Sheriff: Gangs Are In North Escambia; No One Is Completely Safe

April 1, 2010


No one in Escambia County is safe from gangs and gang activity, including residents of North Escambia.

That’s the word from Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan. Wednesday afternoon, sat down for an exclusive interview with the sheriff in his office to discuss the growing gang problem in Escambia County, and specifically how gangs impact North Escambia.

There are 17 active gangs in Escambia County with about 300 members, according to the sheriff. About 80 percent of the crime in Escambia County has a gang connection, he said.

Much of the gang activity in the southern part of Escambia County is organized, while the gang activity in North Escambia is more unorganized. But that’s not a good thing, the sheriff said.

morgan11.jpg“The unorganized gangs that you have in the north part of the county can be more dangerous than the organized gangs,” Morgan said.  When there is no structure to a gang’s leadership, the man with the most money or drugs tends to be in charge, and that can mean a change in leadership from day to day, he said.

“If the guy in charge today is a wacko, he might just decide it’s a good day for a drive-by (shooting),” he said. “It’s like an unguided missile.”

The sheriff termed North Escambia gangs as “hybrids” — not full-fledged gang members of well known national groups like the Bloods or Crips.  The hybrid gangs, he said, are gaining more and more members but have not yet become more violent or more organized. “These hybrid gangs don’t have the rules of the national groups.”

ew11.jpgAsked if the recent dismissal time brawl at Ernest Ward Middle School could be gang related, Morgan said “We know there are gang members in schools, but there is not gang activity in your schools. But just outside the edge of the schoolyard at every school in the county, the problem exists.”

The sheriff said the school district closely monitors any potential gang activity in school across the county, and they quickly move in to prevent an problems. So far, he said, that strategy has worked well.

It’s no secret that Cantonment and Century have gang members, Morgan said. “Molino is relatively untouched, but there are a few members there.”

Morgan said his department is actively working to curtail the gang problem in Escambia County. He said that residents of the county can take an active roll against gangs by reporting activity and by organizing neighborhood watch programs to be on the lookout for problems.

A person is labeled as a potential gang member if they meeting several criteria, including the wearing of gang colors or symbols, displaying gang signs, wearing gang tattoos, self admission, or the participation in organized crime for the gang.

The sheriff’s comments came following a “Protecting Our Children From Gangs” public forum that was held Tuesday night. The event was sponsored by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, Escambia County School District and Sacred Heart Hospital.

At that forum, Dr. Karanbir Gill, trauma surgeon and medical director, Sacred Heart Trauma Center, talked out the impact gangs have on the hospital system in our communities due to violent injuries.

Pictured top and top inset: Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan discusses gangs in his office Wednesday afternoon. Pictured bottom inset: A recent fight at Ernest Ward Middle School. photos, click to enlarge.


52 Responses to “Sheriff: Gangs Are In North Escambia; No One Is Completely Safe”

  1. Century girl on April 6th, 2010 4:22 am

    Ignorance is not bliss. So many think that just because they haven’t seen it or don’t personnally know about gangs, that they don’t exist…well folks you need to listen to our sheriff and open your eyes. As parents, we are charged with the responsibility to teach our children about the good things in the world but also make them “aware” of the bad things of the world so they can make good choices in life!

    Sheriff Morgan, I applaud your efforts to inform our area of what’s going on and even though we may not like the news …thru Awareness we can work on changing the things we can!

  2. Sheriff David Morgan on April 5th, 2010 5:13 pm

    For “guest and bill:”

    Oh, contrare. I have attended church services, been in a local school parade (Northview HS Homecoming), judged pies at the Blueberry Festival, been to Barrineau Park First Friday’s, lunched at the Panhandle (had a Town Hall dinner there too), walked your neighborhoods on 2 separate occasions with Commissioner White (Juniper and Century Historic District), and once (Pond St.) solo, etc.,etc. Sorry, but your ‘intell’ is inaccurate.

    We (the ECSO) has focused more traffic and drug enforcement efforts than any previous administration (according to the northend residents).

    The ‘lack of gang experience’ applies to all of the ECSO. Since taking office we have formed the Gang Task Force and sent our officers to the requisite schools. Previous administrations chose to ignore the issue. I will not. Sadly, although we are in contact with the experts, all of us are learning this trade.

