Former Jay High Teachers Sentenced To Prison For Sex With Students

April 16, 2010

Two former Jay High School teachers that had sex with students have each been sentenced to 15 months each in state prison.

teachersjay.jpgAshley Elenea Burkett, 32, and April Burford Watson, 33, were sentenced this morning by Santa Rosa County Circuit Judge Gary Bergosh. They will also be on probation for five years, during which time they will be allowed to have unsupervised visits with their own children. Both will be required under state law to register as sex offenders.

Both entered no contest pleas in January to three counts of unlawful sexual activity with certain minors, according to State Attorney Bill Eddins.

Burkett and Watson, who were teachers at Jay High School, were arrested by the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office on August 6, 2009, for engaging in sexual intercourse with male students in 2007.

“The investigation was initiated on July 28, 2009 after an anonymous letter was sent to the Santa Rosa County School District alleging sexual relationships between two Jay High School teachers and male juveniles,” Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office Spokesman Sgt. Scott Haines said after the arrests. The letter was turned over the Santa Rosa Sheriff’s Office for investigation.

“Interviews were conducted with the alleged victims in the case. Two victims alleged that they were involved in sexual activity with Watson at her residence and the residence of Burkett between the months of July and October 2007. One other victim alleged that he was involved in sexual activity with Burkett at her residence and the residence of Watson between the months of July and October 2007,” Haines said in August. “Both of the suspects were questioned by investigators and they both admitted to the unlawful sexual activity.”

Burkett taught reading and special education students and was assistant volleyball coach last school year, according to the Jay High School web site. Watson taught math and was the advisor for the junior varsity cheerleaders, also according to the school web site. Watson was to be the varsity cheerleader sponsor this school year and Burkett was to be the varsity volleyball coach.

Pictured above: Former Jay High School teachers Ashley Burkett (left) and April Watson. Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.


79 Responses to “Former Jay High Teachers Sentenced To Prison For Sex With Students”

  1. Jay Mom of 2 on April 22nd, 2010 10:01 pm

    There are so many people in the Jay community that have a huge heart! We care about everyone involved and our hearts hurt for these girls families. No one needs your sympathy. We as family and friends have each other and that is all we need. Very unfortunate situation all the way around.

  2. jay resident on April 22nd, 2010 8:20 am

    They deserve what they get. But so many people in the Jay community act like this is a death in our town. Everyone should be thankful they are out of our schools. If the punishment they got makes one honest teacher out there it is worth it all. Think about the kids in high school, we need teachers like them out of the schools. No sympany for the teachers in jail or the people feeling so sorry for them! Realize they have to be punished.

  3. robert on April 21st, 2010 3:08 pm

    Sounds like Tom and I went to the same school. You would have definitely been the big dog on campus. to DHG I don’t know very many 17 year old boys that are completely innocent. Now days 12 and 13 year olds can tell you anything you want to know or don’t want to know about sex.

  4. Miss K on April 20th, 2010 11:29 am

    Are you kidding me? These women only got 15 months let that would have been a man and the man would be in prison for years….. Statutory rape goes the same way both genders!!!!!!

  5. walter on April 20th, 2010 10:40 am

    Their are consequences for all of us when we screw up! These 2 screwed up and must deal with the consequences whether you or I agree with them or not!! I do think the young men involved should have some consequences as well even if minor but that’s irrelevant and water over the damn now! I hope the school and community can move forward positively now and heal

    I also would like to challenge the good people of Jay to also realize that at least one of these teacher had younger kids..Those kids did nothing wrong and think how devastated and what life a changing impact ..what tragedy has occurred to those children by a parents horrendous mistake..I hope the community will reach out and assist those children and come along beside them and support them…..they need care and love to survive

  6. David Huie Green on April 20th, 2010 10:36 am

    REGARDING the attitude that others should be ashamed of a “better than thou”

    Yes, it is indeed judgmental to point out that some are cowardly in being afraid to publicly identify themselves. Not that I’m condemning cowards, that would be wrong, and I’ve already got enough flaws for one lifetime.

    But the fact is that some people actually ARE better than some other people, otherwise nobody would be in jail or else we all would.

    I know a lady who went to visit her cousin in prison one time. The inmate started to berate, castigate, and generally put her down for her “better than thou” attitude.

    When she finally paused for a breath, the visitor finally had a chance to explain she was really there just to let her know her mother had died.

