Mom And Daughter, 6, Die In Fiery Car Crash

April 19, 2010


A mother and her six-year old child were killed in a fiery single vehicle crash Monday morning in Escambia County, Ala.

The victims were identified as Lori Lynn Simmons, 25, and her daughter Zoey. Authorities said Simmons apparently lost control her car, ran off the road and struck a tree in the eastern part of Escambia County, Ala. Both victims were wearing their seat belts at the time of the 7:15 a.m. crash.

Her 2005 Toyota Corolla was fully engulfed in flames when rescuers arrived. Simmons was reportedly transporting her daughter to school in Covington County when the accident occurred.

The cause of the accident is still under investigation by Alabama State Troopers.

Simmons, a Century native, has several relatives, including her parents in the North Escambia area. Simmons, whose maiden name was Lori Smith, is a 2003 graduate of Flomaton High School.

Pictured: A mother and her six-year old died in this vehicle Monday morning. Photo courtesy WEAR 3 for, click to enlarge.


52 Responses to “Mom And Daughter, 6, Die In Fiery Car Crash”

  1. William on April 22nd, 2010 8:41 am

    Funeral services have been set. For more information, click here or see our obituaries page.

  2. Toyota Owner on April 21st, 2010 9:05 pm

    Well speaking as a Toyota owner, I know that when I reported having problems with my new Toyota once my particular model was recalled, they did not schedule an appointment for it to be fixed (to include the recall problem) until about a month later; even though I advised them of the trouble I was having and the fact that I work in child safety and occasionally transport children!

  3. Just Because on April 21st, 2010 7:57 pm

    My prayers to the entire family, may God help you through this terrible tragedy. As for Toyota, we might not be able to say for sure what caused this accident. One thing is for sure, Toyota has be a whole lot less than honest and forthcoming about the problems with their vehicles, and that makes me mad, no matter what anyone wants to say to defend them.

  4. TINA FROM JAY on April 21st, 2010 4:25 pm

    May God bless you and your family . So sorry to hear about this tragic news. We will keep you in our prayers.

  5. kim on April 21st, 2010 11:58 am

    Lori was such a great person. I am soo glad I had the pleasure to know her. I was lucky enough to get to know her in colorguard at FHS. She will greatly be missed. I am praying for the Smith and Simmons family. May Lori and Zoey rest in peace and have fun in heaven.

  6. FAMILYMEMBER on April 21st, 2010 11:31 am

    Making arrangements today….

  7. RB on April 21st, 2010 8:30 am

    Have any arrangements been made?

  8. Atmoreboy on April 20th, 2010 9:15 pm

    Ben…God allowed his only son to die one of the worst deaths imaginable on the cross…which is what we deserve. God did not KILL them as you suggest. Any God fearing christian understands what I am saying…if you were saved you would understand too. I too question why these things happen…in any form death seems to be horrible…I agree…but if one soul gets saved from something tragic like this….it has served its purpose. God gives life…Gods the only one that takes it too ! We both will die…HOW ?…its in our future…we have no control over One thing for sure for whoever is reading this GODS ON THE THRONE…and he is in control. God is at work now after the accident is what was meant here..not God at work by KILLING these people…want to see GOD at work…go to the funeral

  9. sherrie jones on April 20th, 2010 9:04 pm

    So very sorry to hear about your daughter and grand-daughter Cathy and Jackie. That is a horrible ordeal to have to go thru. My prayers are with you and my heart goes out to you. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you or your family. I may be 2 hours away, but I still think about you and Brenda often.

  10. ..... on April 20th, 2010 7:18 pm

    Rip lori and zoey! God bless our family! God has reasons for everything! I Love yall!

  11. Alexandria and Mark Lawrence on April 20th, 2010 6:09 pm

    May God be with this family in this tragedy.May His love engulf family and friends at this time. Deepest Sympathies form our heart. We will keep this family and friends in prayers.