    But with the ‘help’ from all of the concerned citizens (bloggers), how can we fail?
    As always, thanks to all for your continued interest in the management and oversight of the ECSO.

    David Morgan, Sheriff
    Escambia County, FL

  3. none on April 5th, 2010 9:14 am

    gangs are everywhere, whether you know it or not

  4. SaddleUpNRide on April 4th, 2010 4:46 pm

    The North End is ALWAYS the last to get any kind of help from the Sheriffs Dept. or Highway Patrol. We are the Red Headed Step Children of the county and they don’t even like coming up here and every one knows thats the truth. We had a break in and were robbed and it took the Sheriffs Dept. well over an hour to get up here to Hwy. 4 and when my daughter was killed they never showed up at all. This was back in 1991. Not the new administration.
    With limited man power in all departments, all we can do is pray for Gods safety and protection.

  5. A. Davis on April 4th, 2010 12:12 am

    Crack thats it its like the new weed if people dont smoke it many choose to sell it CAN SOMTHING BE DONE ABOUT THE CRACK PROBLEM? if they cant do anything about it really what can be done about gangs. if gangs are being noticed by the police are they blind by the CRACK PROBLEM really it is everywhere!

  6. William on April 2nd, 2010 11:01 pm

    mikayla parrish wrote:

    >all this sounds good but why does he not put more law enforcement in the north end? if what he says is true and he knows this when can we see more deputis from CANTONMENT NORTH ?

    Morgan announced more North Escambia deputies in this story about two weeks ago:

  7. North Escambia Resident on April 2nd, 2010 9:38 pm

    I do believe there are unorganized gangs around here. I believe they would also they would like to get more organized and stronger I am not going to lie to anyone that it scares the heck out of me, because I have seen some major changes in the last few years. I still think a lot of it comes from kids not being disciplined when they are younger. There are also many kids that are rearing themselves because the parents are to busy doing other things. It’s so sad that a lot of it could be prevented if they had proper homes to live in. Mr. Morgan, I think you are doing a good job and you just keep up the good work. Me and my family stands behind you!

  8. mikayla parrish on April 2nd, 2010 9:31 pm

    all this sounds good but why does he not put more law enforcement in the north end? if what he says is true and he knows this when can we see more deputis from CANTONMENT NORTH ?

  9. ! on April 2nd, 2010 7:50 pm

    Thanks for this story, William. This is a subject that I have often wondered about. Let’s be careful not to take the ostrich approach & stick out heads in the sand! If we bury our heads, it won’t change what’s going on around us…it will only make us foolishly unprepared for what we find when we come up for air.

  10. The voice of common sense on April 2nd, 2010 2:10 pm

    I don’t think there are actual “gangs” here, but there are a whole lot of “wannabes” all over the place. They mimic gang activity , sure, but they are NOT gangs per se. That does NOT mean that they are any less dangerous though. They still do drive by shootings, vandalism, home invasions, drugs (both selling and using), intimidation, etc. They should probably best be combated (I know it looks wrong, but my spell check says that’s the correct spelling, lol) the same way that a full fledged gang would be. They are not organized in the way we would think, with a leader and his “minions”. BUT….they are no less dangerous because of that. They are, for lack of a better word, street thugs. I hate to use that term because it gives them more credit than I think they are due. They are not stupid. It would be easier for us if they were.
    There used to be a group in my neighborhood that was called a gang by the SO. They never were. They were just a group of friends who hung out and lived in the same neighborhood and when the SO “elevated their status” by calling them a gang, they began to think that they were more than what they really were and started to do worse things than they had before. They have all since grown up and moved on. Some lead productive lives now and some don’t. The sad thing is that I still hear that name used in reference to anything that happens in our area, even having seen their “gang name” in comments here on This “gang” disbanded nearly 10 years ago, and yet they are still blamed for anything that goes on here.
    I don’t want to see the same thing happen with other groups of kids. Let’s not label them gangs because they’re just stupid kids and young “adults” who think it makes them look big and bad to call themselves a gang when they are out doing stupid things. I am afraid that if they are called gangs, the SO won’t investigate crimes the same way they would if they believed they were individuals. They ARE individuals and ALL crimes need to be investigated the same way.
    I thank Sheriff Morgan for admitting and addressing the problem, even if I don’t see it the same way that he does.

