Flomaton Man Busted In Escambia, Fla. With Nearly Half Pound Of Pills

April 14, 2010

A Flomaton man has been charged with drug trafficking after being arrested in Escambia County, Fla., with just under a half pound of illegal pills.

kirkjason.jpgJason Daniel Kirk, 30, of Houston Street, Flomaton, is charged with drug trafficking. He remains in the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $100,000.

Members of the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Unit executed a search warrant at Kirk’s room at the Value Place Extended Stay hotel on Scenic Highway in Pensacola. During the search of the room, deputies found a lock box that contained quantities of Xanax, oxycodone, methadone, morphine and hydrocodone, according to the arrest report. One bag of hydrocodone weighed in excess of 200 grams (0.44 pounds), the report stated.

The room also contained sales and inventory figures for the illicit narcotics, and the key to the safe was located on Kirk’s person, deputies said. Kirk admitted to ownership of the narcotics, according to the Sheriff’s Office report.

Kirk may face additional trafficking charges due to the quantity of narcotics recovered, according to Escambia deputies. Kirk is also the suspect in a Brewton, Ala., pharmacy burglary, according to deputies.

He was also charged with negotiating a $57.45 worthless check at the Southern Pit Stop, Inc. in Century.

Kirk is due in court on April 30.


19 Responses to “Flomaton Man Busted In Escambia, Fla. With Nearly Half Pound Of Pills”

  1. Me again on April 18th, 2010 1:00 pm

    Never ending saga made a good point. Whether we like what this person said or not, it IS the truth. We spend a lot of money trying to supposedly eradicate drugs and they just become more and more available.

    As to doctors giving out too many unnecessary pain meds, in some cases that is true, but it also seems that the people who really need them…..can’t get them.

    There have always been and always will be people who sell their medications and these people come from ALL walks of life, not just those who receive various forms of public assistance and disability.

    I freely admit that I take pain medications on a daily basis. I don’t consider myself to be addicted since there are times that I don’t take them, such as when I am going to be driving and the only side effect I experience then is that I am in a lot of pain. I won’t divulge the details of my medical condition as that would be too personally identifiable, but I will tell you that due to multiple VERIFIED and PROVEN diagnoses, I have tried other options, such as physical therapy, hot/cold packs, change in diet, exercise, injections, braces, surgery, OTC products, homeopathic remedies, TENS unit, etc, and I have gotten little or no relief. The only thing that allows me to have anything close to a normal life is taking these pain meds. I have kids to raise and I can’t do that when I am in so much pain that I can hardly even tell you my own name, much less function on a “normal” level. The medications allow me to do what I have to do, such as laundry, helping with homework, handling the household finances, running errands, managing my children’s health, washing dishes, cooking, and so on. Even WITH the medicine, there is still pain. They don’t get rid of it, they just make it a little easier to handle.

    Don’t be so quick to judge someone for taking pain medication when you don’t know what they experience or what the alternative may be. I’m glad that some of you are able to handle your pain levels without using prescription pain killers, but a LOT of us are not that lucky. I wish I was, but I have not been that blessed. Until I no longer need them, I will continue to take them every day and to those of you who look down on me for that……too bad for you. You miss out on knowing an awesome person because you are too narrow minded, pompous and pigheaded to see past your own personal biases that are so unfounded and irrational. What a shame for you. You miss a lot of fantastic things in life when you are so rigid and closed minded.

  2. Know your neighbor on April 16th, 2010 3:38 pm

    The more you sell the more you make…doctors just like dealers ! Laugh at your own self, you know its true.

  3. get real on April 15th, 2010 3:57 pm

    Get real people! There comes a time in everyone’s life when they have to take responsibility for their own actions and not blame everyone else. This is NOT the Doctors fault! These people choose to go and get these pills and sell them. My Doctor is from this area and I have known him my whole life. Yes, I am quite sure that he has to write pain meds on a daily basis but would never do so unless he thought a person really needed the and certainly not if he thought that they were going to abuse them! Quit blaming the people who took an oath to help people and hold the “adults” who make the poor choice to sell these drugs accountable!

  4. T on April 15th, 2010 6:51 am

    “CW” you are sooo right about the Dr’s just giving them out!
    My gripe about this matter is most of the people receiving prescriptions for narcotics are on SS, SSI, WELFARE, DISABILITY and FOODSTAMPS, and can go to the DR for FREE, get the medication, then turn aound and sell it on the streets while OUR tax dollars pay for the DR visit, and the medication!
    I have the same gripe with people who receive any type of assistance SS, SSI, DISABILITY, WELFARE who smoke pot (do they get it for free) and do other drugs while the AMERICAN WORKER is working hard and has to take “random drug test” in order to keep thier job, make money and pay taxes, so the people who receive these checks every month can continue to do drugs WITHOUT having to take a drug test.

