Three Busted After Sheriff’s Narcotics Unit Executes Search Warrant

April 13, 2010

drug3.jpgThree people were jailed on drug related charges after the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Unit executed on a search warrant in Century.

Orlando Dantaus Dixon, 22, of Robert Road, Century; Antwon Montrex Smith, 26, of Salters Like Road, Century; and Brandon Dewayne Jackson, 24, of Teakwood Drive, Pensacola, are facing of variety of charges as a result of the search warrant. An arrest warrant has been issued for a fourth person; however, that individual remains at large.

Members of the ECSO Narotics Unit executed the search warrant at 6860 Gilford Lane in Century Friday afternoon. According to their report, they heard several individuals running toward the rear of the residence. That is where they found Jackson standing in the bathroom near the toilet. Officers located plastic baggies containing marijuana floating in the tank water.

On Smith’s person, officers located under 20 grams of marijuana and $101 in cash, and on Dixon’s person, they located over 20 grams of marijuana, packed in two separate bags, according to the report.

During the search of the residence, deputies located a marijuana and crack cocaine on an end table, two plastic bags of marijuana in drawer by stove, four plastic bags of crack cocaine in a drawer by the sink, a set of digital scales with marijuana residue on a kitchen counter, a loaded Beretta .40 caliber handgun in a drawer by the kitchen sink and “miscellaneous paperwork”.

Jackson was charged with possession of cocaine, possession of marijuana and destruction of evidence. Jackson had given deputies another name, according to the Sheriff’s Office, at the time of his arrest. When a relative of that person heard that the person Jackson named had been arrested, they called the jail to alert deputies about the incorrect name. About the same time, a fingerprint record returned positively identifying Jackson. Jackson was charged with obstruction of justice and a public order crime of using a false identification. He is being held in the Escambia County Jail on $10,000 bond.

Smith was charged with misdemeanor marijuana possession and was released from jail on $1,000 bond. Dixon was charged with possession of marijuana over 20 grams. He is being held in the Escambia County Jail on $5,000 bond.


27 Responses to “Three Busted After Sheriff’s Narcotics Unit Executes Search Warrant”

  1. dunno it on April 17th, 2010 6:52 am

    I just decided to google the first guy to see what popped up and got escambia county mug shots page. Thats ALL the mug shots and names of our arrests. There are several days of them…..VERY INTERESTING!

  2. dunno it on April 17th, 2010 6:44 am

    i wonder what these perps previous records were?

  3. dunno it on April 17th, 2010 6:41 am

    These perps were picked up withh dangerous drugs you need to know who the stupid judge (who didn’t care) was, who gave these dangerouus men bail,
    He should be disbarred, Our tax dollars paid to pick th em up, and there out. Free to hurt some one. or disappear. What a waist of money!

    Thanks a lot judge, guess you like this scum for some reason!!!!!!!

  4. WHY? on April 16th, 2010 8:00 pm

    They are out on bond. SO WHATS THE PURPOSE??????

  5. dunno it on April 15th, 2010 10:56 am

    The sheriff doesn’t care. talking to him wouldn’t work he already knows the kind of officers he has.
    I already told him they spill their guts to the wrong ppl.
    Thats why you can’t call the sheriffs office. you might as well
    go over to the perps. house hand him your gun and wait for him
    to shoot you.

  6. A. Davis on April 14th, 2010 11:51 pm

    I should have made myself clear I would never speak to anyone at the sheriffs office they wouldnt listen or care. Do crimestoppers then you can keep up with what you report. I would love to spend 30 min alone with the sheriff so maybe he could see how crooked his own officers are. Also how rude 911 operaters are maybe if they would be scared for their life they would be more polite when you call back asking for help and they keep transfering people. He said he would bring change I pray he does and doesnt become like the others because look at what has happened over the years. Really is it that hard to arrest these drug people I think not I could buy crack all day long and would love to see them all go to jail why dont they do the undercover thing? haha o wait maybe cause someone would tip the sellers off hmmm wonder who hahaha.

  7. Resident on April 14th, 2010 9:56 pm

    Dunno it you are wrong about to little to late. It is never to late to stop drug dealers from selling the stuff to our kids. If we all felt like it was to late to do anything nothing would ever be done to try and stop the problem. It takes the whole community to be behind whomever is the Sheriff to get the job done. If you are afraid to stop the wrongs in life you are only alive not living. Make your life count for something no matter what other people do. Try and do the right thing in life by showing people that you do care about the problems we all face everyday. No one man can please all of the people. We are not made that way. Hopefully one child will be saved from a life of drugs by what you think is right and share with them. Help correct the problems we have don’t put down the ones who are trying to correct it. There is not anyone in Century or any other town in this country that can say they want to see childern hurt by these drug dealers. If they can they are not human. I am sorry that most people feel the way you do these days about a lot of things that are bad in this country and around the world. You have to stand for something in your life make a choice to stand for the things that will help not hurt people. I thank the LEO that get out everyday and try and catch the bad people. I am sure not going to call a drug dealer or a crook if I need help. The people of Century can work together to take back their town with law enforcement if they want to. The effort just has to be put forth to make a change for the better.

  8. dunno it on April 14th, 2010 12:35 pm

    I’m real glad they did do something this week, but we all know that’s a
    spit in the wind to the drug problems in this county.