  11. guest on April 2nd, 2010 11:42 am

    Amen, bill, Morgan has ZERO experience when it comes to gangs. He is using a scare tactic to compensate for his lack of community involvement up here in the North end. Ask any deputy if Morgan ever comes up to Molino or Century. There answer will be he don’t………………

  12. Angi on April 2nd, 2010 11:33 am

    Personally, I am very glad to know that Sheriff David Morgan is the Sheriff; and I thank him for putting out the truth to everyone, thanks also to NorthEscambia.Com for sitting down with Morgan, for an exclusive interview with the sheriff… If you people don’t think that Sheriff Morgan is stating the truth, then you’re dead wrong! There are gangs here as well as other places. I would much rather the word be out and be known, than for him to just keep his mouth shut and people not know anything about what’s around… Down him if you wish and me as well, (which I don’t care) but I am thankful that we have a Sheriff that doesn’t keep his mouth shut. Like someone else had posted, if Morgan wouldn’t have said anything and something bad happened, you all would be pointing your fingers at him. I think everyone needs to step back and really take a look at the real world out there these days! Sure, everything bad that happens may not be gang related, but there is alot of bad that happens that is. Todays world is not like many years ago, when people didn’t have to worry about locking their doors or windows to their homes, or locking their vehicles, or letting our children just go outside to play; Now! You Best Lock your doors, windows, vehichles and go outside with your children… Thanks again Sheriff Morgan and for keeping us alert…

  13. bill, big b little ill on April 2nd, 2010 10:22 am

    Ain’t no deer in the northend either. But I have seen a gang of turkeys and a gang of cows. Somehow they eradicated the chain gang. Just by saying that we don’t have gangs don’t make it so.

  14. blondie on April 2nd, 2010 8:29 am

    this is for the person that trying to put century down sure most family receiving state money need a job but the problem is if you get and areest record for a speeding ticket there goes your chances of getting a good job

  15. Darlene B on April 2nd, 2010 8:26 am

    People you can make it out to be what you want it to be. Gangs are not just up North anymore they are here and very much a threat to us and our community. These punks will do drive bys and these punks will do home invasions and they will kill. I am sure law enforcement is doing what they are allowed to do at the moment. Like anyone else they have protocol to do also. I think what our communities need to do is be prepared incase such incidents happen to us. Have a weapon and be prepared to use it. It has come that time when it’s up to us to take back our communites from these street thugs.

  16. Ray L on April 2nd, 2010 7:51 am

    Sheriff Morgan is doing a fantastic job for us and the reason you seldom heard any of this a few years ago is it was swept under the rug by previous administration.
    I applaud Sheriff Morgan for keeping us citizens well informed. I is very dangerous and reckless to continue have Escambia residents think we live in a perfect, crime free world here in the panhandle.As stated earlier, we are not immune to what is happening all over this country. The first step is to acknowledge the fact that we do have a serious problem. Sheriff Morgan will get my vote from here on out…….

  17. idunno on April 2nd, 2010 7:42 am

    Blaaaa, blaaaa. blaaaa……pls vote for me…….i’ll be back in Molino & Century & Walnut Hill @ election time…….

  18. Bill M on April 2nd, 2010 2:29 am

    All you whiners and complainers….you just like to go back and read your own posts.
    The Sheriff is doing his job by keeping the community informed. Y’all would be the first ones to point the finger at David Morgan if he kept quiet and something tragic happened. Then you would be complaining…”Why weren’t we informed?”..”Where is the Sheriff?” The time for action by the ECSD is now…before the number of gang members escalates too much further. Be thankful that we have a Sheriff like David Morgan.

  19. Joe on April 2nd, 2010 12:44 am

    The sheriff might have added what some would call “hype and drama” to this but the truth is, gangs are in the area and the gang activity will likely increase over time. Statistically gangs and gang members are almost everywhere. The key point to our area is the gangs lack organized leadership. Inner cities all over American have dealt with this for years. Needy youth, and yes I say and mean “needy youth,” are attracted to gangs because it provides them with what they are missing in their life. It can be food, clothes, protection or more abstract like acceptance and a sense of belonging. All citizens should be vigilant, aware of their surroundings and not afraid to observe and report. Time will show us what happens next, organization is the next step and it will happen! I know this for a fact. I have seen this in my home town, a little place up north called Washington DC. Professionally I have worked with, counseled, mentored and sadly, buried many inner city gang members. I am not going to ramble on about this as I very easily could. Everyone needs to keep their eyes open and stay safe. Do not be ignorant to the early warning signs.

