Man Charged With Beating Elderly Man In The Street; Abusing Girl

April 27, 2010

A Century man remains in jail after allegedly beating an elderly man with a stick and abusing the elderly man’s granddaughter.

brownkevinlamar.jpgDaryl Lamar Brown, 42, is charged with aggravated battery on a person 65 years of age or older and cruelty toward a child after the Sunday afternoon incident. He is being held in the Escambia County jail with bond set at $100,000.

Escambia County deputies responded to Jefferson Street near the intersection of Mincy Court about 6:30 p.m. Sunday to find a 66-year old man lying in the street with blood pooled next to his head. The victim was transported by ambulance to Jay Hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

The victim told deputies that he confronted Brown about hitting “the children” at Brown’s house. The victim said he had a knife in his hand, but never threatened Brown, the arrest report stated.

The victim told deputies that he left Brown’s yard when asked, then Brown began hitting him with what appeared to the handle of a shovel, the ECSO reported stated.

The victim’s wife told deputies that the couple received a call to check on a 16-year old juvenile because Brown had beaten her up. The victim’s wife said her husband was hit in the chest and head by Brown. Another witness said  Brown threatened to kill the victim, and two other witnesses corroborated the victim’s statement, the sheriff’s office report stated.

Brown was sitting in a chair in the front yard of his residence when deputies arrived. He told deputies that the victim came at him with a knife, and he defended himself. According to the arrest report, none of the witnesses told Deputy Scott Mashburn that they had seen a knife.

Brown was also charged with abusing the 16-year old. The girl told deputies that Brown slapped her in the face approximately three times, pushed her in the tub and told her that he was going to kill her, according to the arrest report.


21 Responses to “Man Charged With Beating Elderly Man In The Street; Abusing Girl”

  1. David Huie Green on April 29th, 2010 5:47 pm

    “David, you know what I am talking about, as I am sure your parents, as I knew them also, didn’t take any back mouthing from any of you boys, did they? ”

    They were amazingly tolerant, which is why I am still alive today. Actually, there were a few little incidents which got me intimate with Daddy’s belt, but FEW and none for back-talk. I never doubted they loved me and never thought whippings were done out of anger or revenge.

    Mama’s relatives were scared of Daddy’s insistence that nobody whip us but him and HE decided if it were justified. They tended to give little half-whippings at the drop of a hat, not justified and not hard enough to do any good if they were justified.

    Mr. Shoemake at Byrneville gave me a whipping over a misunderstanding. I was innocent but didn’t figure he could understand the distinction, so I just took the whipping rather than try to explain the difference between calling someone something and asking why he talked like that something.

    Mr. Powers back at Century High gave me a whipping for knocking an older student into his office. He deserved it and I figured the whipping was worth it. He never knocked a book out of my hand again. Peace with honor.

    Our educated friend sees people who are whipped often do bad things. Educated thinks the whipping caused the bad things. I suspect the bad things led to the whippings.

    Our educated friend sees people with lower IQs getting more whippings than those with higher IQs. Educated seems to think the whippings lowered the IQs. I suspect the lower IQs resulted in them not learning as well.

    Every study I’ve seen indicates IQs are fairly inflexible. If not, just think how smart I WOULD have been without those three whippings (well maybe more but I can only remember clearly back to when I was four).

    Raw numbers are open to interpretation. Consider the sentence: “So rather than relying on the old “that’s how we did it back in the day” logic, do a little research and make an educated decision.”

    The questions come up:
    Did the old system never work?
    Did it usually work?
    Will some other system work as well or better?
    Does the new system work without doctoral level skills? You
    know the type, “Well of course it blew up, you mixed it
    wrong.” When failure is a danger, be careful about
    changing methods.

    One thing is certain, though: Those who can’t tell the difference between spanking and beating should refrain from either and should think long and hard before having any children or being around them. They’ll just screw it up.

    David for happy, healthy children without criminal records

  2. Susan W. on April 29th, 2010 3:54 pm

    O.K. people, think about it…There is a big difference between spanking a child and beating a child. There is no law in Florida, or Alabama, that says a person cannot physically discipline their child, so don’t blame the social service agencies. The lazy parents who don’t want to get up and go through the trouble, and yes, it is trouble and a responsibility, to properly discipline their children. What’s cute at 2 years old is not cute at 12 years old, but most parents of today and about fifteen years ago just seemed to think that it “didn’t matter” because the child was “so cute” when that child hit, spit, kicked, cussed, or whatever bad behavior was seen. Instead of thinking it was cute, (which you could to yourself) a parent really should have corrected the behavior then. Even a 2 year old can learn right from wrong. This person who beat an elderly person and a teen girl has control issues. And why did the victim feel the need to take a knife with him? Could it be that he already figured there would be violence because he “knows” his neighbor? Apparently, he left when asked, but when his back was turned, he got beat from behind. Hmmmmmm….