    The condemning inmate realized the one upon whom she had depended to care for her children during her incarcerations was no longer available. She begged the lady whose only flaw was refusal to commit crimes to care for her children.

    Being the forgiving type, she agreed and did so to the best of her ability. As best I know the children also act better than their mother had.

    David thinking we should aspire to goodness
    not denounce those who do

  7. Dedra Singleton on April 20th, 2010 9:11 am

    To “not buyinfg your better than us attitude!”

    I want you to be able to rest assured that my children may have been hurt by the actions of people we love, but they have not been tainted. We also (as a family) used this as a learning experience. (I am puzzled by the fact you referenced my “children” when in fact the only reference I made in my post was to my daughter).

    Yes, we loved and trusted them!! We still love them, and trust is something they will have to earn again. Trust me, I realize that our tolerance of this is based upon the fact we know them personally. I have often watched the news and made statements about how someone should spend the rest of their life in jail. This has also been a learning experience for me. Anyone that breaks the law deserves to be punished to the fullest extent the judicial system sees fit. However, our jobs as friends and family is to support them through it.

    I hate that you feel like I have a “better than us attitude,” because that is not true.
    I hate that you feel like I was preaching to you. I was only sharing my opinion, just like everyone else on here does. I did make the statement that anonymous posts are “cowardly, but I did not individually refer to any one person as a coward. Name calling is childish!!

    I am not irked, I don’t post on here often. Only when I feel strongly about something. I am not the type to take revenge on anyone.

    I am fully aware that my opinion is not shared by all, and I respect that. I will always stand up for what I believe in. The old saying goes “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Unfortunately that is not true. Words do hurt, but words can also encourage and heal. I choose to be an encourager!!

  8. See what you done on April 19th, 2010 8:53 pm

    Dedra see what you have done, you got white dope thinking he’s a lawyer.

  9. none on April 19th, 2010 5:12 pm

    I hope it was wirth it to them…it’s a shame that sex causes people to do such crazy things, that they ruin their lives over it

  10. David Huie Green on April 19th, 2010 2:48 pm

    ” I find it interesting that he complelely misses the point. ”

    I’m good at that. There are people who think the only punishment was jail time. There is other punishment associated which is not being considered.

    And as to time served, most crimes involving minors involve people under the age of 13 and the forceful intercourse of a male on a female child. such is not the case here. And yes there is a difference even though what was done was wrong.

    David lacking mentis

  11. David Huie Green on April 19th, 2010 2:44 pm

    “Maybe we’ll meet someday and sit down over a beer and talk theological issues”

    Nope, sorry but as a proper Baptist I don’t drink. I’ll be at the Sawmill Day festivities Saturday watching other people work, though. and always ready to talk.

    David unafraid of hard work, will stand with inches of it

  12. Bully on April 19th, 2010 1:30 pm


    Your distinction is certainly valid. The evildoer has condemned himself. The evildider in this context has received the love of Christ Who has condemned Himself on our behalf. There is a sin that God does not forgive and that is unbelief. The one dying in unbelief is chained to the sin that condemns him and God hates both.

    Maybe we’ll meet someday and sit down over a beer and talk theological issues.

  13. Bully on April 19th, 2010 1:22 pm

    Regarding WWJD

    He would allow the justice system, that He created, to prevail just as it did with 15 months in prison; and would hear genuine confession and forgive and allow the justice system to carry out the sentence.

  14. JUDY MASEK on April 19th, 2010 12:10 pm

    the way i see it, the question is, WWJD?……how would Jesus have reacted to this ordeal?…how would He expect us to act, in response to this unfortunate situation?…in all Truth, i think that ms. dedra has it right…

  15. Not my child on April 19th, 2010 11:13 am

    I consider the two ladies ( want to be ) and also the boys ( want to be) guilty on both sides. The teachers should have know better. But the boys are just as guilty, they could have reported the teachers coming on to them. But no!! They were just as ready as the teachers. Lust is Lust. On both sides. Both sides should have been punished. Yes the teacher are grown, but the boys knowed what was going on. They were just doing what their age group does.——–
    Please don’t say not my son because yes your son, these boys and girls in era are going back to heckies and hot rods. You know the era and what was going on. That is why we are having to pay (tax payers) for these young kids having kids. These kids are out of control. THe boys are not innocent. They should be held accountable just like the teachers. Sorry they were under age but they know right from wrong. Make both pay for the crime.

