Teen That Grabbed Deputy’s Gun Moved To Adult Court

April 23, 2010

The case of an Escambia teen that fought with deputies and grabbed a service revolver has been transferred from juvenile to adult court.

Tracey E. Squaire, 14, was moved from the Juvenile Detention Center to the Escambia County Jail. He was jailed after reportedly taking a deputy’s gun, threatening to shoot him and trying to take a weapon from another deputy. A deputy fired shots at the teen during the incident, but missed.

According to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, deputies responded to a suspicious vehicle in a ditch in the area of 80th Avenue and West Jackson Street early Tuesday morning. When Deputy Brandon Minor arrived on the scene, the vehicle was not occupied, so he proceeded to contact the owner of the vehicle who lived nearby.

squairetraceye.jpgThe owner of the vehicle discovered that keys to another vehicle he owned — a blue Chevrolet truck — were missing, and he told the deputy that he believed Squaire, his 14-year old stepson, had taken both vehicles.

When Deputy Minor and the owner returned to the scene of the abandoned truck in the ditch, they found Squaire removing items from the vehicle and placing them in the second vehicle reported stolen.

“Deputy Minor exited his patrol car and ordered Squaire to place his hands behind his back and which time Squaire refused and tried to distance himself from Deputy Minor. Deputy Minor then attempted to handcuff Squaire, but Squaire was able to forcibly resist the officer’s attempts, causing the officer to pull his taser. Squaire then grabbed Deputy Minor’s taser and began to fight with the officer trying to gain control of the taser. At this time Deputy Minor drew his gun on the suspect and ordered him to get on the ground. Square once again refused the officers commands and lunged for Deputy Minor’s gun. During the struggle over the gun, Squaire pulled the weapon from Deputy Minor’s hands and pointed the gun at the officer threatening to shoot him if he moved or tried to call for help,” according to Melissa Aiken, spokesperson for the Sheriff’s Office.

Squaire then fled the scene with the deputy’s weapon in the stolen Chevrolet truck. Additional deputies responded and began searching the area for Squaire. Deputy Kelly Hall located the truck in the area of 65th Avenue. When he pulled in behind the truck, the suspect accelerated and fled before wrecking with a traffic island on 65th Avenue.

“Deputy Hall then approached the suspect’s vehicle with his weapon drawn at which time the suspect raised the firearm stolen from Deputy Minor and pointed it at Deputy Hall ordering Hall to put his hands up. Deputy Hall took cover at the rear of the vehicle and fired one round into the suspect’s vehicle. Squaire then put both hands in the air in an attempt to give up. Deputy Hall ordered Squaire out of the vehicle and Squaire complied by exiting the vehicle and walking toward the deputy,” Aiken said.

“Deputy Hall then ordered the suspect to get on the ground at which time the suspect refused and lunged toward Deputy Hall grabbing his gun with both hands. The suspect fought with the deputy attempting to turn the gun’s muzzle toward the deputy. In fear for his life, Deputy Hall fired one round from his weapon in self defense, but missed the suspect. As the fight continued, Deputy Hall was eventually able to force the suspect to the ground at which time the suspect preceded to bite Deputy Hall on the wrist. Deputy Hall persevered and was able to free his weapon from Squaire’s grasp and handcuff the suspect,” Aiken continued.

Squaire was booked into the Escambia County Jail on a list of felony charges:

  • Committing a first degree felony with stolen law enforcement firearm
  • Aggravated assault with intent to commit a felony
  • Aggravated battery with a deadly weapon
  • Battery on law enforcement officer
  • Grand theft of vehicle
  • Obstruction of police

He is also facing misdemeanor charges of larceny and resisting a law enforcement officer.


15 Responses to “Teen That Grabbed Deputy’s Gun Moved To Adult Court”

  1. R. Nelson on April 30th, 2010 4:18 pm

    excuse me – Square*, not Escambia.

  2. R. Nelson on April 30th, 2010 4:17 pm

    Unfortunately, this story is an example of why, more often than not, criminally violent juveniles should be placed in adult facilities. Escambia’s case simply points out how juvenile facilities are generally not equipped to handle criminals of this nature. Their security does not have enough experience in this realm and consequently are unprepared for what may happen when violent criminals are placed in juvenile facilities.

