How Many Census Forms Have Been Returned In Your Community? We Have The Numbers

April 5, 2010

As of Friday, about 56 percent of Americans had taken part in the 2010 Census. But the mail participation level in most North Escambia area communities has been lower.

Below is breakdown of the percent of citizens taking part in the Census in the North Escambia area.

Area towns and cities:

  • City of Atmore: 50%
  • Town of Century: 48%
  • Town of Flomaton: 55%
  • Town of Jay: 55%
  • City of Pensacola: 53%

Area communities (not including the towns and cities above):

  • Atmore:  52%
  • Barrineau Park: 56%
  • Byrneville: 54%
  • Cantonment: 52%
  • Century: 54%
  • Cottage Hill: 54%
  • Flomaton : 55%
  • Gonzalez: 61%
  • Jay: 55%
  • McDavid: 55%
  • Molino: 55%
  • Walnut Hill: 56%

The mail participation rate is the percentage of forms mailed back by households that received them. The Census Bureau developed this new measure in 2010, in part because of the current economy and higher rates of vacant housing. The rate excludes households whose forms were returned to us by the U.S. Postal Service as “undeliverable,” strongly suggesting the house was vacant. According to the Census Bureau, there will be a followup on all forms returned as undeliverable to ensure everyone is counted.Source: U.S. Census Bureau


27 Responses to “How Many Census Forms Have Been Returned In Your Community? We Have The Numbers”

  1. none on April 8th, 2010 1:27 pm

    I never got one either and don’t want one, sounds like somebody has NO CLUE what’s going on here…let em send a worker to my house, we are never home, we work all the time, so they will just be wasting their time anyway…i smell a RAT

  2. ET on April 6th, 2010 1:39 pm

    I also got a second one but it is people like you is the reason the United States is in the shape is. Just go along with the system don’t cause no waves. I think the second one was a waste of tax payers money but this President must have a money tree behind the white house the way he is spending money. But it not going to stop until the people make them stop.

  3. cygie on April 6th, 2010 11:20 am

    According to the Fourth Amendment, all that is legally required is:
    Actual number of people residing at said residence.
    Age of each person
    Sex of each person
    That’s all! Anything more is a violation of the Fourth Amendment, as an unwarranted search of said person, house, and papers.
    I received my pre-census letter and my post census postcard, but NO census form at all. That’s hope and change for you!

  4. just do it on April 6th, 2010 7:35 am

    If you simply read the cover sheet it explains why you got a second copy and not to fill it out, if you have already done so! READ THE COVER SHEET!

    Why all the complaining ? Is it all that difficult for you to fill it out and mail back???? If so, someone will come to your house and help you fill it out!

  5. BAJ on April 6th, 2010 6:43 am

    WOW Goverment at work Like tell us lets go Green but they can waste paper. Can anybody count.? Yep a few jobs for awhile Looks good Huh/? I agree with all

  6. Betty Killam on April 6th, 2010 6:36 am

    A child with a 4th grade education should explain to our amazing United States government, how to count the people in the United States without spending billions of dollars and not have a clue how many of us are here. I received a form, promptly filled it out, then realized I should not mail it before April 1——because they asked for information as of April 1. So a week after I received the first form, I received a card reminding me to send the form—more money spent—On April 1, I mailed the first form. On April 2, I received a second census form, this one addressed to Resident — my address. Since I have only lived at this address for 43 years, they must have figured out that the house changes residents a lot. I called the local census office—no one could tell me there what to do with the second form. This person connected me to another individual who could not tell me either——so I made the “big” decision to burn the thing. So goes the waste in America.

  7. EMD on April 5th, 2010 11:47 pm

    I reluctantly returned my form, but did not answer whether my house was mortgaged, rented, paid off, or free, nor did I put my phone number. I wrote, “not required.” The Constitution does not give them the authority to retrieve any info other than, “How many live there?” This dictatorship is becomming very annoying. Has anyone out there heard about another outrage………………having to have a license for your home just like for your car, but worse? That is not all. It forbids you to sell your own house unless licensed and up to THEIR new energy codes. It is a real nightmare. Next, we may hear about a “Soylent Green,” factory. I am serious.

  8. HomeFry on April 5th, 2010 5:31 pm

    We received a census form at our rural box filled it out and sent back in the US mail as required. A week or so later we received another form. Were we supposed to submit two forms or just one? If only one then why did we we receive two?

  9. Mrs.Goodie on April 5th, 2010 5:13 pm

    I was told today that,if you get your mail to a po box,you will not get a form.So i guess that’s why they hire all those workers?We got a form on our own at city hall,and send it in.It’s important,but the system needs some bugs worked out.