  9. LVM on April 14th, 2010 9:20 am

    Be glad that you sheriff is doing something. When was the last real crime solved in your neighbor county to the north? Esc. Co., AL only deals with kangaroo court issues. Whatever they do is to collect money, not put away real criminals. You think these Century dealers don’t sell in Flomaton, Brewton, & Atmore areas? HA!

  10. Just An Old Soldier on April 14th, 2010 8:11 am

    Great work, Sheriff Dave Morgan and ESCO! Press on!

  11. Angi on April 13th, 2010 6:30 pm

    Thanks to all of the authorities who removed these drug users and sellers off the streets. Keep up the excellent work.

  12. interested reader on April 13th, 2010 4:36 pm

    Here is an example of what a sheriff should be doing. CATCHING CRIMINALS. Keep up the good work Sheriff Morgan. People in every area have crime and if we do our part and report it I think our ECSO will do their job.

  13. dunno it on April 13th, 2010 4:22 pm

    an officer came to my house one day and one of the first things he said was,

    i bet you you have a lot of trouble with the guy across the street. I told him yes he is one of the ring leaders of a mob, and i told him about something really horrid
    that I witnessed one night with the neighbors over at the guy across the streets
    house, and he wasn’t even suprised. I however, had been dumbfounded.

    I didn’t grow up where or when robbery and theft was a way of life, and parents teach them how to get away with it. When
    I grew up we didn’t even lock our doors. Here they steal from the dead and their
    own kin. Survival of the fittest and all that.


  14. dunno it on April 13th, 2010 4:02 pm

    oh sure call the sheriffs office, get a run around, have the creeps find out you called (umm some how) and then watch what they do to you.
    Like someone else said, all the sheriffs men couldn’t clean up the mess in century with drugs, and molino is the worst element i ever saw and since some
    of the cops hunt with them…….well you get the idea.
    A lot of county workers are involved, and we sure wouldn’t want to open that
    can of worms now would we.
    sheriff don’t want to do anything anyway, or he would have been breaking down
    doors by now, instead of just running the roads doing traffic stops!

  15. A. Davis on April 13th, 2010 1:31 pm

    Than you sheriff Morgan. People who talk about how nothing is done should report crime.

  16. Two cents on April 13th, 2010 9:19 am

    Jackson looks like he has no idea where he is or what happened, Dixon and Smith got that I’m bad look. I like to see the bad boys of century get a jail cell home. If Sheriff Morgan started today with every officer he has on the force. A year from now century would still be filled with drugs and dealers. But what the heck, century is not the only problem.

  17. dunno it on April 13th, 2010 8:46 am



  18. Resident on April 13th, 2010 8:37 am

    Well these three have been caught before selling drugs and one of them carried drugs into the county jail with him and got caught. Now it is time to put them away for a long time and maybe when they get out they will have learned something. 20 years at hard labor sounds good to me for these 3 losers. By the time they get out they might not want to deal drugs anymore. Bring back the chain gang. All in favor say I.

  19. dunno it on April 13th, 2010 8:26 am

    did he use those $250,000.00 vehicles for this bust. How about all the meth. labs sheriff, When will you get off the internet and really get to work. I read your new web site. Just how much time do you spend on the internet? Good job on this guy but some of the very people who paid your way into office are in the middle of to many of escambias drug, theft, vandalism, fires, and murders.
    your moving waaaay too slow for someone who has all that money for new toys and so much time for playing on your putter. Oh yes, now I see, thats why you don’t have time to call ppl back.,

  20. not an english major on April 13th, 2010 7:56 am

    WTG more winners off the streets!!! Thanks ESCO!

  21. molinojim on April 13th, 2010 7:42 am

    To Sleepytime: Sheriff Morgan was out leading the 500 volunteers who showed up to search for the naked woman in Walnut Hill. As one old time female comic said “You never get to old or ugly for the guys to peek one time” All joking aside the SO is doing a good job and we should all say thanks to them for being out there.

  22. Century Resident on April 13th, 2010 7:06 am

    I think the sheriff does deserve credit. How many search warrants did McNesby do in Century? One big one, just a few months before the election. It was to get his face on TV and in the news on

    Morgan’s team has been busting people up here left and right and the election is years away.

    That should tell us something.


  23. Random thoughts on April 13th, 2010 7:00 am

    In response to “sleepytime”

    It is the General who leads the troops into battle. It is the General who gets blamed when the mission fails.

    So why not give the General credit when victory is acheived?

    Albeit a very small victory because we all know that for everyone one drug dealer that they arrest, two more crop up. Which has been the case since this drug war began in the 80’s, and how it will be until we find a more effective way of addressing this issue. So I guess no one really deserves credit because in the end, nothing has changed.

  24. North Escambia County Resident on April 13th, 2010 6:54 am

    Thanks Sherriff Morgan and deputies you are cleaning up our town one piece of trash at a time
    Mr. Morgan you are on a roll, don’t let us down now!

  25. Know your neighbor on April 13th, 2010 6:31 am

    Have we seen these guys on North before? Roaches of the community, take a good look. Good job ECSO!

  26. sleepytime on April 13th, 2010 3:22 am

    In response to “neighbor”

    I’m sure the sheriff knew about the warrant, and im sure he was out there serving it as well… How about thanks ECSO for your hard work. There is no “I” in team.

  27. Neighbor on April 13th, 2010 1:20 am

    Thank you sheriff morgan for cleaning up our neighborhoods.