State Plans Highway 29 Changes; Learn More At Tuesday Meeting

April 19, 2010

The Florida Department of Transportation is in the process of developing an Action Plan for Highway 29 from Burgess Road to the Alabama State Line. The plan is being developed in coordination with Escambia County, the Town of Century and the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization.

An Action Plan is a planning tool developed by FDOT for Florida Intrastate Highway System (FIHS) roadways to address congestion and access management standards in coordination with local government, transportation planning organizations, and community members. FIHS facilities are vital transportation components of Florida’s economic stability and growth. The Action Plan is a dynamic tool that needs updating on a periodic basis. The Action Plan examines existing traffic conditions for the study corridor and intersections. Future traffic forecasts are developed to identify road and traffic operational deficiencies along the corridor.

Additionally, environmental constraints, land use constraints, and safety issues are also reviewed. The Action Plan includes an improvement plan to address short-term and longer-term (20-year) corridor deficiencies. FDOT has begun the process of developing the Highway 29 Action Plan and preliminary recommendations have been created. Input from the community is being solicited.

FDOT has scheduled two open-houses for Tuesday, April 20th to solicit input on the draft recommendations. The first will be at the Escambia County Extension Office from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The second will be at Century City Hall from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Each open-house will present the same information; therefore it is not necessary to attend both sessions.

For persons unable to attend either of the workshops, but are interested in reviewing the preliminary recommendations, a draft executive summary will be on display for review at each of these meeting locations through April 23rd during normal business hours.


17 Responses to “State Plans Highway 29 Changes; Learn More At Tuesday Meeting”

  1. You Who on April 20th, 2010 11:34 am

    One thing that will help out on 29 is to get rid of all them turn mediums. If it does not have a turning lane then they need to remove it. this would reduce the number of accidents as well as finger pointing. In the big cities they space these turn mediums about a mille apart to kept traffic moving. I wish Fl/Pensacola would learn this trick. When you are riding along at 55 to 65 mph and someone wants to turn left, this will peeve you off. FDOT needs to fix this problem and quick!!!

  2. mph on April 20th, 2010 9:21 am

    The train track in Cantonment could easily be addressed if CSX and International Paper Co. would be good neighbors and switch at night. When my husband worked at Solutia, he told me the engineer that worked for CSX would laugh and tell them how much fun he thought it was to hold up late afternoon rush hour traffic. They can switch at the paper company anytime they want to but choose to do it when it causes the most trouble. Much as I hate to say it sometimes I think it would be better to close the paper mill. What with traffic, the smell, and the arrogance of both CSX and Internationa. Sorry folks but I sat there fuming too many times with that smart elecks remarks on my mind. People are tired and hungry after work and the last thing they need is a 20 to 30 min. wait for a train to switch – especially when it is 96 degrees outside. If you call CSX or the mill they will just give you the run around – but try anyway = maybe this article will make them think about the misery they are putting people through.

  3. Me again on April 20th, 2010 8:53 am

    Oh, Bwayne, we’ve discussed this so many times before and we still aren’t getting anywhere with it. The thing is, they are only supposed to block it for 15 minutes out of a 20 minute period, then they must let traffic go through before they can do it again, by law. The problem is that they don’t do that and they choose the absolute worst times of day to block it. I’ve sat in the traffic for over an hour before. Think of all the wasted gas and all the exhaust fumes that are released in that period of time! It’s a shame.
    There are several options that could be implemented to help the traffic nightmare there, but neither the county nor CSX are willing to explore them. Until they acknowledge that there is a problem and try to find solutions, it will just keep happening and driving all of us who are stuck on either side of it crazy.

  4. bwayne on April 20th, 2010 7:26 am

    If they don’t put an overpass over the Muscogee Rd. Train tracks in Cantonment, they are just blowing hot air, spinning wheels, and wasting our tax dollars. That track is the reason that the traffic does not flow efficiently up the the 29 corridor. Why widen, improve, or speed up something that will be brought to a standstill every day between 3:30 and 4:30 backing up traffic for miles?

  5. W.R. on April 19th, 2010 5:55 pm

    Come on and extend I110 all the way to I65 in Alabama. Bring it thru my living room and offer to buy me out and see how fast I can get out of Escambi County Florida.

  6. Me again on April 19th, 2010 4:11 pm

    I was told that it was going to extend to just north of Quintette Road. It was also discussed to make that part of it a toll road, which I think would be a mistake. It would be a lot handier and more convenient for me but I will NOT pay a toll for that when I can just get off on the Hwy 29 exit and drive straight up the highway FOR FREE!

  7. Splat on April 19th, 2010 2:38 pm

    great idea simple fix

  8. Terri Sanders on April 19th, 2010 12:15 pm

    Years ago the plan was to extend 110 to dump out close to Watsons Mini Mart on 29 in McDavid…havent heard anything else in recent years but I have a copy of the PNJ about this plan.Will be at the meeting Tuesday

  9. just peachy on April 19th, 2010 12:04 pm

    Yeah! Lets spend some of that Stimulous money on something productive!

  10. Uv Gotoo B. Kiddingme on April 19th, 2010 9:38 am

    I know the folks who’s neighborhoods get axed by an interstate extension will be put out, but this really is best for the whole area of Northwest Florida. If they extended I-110 to Muscogee, great. Really though, they should run it all the way to I-65 in Alabama. Although the 4 laning of 113 has made for better egress in the case of a hurricane, the interstate would be even better.

  11. Max on April 19th, 2010 8:25 am

    So, are the draft recommendations available other than by going to the meeting locations?

  12. Me again on April 19th, 2010 8:10 am

    Actually, plans are already under way for the extension of the interstate. I’m not entirely sure where all it is supposed to go, as far as through the neighborhoods, but I do know that they have been taking property from people along the power lines in Cottage Hill and saying that it was for the new interstate extension.

  13. wow on April 19th, 2010 7:35 am

    Extend 1-110 to Muscogee road on the power line as proposed 20 years ago and relieve the pressure on HWY 29 and make it a 10 minute trip to 1-10.

  14. Simple fix on April 19th, 2010 7:24 am

    The Muscogee Road train track issue could be easily fixed by building an
    over-pass like the over-pass that crosses over 9 mile road on Hwy 29.

  15. Mommy of 2 on April 19th, 2010 7:14 am

    I totally agree with the wishful thinking that they will address Muscogee Road train tracks. It is so crazy to have to sit there that long.

  16. JDG Molino on April 19th, 2010 7:01 am

    Amen on th train tracks there. I understand the need for the tracks there, but at
    5:00 in the afternon.??????

  17. Karen Doberman on April 19th, 2010 2:35 am

    hope they address the train track at muscogee road