  16. BLONDIE on April 19th, 2010 9:48 am

    what yall try to say that those teachers done nothing wrong they recked the life of those boy their parents the even sent their owm life into a whirl spin…and to say that 15mos. is to harsh they should at least gotten 10 years plus house arrest and made register a sex offender

  17. whitepunknotondope on April 19th, 2010 9:40 am

    “The got off easy! Hate they only got 15 months.”

    I rest my case.

  18. JHS on April 19th, 2010 9:37 am

    The got off easy! Hate they only got 15 months.

  19. whitepunknotondope on April 19th, 2010 8:23 am

    Dedra, your post was one of the most honest and thoughtful I have ever read on this website. My hat is off to you for standing up here and making the statements you did.

    As for you others, like the person who wrote:
    “Please don’t preach to ME about how goody you are because you are standing behind your friends”, Dedra just made you all look like the angry, self-righteous, judgemental morons you are.

  20. Just An Old Soldier on April 19th, 2010 7:56 am

    David finds it interesting that I believe these criminals should have received a harsher sentence. I find it interesting that he complelely misses the point. Perhaps non compos mentis, or just to clever by half?

  21. David Huie Green on April 18th, 2010 9:43 pm

    “You put words in my mouth that I do not say. ”

    Sorry about that, another sin on my part I guess.

    So I guess I could not suggest a distinction between an “evildoer” and an “evildider” in which both would be sinners by definition but one being a sinner who continues in and revels in sin whereas the other is one who sins but repents and tries to not persist in the sins.

    But suggesting such a thing would be putting words in your mouth so I’ll just leave it up to you to come up with a theologically sound resolution of how to reconcile hatred of evildoers–”you hate all evildoers.” with John 3:17 “For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”

    David trying to learn from wiser

  22. David Huie Green on April 18th, 2010 5:39 pm

    a fake “me”?

    what’s the world coming to?

    David for real me’s

  23. Bully on April 18th, 2010 5:32 pm


    You put words in my mouth that I do not say. This is simply what Ps 5:5 says. “evildoer” is the sinner and the sin is implied. You try to explain away what the word explicitly states.

  24. me on April 18th, 2010 3:49 pm

    DHG – sorry bro…ME and you still agreeing on this one…that other “me” is an imposter…they ain’t the real ME…LOL!

  25. David Huie Green on April 18th, 2010 3:26 pm

    “Please people take age out of this – THEY WERE IN A POSITION OF TRUST AND CONTROL OVER JUVENILES!!! That alone should have gotten them more time”

    Good, we are back on comfortable ground of disagreeing with each other, as we enjoy.

    If we take age out of the equation, there was no crime. If there were no crime, there should be no time.

    Grounds for dismissal? certainly under violation of terms of employment
    Grounds for revoking license? of course under violation of terms of license
    Grounds for lawsuit? I would imagine for enduring harm done to the poor innocent little seventeen year old boys

    Yet the problem in the minds of most is the age difference as well as violation of position of trust.

    Age IS a factor.

    It is hard to believe, but the judge actually MAY have taken all the legal factors into account. We just can’t say we will both take age into account and not take age into account at the same time.

    What was done should not have been done.

    Not all wrongdoing demands long prison sentences. Maybe the poor innocent children could get a judgment giving them ten percent of income for life from their predatory attackers–the ladies who threw their body parts at them.

    Surely that along with the current prison term, lifetime registry as sex offenders, public humiliation and loss of employability should count some towards sufficient punishment.

    David wondering about those who seem to longingly fantasize about women in prison

  26. David Huie Green on April 18th, 2010 2:53 pm

    quite simple, those who persist in sin and refuse to repent have embraced that which is hated.

    again, if you insist God hate all sinners and can understand that all are sinners, you would logically require him to hate all people.

    since God repeatedly says he loves people, that assumption must be flawed.

    “if we say we have no sin, we lie and the truth is not in us,” what’s that? First John 1:8?

    David, thinking that even I, practically perfect, am also a sinner

  27. Bully on April 18th, 2010 1:58 pm

    Psalm 5 
    5 The boastful shall not stand before your eyes;
    you hate all evildoers.
    6 You destroy those who speak lies;

    Seems plain in verse 5 that God hates sinners since “you” in this sentence refers to God and evildoers equate to sinners. What say you?