  3. not an english major on April 29th, 2010 11:40 am

    I understand what the statistics say. But, are you trying to tell me that the parents that spank their children are responsible for them becoming felons? HOG WASH! Spanking and corporal punishment has been around forever! You didn’t see all these felonious children running rampant in the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, you follow me here, the trend started about 15 years ago, when the good old state systems, created something called DCF. If you spank your child, they can call DCF and charges could be filed against you for abuse.

    Educated, did your parents spank you? Just a question as you are stating statistics, a curiousity builds as to the person you are, a very educated person, not a bad person, were you spanked as a child?

    David, you know what I am talking about, as I am sure your parents, as I knew them also, didn’t take any back mouthing from any of you boys, did they?

    I am proud to be a whooped child of the 60’s and 70’s, where if you did something wrong, you got your behind smacked and you wouldn’t do it again! I am now in my 40’s, yes I am telling my age, and I turned out to be a pretty educated person, not a felon, never been arrested nor have I ever beaten on a 66 year old person.

    All whom blame the parents, some are correct, the parents need to teach their children the correct way to do things. But as the saying goes, you can teach your children the correct way (show them the right path) but you can not make them take it.

    Have a nice day everyone.

  4. David Huie Green on April 28th, 2010 2:46 pm

    “The analysis found a lower average IQ in nations in which spanking was more prevalent. The strongest link between corporal punishment and IQ was for those whose parents continued to use corporal punishment even when they were teenagers. ”

    Consider the fact that you quit using a shovel when the hole is dug, continue to use it while digging.

    It could be that these didn’t respond as well as others for whom it was no longer needed.

    David considering whether links are causal or not

  5. Educated decision maker on April 28th, 2010 1:09 pm

    In a recent study I read envolving violent inmates, juvenile deliquents, high school drop outs, college freshman, and successful professionals. Nearly 98% of inmates, 95% of juvenile delinquents, 69% of HS drop outs, 33% of college freshmen and 17% of successful professionals were spanked as children.

    Another study I read looked at corporal punishment practices in 32 countries by surveying 17,404 university students. The analysis found a lower average IQ in nations in which spanking was more prevalent. The strongest link between corporal punishment and IQ was for those whose parents continued to use corporal punishment even when they were teenagers. Children in the United States who were spanked had lower IQs — by 2.8 to 5 points — than those who were not spanked.

    So rather than relying on the old “that’s how we did it back in the day” logic, do a little research and make an educated decision. The fact that nearly 98% of violent inmates and 95% of juvenile delinquents received moderate to severe corporal punishment as a child was enough for me to decide to choose alternate means of punishment.

  6. SICK OF CRUEL RUDE PEOPLE on April 28th, 2010 12:46 pm


  7. idunno on April 27th, 2010 11:44 pm

    NEDC, you made a bad misprint…….a century man jailed…….that…..” aint no man”………..that’s a punk! where i come from.

  8. Atmoreboy on April 27th, 2010 5:43 pm

    If he likes shovel handles…well the state can provide him with a tool on the end of it for…lets say 3-5 years?? If It fits… they cant acquit…he aint OJ ….

  9. David Huie Green on April 27th, 2010 2:47 pm

    “The victim said he had a knife in his hand, but never threatened Brown”

    I guess he was holding it in a non-threatening manner?

    David not saying he should do such things,
    just meditating on how to do that

  10. Sylvia on April 27th, 2010 12:19 pm

    I love my granddaughters and if someone else hit them I would probably go beserk. No one has the right to hit someone elses child. Maybe as some has said the grandfather shouldn’t have threatened him, but think if it was your child could you control yourself, especially if it was a man that hit them. ” I Don’t Think So.”

  11. not an english major on April 27th, 2010 10:02 am

    This was not his child he put his hands on! Spanking a children isn’t beating and threatening to kill someone!