    In addition, at what age is someone physically dangerous? Escambia is only fourteen, but who’s to say he cannot overpower someone much older than he is? He certainly did.

    Perhaps the justice system should start looking at additional factors, other than age, that can determine how dangerous a criminal is. If they do not, instances such as these and much worse are possible. If Escambia had just been placed in the adult facility to begin with, all of this would have been prevented.

  3. David Huie Green on April 26th, 2010 11:08 pm

    “any person who tries to take the life of another, is in my view, an adult.
    killing someone is an adult decision. if a “child” makes that decision, well now they are an adult and should be treated as such.
    as far as kids having sexual relations with adults and such, what do you charge the child with? ”

    So a decision to kill is an adult thing but a decision to have sex is not?

    David learning

  4. joe not joe w on April 25th, 2010 10:22 pm

    any person who tries to take the life of another, is in my view, an adult.
    killing someone is an adult decision. if a “child” makes that decision, well now they are an adult and should be treated as such.
    as far as kids having sexual relations with adults and such, what do you charge the child with? the adult is the one comiting the crime? so I ask again what crime does the under age child comit? what law did they break to be charged?
    trying to kill someone and having consented sex with someone is a bit different.
    just my thoughts though….

  5. joe w on April 25th, 2010 1:27 pm

    I think the kid should be tried as an adult and he xshould go to an adult prison if he is man enough to commit a crime like an adult let him take the punishment like and adult jus like the kid who shot and killed his father

  6. David Huie Green on April 24th, 2010 9:44 pm

    “If you don’t think 2 adult cops can stop a 14 year old kid something is wrong. He is only 14 years old, he is a child not an adult….”

    Which raises the question: How did a mere child steal a taser, a gun, nearly steal a second gun and try very hard to kill an officer of the law?

    Is it possible our definitions of “child” need some flesibility?

    In fact we have that flexibility as shown by the decision to treat him as an adult.

    David amazed at the attitude a person could commit murder
    up until the day before 18th birthday and should be treated as a minor

  7. JJ on April 24th, 2010 10:00 am

    It’s really a shame that the “treating him as an adult” didn’t start when the officer first encountered him…. then we wouldn’t have to worry about all the bad things this thug will do in the future.

  8. JDG Molino on April 24th, 2010 6:48 am

    Just another case of slap on the wrist, prabation, he’s only 14, let’s put him in rehab for a little while and by the time 18 he will be off prabation,stealing,dealing drugs and someone will be shot by this same person.Let’s hope it’s not an innosent person.

  9. huh on April 23rd, 2010 11:14 pm

    If you don’t think 2 adult cops can stop a 14 year old kid something is wrong. He is only 14 years old, he is a child not an adult….

  10. idunno on April 23rd, 2010 10:18 pm


  11. cane on April 23rd, 2010 3:55 pm

    Huh,,,,Are you freaking serious? You have compassion for a person that tries to kill 2 police officers? Lets let the young man come stay at your place. Please rehibilitate him, and teach him to be nice to other people. Remember Huh,,he gave not one,,,but two fully trained adult men a fight for their lives. You should throw your computer in the trash. People amaze me. P.S. The weekends here,, yes! Be safe.

  12. huh on April 23rd, 2010 12:35 pm

    Why was he moved to adult court? He is only 14

    If you are 14/15 and have sex with someone older (like those jay teachers) then you are a “victim of rape” and not able to consent (even if they consent) The reason given is that at 14 or 15 you are not mature enough to know what you are doing, can’t be legally responsible for your own actions, and are therefore being taken advantage of

    Its amazing how that story changes when you are 14 or 15, and then do something like the above kid has done, instead of everyone screaming ” He didn’t know what he was doing he is just a kid! ” You hear ” good thats what he deserves!”

    Double standard much?

  13. Just Because on April 23rd, 2010 11:52 am

    To bad the deputy missed.

  14. not an english major on April 23rd, 2010 11:20 am

    Thanks for reporting this! This kid deserves being tried as an adult. Maybe he will think twice about doing things like this again!

  15. Terri Sanders on April 23rd, 2010 9:30 am

    This kid has been watching way too much television cops and robbers shows!