  10. S.L.B on April 5th, 2010 5:02 pm

    Gosh, according to most of the comments posted by everyone here, either some didn’t get their census form or some got them 2 and 3 fold, along with reminder cards. Multiply those numbers of discrepancies by everyone else in all the other areas in our County, in our State and in all other States and imagine the amount of $$$ money being wasted on this non-sense.

    Like Oversight said, they most likely already have all the 10 question information they are asking for already from other government data. What’s their point…to show us how dumb they are? We already know that! HA

  11. a harsh judge on April 5th, 2010 4:23 pm

    We got no form. Now what? Are they gonna send a worker?
    Maybe I should use one on the extras others are getting?

  12. rollingwiththetide on April 5th, 2010 1:03 pm

    We also received two census forms. I filled the first one out and mailed it back the day after I received it. A week later I received a postcard reminding me to fill out my census. I threw the second census form in the garbage. Is this some kind of joke? Unbelievable waste of taxpayers’ money!

    George and Judy, I agree with the both of you.

  13. JR on April 5th, 2010 12:41 pm

    I know why we have to fill the census out. Here it is believe it or not. They need to know how many people is in the area so that the continent want flip and throw us off. If that happen where would we fall to does anybody know.

  14. george on April 5th, 2010 12:05 pm

    received 1 form, filled er out sent it back in, then got another one, threw it in the trash, and these folks are probably gonna run our health care system. lord help us.

  15. JUDY MASEK on April 5th, 2010 11:42 am

    i was thinking…..could this (missing census forms) be a round-a-bout way of the gov’t/obama justifying the hiring of those 14,500 temporary government census workers, (which just happens to make the national unemloyment rate start to look alitte bit better)..ok, im being cynical..nevermind :)

  16. Angi on April 5th, 2010 9:52 am

    We received ours and sent it in, and just the other day received another one as well; but it did state on there that, if you have already sent in your census to disregaurd the other one…

  17. interested reader on April 5th, 2010 9:42 am

    No census form was sent to us either. We didn’t even get a postcard.

  18. Not counted on April 5th, 2010 8:45 am

    They did not send me a form either. But I did get postcards for me and three of my neighbors.

  19. Escambia Resident on April 5th, 2010 8:40 am

    I did not get a census form either. They managed to send me a letter about the census, a postcard that it was coming and a postcard that I have it and should fill it out. But no form.

    Government efficiency at its best.

  20. Susan on April 5th, 2010 8:36 am

    We have never received a census form.

  21. Just An Old Soldier on April 5th, 2010 8:09 am

    Got a postcard notice that we’d be receiving a census form to mail back by the deadline – then got another postcard saying that the deadline was approaching.

    Still haven’t received the forms from the Census Bureau though…hope their Census takers are a little sharper than what appears in the rest of the organization.

  22. William on April 5th, 2010 7:02 am

    > If they already know how many people have participated (%) then that means they already know how many people live in each community. What’s the point?

    You made an interesting point. So I went back and did a little more research and added the last paragraph to the story with what I found.

  23. Kim B. on April 5th, 2010 6:57 am

    M we also mailed in our Census and recieved another Census this past week saying that if we didn’t respond they would send a census person to our address. We mailed ours a few days before the deadline.

  24. Laurie on April 5th, 2010 6:56 am

    If they already know how many people have participated (%) then that means they already know how many people live in each community. What’s the point?

  25. M on April 5th, 2010 6:38 am

    We have sent ours in, but would like to know why we got a second census form this past weekend?

  26. Oversight on April 5th, 2010 6:34 am

    The census form is not difficult to complete and it only takes a few minutes to fill it out. But I do have a few comments on it: the government already has this information through income tax, driver’s licenses, social security, property tax rolls, school district enrollment data, and a host of other governmental sources which track who we are and where we live. So, why we are wasting money on this? Yea, yea, big brother will tell us they need this information so that the school’s get their fair share of money. Face it, this information is complied, hashed and rehashed continuously by every school district in the country. You can bet every grant writer has the data right at his or her finger tips. And that commercial’s little jingle about money for roads – now that’s a hoot! But do your patriotic duty and fill out your census form, so that Congress and Obama can give us more change we can believe in!

  27. Carolyn Bramblett on April 5th, 2010 6:07 am

    Every ten years it’s the same stupidity. The census forms require that the people listed on the forms live in that place on April 1. You can’t do them early because no one knows who will still be alive a week or month before, do they?