  20. huh on April 1st, 2010 11:44 pm

    Someone sounds like they want to get re-elected with scare tactics. How often do you hear of gang violence, I mean 100% proven to be done by gangs and not just random crazies ?

    This guy is a fear monger

  21. Me! on April 1st, 2010 9:14 pm


  22. Me! on April 1st, 2010 9:11 pm

    O.K. We have a gang problem. I think not! The sky is falling, the sky is falling. Ever heard of chicken little??? Just because you are paranoid, does not mean the gangs are not out to get you! Is the sheriff running for re-election already?? Politicians seem to continue to campain from the time they are elected until the next time they are elected, or in some cases until they are voted out of office.

  23. Seriously??? on April 1st, 2010 7:11 pm

    @ BJ
    I’m definitely not in a shell (sometimes I wish I was). I know exactly what you’re talking about. You see, I live in one of the apartment’s in Century so I’ve had my share of having to deal with the loud music and the disrespect of people who don’t seem to understand that rap music @ 1am is not a lullaby. (In those situations, I choose to let the police intervene). Those are what my grandma would call hoodlums not gang bangers. I’m not saying that there are not kids/teens and a few unruly adults who need lessons in manners and common sense and who (to qoute my grandma again) would say “go for bad.” I am saying that considering where I live and the fact that I’ve seen the police so much that I’m starting to feel like I should serve them coffee for all their time and effort; I have yet to see or hear them even mention gangs. Fights…yes. Vandalism…yes. Drugs…most definitely but never gangs.

  24. Nice on April 1st, 2010 5:46 pm

    I think all the gang problems is the parent’s fault. I was taught that gangs are a bad thing and not to associate myself with the kids in them. They are no good. Some gang members are in gangs because that is the only place they feel loved. They look to others to make them feel like family, and i think It’s an awful thing for the children to not feel loved within their family. All these gangs think their big shots, but let them see the real gangs in chicago, california, miami, etc, and i’m sure they’ll think otherwise.

  25. NickNick on April 1st, 2010 5:25 pm

    I don’t think it’s so much as gang activity but what I do think now and days the parents are no longer parents they want to be friends to the kids and not discipline them and they have totally gotten out of control, and what’s bad is when you can’t talk to other parents about there kids cause the parent act just a foolish as the child. So really order needs to start in the home and not the streets

  26. Oak Grove Bud on April 1st, 2010 4:30 pm

    The gang problems of this country could be solved just as our border situation could be solved, IF the so called lawmakers and judges had a clue!!! This country is being over run by a certain element of people and nothing being done. Local law enforcement hands are tied. It’s going to take law abiding citizens to act when we are all finally fed up. Day before yesterday a rancher in Arizona on the U.S. border was murdered by a suspected illegal thug. Yesterday in front of our nations capital a drive by shooting with the driver of the car being 14 years old. Our people living on the border of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California are screaming and begging for help from our Congress and Senate to do something. Their best solution is to legalize them all. Be aware, people.

  27. Debbie on April 1st, 2010 4:28 pm

    I think the point to take from this information is simply that the north end has the potential to develop a problem and Morgan is simply trying to get the information out to the public so we can help prevent this kind of activity in our own neighborhood or rid ourselves of it when possible. I personally saw what gang involment did to a young man, raised in a home where he was loved and well taken care of but school was just a meeting place for the gang and he was quuickly involved to the point of 7 years state prison. Thank GOD he is on the right track now but his family will never totally recover from the hurt and heartbreak of those years. Just pay attention to what Morgan has to say and don’t think for one minute it can’t reach you or someone close to you.

  28. interested reader on April 1st, 2010 3:47 pm

    Let’s not bash the messenger. Sheriff Morgan is a vast improvement over the past sheriff. He may not be saying things we want to hear but I think when you are afraid to go into a certain neighborhood or to a certain store or on a certain road – something is wrong. Do not be naive and believe that a bunch of unruly thugs are not a gang. Maybe not organized but guns, knives and fists constitute an unorganized gang. Help the sheriffs dept. by reporting problems instead of thinking they will just automatically know about it.