    When we were growing up, most parents, or at least my parents spanked the children they had and we all turned out decent! Too many are blaming whooping, spanking or whatever you want to call it for people turning out abusive, HOGWASH! A good butt whooping never hurt anyone, most of the ones that got them changed their tunes really quick! I have come to see most of the people that don’t believe in spanking turn out with out of control brats! Smart mouth little brats that have never uttered the words yes ma’am or no ma’am, yes sir or no sir, they are the ones that respond with a yeah. I am not saying beat on your children, I am saying apply a hand to the backside just hard enough that the child knows you mean business, not hard enough to bruise, but firm enough that they feel it!

    Sorry, but, there is a difference in spanking someone and beating on them and threatening to kill them.

    Mr. Brown and all other adults need to learn, IF the child isn’t yours, DO NOT touch that child! That is the parent’s job to discipline their child not yours!

    May justice be well served in this case!

    Ok, sorry for my rant! Have a great day everyone!

  12. Thanks a lot! on April 27th, 2010 9:28 am

    If it’s $100,000 then he has to come up with $10,000……….. 10%

  13. JJ on April 27th, 2010 9:22 am

    I’m sure that a month or two in jail is going to fix him and this will be the last we hear of him.

  14. Terri Sanders on April 27th, 2010 9:20 am

    whoops i didn’t read where he has a 100,000.00 bail.So he only has to come up with 1,000.00 to get out of jail.Surely some of Century’s finest will use their drug money to get him out.

  15. Terri Sanders on April 27th, 2010 9:18 am

    It is too bad that this man and others like him will be back on the streets in little or no time thanks to Escambia county having some of the stupidest judges on the bench.He will probably get 3000.00 bail which means he will have to come up with 300.00 bucks to keep from sitting in jail.Clean the slate and get some really tough judges on the bench instead of good ole boys!

  16. Thinker on April 27th, 2010 9:17 am

    This is why I believe that “sparing the rod” does NOT spoil the child. Once a parent starts expressing anger by hitting, it opens a flood gate (in some people.) The damage done is difficult for the child (and often the parent) to outgrow.

    Usually we don’t confront bullies like this, we report them. But I do highly respect the older man for his efforts, and possibly it was necessary to defend the young person and prevent injury to her. (Too often the social powers that SHOULD be doing this fail for lack of funds and/or inflated case loads.)

    Otherwise: a good rule of thumb is: confront to challenge, if you must, on public property in a public place, never on a man’s own territory (his home property).

    l’d like to hear from the “perp” on why he thought he needed to hit this young person. But a good court ordered anger management program might be the appropriate setting for that.

  17. Sentinel on April 27th, 2010 9:14 am

    I see that the “Football” has been caught by a sheriff’s deputy. Maybe this time he’ll get to do some hard time.

  18. Robert on April 27th, 2010 9:13 am

    I guess I’m crazy but if my grandaughter told me someone had slapped and pushed them the LAST thing I should do would be grab a knife and confront this person. The victim admitted this is what he did. Why wouldn’t he call the police like he is supposed to. 784.021 Aggravated assault.– Florida Statutes

    (1) An “aggravated assault” is an assault:

    (a) With a deadly weapon without intent to kill

    Also, assault doesn’t mean touching anyone, it just means the threat.

    This is the crime the victim committed. You can’t take the law into your own hands on someone elses property. He’s lucky he didn’t get shot.

  19. Angi on April 27th, 2010 8:25 am

    Another one off our streets that needs to be kept right where he’s at (behind bars)! Thank you Escambia County deputies for taking him in…
    I really hope that the victoms are ok, they surely didn’t deserve something like this.

  20. Chumuckla proud on April 27th, 2010 6:42 am

    Keep this guy in jail and throw away the key…he doesn’t deserve “rehabilitation”!!

  21. not an english major on April 27th, 2010 6:38 am

    Oh he is lucky, if this would have been any other man that his daughter or granddaughter had been (Not abused) battered and was threatened to be killed by this upstanding citizen, he would probably have been met with ball bat or gun.

    It was wrong for the man to walk up with a knife in hand, but, probably feared when confronting this piece of slime, he would feel more safe and maybe ward off an attack if the loser saw the knife, instead as he goes to walk away, the guy hits him with a shovel handle? A 66 year old man? COME ON! This guy needs to be off the streets! You don’t hit someone elses kid you moron!

    Good Job Deputy Mashburn, thank you for taking this prize winner off the streets!

    I pray that the grandfather and granddaughter are ok and that she will be able to recover from this without mental scarring!