Santa Rosa Tops In Outdoor Marijuana Eradication

April 6, 2010


A new report says Santa Rosa County was number one in Florida for outdoor marijuana eradication in 2009.

The Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office had the highest statistics in both arrests and number of plants eradicated during outdoor grow eradication. In 2009, the department arrested 19 people and 1,998 marijuana plants were seized and destroyed by the agency.

“The efforts of the Sheriff’s Office, and all participating law enforcement agencies has, and will continue, to prove that we have a substantial impact on domestically cultivated marijuana in the State,” according to Sgt. Scott Haines, spokesperson for the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office. “The eradication of marijuana plants at the source immediately has a large impact against drug dealing and abuse by reducing the availability of marijuana on the streets of Santa Rosa County, and the rest of the State of Florida.”

The 2009 annual report from the United States Drug Enforcement Administration Domestic Cannabis Eradication Program/Suppression Program and the Florida Domestic Marijuana Eradication Program ranked Santa Rosa County at the top of their Florida list.

Editor’s note: The total number of plants eradicated has been updated to 1,998. The number was first reported as 1,198 by the sheriff’s office.

Pictured above: Santa Rosa County deputies cut marijuana plants found in a wooded area near Jay. file photo, click to enlarge.


5 Responses to “Santa Rosa Tops In Outdoor Marijuana Eradication”

  1. eab on April 6th, 2010 8:23 pm

    This is ridiculous. I’m not in favor of drug or alcohol use, but how long have they been on this merry-go-round of finding, destroying, people replanting, finding, etc? We are wasting a lot of money on chasing that weed down when there are a lot greater issues facing us.

    One poster correctly noted that folks are just going to buy pot from the Mexican cartels, who are starting to bring their murdering and torture over to this side of the border in earnest. The cartels are even starting to grow marijuana on our national parks and forests. They have people actually living on site and tending the plants. The DEA and other law enforcement folks are starting to be afraid to go in looking for the stuff for fear of being outgunned.

    We are wasting time and money on this issue. Let people grow it, smoke it, eat it, whatever they want to do. If you don’t want your children not to do it, then teach them not to while they are young and then let them make up their own minds when they are older.

    If we have to make something illegal, let’s try alcohol again. It’s a lot more dangerous than reefer.

  2. mayjem on April 6th, 2010 2:10 pm

    I’d like to say it is great that they are cracking down and making a lot of busts. I hope the numbers indicate that they are catching a very large percentage of the total plants and offenders that are out there, rather than that Santa Rosa County just has a lot more total plants/offenders than other counties do. I wonder, does SR county use a helicopter at all to make these busts and am I correct in saying Escambia County used to use their helicopter for the same use (which is now grounded, correct?) Just curious.

  3. robert on April 6th, 2010 1:12 pm

    the money spent on weed don’t help either county it is not taxed so it is really useless to them law enforcement getting rid of it means the counties will eventually see something in return

  4. huh on April 6th, 2010 12:32 pm

    RE: Art

    Ever think that maybe the sex laws are extreme ? Peeing in the bushes, or consensual sex with someone 1 year under the limit can you get labeled for life

    The problem is different classifications need to be made for real child raping offenders vs everyone else

    By adding more and more people for small things to the list (including teens for “sexting” ) they further dilute the sex offender list, and people no longer take it seriously because every tom. dick and harry is on it

  5. art on April 6th, 2010 8:34 am

    big deal…did you know santa rosa and escambia counties have the largest population of sex offenders in the state? now that is a headline that would impress me….”santa rosa tops in eradicating sex offenders”. so now instead of pot heads getting homegrown marijuana, they buy stuff from the crazed and violent drug cartels. and that means by by to the monies that would have stayed in escambia and santa rosa counties.