  5. CW on April 14th, 2010 11:30 pm

    Well a lot of these doctors are in such a big hurry I believe they give people refills just to shut them up so they can move on to the next patient.

  6. not an english major on April 14th, 2010 3:57 pm

    You are so correct! I have been in the ER and watched the people come in and out with Lortabs, over and over! I went to the ER and was told “I’m going to give you something for the pain” I asked what he was prescribing, “Lortabs”, I said oh no you are not, I can’t take anything stronger than darvocet. I overheard him ask the nurse “Is she for real? She must not be from here”. Sooo not funny, but, Soooo True!

    It is a sad time when you can walk into the Dr. and say oh my back, no x-ray or anything, “here let me write you a script for Lortab”. This is what is wrong with people now, they get hooked and the Dr. won’t write them more so they rip people off to get them illegally!
    OK off my soap box!

  7. Never ending saga....... on April 14th, 2010 3:36 pm

    If any of you seriously believe that these couple little busts have somehow had an impact on the availability of illicit drugs in our area, you are sadly mistaken.

    This war on drugs has been going strong since the early 1980’s at a cost of over 30 BILLION DOLLARS each year. The success of this war can be measured by answering two questions:

    1. Are their fewer illegal drugs available now than were available 5, 10, 20, 30 years ago?”. Obviously not!

    2. Are there fewer drug addicts now than there were 5, 10, 20, 30 years ago?
    Sadly no!

    I wonder what impact that 30 billion dollars annually could have had on society if it had been used to educate instead of incarcerate?

  8. Know your neighbor on April 14th, 2010 2:11 pm

    If you want to catch lots of fish, you go to the good holes. Looks like ECSO has found a honey hole in Flomaton / Century ! I’ll be so happy when they fish it dry and put these guys on the endangered list. 4 for the week and about 20% of the population remain. Was I too generous in that %…

  9. North Escambia County Resident on April 14th, 2010 2:08 pm

    I hope they get all of them. It seems there is no problem if you want something you can find it most anywhere you look. I do think the doctors hand them out to freely, and that is how some people get hooked on them. I was told I would be surprised at how easy it would be to get anything I wanted. Heck I don’t need or want them. I want to see all these dealers go down!

  10. CW on April 14th, 2010 1:37 pm

    Some of these doctors around here are just about as bad, passing out pain pills to people that don’t even need them.

  11. not an english major on April 14th, 2010 11:00 am

    Angi, you spoke very well…. This is another prize winner off the streets!

  12. whitepunknotondope on April 14th, 2010 10:18 am

    I was referencing the hit and run incident on the mother and children that happened off Scenic Highway recently. That was a description of the vehicle.

  13. waytogo on April 14th, 2010 10:05 am

    Spring Fever and Angi…yall said it!!! This guy and guys like him have ruined peoples lives. Some people take it lightly, but if you disregard the smallest prescription drug problem, it could literally kill your loved ones. People that traffic this stuff don’t care about anyone but themselves.

  14. dunno it on April 14th, 2010 10:02 am

    well hip hip hurray thats four off the streets this week, keep going sheriff there are millions more and Im still counting.

    Go ahead make my dAy, prove me wrong.

  15. Springfever on April 14th, 2010 9:36 am

    So thankful to the Narcotics Officers for this arrest. There will be many addicts going thru withdrawl now…..Lock him up and throw away the key!

  16. not an english major on April 14th, 2010 8:48 am

    WTG officers! Another prize winner off the streets!

    Has anyone heard the song Oxycontin? This list reminds me of that song! “Oxycontin, xanax bars, percocets and lortabs, valium, morphine patches, extasy and its all up for grabs”

    Just glad another dealer is off the streets!

  17. Angi on April 14th, 2010 7:55 am

    Excellent job Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Unit, That’s alot of pills, glad to know that he’s off our streets, trying to sell these drugs to people and/or our children. Most people that buy these drugs, nine times out of ten end up abusing them; by taking too many at one time. I had an uncle die at a young age due to doing this type of crap… This is very dangerous folks! If you are needing those types of narcotics for pains or illnesses, please go to your doctor and get checked out to see if you need them, and if so then they will write you your own prescription. Not a good idea to buy narcotics off the streets, number one you don’t know that they aren’t laced with other stuff, number two it is against the law. Alot of these people that are getting these narcotics from people, such as like from Mr. Kirk; do this and take them so that they can get messed up and don’t have to deal with anything, and they just keep taking them and taking them until they have taken too much. These type of people need to find something else good to do with their lives instead of killing themselves like my uncle did.

  18. psu1earl on April 14th, 2010 7:32 am

    That picture made my day! lol

  19. whitepunknotondope on April 14th, 2010 6:48 am

    Wonder if he drives a blue car with a damaged passenger side mirror?