  28. me on April 18th, 2010 12:23 pm

    I have to agree I believe they should have had more prison time
    Please people take age out of this – THEY WERE IN A POSITION OF TRUST AND CONTROL OVER JUVENILES!!! That alone should have gotten them more time

    AND I am sorry they thought so little of their children – husbands- friends-and families that they CHOSE to put them through all of this humiliation

  29. Thinker on April 18th, 2010 10:31 am

    Nobody seems to carry this thing to its logical consequences. Intercourse often enough results in pregnancy, birth and babies. An older man could support and care for a younger female while she nurses and nurtures the babies, yet a man would get a longer and harsher sentence.

    An older woman, getting pregnant by a teen, would have some problems with income and the teen would face serious hang-ups to his social and vocational development.

    Seems the law is a bit backward in punishment handed out, or am I missing something.

    It all suggests how religion, which has helped create laws like this, is a construct of men to control other men. (and stuff like that) . This stuff wears me out.
    -The poster formerly known as Thinker

  30. jack on April 18th, 2010 9:41 am

    In this “case” there was no rape……should have equaled no charges.


  31. tom on April 18th, 2010 9:12 am

    come on people,these boys new what they were doing.i bet it was not their 1st time.
    it was wrong for those ladies to have sex with them,but 15 mos in prison come on!
    went i was in school us guys would have been bragging about it.

  32. Bill, big B little ill on April 18th, 2010 8:27 am

    We all beat these two ladys to death the first time they were arrested and showed up in the news. The most desturbing thing about them or any of the female teachers that make the news for having sex with underage boys is why can’t they find an adult to have sex with? Some call it sick, some call it devil possession. But the facts are they never treat women sex offenders like men.
    As a male I understand it some what. Not saying it’s right but they made the wildest dream come true for these young boys. The really bad thing here is that these young boys once they have sex that’s all they think about is having sex again.
    As a father if this were a man that had just had sex with an underage young girl I would be ready to see him prosecuted, shot, strung up etc. just because I would see them in my eyes as taking advantage of them, raped, or molested in some manner.
    As a christian I have to look at the morals or lack of and say the law is the and just because they are women they should not be treated any different than a man.

  33. uhhuh on April 18th, 2010 1:54 am

    don’t you all think if this were the case where it was a male teacher who had sex with a female student, everyone would be up in arms? why should female sex offenders get special treatment? all of it is gross.

  34. Michelle on April 17th, 2010 6:24 pm

    15 months jail time and 5 years probation, that is not much. Will they lose their teachers licenses and have to register as sex offenders? I hope the victims families will push for this (no matter the age, they are victims).

    Maybe not, women sex offenders are not taken as seriously as male sex offenders. But I see no difference in the sexes. A child molester is always a threat to everyones child. Especially those in an authortiy position.

  35. David Huie Green on April 17th, 2010 4:33 pm

    ““Hate the sin, not the sinner”

    Who said that? Or where is it stated?”

    Ghandi, a Zoroastrian said it or a version of it.
    Even though he did not believe the Bible, he may have based his statement on:

    Exodus 32:7-10: With that, the LORD said to Moses, “Go down at once to your people, whom you brought out of the land of Egypt, for they have become depraved. They have soon turned aside from the way I pointed out to them, making for themselves a molten calf and worshiping it, sacrificing to it and crying out, ‘This is your God, O Israel, who brought you out of the land of Egypt!’ I see how stiff-necked this people is,” continued the LORD to Moses. “Let me alone, then, that my wrath may blaze up against them to consume them. Then I will make of you a great nation.”

    I hope you can see, it readl like he wasn’t happy with their actions, defined as sin.

    Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

    John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    You are what you do, so all who have sinned are sinners. Therefore, when Jesus said in John 3:16 that God loved the world, he was saying God loved the world even though it was exclusively composed of sinners

    Yielding the concept of hating sin but loving sinners

    David explaining simple concepts

  36. molinojim on April 17th, 2010 4:09 pm

    Ms Singleton—Hang in there. I have watched people turn their backs on friends of long standing to many times. They were wrong and will carry a stigma for the rest of their lives. When someone needs a friend to stand up for them and to stand by them and their so call friends show their true and false colors and abandon them, it speaks poorly of the “friend”. I seem to recall a statement that went along the line of “he who is without sin—cast the first stone”.