  29. BJ on April 1st, 2010 3:18 pm

    I beg to differ with you on there not being gangs in north escambia because on the street where I live has become not only a hang out for serveral suspected gang members but a place of numerous searchs concerning drugs etc. I personally have seen more than one person go to jail for warrents and drug possession. They sit out all times of the night and day arguing, blaring radios, popping fireworks and dare anyone to say anything. So maybe you need to come out of your shell and take a ride and really look not just hope or wish it was a perfect place to live.

  30. Uv Gotoo B. Kiddingme on April 1st, 2010 1:57 pm

    “but up here it is more of neighborhood vs neighborhood kind of rivalvry. Like the fight at Ernest Ward. “…JDG Molino

    So you know what happened? I have yet to see an official statement from the school board, superintendent, principal, or sheriff on the fight at EWMS. Someone who knows please tell us in detail.

    As for gangs in our end.. certainly there are wannabees if not full blown gang members. The real problem is that the hip hop subculture (which is nurtured by the media and academia in the school system) has glorified gang membership and gang activity. For a boy from around here like me, I can’t tell the difference anymore between a normal stupid kid and a full blown drive by shooting drug dealing gang member. They dress the same. They all get tattoos. They speak a “street language” and their pants are on the ground. Violence and crime are looked at by that subculture as normal. This goes for all races, not just black kids. If I were a black parent, I would never, ever let my kids listen to that tripe music or dress that way or even speak that way. If they are to be successful they have to lose the attitudes and subculture. White kids that act that way are heading nowhere as well, but are not currently victims of the same level of stereotyping. Sad but true.

  31. FYI on April 1st, 2010 1:29 pm

    Some kids nowadays have too much time on their hands. When I was a kid (in the dark ages) I was left alone in the summertime from 5th grade on. My parents both worked and I was responsible for all the housework, laundry, dishes (by hand), window washing, care of the animals and yard work. We had a very large yard and we only had a push-mower. I also did all of the raking of straw, etc. Laundry was hung on the line-not put in the dryer. I was pretty much a slave, I guess. If there was one dirty dish when they got home, it was whipping time. I’m not saying it was totally right to treat me that way. There were times when strangers knocked on the door and I was scared. I hid until they went away. I never had time to get into trouble though. I was tired enough at night to go to sleep too.
    With my child I found summer enrichment to be the answer when she was young; sewing classes, karate classes, day camps, etc. Also, I spent a lot of time with her.
    You’re not safe ahywhere, anymore. Anything can happen. We just have to be vigilent, use common sense and do the best we can and pray for God’s grace and protection.

  32. Bill on April 1st, 2010 1:02 pm

    To EscCtyFLResident & SERIOUSLY ???? Well said, I compliment you both on the ability to speak up, speak with knowledge, and to tell the truth. Thank you.

  33. Escambia Resident on April 1st, 2010 12:40 pm

    > You let Sheriff Morgan blow a bunch of nonsense up your skirt and you didn’t even have the guts to challenge him. Too bad you can’t get past your boot-licking ways and acept that Sheriff Morgan is all talk and no action.

    Are you serious? You think the sheriff is blowing bull and only William and northescambia are dumb enough to fall for it? What about WEAR 3? What about Sacred Heart Hospital? What about the Escambia County School district?

    They all fell for it too because they hosted a gang forum at Sacred Heart Hospital Tuesday night. I guess the trama surgeon and ER doc that talked about the shot up and cut gang bangers was just falling for the sheriff’s bull too.

    The problem is people like you refuse to believe there is a problem. Try to hide from it as much as you can, but it’s here and it’s real., WEAR 3, Sacred Heart Hospital, the school district and the sheriff’s department should be commended for brining this to the public’s attention.

    It’s no hard to tell that crime is on the increase in our communities. People are turning up dead in this county. Something is to blame.

  34. JW on April 1st, 2010 12:27 pm

    Angi, truth be known, there are already gang members in the military, for the training.