  12. interested reader on April 20th, 2010 5:20 pm

    May God comfort the family of this terrible tragedy. Lean on Him and He will see you through this sad time.

  13. Thinker on April 20th, 2010 2:43 pm

    bruiser, Shocked,
    These are our thoughts and nobody is claiming they know anything – these comments are us, thinking out loud and reacting. We all tend to assume things like Toyota being to blame and by the speed that this vehicle apparently hit. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is another runaway Toyota. gues123 has a right to be angry. It’s hard for people in South Alabama to get time to go to Mobile or Pensacola to get Toyota to fix the problem(s).

    Wait for the investigation report if you want facts. Anything is possible here. It’s possible also that the investigation won’t provide any cause, but only a range of possibilities

  14. Just my thoughts... on April 20th, 2010 1:28 pm

    God Bless the family. They need it in this trying times. All the Toyota haters, my family has four and the three older ones have over 175,000 miles on them thanks to good manufacturing and our wonderful fix it man. Not all toyotas are bad.

  15. Angi on April 20th, 2010 1:27 pm

    This is so sad, my thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends. I am so very sorry for your loss…

  16. T on April 20th, 2010 1:27 pm

    My sympathy to the family. I cannot even find words that would begin to comfort this family, as none of us can even imagine what they are going through and the hurt they feel at this time.

  17. Weekend Crew of CCC on April 20th, 2010 1:25 pm

    Our thoughts and prayers are with their family. We Love ya’ll.

  18. Shocked on April 20th, 2010 1:10 pm

    I am totally appauled at the ignorance of people like gues1234. Unless you are the trooper or the investigator working this accident you have no right to voice such an out landish guesses as to happened the this mother and child.
    And as far as snuffing someone out. That is “gang slang”. Here in the south the death of innocent people is not referred to as “snuffed out”. Have a little respect.
    Thanks to people like Terri Sanders and others like her that are willing to stand up against jerks like you.
    People in this country seem to be taking the term “freedom of speech” and misusing it; twisting and distorting it beyond reason. Freedom of speech does not mean blurt your ignorrant guesses.
    HAVE RESPECT for fellow human beings.

  19. Robyn Byrd on April 20th, 2010 12:57 pm

    My thoughts and prayers are with you all!

  20. j on April 20th, 2010 12:32 pm

    SAD, SAD SITUATION. My hope and prayers goes out to the family. On the way to school and never made it. thats so sad.

  21. northendbratt on April 20th, 2010 11:39 am

    Thanks, Terri Sanders, I didn’t see your comment before I smarted off! Sorry other NE readers!

  22. northendbratt on April 20th, 2010 11:36 am

    My God thinker!!………please, Toyota is to blame for this!!!!! Get ahold of yourself! Was the driver texting? Did she take her eyes off the road for a second to check her child? Come on!??

  23. In heaven on April 20th, 2010 11:15 am

    I heart goes out two this family. ( BOTH SIDES ) I wish their was something I could say but words are just that words. Everyone here please just be nice to each other. Give your hugs and kisses and be gone

  24. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on April 20th, 2010 10:37 am

    I will keep the families involved in my prayers . and some of you on here should think of others before you attempt to open your heartless mouth. I hope anyone ever grieving over thier loss of a loved one never finds this site . a loss like this carries enough pain without mindless free speach . yes we all have the right to voice our oppinions but we also have the heart,compassion and plain ole common sense to know when NOT TO SHARE OUR THOUGHTS . Some of us myself included must learn we cannot say everything that goes thru our head.. some things are just better off not said .

  25. carl & sylvia Godwin on April 20th, 2010 10:17 am

    Our love and sympathy to both families. May God give them peace and comfort in the days ahead.

  26. bruiser on April 20th, 2010 10:17 am

    Wow, two innocent people have died and people are argue about why and how it happened. I can’t believe some of these comments! Why would you blame god or speculate on how the accedent happened? Were you there? Are you an investigator? Just because it was a toyota, doesen’t mean that the car raced out of control. Just be glad you are still o n this great earth and tell your loved ones that you love them. Anytime can be your time! No one controls that! But, god does welcome you with open arms to join him and his friends in heaven! May this two young ladies Rest in Peace for eternity!

