Tea Party Protesters Rally Against ‘Obama Care’, Taxes, Government Spending (With Photo Gallery)

April 16, 2010


tea-party-023.jpgWith American flags, yellow “Don’t Tread on Me” flags and homemade signs by the hundreds, Tea Party protesters lined Davis Highway at University Mall Thursday afternoon in Pensacola for a tax day rally.

Participants were protesting big government, government spending and government intrusion into the lives of ordinary citizens.

“No Obama Care”,  “You Can’t Fix Stupid But You Can Throw Them Out”, “Honk if the word Trillion Scares You”, “Fire Obama” — those were just a few of the signs held by the approximate 1,000 protesters, including many from North Escambia, as they waved at passing traffic.

Protesters ranged from the elderly in wheelchairs to young children waving American flags.

The event was organized the local Tea Party group the Pensacola Patriots.

For a NorthEscambia.com photo gallery from the protest, click here.

Pictured: About 1,000 people took part in a tax day Tea Party protest at University Mall in Pensacola Thursday afternoon. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.



31 Responses to “Tea Party Protesters Rally Against ‘Obama Care’, Taxes, Government Spending (With Photo Gallery)”

  1. tax preparer on April 18th, 2010 8:17 am

    What % do you pay for federal taxes?

    Do you even know?

    You may be surprised!

    How much do you pay for local and state taxes? That”s were we pay the most!

  2. Angel Struble on April 17th, 2010 3:35 pm

    There is nothing wrong with a peaceful gathering of people gathering together to protest. I work for a living and have earned everything that I have. I have not asked for help from my neighbor or from our government. I pay my taxes like the law has instructed me to do. I however have a problem with people who seem to think that everyone that works should not complain when BIG government steps in and says: We are going to distribute your paycheck because your neighbor does not want to work and you do. If my neighbor needs help, I will be the first one to offer it, however, if you want help because your lazy, want more gold teeth, or be able to get your nails done every two weeks, yes I have a huge problem with that. My grandmother used to say, If you don’t work, then you don’t eat. I believe in that philosophy. As long as your needs are met, then your wants is not everyone else’s responsibility. As far as protesting on government property…….as long as you pay your taxes then you have paid to protest on that property. Those of you that are upset at people who protest are the same ones (as a majority) with their hands held out asking for people to support your lazy, no-good-for-nothing selves…………Pathetic.

  3. to the no's on April 17th, 2010 9:35 am

    bill, the children were in the middle of the divided of the hwy., there are no pictures of this. I was there!

  4. dunno it on April 17th, 2010 8:18 am

    Their all no good….it’s been time to clean house for a long time.
    AND DO IT!

    There are no good politicians, they get in because they get RICH!

    GET IT!

  5. A Watchman on April 17th, 2010 8:00 am

    Didn’t Jimmy Carter complete the Republican plan to give back the Panama Canal? Didn’t Bush “1″ set up NAFTA for Clinton to finish? Didn’t Bush “2″ introduce the “Stimulus” bill that was completed by Obama? The political party governing this country is the “American Congress of Lords”.

    Until we (the taxpayers) regain control; we will work and they will rule. America has been “Peasantized”.

  6. Joe on April 17th, 2010 1:31 am

    All the belivers of the current administration will continue to find fault with anything we “nay sayers” say, or better yet what we type! usually in the form of pointing out grammer, spelling or other simple mistakes humans make. all of this, is in fact, a way to divert attention from the real issues being addressed. no matter how bad I spell, or How “not Good” my grammer be, I know when a fox is in the hen house. Mr. Obama’s wife said herself “Obama’s Home country of Kenya” how can someone who is not even American really know what is in my best interest? How can he even be president? This fleecing of the American people goes past 1600 Penn. ave, we need to hold our senators and congressmen responsible as well. it was already said, most of them are hold overs from past administrations any way. time to clean house and get some new blood in washington!