  37. PensacolaEd on April 17th, 2010 3:52 pm

    From what I understand, these “boys” were 17 years old. In many States, the age of consent is 16, in Hawaii it’s 14. Most young men that age are already sexually active, I hardly think that these women “preyed” upon them.

  38. Compassion on April 17th, 2010 3:48 pm

    “Hate the sin, but love the sinner,” is a quote from Mahatma Ghandi

  39. David Huie Green on April 17th, 2010 3:42 pm

    “what part of “equal protection under the law” do you not understand? Does one gender gain a benefit that the other does not? Isn’t that the essence of gender discrimination? What part of “nolo contendre” (admiting there is evidence that will lead to a conviction of the crime) do you not understand?”

    First regarding “nolo contendre”, that’s Latin meaning, “I ain’t gonna argue,” The defendant who pleads nolo contendere submits for a judgment fixing a fine or sentence the same as if he or she had pleaded guilty. The difference is that a plea of nolo contendere cannot later be used to prove wrongdoing in a civil suit for monetary damages, but a plea of guilty can.

    So if these poor innocent boys want to sue them for preying on them, they will still have to prove they were harmed by the awful actions.

    Then regarding “gender discrimination”. Gender discrimination is not illegal, even though it SHOULD be. After all, why should women be allowed to have better bathrooms than men? Gender discrimination allows different standards for entry in the military, allows people who can not get pregnant to be exposed to toxic substances which would not hurt them but which would harm fetuses.

    It even allows men to date women without having to date an equal number of men.

    Now regarding equal protection under the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution:
    “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

    It grants equal protection, not equal rights, and applies only to states, not to the federal government. Nor does it guarantee equal punishment under the law without regard to the crime committed or the circumstances of the crime.

    If an eighteen year old female had intercourse with a seventeen year old male, that would not be the same in the minds of many as if a thirty seven year old female had intercourse with a seventeen year old male.

    In fact I believe others said earlier the former wouldn’t even be considered a crime in the State of Florida, even though the same poor innocent boy would be traumatized in either case.

    I know it is heresy for me to say this in this enlightened world, but men and women are different. It is not fair and equal to treat them as if they were identical.

    What is even worse of me, I contend a seventeen year old boy is different from a 12 year old boy who is in turn different from a 5 year old boy who is in turn different from an eighty year old anything. I also maintain there is not all THAT much difference between a sevnteen year, eleven month, 27 day old boy and an eighteen year old boy, even though there are legal differences.

    What was confessed to have been done was wrong. I do not believe it deserves a thirty year sentence.

    Interesting that you do.

  40. David Huie Green on April 17th, 2010 2:53 pm

    “…we (anyone of any age) LOVE and are ABLE to watch films like “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” about killing and maiming but society…” and “One day we will rise above these stupid and convoluted values …”

    Actually, we are “able” to watch them because the Supreme Court says we can’t stop this form of “artistic expression” because that is part of what “freedom of speech” means to them. Originally it was intended to mean political and religious speech but has been “expanded” to include public displays of nude dancing, pornography, slasher movies and these other examples of “elevated consciousness.”.

    I know it makes me feel warm and fuzzy to know that I am surrounded by people who like movies about sawing human beings up for entertainment.

    As for rising above values, giving up values is not rising, just abandoning.

  41. Bully on April 17th, 2010 2:23 pm

    Dedra Singleton on April 17th, 2010 8:32 am
    “Hate the sin, not the sinner”

    Who said that? Or where is it stated?

  42. sad situation on April 17th, 2010 10:46 am

    I know that the women done wrong and it is only fair that they are punished. I know one of the women (Burkett) and know that she did truly have remorse for her actions. My main concern right now is praying for the children of these two women. They are innocent and will have to pay everyday that they wake up without their mom at home. It tears my heart out for these babies. So instead of making horrible comments about the situation we need to be spending our time praying that these babies will have comfort and love during this horrible time of their little lives and for God to give the family left to take care of them the strength to be able to comfort and wipe their tears away.

  43. TiffanieJ on April 17th, 2010 10:37 am

    Well, My thoughts really don’t matter so I will not post, I’m headed to the beach My life GOES ON, This was not me or any of my family so therefore it doesn’t effect me, so have a good day & enjoy, these girls don’t need us to tell them what they need or how many months they should get..TRUST ME THEY ARE SUFFERING!!!! You can’t change anything by venting on here, get a life &……….. LET GOD BE THE JUDGE =)

  44. MW on April 17th, 2010 10:08 am

    I am sure that David understands equal protection completly!
    There is one thing for sure, this will never be a gender pefect world!! It is approven fact that women get twice as much time for mudering their husband’s as men do. Men get more pay than women! There is so many ways that men are favored, you can’t name them all!! These women did WRONG and deserve what they get, but quit whining about poor ole men, gets more time for molesting little girls. Plus we know that they had to have a little assistance from their victims to be able to molest them! (IT IS STILL WRONG REGARDLESS) What a pitful society we now live in.