  27. Thinker on April 20th, 2010 10:11 am

    Ditto, Ben

    This “god” also has designated Toyota as a grim reaper of “souls”, apparently, while refusing to grant paraplegics new limbs despite prayers.

    Look to humans for comfort. Humans with long experiences will tell you: We live, while many around us die. That is our fate and all the fantasizing and story telling in the world will not change that. The beauty is that life goes on and we tend to draw strength from our memories and nature.

  28. Cindy on April 20th, 2010 9:48 am

    Make sure we all hug our love ones alittle longer today. Cathy and Jackie please call if there is anything we can do. We love you all and are hurting along with you.

  29. whitepunknotondope on April 20th, 2010 8:26 am

    As a parent, my heart is very heavy reading this account.

    Dying is part of living. Dying in a car crash, being shot or dying of cancer, they are all occupational hazards of living on this planet. God has no involvement in our manner of death. To believe otherwise would be sadistic. God does, however, offer peace and love when we are with him. These two beautiful girls are with him. They returned to him together, and there is nothing but comfort and peace for them now.

    Well-meaning Christians make statements that they have been told over and over by others, their parents or whoever. Many of them don’t realize how confusing these statements are. Some have posted on here. Although their facts are certainly wrong, their intentions are good.

    Yes there is a reason for this accident, as Terri stated. But God does not have a reason for it. We live on this planet, we drive cars, we eat fast food. We take our chances, and some of us don’t make it. It’s tragic and sad, but don’t pin it on God. He deserves a lot more credit than that.

  30. ghendricks on April 20th, 2010 8:19 am

    I am very, very sorry for this family’s loss. I don’t think this happened in the Damascus area as Channel 3 says; this is closer to Bradley. A deer could certainly be a possibility. I have traveled this way to work and they are present night and day.
    The area between Bradley and Escambia Farms is thick with deer.

    Once again my condolences.

  31. Not an english major on April 20th, 2010 8:04 am

    If this accident happened on Hwy 29, they have been working on the road and have a drop off edge to it. It isn’t the safest road to travel to put it mildly!

    My thoughts and prayers are with this family. May God comfort you all in this time of loss.

  32. Terri Sanders on April 20th, 2010 7:56 am

    to gues 1234;this is not a Toyota that supposedly races out of control and crashes.When people realize how slanted the media is and how sensational stories sells papers and TV time,when people stop feeding on and beliving everything they hear (which will never happen) the media might start relaying the facts and some positive stuff.But positive stuff doesn’tsell newspapers or cause people to watch the news every night.The media blows everything way out of proportion,and we gobble it up like Thanksgiving Dinner.We always want to blame someone else for our decisions.It is very easy to cry wolf when we drive too fast or eat too much or smoke too much etc etc..Don’t play the blame game.The number of safe toyotas out there are incredible,but people want to point a finger at the supposedly bad guy when a car malfunctios.It is still not a sure thing that any vehicle raced out of control at any time.The jury is still out and trust me the jury will side with the supposedly victim..Give it a break.

  33. Know your neighbor on April 20th, 2010 7:53 am

    The only time you need to mention God in this instance is for him to bless and comfort the family. If you think it was Gods will or anything else you need get a life and ask God to help you in your own. I hope the family finds peace.

  34. Just An Old Soldier on April 20th, 2010 7:49 am

    May this young lady and her child Rest in Peace, and may God give comfort to the family in this time of tragedy and grief.

  35. JDG Molino on April 20th, 2010 7:47 am

    My thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends. This is such a tragedy and so sad. Not to take sides with the car manufacter but we don’t know the cause of the accident yet. Nothing has been determend so why do you blame the make of the car(TOYOTA) for speeding up gues1234. Unless you know something the news does’nt, why be quick to blame?

