Escambia’s Top Seniors Honored

April 28, 2010


The brightest high school seniors were honored Tuesday night at the Escambia County Senior Academic Awards.

The awards honor the top five students at each school plus those that have excelled in other subjects.

Those honor from North Escambia schools were:

Northview High School Top Five

  • Jessica N. Bloodsworth
  • Kaitlyn Caraway
  • Clinton E. Davis
  • Felicia Settle
  • Mark A. Shipps, Jr.

Northview High Top in Subject Areas

  • Candice L. Greenwell, English
  • Caitlin Hall, foreign language
  • Bradley J. Lowery, math
  • Jackson Smith, science
  • Kolbi Cobb, social studies
  • Eric Ickeringill, career and technical

Tate High School Top Five

  • Stevie Evans
  • Christopher Hester
  • Caitlin Perkins
  • Rebecca Rougeau
  • Allison Shiflett

Tate High Top in Subject Areas

  • Allison Bailey, English
  • Davin Samuel, foreign language
  • Corry Bedwell, math
  • Sara Woodbury, science
  • Lynsey Meharg, social studies
  • Karissa Kleinschmidt, career and technical

Pictured above: Northview students Jessica Bloodsworth, Clinton Davis, Felicia Settle, Mark Shipps, Jr., and Jackson Smith at Tuesday night’s Escambia County Senior Academic Awards. Submitted photo by Jill Lee for, click to enlarge.


17 Responses to “Escambia’s Top Seniors Honored”

  1. Randall Schindler on April 29th, 2010 3:34 pm

    To Jessica Bloodsworth, Way to go! We are all very proud of you and your accomplishments and dedication. You will go far in life with this set mind.

  2. JJ on April 29th, 2010 1:34 pm

    WAY TO GO JACKSON!!!!!!!!! BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS THERE ANYTHING YOU CAN’T DO?

  3. NHS student on April 29th, 2010 10:16 am

    Good job FLEA AND CLINT!!!!!

  4. Dale & Nancy Schindler on April 29th, 2010 7:33 am

    Jessica Bloodsworth from Granpa Dale; We are both so very proud of what you for all you have accomplished while being a student at Northview High. Along with the other students setting such a high standard for all who follow.Give credit to all of the teachers and staff that assisted you all along the way. Congradulations to all .We Love you very much and know your future will also be a sucess.

  5. Grandma on April 29th, 2010 6:47 am

    Congratulations Jackson, we are proud of you,and to all the young people who worked hard to earn these awards.

  6. mom on April 28th, 2010 6:46 pm

    Congratulations Clint!!!! We are proud of you. Also congratulations to all the other students that earned these awards.

  7. Sarah-Jane on April 28th, 2010 4:25 pm

    William you are “THE BEST ONE MAN SHOW” we have in the North End of the County. We apprecite ALL you do for all of the Schools and Associations.

    Congraulations to ALL of the Young Recipiants. You are Role models for all the younger students to look up.

  8. meme on April 28th, 2010 4:22 pm

    WAY TO GO MARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Parent on April 28th, 2010 2:45 pm

    To William I would like to say how much I appreciate your coverage of the events of the local schools. Sometimes I think you have cloons out there because it amazes me how you “One Human” cover so many events.

    Congratulations to all these students-their hard work has paid off!

  10. Tim Timothy....Bold Wolf Warrior on April 28th, 2010 1:04 pm

    Congrads to Jessica Bloodsworth…..can only imagine the pride a parent must have for this leader that excels as she does.

  11. NHS Parent of a Senior student on April 28th, 2010 10:18 am

    Thank you William for posting this story on as we always appreciate your coverage on our young people and their accomplishments, pictures or no pictures.

    As a parent of one of the top 5 students listed above, we more than understand that you cannot be everywhere at one time. I have a few pictures of the night that I can share for others to see, but I will have to wait to get them from my daughters camera when she gets home from school this afternoon. Not enough hours in one day!

    I would like to give a shout out to our daughter Jessica for her accomplishment,
    and to all the other students listed above who have worked equally as hard to recieve this honor too.

    Our family is also proud of all the students who didn’t make the top 5 of their graduating class, but who have accomplished many wonderful things during their high school career, as they too are special in their own way and have made a impact and difference in our community.


  12. Lisa on April 28th, 2010 9:19 am

    Congratualtions Nothview students – you’re to be commended for your hard work. Thanks William for continuing to cover the academic side of the house and recognise these young people. I’m sure their parents are proud of them.

  13. Betty on April 28th, 2010 8:42 am

    Congratulations to all the high school seniors who received awards. Great accomplishments they can be proud of. Keep up the GREAT WORK!!!!

    Also to William for keeping us informed.

  14. Wondering on April 28th, 2010 7:47 am

    Thanks William for doing a “superman” job. You will never know just how much we appreciate you for the coverage you give our NHS students. No complaints here.

  15. Local Dude on April 28th, 2010 7:39 am

    I’m proud of these kids too! In fact, one of them is “mine”. Congrats to all of them!

    And I understand and appreciate that William can’t be everywhere all the time. Without, our Northview kids never received any coverage. Thank you for what all you do!

  16. William on April 28th, 2010 7:21 am

    > It’s a shame you didn’t have photos of these young people…Which group should receive the most recognition? Honors? Praise? Encouragement?

    First, congratulations to all of the young people that were honored last night. We are proud of you! is operated by *one* person. It’s not possible for me to be in multiple places at one time. At the time of the awards, I was shooting pictures at the Northview girl’s softball regional game in Bratt as they wrapped up their best season in this history of the school.

    When faced with choosing which event to shoot — one in Pensacola or one locally — I will usually choose the one that is “local” and in North Escambia versus traveling to Pensacola.

    Several of the students listed, by the way, were actually playing in Northview’s softball or baseball regional/district tournaments and were not at the awards. They are very well rounded individuals.

    Parents and other attending award ceremonies and other events are always welcome to submit photos, as are schools. Many, many times someone submits a photo, and, for that, I am very thankful.

    There is no other media in the area that covers the accomplishments of our schools and children as much as we do. Period. It’s important to me, and I’ll do all that I can do to recognize our students no matter what the accomplishment.

    As for the persons arrested on the search warrant — their mugshots are available 24/7 after their arrest. It takes seconds to grab their photos for a story.

  17. Kent on April 28th, 2010 5:44 am

    It’s a shame you didn’t have photos of these young people. You had pictures of the young people “arrested in connection with a search warrant executed earlier this month”. Those arrested are are razing our community. Those listed above will be the ones raising it in the future. Which group should receive the most recognition? Honors? Praise? Encouragement?