  45. Just An Old Soldier on April 17th, 2010 9:43 am

    David – what part of “equal protection under the law” do you not understand? Does one gender gain a benefit that the other does not? Isn’t that the essence of gender discrimination? What part of “nolo contendre” (admiting there is evidenc that will lead to a conviction of the crime) do you not understand? Would the sentence of the Judge have been different if this had been two adult men and several young girls? With certainty!

    Take the blinders off – these women committed a crime against society, not just against the children (and yes, they are still children under the Law – no right to vote, and cannot sign contracts – Children/Minors). Whether they and the families involved know it or not – damage has been done. This is not a victimless crime.

    Read, citizen, read.

  46. t&b from jay on April 17th, 2010 9:15 am

    atleast they got time,, they know wht they did is wrong!! so stop critisizing!! NO ONE IS PERFECT!! we all make mistakes

  47. uhhuh on April 17th, 2010 9:13 am

    they deserve more time.

  48. Savannah Singleton on April 17th, 2010 8:53 am

    Everybody sins.. there’s no way around that! April and Ashley’s actions just became publically known, many other people do just as bad of stuff but never get caught. These ladies both did something that was wrong and I understand that BUT they are also taking the punishment and paying the consequences. Both of these ladies are close to me and I love them dearly even though they have done this. So it really hurts to see people bashing them like they are. We will stick by them through the good times AND bad times.. a true friend will never leave your side. God never leaves our side, He stays with us and He’s with April and Ashley as they make this journey. I will proudly say that I love them and I still look up to them. People may judge that I would still look up to someone that has done something like that but I’m not gonna turn away from them. Both of these women have changed for the better, too. They are not the same as they were back when they made those choices to act in a way that was wrong. I realize they did wrong but look at the big picture.. quit judging. These are amazing women who made a bad choice. We all make bad choices theirs is just now publically known! I love both of their families soo much and we will be praying for them through this!

  49. Dedra Singleton on April 17th, 2010 8:32 am

    “Hate the sin, not the sinner”

  50. nonu on April 17th, 2010 8:08 am

    The TV channel is asking if a 14 year old boy should be judged as an adult for the death of his father. He is only 14, and we could take his life. Are we saying he knew what he was doing, but yet the 17 year old boys are not old enough to have made their own decision. These “poor boys” will be bragging of what they have done for longer than the jail time the teachers got. Some say if it would have been men doing the crime they would have got a longer sentence. Not so in all cases, there was a local school coach not to many years ago committed the same, and got nothing.

  51. not buyinfg your better than us attitude! on April 17th, 2010 7:54 am


    It’s interesting how you neglect to see even by your own words that these women have also HURT AND TAINTED YOUR CHILDREN.

    Your children loved and trusted them!

    Please don’t preach to ME about how goody you are because you are standing behind your friends, didn’t you ever hear, you are who you run with, to say
    nothing about the fact the first thing miss goody you did in your post was
    to call everyone on here not using their name a coward.

    Bull dunky, your probably just irked you don’t know who said what so you can take
    revenge on them, which seems to be the norm here in escambia county.

  52. me on April 17th, 2010 7:35 am

    I can almost guarantee that the boys were VERY willing participants with the girl on the right…maybe not so much the girl on the left. What they did was wrong…yes…but please, to call these boys victims…you have GOT to be kidding me. I wish there had been teachers 20 years ago willing to victimize me…LOL!!

  53. dunno it on April 17th, 2010 7:31 am


    The purpose of a thirty year hitch would be that they don’t pick on more young kids, as sexual predators are never cured.

    Next time maybe the kids will be the next door neighbors five year old….or yours.

    That is to say nothing about the fact that these sexual predators got jobs,
    and were paid by US to teach our children//////////WHAT!!!!!!!!






  54. a harsh judge on April 17th, 2010 7:27 am

    Sounds like to me that most folks here are wanting to dish out revenge to the teachers and allow these poor innocent little boys to go Scot free. Why not take them all outside and stone them. Would that not satisfy the lust for your revenge?