  7. Just An Old Soldier on April 16th, 2010 8:59 pm

    I have attended Tea Party protests, and I protested the spending of the Bush Administration, who, along with a Democratically Controlled Congress spent money fater than they could print it, leaving the country in a deep deficit when President Bush left office. Yes, he damaged our nation’s wealth and our children’s inheritance. Congress did too. And along comes 0bama and triples that deficit. With largely the same people in Congress that helped Mr Bush rob our future, and our children’s future. I wrote my concerns and strong objections to both the Bush and the 0bama Whitehouse, and to our Senators and Congressman Miller. I even resigned my job over it in the face of certain promotion. Those that say “Where were they when Bush was in office?” – I was doing the right thing then, and I’m doing the right thing now. You don’t get out of a ditch by driving it into the ravine. You get out of it by doing the opposite of what you did to get in it…even if you have to get out, get a shovel and get to work. Speaking of ‘work’ – Government doesn’t create jobs, it only siphons off wealth from taxpayers. Businesses create wealth, and taxation destroys wealth. When the Government gets out of the way of Free Enterprise, then our Economy will begin to recover – and new jobs will be created. Adding more taxes to the highest tax rate on the planet is only driving business from our shores. Socialism (in the form of “progressive taxation”) destroys Free Enterprise. Think people, think!

  8. Bill, big B little ill on April 16th, 2010 7:02 pm

    Sad…..you said they were children standing on edge of the street….I took a close at the pictures here on northescambia.com . Were any of those children under 40 years old….I just don’t see them….:)

  9. just peachy on April 16th, 2010 4:44 pm

    I say FIRE THEM ALL! The Democrats refuse to work with the Republicans. The Republicans have slammed the door too. What our incumbents do with the time they have had in the Senate & House? Spend Money!
    Bush gave money to the banks, Obama gave money to the banks. Both bailed out wall street. No one is looking out for the little man. I pay enough taxes. I do not want to pay more taxes. Tax my payroll check, tax my home, tax my car, tax my car tag, tax my every purchase, especially the gasoline I put in my car. Tax my phone, tax my electricity, tax my earned interest, etc……..
    Oh and I pay state income tax too. You live OR work in Alabama and you PAY. So, what percentage of our income are we really paying in taxes? And they want more!
    We have to tighten our belts and spend less, cut back on all our expenses when hard times hit. Government should do the same.
    Create more jobs and more people will be paying more in taxes, and more people will have insurance available through an employer. Cant buy insurance if you don’t have a JOB.

  10. huh on April 16th, 2010 1:20 pm

    The only ones getting taxed more are the rich, so everyone holding an anti tax sign there, is rich?? If so, I don’t feel bad for them being taxed

  11. NHS student on April 16th, 2010 12:28 pm

    My only word is WOW!!!!!! This stuff is so stupid, I wish everything was back to normal and all this crap will be done with. Oh and Think about what you say everybody has their own opinion so do not judge them.

  12. Dr. Pepper on April 16th, 2010 12:20 pm

    Looked at everyone of the photos in the gallery: Not a single Black, Hispanic, Asian-American, Native American, or any other minority group. Yep, just a bunch of mostly old, fat white people screaming about issues they have no earthly idea about:


    Escambia County was ranked the 72nd most conservative county in the United States. You know which political party gets voted into power into conversative counties: Republicans. You know what Republicans are? A regional party. What’s a regional party? Oh yeah, it’s a minority party.

    Of course, I forget the Tea Party doesn’t endorse a particular political party…well you know, except Republicans because you know independents don’t win elections. Enjoy Marc Rubio for the next six years and just pray Bill Nelson will still want to work to get funding for projects in NW Florida because your “pure” conservative senator isn’t going to do squat for anyone in his state.

  13. Sad on April 16th, 2010 12:16 pm

    The children on Davis Hwy. were in a very dangerous place!!! That’s the problem! Just inches from the heavy traffic!!! Two of the little girls had there feet at the edge of the Hwy.!!!!!

    The parents that allowed that to happen should be charged with negligent!!!

  14. eab on April 16th, 2010 12:03 pm

    Be careful, Realist. One thing I have noticed about the slogan quoting,CAPITAL LETTER TYPING conservatives on this forum is that when presented with the true facts they kinda disappear. As long as they are free to just work each other into a frenzy, while worshiping the beloved Tea Party, they just keep getting more and more outrageous.

    Come armed with facts and they quiet right on down. There’s no quicker way to kill a discussion around here.

    Watch out, or you may get hit with AN UPPERCASE LETTER!

  15. JUDY MASEK on April 16th, 2010 11:40 am

    whitepunk..ahh…where, in my comment, did you gleem that i didnt like my job field?…READ, and, then…re-read…..i happened to have had alot of respect for that particular couple for being so prepared..

