Group Offers Free Prom Dresses To Disadvantaged

April 9, 2010


Prom is just a few weeks away for Northview High School, and a group of concerned students is working to make sure every girl can have that perfect dress for a magical evening.

Calling themselves the “SWANS”,  the group of young ladies is collecting prom dresses that are being made available to any Northview girl headed to prom that needs a dress, no questions asked.

“Prom is big deal for girls,” said SWANS member Jessica Bloodsworth. “They want to look pretty, and the perfect dress helps them look special. It can boost the self-esteem of a girl.”

Knowing that dresses are without a doubt expensive and that the expense could keep some girls from attending their junior or senior prom, the 20-something students in the SWANS decided to go to work to create a prom dress closet of sorts. So far, they have collected just over a dozen dresses, and they have been promised a donation of about 30 more soon from someone that is closing a bridal shop.

“A lot of girls have dresses left over from other events, and there are girls that need a dress but their family can’t afford one, so it’s a perfect match,” Bloodsworth said.

The girls recently bagged groceries at a Winn Dixie store to raise money — about $200 — so they could  dry clean the donated dresses. The dresses are fashionable, modern styles that are free of flaws.

“Prom is just that special night that you get dressed up and feel like an adult,” said Natalie Nall, one of the SWANS teacher sponsors. “This is the big deal for many of the girls. For the girls that don’t go to college, senior prom night is the special time in their lives until their wedding.”

Extra effort is made to make sure that no girl is embarrassed by wearing a donated dress, according to Barbara Luker, another SWANS teacher sponsor. It is all done as quietly as possible to make sure no one knows a girl took part in the program. Even for our photo, Luker worked to make sure the dresses were presented in such a way that no dress could be identified.

Northview girls that donate a dress to the program sign a promise to not let anyone know what dress they donated.

“I promise to not let it be known that this dress once belonged to me and will hold it secret in my heart because I know that my generosity means more than the compromise of someone’s self-esteem,” the prom dress donation promise states.

Girls that receive a SWANS prom dress have the option of keeping it, or returning to the program.

The SWANS  — Sophisticated Warriors Advocating Northview Self-Discovery — are also working toward a clothes swap closet at the school for everyday clothing. And they are planning a Mother’s Day tea to allow girls and their moms to get a little closer and allow the girls to meet their friends’ moms.

“It’s all about self-esteem and being a woman,” Bloodsworth said.

Northview’s prom is May 1.

SWANS is actively seeking prom dress donations. Anyone can drop a dress by the school office. Any Northview student in need of a dress can contact any SWANS member at the school, or any teacher sponsor.

Pictured above: Northview SWANS member Jessica Bloodsworth with some of the donated prom dresses. photo, click to enlarge.


18 Responses to “Group Offers Free Prom Dresses To Disadvantaged”

  1. JTG on April 13th, 2010 7:03 pm

    I would like say what a wonderful thing Jessica and the other members of SWANS are doing.

  2. SFC Ewing on April 11th, 2010 1:33 pm

    Dear SWANS,

    I want to commend you all on doing such a wonderful thing for your fellow classmates. You are starting early at giving back to the community and good things will definitely have a lasting impression on your friends and fellow community members. I wish you all well and great job ladies. I’m truly proud of each and everyone of you. You parents deserve a special recognition as well for raising you all with kind and caring hearts.

    SFC Ewing

  3. Bamaboy on April 11th, 2010 12:55 am

    Jessica you are so generous to people. People like you are the reason the reason our community is a great place to live

  4. wonderful on April 10th, 2010 2:09 pm

    this is a wounderful idea. I wish that businesses would give these kids a break, I believe that a tux is from 100 to 175 dollars I am proud to live in the neighborhood of NHS.