  55. Thinker on April 17th, 2010 7:15 am

    Ahhh…now’s my chance to mention how we (anyone of any age) LOVE and are ABLE to watch films like “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” about killing and maiming but society gets their panties in a bunch if anyone, even mature adults, watches pornography, even the ones where people are expressing real love.

    So it goes.

    One day we will rise above these stupid and convoluted values where a teen male, at 16 years of age, the peak of sexual energy for a human male, cannot explore his sexuality with a female at her peak of sexual energy, which is when she’s in her thirties. But I do feel that teachers should NOT engage in this behavior with their students. It interrupts the process of learning OTHER things.

  56. Dedra Singleton on April 17th, 2010 7:06 am

    We all have the right to our opinion, and I have no problem with that. I also have no problem with sharing my real name. I see no reason to hide behind a fake name in order to get my point across. Anonymous opinions hold no weight in my mind and therefore, are nothing more than people cowardly standing in judgement of others.

    For starters, I want everyone to know that I know these women personally. For that reason alone, many of you may not read any further. However, I would encourage you to stay with me and hear what I have to say.

    One of the hardest things I ever had to do was tell my 15 year old daughter about April and Ashley. You see, we love them very much and were crushed at the thought of what they had done.

    As a family, we had a choice to make. We could turn our backs or we could choose to support them. Turning our backs was never even considered!! True friends stand beside each other when trying times arise. We never condoned what had happened and we made it very clear to our daughter that the charge was serious. We also made it very clear there would be consequences, and one of those would be spending time in jail. As much as it pains me to say it, they broke the law and they had to be punished.

    However, many of you seem to think they got off easy and that is just not true. There is much more to their punishment than many of you will ever know, or care to even consider. They lost their jobs, they lost their retirement, they willl never be able to teach again, they put strains on their marriages, they are now spending time in prison instead of with their children and the public humiliation they have endured has been tremendous.

    I do not deny that they brought all of this on themselves. All I can say is that I hope none of you that come on here and judge them so harshly ever get caught breaking the law or make any type of moral mistake. Because you will then be judged by the same rubric you have used to judge them. That is sort of like “eating crow” and that never tastes good!

    I know there has been a lot of talk about this between teenagers at area high schools. I certainly hope they look at what happened here and take notice of just how much pain something like this causes. It not only affects the ones directly involved, but the spouses, children, friends and co-workers too.

    Judgement has been passed by the court system. If you don’t like the decision Judge Bergosh made, don’t waste time bashing others because of it. If you want to change the way the judicial system works, this is not the forum to do so… your legislators!!

    My family will continue to pray and support both of these families any way we can!!

  57. Joe on April 17th, 2010 1:34 am

    I have seen minors get more time for stealing and petty theft. is’nt that the start of a life of crime, so much for the punishment fitting the crime. where is the justice?

  58. Real World on April 17th, 2010 12:49 am

    I’m not saying what these women did was right, but everyone saying “these poor boys” is a little much. These were High School teachers. Personally I remember being a walking hormone in high school and thinking some of my teachers were pretty hot! i just think you’d be cutting these boys a little too much slack if you think they weren’t willing participants.

  59. David Huie Green on April 16th, 2010 11:16 pm

    “These gals should be doing a 30 year stretch in the Pen.”

    What is the exact nature of their danger to society? That they will provide sexual favors to poor innocent boys? That could lead to sexually transmitted diseases and eventual death, but those poor innocent boys run that same risk whenever they find other predatory females to provide them with sexual favors.

    What would be the benefi of keeping them in prison for 30 years? That the poor innocent boys would be less likely to take them up on their predatory offers at that more ancient age when released?

    What would be the cost? Food, clothing, shelter, medical care, loss of productive work, less available room and money for more violent criminals, fewer happy poor innocent boys.

    David still shuddering at the enormity of the harm they did those poor innocent boys but hard pressed to think of appropriate punishment

  60. S on April 16th, 2010 9:22 pm

    How sad for the children of these women

  61. Thinker on April 16th, 2010 8:37 pm

    Too bad they’re not Catholic Priests. Then they’d only have to move, before getting to do it again.

    What about the participating teens. Does this mean any young teen boy can set-up his teachers if he’s persuasive enough? Do they get any penalty for their contribution to this “horrible crime”? Teens have walked through the hallways of their schools shooting people left and right. Is seduction of young teachers by teen males not possible?