  16. whitepunknotondope on April 16th, 2010 11:31 am

    “you must not be up to date on your knowledge of HIPPA LAWS, LIVING WILLS, HCS, and POA”

    If you don’t like the field you’re in, go work at Wal-Mart.

  17. JUDY MASEK on April 16th, 2010 11:27 am

    REALIST– you must not be up to date on your knowledge of HIPPA LAWS, LIVING WILLS, HCS, and POA info…i work in a critical care setting…and, I AM UP TO DATE on my knowledge and how it works…in fact, about 2 weeks ago, i encountered the EXACT scenerio that obama has featured, in his attempt to court some segments of the left…..my patient and the ’significant other” were VERY WELL PREPARED and had all of the necessary documents…had my patient been in a state of imminent death, the partner could have stayed at the bedside…if the partner had wanted protected info, over the phone, it would have been readily given (w/proper ID)…if there were necessary medical decisions that needed to be made and my patient was incapacitated, the partner would have made those decisions….I DIDNT NEED OBAMAS TO ORDER GOV’T AGENCIES TO MAKE MORE MANDATES/RULES….the law is ALREADY THERE!!…..all people (gay and heterosexual) need to do it get off their behinds and get prepared…BE IN CHARGE of their OWN destinies and stop expecting the government to do it for them..

  18. EMD on April 16th, 2010 11:20 am

    NO……..Where are you getting that they are lies?

    Has anyone else heard about what is next on the agenda………….License plates for our houses, and restrictions on if and when we can sell? There will also be a limit on how much we can sell it for………….Our own house!!! The government is out to own US. We are now in more bondage than we were in when we left Great Britain, to be free. “FREE?” What is that like? I think I’ve forgotten.

  19. Realist on April 16th, 2010 10:54 am

    Oh no!! Socialism! I am terrified. Is Obama himself going to knock on my door, or will he send Ben Rothlesberger?

    The American dollar has slipped over the last year????? Well according to the United States Treasury, between 2002 and 2008 the American Dollar lost 40% of its’ value, and debt increased by 60%. When Bush took office, the Euro was worth $0.87 of an American Dollar, when he left….$1.51. Go figure.

    Oh and since Obama took office, the American Dollar has strengthened by 22%. So before you go throwing out random and vague arguments, do some research.

  20. Joe on April 16th, 2010 10:40 am

    My spelling may be bad, My grammer may be lacking but my thoughts are clear. I do not even watch fox news, I must just share their views on my own with out being spoon fed by the media. I do not wake up each day and turn on the tube to find out what I need to think or do today. i will agree the system is flawed and needs fixing, but printing more money does not fix it. there needs to be a backing of the federal reserve. the US dollar has slipped over the last year. everyone has a right to their thoughts and i support that. i spent the better part of my life defending those freedoms for others. I may no longer be in uniform but I am still willing to die to defend that right. enjoy your freedoms while you still have them, socialisim is just around the corner.

  21. Realist on April 16th, 2010 10:37 am

    Wow Leslie, great grammar, and great points, not. Are you saying that Obama is not American? That pretty much sums up your argument.

  22. leslie on April 16th, 2010 10:27 am

    I agree with Joe. People today don’t know their rights or the constitition. They have been dumbed down to let the government think for them. There is no free anything. Someone has to pay for this. That someone is the taxpayers. Those that don’t mind paying higher taxes to have their money redistributed are crazy. That’s like working to support someone elses family. I don’t mind helping people, but I don’t want to be forced into it, nor do I want to do it permently. Wait until the healthcare bill goes in effect. Then you’ll see taxes and the whole picture. Socialism. Just like Europe. People need to think for themselves, especially when you have the president’s wife tell you that he’s not even an american citizen. The teaparty are patriots just americans like you trying to get others to listen and get involved to keep their country free.

  23. Realist on April 16th, 2010 10:26 am

    Judy- How is the government taking over your life by issuing equal rights to gays? Do you not think everyone should have equal rights? All the order requires is that gays have the same visitation and living will rights as everyone else, rights they have not had in the past. Oh no!! Not that! Run!!!!! Obama is a Socialist, he believes in equal rights!! That is not very Constitutional of you to discriminate against others, sounds like maybe you have a Socialist agenda.