  35. Sounds like a whole lot of hot air on April 1st, 2010 12:21 pm

    See William, many share my sentiment. You let Sheriff Morgan blow a bunch of nonsense up your skirt and you didn’t even have the guts to challenge him. Too bad you can’t get past your boot-licking ways and acept that Sheriff Morgan is all talk and no action. You can delete all of the comments you want, but we the people know the truth, too bad you can’t accept that.

  36. EscCtyFLResident on April 1st, 2010 10:19 am

    Wake up and smell the coffee. This is one of the worse counties in Florida that encourages young people to follow in their parent’s footsteps and collect welfare checks, have children with multiple fathers before the age of 18 of ALL races, lacks accountability in parenting, encourages delinquency by role model parents who themselves are thugs. There are more chairs propped up with men who should be working or they’re riding bicyles with dope and brown bags intheir hands. They expect handouts from everyone, have a sense of entitlement that the rest of us working class and responsible parents are sick to death of. Try being a prent and not a thug buddy. Don’t encourage grandkids by your 15 year old daughters. Set curfews. Love your children. Use birth control instead of beating another unwanted child who is cramping your style. Get a job – a legal one. Yes, you all know who you are and you are a disgrace to this county. We will continue to be behind thte rest of the state until chnage starts at home. No one, not the teachers, the sheriffs, the schools or anyone else can have an impact on your child like you can – REMEMBER THAT!

  37. smith09 on April 1st, 2010 10:10 am

    Wake up people, there are gangs in the north end of the county. Everyone needs to talk a little more to there kids, My child goes to Northview and has came home several times talking about the gang problem there. These arent “big time” gangs they are just small groups of kids trying to stand out. And it needs to be nipped in the bud before things do get bad. Talk to your kids and be involved with them.

  38. not an english major on April 1st, 2010 9:59 am

    To Oversight: “Students and teens associate themselves with gangs because they are not getting something at home. Look to the parents (if you can find them) and you’ll find the root of the problem. Low self-esteem, lack of education, poor job skills, low income, a need for cash, and easy tax free income from selling illegal drugs are all commonalities with gang membership. ”

    First, let’s not blame the parents! I have a saying that I have stuck with for years…. you can show your children the right path, but, you cannot force them to take it. Many children are getting into trouble now a days, not due to parent issues. It is more due to peer pressure. I cannot believe you are saying the parents are the root of the problem.

    Do you have children? If your son or daughter got into trouble would you take the blame because of their low self-esteem or lack of education? Highly doubtful, you will realize you were rearing your children properly and they didn’t follow your example.

    Yes, many parents are scum bags, but, for those of us parents who are rearing our children correctly and showing them love and respect, I am offended by your statement. Maybe you need to correct your statement and add “some parents!”

    Off my soap box now. Have a great day everyone! =)

  39. NOTE on April 1st, 2010 9:47 am

    I believe we were complacent about our surroundings until 9/11, also. Don’t be naive; of course there are gangs in the north end.

  40. guest not buying it on April 1st, 2010 9:47 am

    In response to “Oversight”……………I do not need to get out of my “safeplace”, and I am not denying anything. You are off the original topic……….it is about gangs in the Northend of the county. He is trying to stir the pot and get everybody thinking that there is a gang problem. He is wrong. We have no gang problem in the North-end of the county………….I will give you an experiment. Flag down as many deputies as you want from Cantonment to Century, and ask them if they deal with gangs alot in these areas. They will tell you to the truth, ( that there is no problem with gangs) as long as you do not go back and tell Morgan what they said, for fear of retaliation against them.

  41. Step on April 1st, 2010 9:46 am

    Sorry, I realize that I spelled sheriff incorrectly – before someone points that out.

    Have a great day!

  42. Seriously??? on April 1st, 2010 9:30 am

    No offense, but where again are these “proposed” gangs? Not only is my child in school @ EWMS (which was kindly pictured in the article) but I know two of the children (and the parents of those children) involved in the fight. Now the actions of these teens was undoubtedly wrong but these kids are not in gangs. I have lived in Century my entire life, I’m raising my children here and unlike Mr. Morgan, I know a lot about the kids around here. I’m cousin to, god-mother to or friend to the mother/father of a lot of these kids and have never seen any indication of gang affiliation. No colors, no tat’s, no signs (and I have a brother who was gang affiliated while living upstate so I have seen the signs). And not that I want to put anybody’s business out there, but from my understanding, the fight @ EWMS became so out of control because the other students jumping in were cousins of one of the boys fighting. Not gang members but cousins. Or does a family relationship equate gang affiliation now? To be honest, we have enough problems on this end without giving us more. Lets handle the dirt we have before piling some more on us. Okay Mr. Morgan??? Let’s get right on that. Thanks in advance.