  62. Just An Old Soldier on April 16th, 2010 8:27 pm

    Both entered no contest pleas – did they do that in hope that they could have their records expunged at a later date? This isn’t a “guilty” plea, they are admitting to no wrong-doing (and thence no remorse for the acts), they are simply admitting that the State’s Attorney has sufficient evidence to convict them on the charges. What in God’s Name was the Judge thinking? This isn’t a remorseful defendant’s position, this is the position of one that says -”You caught me, that’s my only regret!” The judge should have thrown the BOOK at them – where is “Equal Protection Under the Law” when it comes to sentencing male and female sexual predators? Seriously, some smart lawyer is building a case somewhere to overturn convictions of male offenders under the Equal Protection clause – and then what happens….this issue needs to be tightened up by the Legislature. The disparities in practice of the Courts are too great. These gals should be doing a 30 year stretch in the Pen.

  63. what? on April 16th, 2010 8:05 pm

    15 months is it????? they had sex with CHILDREN!!!!!!!!


  64. huh on April 16th, 2010 7:27 pm

    So lets see, Young guy with older women = slap on the wirst

    Older guy with younger women = long jail sentences and everyone cheering

    biased much? Is 15 months what the average 30+ year old that sleeps with his students gets?

  65. David Huie Green on April 16th, 2010 5:31 pm

    you’re shocked? think how I feel

    David the stunned

  66. me on April 16th, 2010 5:06 pm

    its hard for me to believe, but I actually agree with DHG.

    me…thinking how shocked I am that I agree with DHG!

  67. David Huie Green on April 16th, 2010 4:56 pm

    “had they been men, it would be YEARS. What’s wrong here?”

    I still don’t believe it, simply because I can’t believe it, but as to the reason for the difference based on gender there is one obvious difference: The other parties involved had to be eager and willing participants for anything to happen.

    This would not necessarily be the case if the offenders were male and the poor children female.

    David still unable to believe it happened

  68. JW on April 16th, 2010 4:43 pm

    CW, I agree with you, These two should’ve been teaching in elementary, not high school.

  69. royalnole on April 16th, 2010 3:57 pm

    Let’s be in prayer for these women and their families (especially the children).

  70. Ms K on April 16th, 2010 3:46 pm

    OMG, had they been men, it would be YEARS. What’s wrong here?

  71. Yumus B Kidding on April 16th, 2010 3:33 pm

    Im not saying it ir right, but did you expect these women to hang? Look at the record of other teachers and you may be surprised, but this is along the same lines with the others. Shoot, some do no time.

  72. dunno it on April 16th, 2010 3:08 pm

    Dan your absolutely right, shame on the judge. It is my belief he must be a relative or something because im sure that must have been the lightest sentence he could
    issue. It is my belief that the fix was in or this judge should no longer be on the bench.

  73. no to tenure on April 16th, 2010 2:46 pm

    If they are tenure teachers then, they may get paid while in jail!

  74. Me on April 16th, 2010 2:37 pm

    The case that stands out in my mind is the female teacher in South FL that did not serve any time as I recall, and when you say “biased” “partial” “unfair”….that case was a prime example. Even the prosecuting attorney said the teacher was “too pretty” to be sent to jail. Other female teachers were being sent to jail all over the country at the time of that trial.
    These two got what they deserved, if not quite enough jail time.

  75. Dan on April 16th, 2010 2:24 pm

    Their sentences seem awfully short.
    If they had been male teachers convicted
    of having sex with female students, I am sure
    their sentences would have been a lot longer
    than 15 months each.

    A crime is a crime, regardless of the genders
    of the victims or the perpetrators, period!

  76. CW on April 16th, 2010 2:21 pm

    Is it just me or do these teachers seem to get younger and younger? Maybe teenage boys need to have teachers that are over 50 and past menopause. LOL

  77. JHS parent! on April 16th, 2010 2:15 pm

    Glad they got some time! Maybe they will think about what they have done while behind bars! Glad they are out of the schools! It’s about time it all caught up with WATSON!

  78. Not Surprised on April 16th, 2010 2:04 pm

    I am not surprised, it is not about drugs or someone being killed. But they got just what was needed.

  79. BLONDIE on April 16th, 2010 1:35 pm

    omg nothing said about this omg