  24. JUDY MASEK on April 16th, 2010 10:17 am

    had i known about this local effort, I WOULD HAVE BEEN THERE! im not going to stand by quietly while the gov’t tries to take over every part of our lives…just heard that obama issued an order to the dept health/human services to make a ruling requiring that all healthcare facilities (who recieve medicaid/medicare reimbursements) to provide the same healthcare visitation rights to gay couples, as what married heterosexual couples currently enjoy…excuse me, but…DUH!…if obama was as concerned as he perports about “the problem”…then, why didnt he JUST ENCOURAGE GAY COUPLES TO COMPLETE LIVING WILLS, HEALTHCARE SURROGATE AND, OR POA PAPERWORK IMMEDIATELY!??…the answers: 1) he is pandering to the gay community, in an effort to get the much needed political support, while hoping that they do not realize that they already have these rights (as long as the paperwork is completed)… 2) its simply one more of obamas subtle socialist-type manuevers he is initiating to HAVE THE GOV’T TAKE OVER MORE CONTROL OUR LIVES, WHEN WE SHOULD BE PLANNING AHEAD AND DOING IT OURSELVES W/THE LAWS THAT ARE ALREADY AVAILABLE TO US (HCS, LIVING WILL, POWER OF ATTORNEY)

  25. Realist on April 16th, 2010 10:10 am

    Yes, you are so right! I am the one that needs an education. Your brilliance is clearly illustrated in your lack of grammar and spelling, along with your quoting of Fox News.

    The Constitution also includes the 16th Ammendment that grants the government the right to impose taxes. This ammendment has been challenged numerous times, and upheld.

    As for a history lesson, please do. The reason the first income tax was proposed? To pay for the Civil War. The reason we now must raise taxes? To pay for the worst administration in the history of the United States. The administration that took a national surplus and thriving economy, and turned it into the largest recorded deficit in history, and left an economy with no middle class.

    So go flip Fox News back on, and hang on their every word. Remember, as long as you are scared to death, you will continue to do just as Fox News tells you. Why think for yourself, when you can quote Bill O’Reilly?

    Oh, and if you are so tired of Obama, you have a chance to voice your opinion every four years, it’s called voting. You know, the same thing you lost two years ago. You are the minority. You are the ones bashing the President, the same actions you questioned when the shoe was on the other foot. (i.e. George “Halliburton” Bush)

  26. Joe on April 16th, 2010 9:41 am

    Realist- you obviously don’t know the US Constitution, the First Amendment grants the right to peaceably assemble. the TEA party is not anti-Tax, it is more about violations of the constitution and the right to collect taxes and no taxes being imposed without proper representation.

    No – the answer to your question is Mr. Obama. Mr Obama has spent more money in his first year than Mr. Bush did while he was in office. Mr. Obama’s solution to print more money helps no on!

    Sad – it is good to get the kids involved with this, after all it is their future Mr. Obama is stealing

    sounds like most of the folks commenting here need a civics lesson as they do not really understand Government and the US constitution. I have found it is the people who have the least that want the most. why should we break down our class system to re-distribute the wealth? the very thought of that is insane.

  27. Bill, big B little ill on April 16th, 2010 9:27 am

    No…..thats a good question…..lots of people complained about Bush but don’t look like any had the intestinal fortitude to get out and do anything about. That tells me that they weren’t as unhappy as people think. Maybe Bush just wasn’t that bad after all.

  28. Sad on April 16th, 2010 8:38 am

    They are so intelligent, that they even had small children in the middle of Davis Hwy. during rush hour traffic!!

  29. blind on April 16th, 2010 8:33 am


    study your history…when taxes go over about 40% societies fall, they simply can withstand that rate…now go look at our rat.

    It isnt’ taxes I am oposed to, it is the RATE of the taxes and lack of accoutability and efficiency. If we ran our business like the Public runs their diovisions, we would be out of business……we can’t simply raide our rate since there is always somebody waiting to do it cheaper.

    The govt just raises its rates.

  30. No on April 16th, 2010 8:30 am

    Where were they when Bush ran the country down??????????????

    The Spending done now, is to try to get us out of our many many many problems left by Bush!!!!!!!!!

    Where were they during Bush’s ???????

    I saw the sign and most of them were right LIES!!!!!!! Were are they getting such lies!!!!!!!

  31. Realist on April 16th, 2010 7:48 am

    What a bunch of morons. If they are so anti-tax, maybe they should get off that property paid for and maintained by tax dollars.