  36. Terri Sanders on April 20th, 2010 7:36 am

    To Ben;God gives us free will to make decisions.Dicisions to drive fast,drink and drive,murder,steal and brutally kill unborn children.Those are ALL our decisions.Very few decisions we make affect only us.They touch peole all around us.He also gives us free will to drive safe,not drink and drive,not kill or maim,love him ,reject him or mock him.There is a reason for this accident but don’t blame it on God.He very seldom bails us out of decisions we make.We have to pay the consequences of our decisions.The only person who knows what happened at the accident is dead.The report says the vehicle left the road for some unknown reason.Maybe the trooper was trying to spare more grief for the family.No one knows. She might have swerved to avoid a deer,or a dog.She might have been driving too fast,looked down to change the radio ,or been texting.But God didn’t kill anybody.He is the only source of comfort in times like these.Burning to death in a car is mild compared to hell.Run to Jesus.

  37. Ben on April 20th, 2010 6:40 am

    Someone posted that God is at work and there is a REASON for this crash. I find it very disturbing that any “God” would brutally kill a mother and daughter by burning them to death in a car. That’s pretty disgusting and sick to suggest.
    This is a terrible tragedy and an irreplacable loss. The family and friends of Lori and Zoey have my deepest sympathy. I can’t imagine what you are going through.

  38. carjimlisa on April 20th, 2010 3:57 am

    Lori was the sweetest person!! && one of my sisters best friends this is so unexplainably awful i can’t imagine the families pain & my prayers go out to you all!!! R.I.P. Lori & Zoe

  39. Gues1234 on April 19th, 2010 10:18 pm

    How many more people have to die when a Toyota “unexplainably” races out of control and crashes? The Alabama State Trooper’s report stated that the vehicle was a 2005 Toyota Corolla and “unexplainably” left the road and crashed into a tree. The car was going so fast that it burst into flames after crashing into a tree. Now how many cars traveling at “normal rates of speed” burst into flames after hitting a tree? Sadly, two more innocent lives have been snuffed out because of corporate greed and dishonesty on the part of Toyota. May they rest in peace in God’s care. My prayers go out to the family.

  40. Atmoreboy on April 19th, 2010 9:01 pm

    God is at work people…listen and learn. There is a reason for this accident. Things like this surely changes life for those left behind. God makes no mistakes. Look to Jesus for comfort…not man

  41. twirlgirl03 on April 19th, 2010 8:52 pm

    Yes, the woman involved in the crash was Lori Smith that graduated in 2003 from FHS and her daughter.

  42. Concerned on April 19th, 2010 6:49 pm

    amadison, is this Lori Smith, that graduated from FHS in 2003? Or anyone else that might know the answer to this question!

  43. amadison on April 19th, 2010 6:11 pm

    I am a friend of the family and work with Kathy, I am so so sorry for their lose.We knew Lori and Zoe so well.Our Prays are with the Smith And Simmons Family.

  44. Willene on April 19th, 2010 5:40 pm

    Our prayer’s are with the all the family.

  45. Bill, big B little ill on April 19th, 2010 5:37 pm

    Our prayers for the family at a time that only Jesus can help.

  46. tara on April 19th, 2010 4:52 pm

    My deepest sympathy sent to this family. Prayers to give them stregnth through this tragedy.

  47. amanda on April 19th, 2010 4:49 pm

    This is so horrible!! May God be with this family!

  48. EMD on April 19th, 2010 4:24 pm

    DItto Thinker.

  49. Thinker on April 19th, 2010 4:17 pm

    Family – I grieve with you, any one of us that has lost somebody does. You are not alone.

  50. Me again on April 19th, 2010 3:54 pm

    How horrible! May we all keep their family in our prayers.

  51. EMD on April 19th, 2010 2:56 pm


  52. NOTE on April 19th, 2010 2:24 pm

    How very sad.