  43. Step on April 1st, 2010 9:03 am

    I really do not like Morgan….he always has to sensationalize everything. I wonder if it makes him feel more important? He certainly is a “humdinger” of a sherrif.

  44. anydaynow on April 1st, 2010 8:43 am

    There is not nearly enough organized, affordable recreational activity for the youth in NW Florida. Once kids are 12 they are unsupervised after school if their parents work. Not all kids are interested in the sports that are offered and many who are interested can’t afford to participate. There is a lack of leadership in the schools that creates an atmosphere of cohesiveness and inclusion, and that marginalizes the majority of the kids. There should be after school activities in the schools for the 12-18 groups that appeal to a broad range of interests and talents.

  45. lucy on April 1st, 2010 8:36 am

    The man is giving you a warning. He can’t bust somebody, until he sees, or you the public notices activity. Thank you Mr. Morgan! Eyes wide opening.

  46. Angi on April 1st, 2010 8:29 am

    I just don’t understand why people are the way they are these days with all the crimes and killings of our own people in the United States, The U.S. is getting just as bad as the foreign countries that are killing their own people. Why do people wanna act big and bad or better than everyone else? We’re all human folks! Why so much violence? Why not peace in our country? We send our U.S. Military American Troops to these other foreign countries to fight for these people to get peace, while our own country needs to be straightened out itsself… I say, if you people in these gangs or anyone else that wants to go around just killing our own people, you should join the military and stop killing our own U.S. people!!!

  47. just tired on April 1st, 2010 8:29 am

    I don’t know where nor whom Mr. Morgan is getting his information from, but I cannot believe that he is making these outrageous statements. I have lived in Century all my life and do not know of any gangs in Century. I get so tired of people (mainly the sheriff department) trying to put Century’s level of criminal activity with that of Pensacola. I know Century has it’s share of crime, but the crime that goes on here is petty when compared to that of the south end of the county.

  48. Oversight on April 1st, 2010 8:09 am

    Students and teens associate themselves with gangs because they are not getting something at home. Look to the parents (if you can find them) and you’ll find the root of the problem. Low self-esteem, lack of education, poor job skills, low income, a need for cash, and easy tax free income from selling illegal drugs are all commonalities with gang membership. What’s the fix? There are no easy answers. That’s why there are no solutions, but to keep locking them up when members commit crimes.

    In reply to “guest not buying it,” Get out of your safe place and take a hard look around. You’ll find what you are denying.

  49. Sounds like a whole lot of hot air on April 1st, 2010 7:44 am

    Time for another politician to get off the campaign trail and start making good on those promises he made. We know what the problems are Sheriff, so enough with the small talk, it is time for action. Tell us or even better yet…….show us what you and your deputies are doing to rectify this situation. Until then, save the hot air for your children’s birthday ballons.

  50. bill, big b little ill on April 1st, 2010 7:42 am

    My question Mr. Morgan is: what are you doing about the gangs? Some of us feel like a gang is just a bunch terrorist, and if we can send or troops to foreign countries kill them, then we need to wipe the out here.

  51. guest not buying it on April 1st, 2010 6:43 am

    Sheriff, I think you are just trying to scare us. There may be a few wannabe’s here and there, but up here it is more of neighborhood vs neighborhood kind of rivalvry. Like the fight at Ernest Ward. Sheriff Morgan you should not put this kind of propaganda out, you just might create a REAL problem. I think you are trying to make yourself out to look good and be the savior of the North end. But we residents are watching, and the truth is you have not set foot in Molino but maybe twice, including your visit to Fran’s since last May. Please don’t feed the residents this untruth.

  52. JDG Molino on April 1st, 2010 6:43 am

    Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. And let’s enforce it. When you kill a human,and found guilty, you are killed the same way and in a very timely manner. Bring back the chain gang for the non-violent offenders.