  5. wonderful on April 10th, 2010 2:06 pm

    This is a ggreat idea. Wish that something like this could happen for the boys. I believe that the boys tux are from about 100 to 175 dolars. It is ashame how much businesses charge for this. So proud to live in the neighborhood of NHS>

  6. Tim Timothy....Bold Wolf Warrior on April 9th, 2010 7:44 pm

    This is a wonderful example for not only a human being, but shows that there can be compassion without the need for ego inflation at the same time. I am a graduate of Century High School….a retired Navy Chief…retired from the insurance business…and a full time member of the Lower Muskogee Creek. I don’t know Jessica, but I know her mother as a fellow chaser of ancestors. I live in Columbia, SC and am happy to have received this information five hundered miles away. Way to go….you don’t have to brag about this….I will do some of it for you :)
    Mvto, Fekhv’mke Ya’hv Tv’stvnvk’ke

  7. Sandra on April 9th, 2010 5:57 pm

    When can you look through the dresses?

  8. parent on April 9th, 2010 4:34 pm

    way to represent !!

  9. Friend of the Bloodsworth's on April 9th, 2010 4:00 pm

    So proud of you Jessie! Wish there were something like this when I was in school. Lack of funds for new clothes kept me out of a lot of activities. It is such a good idea, I wish every school would adopt a program like this. You who contribute to the SWANS will be a true blessing to many girls, and the fact that you do not take credit for it is Biblical..Matthew 6:3..”when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing” Proverbs 19:7…”He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and He will reward him for what he has done” God to hear that there are still young people who care for others less fortunate than themselves.

  10. not an english major on April 9th, 2010 2:44 pm

    You go girls! This is a very inspirational message! Thank God for each of you “SWANS”. You are giving many blessings and you should be proud of what you are doing! I know the girls that take your offer will be ever so thankful to attend their prom!

    God bless each of you!

  11. proud mom on April 9th, 2010 2:24 pm

    Carri – your words say it exactly. I am so glad to hear of these girls’ generosity and the care taken to ensure donors and recipients alike maintain confidentiality. I am especially impressed with the continuing efforts being taken also with the everyday clothes closet and Mother’s Day Tea – hope those are successful as well! Wish something like this was in place when I was in high school. I don’t think I could have afforded prom/formal dresses either, but my mother kind of steered me in a new direction by custom making mine. She’s an exceptional seamstress, but in my mature years, now think it might have been more out of necessity rather than convenience that she made them, but she never told me “we can’t afford…”

    Thank you for sharing this great piece of great news and thanks again to all the young ladies involved – even those who will proudly wear the dresses (wear them with your heads held high and in good honor) – and I hope my young daughters grow up to be just as compassionate and innovative.

  12. Misty on April 9th, 2010 2:24 pm

    This article is very inspiring. I will be donating my 2 prom dresses!! I went to Northview High school and this makes me proud to know that people at NHS really care about others. Good job girls!

  13. bamaman on April 9th, 2010 8:20 am

    My daughter goes to Flomaton High, wish they would start a SWANS program. Great Work girls..

  14. Carri on April 9th, 2010 8:14 am

    I do not think I have ever read a more moving story or seen a more worthy cause…I pray that God Abundantly Blesses each giver and each reciever of this this program……

  15. Jessica's family on April 9th, 2010 8:04 am

    We are really proud of this girls club (S.W.A.N.S) at NHS and proud for their goals and aspirations they have implemented to make a difference in girls lives.

    We are especially proud of our daughter Jessica for being a part of this club and fighting like a warrior for it’s causes. I think it just goes to show the world what a big heart Jessica has and how she is willing to share it with others.

    Thank you teachers/sponsors for being there for all who need a role model, mentor and friend in their lives. I say, you can never have too many friends!

  16. molinojim on April 9th, 2010 7:54 am

    You young lady’s help prove that for every “bad kid” there are many more good and kind young adults. Hope you all have a safe and wonderful prom.

  17. Teacher on April 9th, 2010 7:08 am

    You ladies should be commended for taking a leadership role and looking out for your fellow students.

    Have a magical prom!

  18. positivethinking on April 9th, 2010 6:21 am

    It is wonderful to hear of a program like this; very inspiring in the face of so much bad news. Bravo to the teachers and students involved!