dog to dig out.. I do love my dogs but, I can’t be with them 24/7. I provide shelter, food, water and lots of love. But, in the time it takes me to run to town my dog has been known to dig out from under his fence. That’s what dog do they dig. It is in their nature. Living so close to the a road I have returned to find one of my loves hit and laying in the road. I “tether” my dogs so they don’t end up like that. Abuse isn’t a “tether”, abuse is hitting a dog and leaving him to die witout trying to help him, At the very least put him down, don’t leave him to suffer. None of my dogs suffer any cruelty at my hands. I can’t say that for those who allow their dog to roam the county. All of my dogs have their shots, are wormed regularly and see their vet when necessary. Can we say that about all dogs in the county. I think not. Just cause a dog is behind a fence or in a kennel does not make them cared for! It just makes then hidden from view!!!!!

  22. joe w on April 25th, 2010 1:58 pm

    i think wat is said is that some ppl care more bout the life of a animal tnan they do the lfe of a human being befor you no it, it will be against the law to raise cows and kill them for beef a dog is a dog and not a person

  23. DJS on April 24th, 2010 9:04 pm

    Do we chain our children up….nope, then why should you chain an animal in a yard? IT’S ABOUT TIME! Although if the chain has a certain amount of runner to it I don’t see a problem, because then the animal can run and get needed exercise.

    Believe it or not there are laws in place that limit the number of animals you can have if you own your home and have insurance on it.

  24. Dagwood on April 24th, 2010 7:17 pm

    Ever been to a zoo? Have you ever tried to reason with a dog?

  25. huh on April 24th, 2010 2:02 pm

    While they are at it, they should make a law limiting how many dogs you can have if you live in a residential neighborhood.

    Some people have no care for their neighbors have 4 dogs, 6 dogs, 8 dogs or more! Insane! Also no hunting dogs in a residential neighborhood would be nice

    No one wants to hear howling all day and night living so close.

    If I were to turn my stereo up on full blast and wake everyone up, surly the cops would come. But if your dogs bark all night and you call the police, they do nothing..

    Your dog is your responsibility!

  26. EMD on April 24th, 2010 11:33 am

    “Laws are made for Law breakers, who will keep on breaking them.”

    I have seen children that would be safer tethered, but would we do that?

    I would not want to be tethered, and I do not think a dog would either.

    On the other hand, when I was a small child, my mother put me in a harness and on a leash when she had to go shopping, less I got lost or hurt. She did it out of love and was on the other end of the leash. She was criticized, however.

    Any person OR animal could get hurt on an unattended teather. I have heard of a dog being killed, when it jumped onto its dog house and hung itself off the other side of the house, suspended on the collar and leash.

    There are many variables. One law does not fit all.

    The real problem, as always, is the human heart.

  27. billy on April 24th, 2010 9:37 am

    To say that tethering is always wrong is stupid. Their should not be such a law. If a dog is being abused then it is being abused and the abusers should be punished. But to classify an act as abuse when it is not always harmful is just crazy.

  28. JGJ on April 24th, 2010 9:25 am

    Those photos show violations of all kinds of animal cruelty laws, oridances, and some code enforcement violations. Do people really belive putting more laws on the books will make a difference?? It will be just one more violation that hardly anybody will say anything about.

  29. ghendricks on April 24th, 2010 9:18 am

    Good work Laura Catterton! I would not even call putting a dog on a logging chain “tethering” that is just out right abuse. “Quietchild”, if you can provide that much time, effort, and LOVE for your dog, put a fence up!

  30. Elizabeth on April 24th, 2010 9:16 am

    Tethering, even within the confines of this ordinance, isn’t necessarily abusive. My father-in-law has a German Shepard and keeps her in a large fenced backyard area. She had a habit as a puppy for digging, as many puppies do. What if he tied the dog up in a “humane” tether and in a completely humane environment, and left for an hour to go to the store? He’d be breaking the ordinance. But if he let her roam in the backyard, she’d dig under the fence and run out into the highway. Being a large dog, she would have been strong enough for a tether to not be burdensome, even under six months of age.

  31. quietchild on April 24th, 2010 8:15 am

    Not all “tethered” dogs are abused! There are those that are provided houses for shelter, clean water 2 to 3 times a day, fresh food, a clean environment, and lots of LOVE and training. What would be cruel is to kennel a dog a majority of the day when it could have access to the ground and all the interaction of the yard about it. Dogs are smart but, keep them bored they tend to do destructive things to entertain themselves. Let them be cared for out in the open where they can play and dig and do those things that come naturally to a dog.
    Yes if a dog is on a “tether” and not being cared for punish the owner but, there are dogs that are behind fences and in kennels that are abused. It is not the “tether” that is abusive, It is the owner! There should not be an overall law stating a “tethered” dog is a sign is a sign of abuse. There should be a law that states if you don’t take care of your animal then you will pay the price!

  32. Donna on April 24th, 2010 6:33 am

    One last comment….
    If this isn’t strictly enforced, it is useless. People who are this cruel are not going to obey this ordinance or any other law that requires them to treat their animals with respect and dignity. This helped bring awareness to the situation, so some good did come of it.

  33. Donna on April 24th, 2010 6:30 am

    The photos are absolutely heartbreaking. It is hard to fathom why people treat innocent animals this way.